Saving the Don's Daughter

Ty Lei

::Often Cara and Ty shared a bed, though neither of them ever attempted -interested in doing so or not- to move their relationship into the lesbian realm. They were both content sharing everything like sisters or very close friends, but that is what happens when you put your lives in each others hands.

Ty stirred soon after Cara left the room. A feeling of anxiety passed over her suddenly and she got out of bed, slipped on a violet silk kimono and left the room to join Cara downstairs. She arrived right behind Letisha, and as Tisha spoke, she reclined in a chair listening.::
Terra yawned, wincing as he did so, his jaw didn't like that one bit. He peered out of one good eye at the little man, Ferris or something. His name escaped Terra for the moment, he was the wily little trickster, isn't that right?
"Everything's just as it's supposed to be. I knew they'd do it, they knew they'd do it, was just a matter of push coming to shove, that's all. Twenty million is a lot to just laugh at, you know what I mean?"
It wasn't until he wiped the sleep from his eyes that he really looked at the man. Where had he come from?
Terra looked to the back of the truck, the liscence plate. Had someone been following him? He'd thought he was safe in the park, at least for the night.
He reached his hand back, between the seats of the trucks, to his gun, clicking off the safety, and cocking it home, before he reached for his old coat and pulled out some tic tacs.
"I suppose the real question is," He said, his hand playing on the gun between the seats, giving the man a dead stare... knowing his answer would seal whatever fate he had left, "What exactly are you doing here?"

Felix noticed the slight movement as Terra cocked his gun. He was not sure what Terra had in mind. After all , nominally they were all on the same side. " Easy there Terra, I was out getting some breakfast for everyone at the house. I needed to get out of the house. Something is just not adding up. Why has there not been a ransom demand? Why is the family not giving us more resources? It almost seems to me like the family is somehow involved in the kidnapping of the Don's daughter. I wanted to have some place to think on these things. I am going back to the house now, want to hitch a ride? "
Terra tried to study him for a minute, wondering if he was telling the truth or not. Terra couldn't tell, he had no idea. A funny thought struck him, as he remembered this man was able to tell if someone was lying or not. The only person who could tell him if Felix was lying would be Felix himself. That's funny.
"I'm a little on edge," He said, taking the gun out, holding it... not at Felix, but not away from him either, somewhere in between. He hadn't decided whether or not the man was a threat, but at the moment he wasn't threatening... so that was good enough.
"20 million dollars. Almost three times what used to bethe stupid fucking bounty on my head. 20 million. You know what that means? Every God damned asshole with a gun and a brain thicker than their ass is after me. A friend I had... for years, someone really close, turned over information. Fake ids, surnames, fucking sky's the limit. Every hotel I ever go to, all of my weapons dealers. I'm fucked, you realize that? Not just, "this is bad" No, I'm fucked, up the ass. If I go out an buy a God damned Snickers bad, I'm fucked."
Terra shook his head, trying to rub the sleep from the rest of his face, ending with his hair. He gave it a scratch, and then looked out at the park.
"I don't know. No, I don't need a ride... I don't know who to trust anymore. The family has to be in on it, no one would hire a bunch of mismatched idiots like us. You ever think of that? You think of why they set up the team in the first place?"
Terra smiled, "Not that we're all the best, but because we're all different. You see? We all come from different backgrounds, we don't know each other. Tons of holes, gaps, mistrust. It's all there. They hired us, cause they knew we'd fuck it up.... and that's just what we did. We fucked it up big time."

Felix stood there for a moment. He listened to what Terra had to say , letting the thoughts run through his head. It did make some sort of sense to set up a team such as theirs if you wanted it to fail. Maybe the Don was willing to sacrific his own daughter to create a gang war that he would probably win. Hell he should win it , using our talents like the Don would be able to. He looked at Terra with renewed respect.

"Terra , I think there is a lot of truth in what you have said. It makes a sick kind of sense, if you had a twisted sense of honor. I am going back to the others right now and waking them up . This bears futher examining. I offer my services to disguise you if you would like. With what I have in my van, I would make it so your dear own mother would not recognize you. Obviously its not a long term solution, but it could get you through until this mission is over and you can come up with a permenant solution. "

I sat back, listening to Letisha and shook my head. "Damn, why doesn't this get simpler as we get more information?"
I sat, thinking and sighed finely.
"Ty, get Felix and Terra back here." I said, punching keys on my computer. Blueprints started to flash across the screen, the printer whirling. "We move tonight- I can't risk her being killed or moved to another location. Looks like we're going to have to send in two groups- both with the intent of getting the girl, but only one will do it. I hate these things. I don't want to send in a group to die... but I can't leave the girl to die either... I'll be in my meditation room, grab me when everyone's back."
I left, taking the print outs with me, to sit and ponder the problem, body slipping in to an easy trance as I pondered what to do.

I knew that my words would cause some reaction but the look on Cara's face as I made my announcement...well, I was not sure who was worse off: us or them.

Obviously, I was not gonna leave NOW. Too many things needed to come first. With no formal training I had no way to help them physically BUT there were things I could do to make things a bit easier..protective spells and the like.

I needed some of my amulets from the shop so I could get to work. Imagine my surprise as I headed out to see a fit young man following me to the door.

"Can I help you?"

That sentence was my normal mode of saying 'what in the 9 hells do you want' without being rude. The young man smiled slightly and spoke.

"Cara wants me to watch over you. Where you go, I go."

I let that sink in for a moment before nodding once to show I understood.

"OK I am heading to my shop. It's right uptown, have to grab some things. I don't have a car so I hope you do."

He nodded and led me outside, taking up a point postion and leading me to a small black car, low slung and fast. The journey barely took an hour all told and by the time I returned I was loaded for magickal bear.

I went straight to my room. I spent a few moments erecting shields before getting down to business. After all protective amulets require lots of energy and patience..the sigils alone take a good 20-30 minutes each and that's just to paint them on.
Ty Lei

::She groaned inwardly, but didnt protest all that much. True she wanted to go get some rest, but she also knew that the boys would need to be found if they were going to move by daybreak.

She quickly got up and got dressed again. This time dressed in black leather from head to toe, lacing up a pair of steel-toed leather boots as well.

She then went down to the parking garage and got her Ninja, kicked it into gear and headed out to look for Felix and Terra.
As she left the mansion behind her, she noticed Letisha leaving in one of the cars Cara kept. Must be heading to get things from home She thought, then she turned away from the car and headed off to search the city.::
Terra shook his head slightly, knowing what Cara's response to such a thing would be... the same responce when he told her that risking an all out fight to find the girl's location would make her get hurt and moved, and added security.
She didn't care.
"You tell them what we said. I don't know if they'll believe you, or care, but you tell them. I don't need a disguise. I'm going to try a friend... I think. I don't know if I can trust him, but at this point, I don't have a choice. Either stay here in the park, or just start running and never stop."
He shook his head, two options he never wanted to think about in his life.
"This guy, whether he's loyal or not, he'll help me. I'll make him. Find out what I can. Thanks Felix."
He moved back in the truck, closing the door, starting up the engine.
"You've been a real friend."

Felix had a bittersweet smile on his face as he watched Terra drive off. He felt truly bad for the man. Even Felix, with his ability to read people so well , had badly misjudged the big guy. At this point, Terra's lifespan could be measured in hours, if not minutes. With that kind of price, the entire semi-legal community would be after him. Felix wished there was more that he could do, but he realized that Terra was a man who did things on his own. Turning back to his van, he started in up. His mental autopilot took over as he drove back to the safehouse.

Letisha got down to work, removing a total of 4 amulets from her bag: 2 gold (for the males) 2 silver (for the females). After much inner debate she decided to do the guys first, starting with Felix.

She lit a silver brazier with a mixture of herbs known for their protective and purifying abilities placed in the center on a heat resitant block: elder, sage, hyssop, peony, rowan, St. John's wort.
After a moment to center herself, she picked a color and began working on his sigil, using the letters of his name to form arcane symbols.

Next she drew the rune for protection and then melded the two. After 15 minutes of steady work, she finally had something that looked and felt strangely compelling. A whisper of a spell as she set to work transferring the completed symbol to the first gold amulet. Another spell to seal her work and it was finished.

She added a handful of herbs to the brazier and started working on the next amulet. Terra's was a bit harder as she had no real intimate knowledge of him and she knew that was the way he wanted it.

Eventually, she received a flash...of blood, of pain, of hidden strength and soul deep honor, it was enough. The sigil seemed to flow from her hands to the paper. His color was a deep burgandy (as opposed to the midnight blue she used for Felix) and the completed amulet glowed with power.

Cara's and Ty's amulets did not take as long. She knew the basic layout for each of them as well as their soul colors. (Darkest purple for Ty, silver-green for Cara). Adding a pinch of sandalwood and cinnomon to her all ready smoking brazier gave their amulets a bit of something more.

When she had finally completed her self-appointed task, she climbed into her bed after dispelling the spells which kept her from interruption. Sleep followed soon after, chasing her down into darkness.
Ty Lei

::She crused around town starting at the mall in the very heart of the city and spiraling outward trying to find them. An hour passed with still no luck at all.

Demn them where could they have got to she thought as she looked. This was stupid, why didnt everyone carry a cell phone now an days.

After an hour, she had all but given up hope that she would find them. They were probably buried in the city somewhere. Terra was probably hiding so noone would get to claim the money on his head and Felix, well who knew where he would be.

She turned her bike around and started to head home, unbeknown to her that she was now being followed by a sleek black car.::

I traced the air, flames sprouting from my fingertips like a flashy paint on the air itself.
I sketched plan after plan, scrapping all of them. There was something I was missing, something I needed, something I wasn't seeing- I could feel it.
I slammed my fist onto the tatami. Cursing vehenantly I stood, the flames before me hissing as they grew larger. I studied the lay out, the building where the girl what, moving tiny flame figures around it, searching for a way to do this without loosing anyone. There had to be a way- I don't let people die on my team, damn it.

Felix drove back to the safehouse, parking his van around the corner. He ran to the front door, hammering on it to get in. If what Terra thought was true, they would need every minute to pull this job off. Felix waited impatiently for the door to be opened.
Terra stopped next to the old warehouse, rust and dirst holding it up from time's slow grasp. He winced as he got out of the truck, trying his best not to show the pain that had either lulled or needled its way into him.
It was nothing more than pain, and he could handle that. Pain was another obstacle, like time, or sentry guards, just took a little finesse and some willpower.
He walked inside, hearing a familiar voice. Sergio. A weapons dealer on the black market. He knew the man for years and years, going back to the first time Terra needed a gun.
Sergio was a russian, someone who couldn't resist the american freedom, helping stupid gang kids with weapons, as well as wannabe merc's and assasins. He dealed with some low life of the earth, which is why Terra always liked him.
Sergio's thick accent could be heard over the cardboard boxes of various guns and ammunition. Terra walked out amidst the piles, letting Sergio know he was here.
Sergio, behind a counter filled with an assortment of weaponry, was on his cell phone. He nodded at Terra, as if he had expected him, and continued to talk on the phone.
He pressed a button, ending the call.
"Uh huh. Yeah, we've got more than enough to fill the order."
He pressed a speed dial button, the dial tone picked up in his ear, and then a series of numbers.
"What have you got?"
Sergio smiled, "Yeah, the shipment just arrived. I'm ready."
On the other line, "Terra? He's there?"
"Yeah, all set and counted for."
"We'll be there in a few minutes. Stall."
Sergio hung up the phone, looking at Terra for the first time.
"You look like shit."
Terra nodded, knowing he did. He felt about as bad too.
"You heard?"
"About the twenty five million? Shit, who hasn't heard?"
"Twenty five?" Terra gave out a chuckle, "The price has gone up."
"I hear it goes up by the hour. You fucked up big time Terra. The family wants your ass bad."
"They think I'm coming after the kid?"
"I don't know... maybe, I think they're more pissed off that you actually pulled it off."
Terra nodded, pausing... He thought he heard a noise, something in the background. Sergio just stared at him though, unscathed.
"Well, I don't think I pulled it off. Not if they're going after me like this. Give me some answers, Sergio, I need something more than a kidnapped girl to go on. What in the hell is this all about?"
Sergio laughed, picking up one of his colt's, taken apart, and begins to clean the barrel.
"They say ignorance is bliss," He mused.
Terra took out a gun of his own, pointing it at Sergio, "They also say curiousity killed the cat. I only have a few minutes, right?"
Sergio stared wide eyed for a second, trying to feign innnocence, but then, he remembered who he was dealing with. The old bastard.
"Less then that. I don't know much, but information travels, you know? Rumors get into the cracks too. I know both families are involved, not working together, but something is up. Your employer didn't tell you anything. This girl, is a set up. It has been from the word, 'go.' You are getting fucked, Terra, from all sides."
A noice, this time undistinguishable. Terra knelt against a wall, picking up a few guns from the table, arming himself to the teeth.
"Is there another way out of here?"
Sergio shook his head, "I blocked off everything else. You're not getting out of this one, buddy. Just go quietly, I get my money, you can go out in a hurricane of bullets, just like you always wanted."
Terra growled, putting a bullet in Sergio's head, watching the man to drop to the ground. He looked around, seeing the barricaded doors and windows. He hadn't been lying, that was for sure.
The front door kicked open, as two men walked in.
The roof?
Terra looked, seeing stairs. They lead up, he didn't know if they lead to the roof or not, but they lead up.
That was something...
He began to move, as quietly as he could.
Re: Felix

chewbacca71 said:
Felix drove back to the safehouse, parking his van around the corner. He ran to the front door, hammering on it to get in. If what Terra thought was true, they would need every minute to pull this job off. Felix waited impatiently for the door to be opened.
Flames still licked around my body as I opened the door to admit Felix.
"Maybe you can help- I can't see how we can get everyone in and get the girl out and not loose any of our people in the process. Its been driving me up a wall."

It seemed as if she had just dozed off when knocking awakened her. Throwing off the covers, Letisha grabbed her amulets and headed downstairs. She was utterly flabbergasted at the sight of Cara by the door, sparkling fae fire outlining her in blues, greens and reds.

"Hey Felix, damn Cara..mayhap you should damp that down a bit. What has both of you in a fix anyway?"

Letisha stood back, waiting for someone to bring her up to speed. Everytime she turned around there seemed to be something new..something which had absolutely no place in what the team as a whole was trying to accomplish.

'I wonder where everyone else has gotten to?' she thought to herself. 'I could have sworn we started out with alot more people.'
Ty Lei

::She Stopped at the red light and placed her feet on the ground, stretching and looking around her. That is when she saw the black car pull around the bend behind her, the same black car that had been following her for quite some time.

Not even bothering to wait for the light, she put her feet back onto the bike and sped down the road heading towards the Mansion. The car sped along after her, and soon gunshots started to ring out behind her.::

A bad feeling flared through me for a moment, extinguishing the faere flames around me.
"Ty," I whispered, though I didn't know what was happening. A premonition was all I got, and it wasn't a good one. I normally didn't get them this early in the morning, okay so it was more about 10 am but still, early for me.
"Something's wrong," I said, knowing I was a bit pale. "I wish I knew where Ty'd gone."
I sighed deeply. "No helping it now I suppose. Least the light show's off- I was using my magic as a layout type thing and it tends to flare for a while after that. Can't figure out how to get into and out of the house without someone dying though- which you'd think I'd be able to do. I've got blueprints, schematics, the works.
"Only thing I can come up with is walk in and destroy the place- every person every part of the building, destroy or kill it. Except the girl- get her out alive."
Ty Lei

::Shit, who in the hell are they....probably.... She dodged the incoming bullet [i Demn that was close...Gotta loose them..[/i].

She kicked the bike into high gear and started attempting to lose the black car. She swirved from left to right feigning moves so that they couldn't get a beed on her.

Luck was on her side, but it would only last so long.::

That apparation that opened the door almost caused Felix to fill his pants. Then he realized it was only Cara surrounded by flames. He made a mental note to not piss her off. His mind relived that interrogation for a second, spasms of fright shooting through his body. He was relieved when Cara turned her flames down at a request by Letisha. He smiled shyly at Letisha as he entered the house. When Cara's back was turned, Felix mouthed "Thank you" to Letisha.

Felix gently took the papers out of Cara's hand. He studied them for a moment. Then he layed the schematics on top of the blueprints. He flipped the pages back and forth for a few moments. He scanned the documents inch by inch. Then he shouted out in joy.

"Cara , Letisha, I think I found a way in. If you put the two maps together, there is an area that is not accounted for. I would imagine it was a storage area that they did not want on the blueprints. Its along the south wall and shares a common room with the electrical room. If I can get into that store room, I could shut down the electrical which will kill all the surveillence as well as the automated defenses. That would give us a much better chance of getting into the house intact. What do you think? "

I studied the maps in his hands before shouting, "Lady and Consort be praised! We've got a way in!"
The three of us brainstormed together before laying down a concrete plan.
Summons went out to everyone, healer and warrior alike for the final battle to save the girl.

Cara in a good mood was almost as bad as Cara in a bad mood..(though Letisha knew she would never say such a thing out loud.) Of course, the knowledge that the crew now had a viable way of getting in and out without (possibly) losing anyone had a lot to do with it.

Letisha waited until the planning session had reached it's end before interjecting.

"Felix, Cara? I spent most of the afternoon making some amulets. They have a built in protection spell as well as a *no-see* cantrip on them. I would feel alot better if you two took these and placed them inside of your clothing next to your hearts. I also have one for Ty and Terra whenever they get here."

Letisha held out the amulets, gold in her left for Felix, silver for Cara.

"As you can see each design is different as well as the metal. It is not neccesary for you to believe in them, just wear them."

She grinned at Cara for a moment. It wasn't like the fae needed her spell work but it always made Letisha feel better to know that she had contributed SOMETHING. She waited for them to take her proffered gifts.

I studied the amulet for a moment, touched by her work.
"Wow... thank you," I said, taking the beautiful peice and slipping it on. I loosened my blouse and tucked it in next to my heart. "I'm honored."

Felix kissed her hand as he took the amulet from it. "Thank you dear lady, in my line of work; this will be especially handy. This is a true work of art. I will keep this with me always. " Felix sat down on a nearby sofa , studying the amulet in his hand. He recognized a few of the symbols. They were symbols that his mother had shown him when he was a child. He pulled out a ring from his left pocket that had a similar symbol. Maybe his mother had been on to something.