Roses are Red, Violets are blue... Part Deux

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Don't you hate it when someone makes a Roses Are Red poem with one line way too long and too many syllables?
Does that annoy you?
Roses are red
Agree with you
Those fuckers who can't write for shit really get up my goat
So help me gawd.

So here's what you do
You do roses and violets
In five seven five.

Oh, shit. That's the haiku thread ...

There once was some roses so red
And violets, were blue, now dead
They died from the crime
Of failure to rhyme
Take heed, write better. 'Nuff said.

**Bloody hell, Jett, it's the frikkin RRBV thread. Get it together you dipshit!** :mad:
Alas the rose blooms not for Summer’s day
As Autumn’s leaves dull ere the chill befall.
Violets blue displace the darling buds of May
In bursts of colour bright yet stature small.
No longer hot the light of heaven shines
As cold and grey the Winter clime begins,
Yet doth the little flow’rs in untamed lines
Rejoice both heart and eye like catechins
The warming glow to Autumn palates bring.
O little blossoms, soon the winds will blow
And to thy azure petals start to cling
The touch of hoary frost and powdered snow.
So much for love and Spring's bright shows of joy;
May little blues of Fall my muse employ.

**Ok, Jett, that really is your last warning**
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Roses are red,
Violets are blue
True that our rhymes
Don’t stink until we obviously get it wrong.
Wait, sometimes they do. 🤷
Roses are red,
Jett's love is true.
When I write this shit
It's all just for you!
