Saving the Don's Daughter


I managed to get Ty patched up and tucked into her bed, a buzzer besider her if she needed anything. I switched on a computer and checked my email- there was an interesting bounty offer. It was a pair deal- Mirazoli and his wife. Something about not wanting them to breed anymore for some reason. I shurgged and decided to do what I could. Would need the money to repair Ty's bike anyway.
I made my way downstairs, my feet silent on the steps. Watching Latisha give her amulet to Terra it struck me as odd that she didn't touch him as she had me when she'd given me my amulet.
I looked over my shoulder at Meele.
"You feel like doing something useful?"
"Oh, I get to play now?"
"Watch Letisha for me- she doesn't have to know your there, though you can introduce yourself if you're polite. Keep an eye on Terra too, if you can. Something that doesn't sit right with him."
Our conversation wasn't said in words, more of a mental by play between myself and the monster I'd summoned.
The high was fading, slowly but surely.
"Okay boys and girls, I'm giving a friend of mine a call to come heal Ty, then we'll be able to go get the girl."
I gave them a review of my entrance plans, allowing Felix to explain his part.
"Terra, I don't want you to catch bullets- I need you to carry the girl out of the house. I'll take care of leading the opposition away from you guys. Ty will keep the lot of you safe. Felix will join up with you and Latisha, probably after you've found the girl. I'm going hunting once I know you're out of the house safly. Ty will know where to take the girl- I'll have her set that up before we take off. Any questions, ask them now."
poohlive said:
Once it had done whatever it was doing, Terra felt better. It was as if he had just been shot with an adrenaline of magic. This would work out quite well, yes.
"Protection and no see? What does that mean exactly? I'm not caught up on my magic as of late. Can I dodge bullets? Or is that just in the movies...."

Letisha giggled. It was a cute way to put it.

"Not quite. A no see spell is a charm of invisibility. Basically, as long as you don't go out of your way to draw attention to your self, no one will see you. The protection is to help you avoid being hurt or caught. It'll give you a little bit of a boost as it ups your reflexes. Making it easier for you to avoid traps, bullets etc."

She thought for a moment and then smiled.

"Of course, if you do get's not my fault!!"

Letisha then noted Cara's presence and turned, her own eyes connecting with Cara's. Hopefully Cara would figure out that they needed to talk alone. She listened to Cara's plan..making adjustments for her part as Cara spoke. Finally, they were gonna move.

I caught Letisha's eye and nodded.
"Tisha- I want to fit you for some body armor, just in case."
I lead the way to my work shop. Various projects, some weapon or defense based and some artsy, were scattered on benches around the room.
"I get the feeling you wanted to talk and, since you could use the armour anyway, this is as good a time as any. Can I take your measurments real quick?"
I picked up a tape measure and waited for her response.
Re: Cara

Vixandra said:
"I get the feeling you wanted to talk and, since you could use the armour anyway, this is as good a time as any. Can I take your measurments real quick?"
I picked up a tape measure and waited for her response.

"Yeah, I wanted to talk to you alone, though to be honest I would feel safer doing it outside of the house."

Letisha raised her arms and waited for Cara to start measuring.

"Something is off with Terra. When I first started his amulet..I got a flash...of honor, of something soul deep and real. Now though, he feels kinda empty. Something is off with him. Just watch your back."

Letisha turned as Cara measured her inseam and her shoulders. Hopefully, Cara would give heed to her warning and take care.

"By the way, how is Ty resting? I wanted to give her the amulet I have for her."

apet4you said:
"Yeah, I wanted to talk to you alone, though to be honest I would feel safer doing it outside of the house."

Letisha raised her arms and waited for Cara to start measuring.

"Something is off with Terra. When I first started his amulet..I got a flash...of honor, of something soul deep and real. Now though, he feels kinda empty. Something is off with him. Just watch your back."

Letisha turned as Cara measured her inseam and her shoulders. Hopefully, Cara would give heed to her warning and take care.

"By the way, how is Ty resting? I wanted to give her the amulet I have for her."
I sighed heavily. "Why can't things be simple? Oh well. Yeah, I thought something was funny with Terra too. If you don't mind, I'd like to have Meele watch you just in case. I trust him not to mess with you. He may flirt but that should be it, or else."
"Or else what?" Meele asked, seemingly pouring out of the shadows.
"Or I'll skin you and use the hide for slippers," I said, taking Letisha's measurements. "Hmm... you're pretty small, good since both Ty and I are too."
I rummaged around in a couple of different lockers, picking up and tossing back different vests before finding one I thought would suit.
"Here, this should work. Its a standard Kevlar panel vest but the cloth on the outside is a special type of woven fur," I explained. "It's fire proof as long as you don't set off a nucluar weapon. Anything short of that, it won't burn. Very strong too."
It was a dull red color from the fur on the outside and fit Letisha perfectly, snug where it needed to be, loose where it needed to be.
"That suits you rather well- doesn't fit Ty or me. You can keep it if you like- consider it payment for all the extra misery I've put you through."
I said it with a laugh but knew it was seriously true. "This entire job had gone to heck in a handbasket and the tour's not done yet. Between some of our group disappearing, Ty getting hurt, Terra going loopy... you and Felix seem to be the only stable ones here. And me... for information I did things I swore I'd never do."
I shook my head. "Things I do to save a kid. Oh well, lets head on up to Ty's room so you can give her the amulet, okay?"
Re: Cara

Vixandra said:
I shook my head. "Things I do to save a kid. Oh well, lets head on up to Ty's room so you can give her the amulet, okay?"

Letisha followed Cara up to her room, where Ty was ensconced in the bed, drifting from the herbal infusion. She knew that Cara was just about at the end of her rope concerning all of the things that just KEPT happening, but what else could they do besides plug on and try and make it come out ok?

Ty looked a little bit better, but nothing to write home about. Letisha motioned Cara to lift her head and then slid the amulet on, laying it gently upon her chest.

"OK Cara, I have done what I can for you all. Guess I better throw some stuff together for me.I will be in my room if you need me."
Ty Lei

::She slept soundly, almost as if her body went into a slight coma from the shock. No dreams, no pictures, nothing but blackness and a dull aching pain.

Suddenly, she was nudged awake by a pair of hands touching her. Instincts took over and she grabbed the one wrist, twisted it dropping whomever it was onto the bed, her body shooting up, eyes opening and her free hand drawing back ready to strike. Her vision cleared and she realised that she had ahold of Cara and Letisha was beside her bed.::

Oh...Im sorry sweetie. Its been a rough night for me....

::She loosened her grip and offered a smile for forgiveness as she looked between them.::
"What if we took the kid ourselves?"
Terra had been open to this possibility from the beginning. Everyone had wanted this child, and for selfish reasons, but maybe there was a plan, something that didn't involve giving the little thing over to the lesser of two evils.
"If we both go along with this attack on the mansion, and just at the last minute, take the kid for ourselves. We could hide her out, and see what is going on. She can tell us who her real parents are, and what sort of mess she's been in the entire time. I would rather see her in safe hands than give her to Cara, and potentially put her in worse harm than she is now."
Terra hoped to get Felix on his side, it would work better if he had a partner. At this point, everyone was against him, even the cartels that were fighting each other. He was on a side by himself, and not that he didn't mind, but if he had one other person, a close partner, maybe he could pull this off with the least amount of pain possible.
"It's either we do this together, or not at all," He shrugged his shoulders, it was a lie, he would do it anyway, but it did make Felix either a friend or an enemy in his plans.
"How much do you trust Cara?"
Re: Ty Lei

Jeremy Davis said:
Suddenly, she was nudged awake by a pair of hands touching her. Instincts took over and she grabbed the one wrist, twisted it dropping whomever it was onto the bed, her body shooting up, eyes opening and her free hand drawing back ready to strike. Her vision cleared and she realised that she had ahold of Cara and Letisha was beside her bed.::

Letisha looked on in befuddled amusement as Ty dropped Cara onto the bed.

"Ty, it was my fault. I wanted to put this amulet on you. Things are a bit off now and I just wanted to know that you had an extra bit of protection."

Letisha grinned and took a step back from the bed.

"Now then, I am definately off to my room to get myself prepped. Cara, when you need me, you know where to find me."

A few moments later, Tisha was back in her room, busily going through her herbs. She had an idea for a sachet to carry on her person when they finally headed into the fray. She reached into her knap sack and took out what she needed: a square piece of red cotton cloth, white cotton yarn, a pinch of hyssop, a bit of Balm, some lavender and sage.

Then she began to focus on the things before her, pouring a bit of energy into each ingredient before placing it on the cloth. A dab of patchouli oil to set it and give it an added boost before tracing the symbol for Rowan (protection) over the knotted cloth and tying the ends with the white string.

A silent prayer to Great Spirit and her sachet was finished. She was also starving. After a moments hesitation, she put her small spell bag away and left her room to go back down to the kitchen.

Felix pondered Terra's offer for a few minutes. The uncomfortable silence continued for a minute or so. The family had always been kind to Felix, had always appreciated his work. He had felt an integral part of their business. But there had always been a coldness at times. Maybe they had only cultivated him to be used as a pawn. The thought that years of his service had been directed at this one mission scared him clear to the roots of his hair.

"Cara bothers me to a large degree with the sheer power of her magic. I am very leary around such things having none myself. Letisha on the other hand has to be as much of a pawn as us. But I do not think she would join us in this endeavor. I have an idea on this. I will suggest that you and I go in together to knock out the security system. When it is down we will not tell them, but instead we will sneak out the girl. Once she is secure, I will turn the system back on and lead them into the heart of the defenses. They will be shredded . Just desserts for being deceivers from the start. "

The kitchen was still wrecked from being turned into a miniature hospital room. Tisha grabbed a bucket and filled it with water, adding chlorine bleach liberally. Then she went in search of an old cloth to use.

With bucket and cloth in hand, she began to methodically clean the countertop, picking up the used bandages and throwing em away. Soon, the kitchen was back to normal, though smelling strongly of bleach. She dumped the dirty water and tossed the cloth in the trash.

"Damn, I really need to eat something."

She went to the refrigerator and looked inside, settling on some cheddar cheese, grapes and a glass of juice. She decided to eat and then go find Felix. Maybe he could give her an idea as to why she got such strange vibes from Terra.

"I wonder where he is?"

I could tell things were crumbling around me, though I didn't know how. Meele would keep Letisha safe and alive, at least until I myself died. A binding spell I placed on him would keep him from hurting her, Felix, or Ty unless one of them attacked Ty. Then he could do as he wished with the attacker. I didn't include Terra in the protection spell- there was something going on that I didn't like here.
I'd have to wait till Ty was well enough to go before we took the house, so probably another day or two. Two days tops- she recovered from such things very fast. Said it was a secret shinobi method when I asked.
I smiled as I opened the windows in my dojo letting in the afternoon sun. The windows, like all the others in the house were tripple thick bullet proof and blast proof glass, same kind the pentagon used. Had cost me an arm and a leg, but I like my sunshine. A mirror finishe also made it impossible to see through from the outside.
After changing into a gi I pulled out my kitana and went through the first twelve steps of the "Dance of Blades" that Ty had taught me, limbering up for the workout I had planned.
A note

After eating, Letisha got up and walked slowly through the downstairs area, looking for Felix and Terra. Amazingly enough, she found neither of them. After a moment's thought, she went upstairs to her room and grabbed some paper and an inkpen. Taking a second to compose the note mentally, she eventually put pen to paper and scrawled out a short note.

I am having some troubles with certain things, people etc. Everything seems to be going to hell in a handbasket but for the life of me, I can't tell just who or WHAT is at fault.

Since you told me (not so long ago) that I could talk to you, I have decided to take you up on your kind offer. I need your ear, please.


After sticking the note in an envelope, Tisha went outside, running into the shadow figure of Cara's friend, Meele. He followed her to Felix's van and back...a slight smirk on his otherworldly features. Tisha chalked it up to him being from another realm and headed back to her room. It was way past time for her to stretch some underused muscles.

Felix walked away from Terra with a puzzled expression on his plain face. He was still up in the air as to exactly what was going on. He went out to his van to get some air and clear his head. On the dashboard he could see an envelope. He moved closer to the envelope, smiling as he recognized the slight smell of perfume on it. Letisha had handled this only a few minutes ago. He opened the letter, reading it a few times. He carefully folded it before putting it in the glove compartment.

He walked back in to the house. He quietly climbed up the stairs and stood in front of Letishas door. He took a few deep breaths before knocking on the door.
Re: Felix

chewbacca71 said:
He walked back in to the house. He quietly climbed up the stairs and stood in front of Letishas door. He took a few deep breaths before knocking on the door.

"Coming! One moment, please."

Letisha's voice was slightly breathless as she called out. She had been performing a stretching routine, which had completely winded her.

She grabbed a towel and went for the door, using the towel to wipe away the sweat that beaded her face and upper body.

"Hi, Felix. Please come in."

Her face never betrayed the shock of genuine happiness at seeing him. Instead she motioned him forward and turned away, blotting her face with the towel before dropping it in a corner, to be dealt wih later.

"I assume you found my letter? I had went looking for you and that seemed to be a good last resort. Can you give me a moment to wipe off? I know I have a stench."
Not giving Felix a moment to answer *yes* or *no*, Letisha stepped into the bathroom and shut the door. Turning on the water, she stripped and stepped into a cool shower, lathering and rinsing quickly from head to toe.

Grabbing the towel from the near by rack, she dried off and put on her robe. Now she felt ready for the conversation. She just hoped that he could shed some light on the situation.

"Sorry about that. I had to shower. I felt exceedingly icky. Anyway, I wanted to get your opinion on a few things. Do you have time?"