Roses are Red, Violets are blue... Part Deux

Rose coloured fireworks,
Blue hued light.
I’m right where I need to be,
With you on this night.

Enjoy my love. 🇨🇦😘
Roses are red
Violets are blue
This year I’ve resolvèd
To stop stuffing up the poetry threads.


Failed already.

Roses are still red
In the brand new 2025
My resolution? To never again attempt sex
With an occupied beehive. 🐝
Roses are still red
In the brand new 2025
My resolution? To never again attempt sex
With an occupied beehive. 🐝
What you want are the honeys who wear beehives (see below)
Not the beehives containing honey.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
You stick to that rule

Hmm, too many syllables to cram into the last line, none of which rhyme.
  • No more expensive trips to the ER.
  • Only good, sticky endings await.
  • You’ll only get sprung, not stung.
Maybe we’ll go with:

More honey for you.

Roses are red
It’s so cold, my balls are shrunk and blue
Wishing winter will end soon
How about you.
Roses are red
Her panties might also be
Now how to smooth talk my way
Into her letting me see? :devilish: