Scion: Seeds of Glory OOC/Recruitment

Evan: 2
Crystal: 5
Brigitte: 5
Scorpface: 4

For ease of, like, my life, I'll post Crystal before Brigitte, even though they're working on the same tick.

Crystal's attack: 7 successes. Crystal is up by 2.
Crystal does 10L damage, Scorpio has 4L soak. Crystal does 6L damage.

Edit to add Brigitte's attack.

Brigitte's attack: 7 successes. Brigitte is up by 3.
Brigitte does 8L, Scorpio has 4L soak. Brigittie does 4L damage. It's super effective! Scorpio faints . . . .

In short, sorry arm and Scorpface. Crystal and Brigitte ended that mo'fo.

And edit again!

The giant rolled 4 on his JB - this means that, while he's still surprised, his DV isn't completely shot. He will still go after everyone else, however.
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And double posting, cause I'm tired of editing :p

Harald will be swinging his sword at Evan, bellowing the whole way.

Harald's attack: 2 successes. Harald swings and friggin' misses.

Crystal runs into the room and shoots at him.

Crystal's attack: 5 successes. Crystal is up by one. Damage - 4L successes. Harald has 3L soak, he takes 1L damage.

Edit for Brigitte's attack.

Brigitte attacks: 8 successes. Brigitte is up by 5. Damage - 9L Successes. Harald has 3L soak, he takes 6L damage.
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The writing on the map is Old Norse; Evan can read it. It says, roughly translated, "dig here, dwarves?" The meaning, aside from that, is unclear. Enjoy :D
Made a quick roll to see if all three of you could keep down the horn-tea; congratulations, you all passed the check!

Still tastes like week-old ass, though. Woo.
Brigitte's attack goes as follows:
DEX + Melee = 3 Successes (I spent a point of Legend on your behalf, as you weren't around) + 3 = 6

Brigitte hits, up by 6. Since you were using Gram, but using the pommel, I used the Flat of the Blade rules for the modifier.

STR + 6 + 8B dice = 11B damage.

Brigitte deals 8 levels of Bashing to Unnamed Antagonist guy.

The jolt is enough to jar him, he is now an unhappy red monster with a bruised forehead and some whiplash, several feet away and seething. Hooray Brigitte!
Hey guys sorry for the disappearance. RL got in the way again. Hope everyone is well
We're well for the most part, but busy with RL as well. Great to hear from you though! Thinking of coming back?
I've been posting some, but if anything it's more limited trying to not get involved in too much. I get married in a week, and grad school on top of that. So not much time for more than 1 or 2 rp's.
Congratulations! That's excellent!

And with all that, being busy is extremely understandable. I'm impressed, to be honest.
Congratulations! That's excellent!

And with all that, being busy is extremely understandable. I'm impressed, to be honest.

but if you have any threads you think would work for me let me know i'll join in. Don't do much SRP anymore not sure how my girl feels about me doing that and haven't asked her yet.
but if you have any threads you think would work for me let me know i'll join in. Don't do much SRP anymore not sure how my girl feels about me doing that and haven't asked her yet.

Fair and also quite wise. It's best to have full disclosure of that sort of thing to avoid any unintended unpleasantness. I shall let you know if anything comes up, of course!