Scion: Seeds of Glory OOC/Recruitment

Well, so I can incorporate it into my next post, are there any trophies/valuables/useful items on the body?

As for what now, now Brigitte turns on her "Glamorous Murder Queen" mode and tries to keep from falling totally to pieces. While simultaneously going through the station and looking for things to vent her ire on.
Yes, there are trophies! One, to be exact. The horn is a trophy that can be ground into powder, brewed, and drunk, giving the drinker the ability to read minds the same way the monster could. That is, spend a point of Legend and roll (PER+Awareness+Legend) vs the target's (Willpower+Integrity+Legend). Auto-fail against targets with higher Legend than the drinker's. 10 uses/horn, 1 horn/monster.

And there is also a useful item - the monster was carrying a map on it, with some markings that you can't decipher right away. It'll take some time to make sense of it.

. . . I'm picturing you holding the map over your head while the LoZ sound plays "Doo doo dooooooooo!"
You know, the funny thing is that with the state that at least two of the characters are in right now, they won't even be thinking about trophies.

I don't know how this is going to be handled; Evan's attempt to help, I mean. It's clearly a role playing thing between the characters at this point and should likely just be handled that way. Were I GMing, that's how I'd let it go.

However, IF there is a roll needed, Evan really wants to succeed and try to pull Brigitte out of this and undo/start recovery on any hurt this did to her psyche. IF (again in caps!) he needs to roll, he is spending Legend for successes and spending a Willpower to channel his Loyalty.
Don't worry, she's not going to fall totally to pieces in the middle of a crisis zone. That'll happen afterwards. Right now, she's about to go back into Murder Mode. She compartmentalizes well, she'll pay the cost for that later.
I'm hoping to defray some of that cost but we shall see. Either way, I bet we're not done with nasties just yet.
There won't be a roll. This is an RP thing between you two. If you feel that there needs to be a roll (from either side), let me know, but otherwise . . . nah. Hug it out, bros.

. . . I hate m'self a little for that.

And as a GM's note, just to keep things going, there are no humans in the station. Signs of titanspawn (claw marks on the floors and walls, all the doors broken into shards, etc), yes, but nothing alive.

There is a lot of weather-sensing equipment, no food left, and most of the rooms have been tossed. A few pieces of clothing, three blankets, and several flashlights are left. You all could find them easily, no need to roll for it.

Continue the excellence!
*Gives group hug*

Okay how much exp did my character get from the hug?
Hate to double post, but hooker where does the map lead basically? Up a mountain to a cave in the forest? Maybe the other side of the island.
It's a map of the whole island. The parts that are marked, even though you can't read the markings without sitting down and working at them, are:

--The meteorological station (where you are)
--A small island off the coast of the island to the south
--A depression roughly 4 miles north and west of where you are now
--Brigitte's campsite
--The top of what looks like the volcano
You know it is amazing. I read that the map is unreadable and less then 10 minutes later forget it is unreadable. If my memory is like this in my 20s, what is going to be like in my 80s.
I wouldn't worry. If your memory is like that now, you won't remember how bad it was in your 20's by the time you get into your 80's.

Edit: Oh, any chance that we might find something like glowsticks in the weather station? They occasionally end up in survival kits and the like, and I totally forgot to add them to Brigitte's "duffel bag of things that make you not die."
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I hope there are glowsticks. That way we could have a volcano rave.

If, you know, this were a totally different RP and there weren't horrible monsters and all.

A man can dream though. A man can dream.
Yes, you can find some glowsticks. A lot of the other stuff in the kits is gone - bandages, candles, ponchos, etc - but glowsticks and flashlights are still there, as are some packaged alcohol wipes.

And to answer your IC post, Arm, the volcano is definitely "further in" than the valley, but they are both further in than the station.
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So, I hate to be "that girl," I really do, but Cats, I have a request:

Please stop putting a "d" in Brigitte. I know a girl named Bridget (pronounced Bridge-It) and I hate her, and every time I see my character's name in one of your posts, I think of her.


Edit: Hook, is the valley actually on the way to the Volcano, or are they both inland, but in opposite directions? It matters for Brigitte's response to Crystal's plan.
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Weeee-eeeell. It depends on how you travel. From where you are, no, the valley isn't really on the way. If you were coming from farther west or north, it would be. They are relatively near each other, however, either way you look at it.
Sorry about the name thing. Blame spell checker, it keeps fixing my spelling. Which is a marvel in of it self because my spelling is really... um no functional.
So, just to spell it out, I'm trying to show that Evan is attempting to figure out if the dead titanspawn has a trophy and how to use it. We, the players, know but I don't think the characters do yet.

His Occult is only 1 but he does have a decent Intellect and an Epic in it, so I figure he's got a good chance.
I plan to spell it out, but so far I've been assuming spell check was right. :cattail:

Worst comes to worst I always have my occult guide to ask.
we refers to "we in the white male community" apparently, or at least I am going to say now.

I hope I didn't upset you, but in my defense I did follow we with "or at least I was." I suppose it was bad writing form, no worries won't happen again.
Just a quick note, Immortals might be the worst movie I have seen. If only because I have not seen Jesus Christ Vampire Slayer or Bite.
Like Evan said, this is why Thor was superior. Greek gods have no zest, no panache.
So I guess we may be splitting the party if Evan doesn't cool off the girls. Or perhaps there will be mud wrestling. :cattail:

I think greek gods are fine. The trouble is immortals just sucked in terms of plot and art. What the hell was Poseidon wearing on his head. Then for a final insult they spend the last ten minutes saying "oh yeah we are making a sequel."

What I can understand is there shear number of high school students saying that it is a great movie.

So you guys familiar with the movie Teeth? Because I meant that when I said bite earlier. If you aren't familiar you should look it up, it is definitely among the strangest concepts.
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Split the party? Not so much. Brigitte is more than willing to try and put Crystal in her place though.
I am guessing that place is standing on top of Brigitte head held high in victory. :cattail:

I half expect Evan to call "I play winner... in bed."