Scion: Seeds of Glory OOC/Recruitment

No, I've seen your sheet. Crystal couldn't take Brigitte in a straight fight. Of course, if you disagree, go ahead and have Hook roll join battle for Crystal.
Yeah your right as long as they are armed and at close range. But the trash talking must continue! Fighting in game can stop though.
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Oh, I think armed at long range would work too.

As for IC, it could stop, but I'll wait for HookerBoots to tell me to back down, or for Evan to do something. Otherwise, well, Crystal might get to meet her goddess more personally than is usually the case. Brigitte is...unstable.
Evan is indeed trying to do something. Up to you girls how successful he is.

His first command there is a use of Overt Order, btw. And if this comes to a roll, he will be channeling Loyalty for it.
Not really up to us, boss. My legend isn't high enough to resist it. Crystal's is higher than yours, which renders it impotent, if I remember correctly. The command did work on Brigitte, though, so good going saving Crystal from catching Gram in the mouth. Brigitte was totally ready to haul off and smack her one.
So I'm staying out of this whole thing. BUT!

Arm has spent one Willpower to trigger Overt Order. Legend score does not matter according to the book sitting open next to me. They may feel it's implied, but . . . not stated means it's not a limitation.

It does not appear to be resistible as other forms of mental influence are. So . . . Evan said it, you both do it. Proceed, unless you need me to start up with what you're getting into.
"...from a small hole in the ground."

I have to ask, are we even reading the same thread? What frickin' hole in the ground are you talking about? Its a valley, a natural formation, a definable geographical feature on a map, not a damn mineshaft.
Sorry I quit. If you want I will write my character out.

But if you can't tell I have enough stress going on in real life that my writing has taken a dive.
No worries. We'll get Crystal set up someplace and write her out.

I hope things calm down a bit for you, though. It sucks to be that stressed out.
Hi, Rose said you guys may be needing another meatbody? If such is the case and there isn't a long wait list, I submit myself for consideration.
Wow, hun, you took the "brevity is the Soul of Wit" thing and kicked it right through the goalpost. Arm, Hook, I'll vouch for him, and can show you examples of his quality writing.
*shrug* Terribly sorry, Nerves get to me sometimes and I tend to get quiet. Also thought it would be quite presumptuous to just post a whole sheet.
No worries! You're more than welcome to join up. I will say that it's possible you may have to wait until they finish up with the island before we find a way to fit you in, but it all depends on what's up.

Do you know who you'll be playing? If so, feel free to post it up here and we'll work from there :)

Welcome to the game :D
Brigitte will attack scorpface, trying for a brutal blow, lowering her attack dice by 1 but raising damage by 2. Her pool is 11 dice plus 2 autosuccess. Man, that feels small.
Well, maaaaaybe some people in some other threads are a little crazily powered and can kill 4 raksha in one blow. :p I'll maths that in a second here . . .

8+6+1+3+8+9+5+4+8+3+8 = 5 + 2 auto = 7 to hit. Brigitte is up by 5, 20 dice for the damage roll.

3+10+1+3+5+1+8+10+6+7+4+6+7+4+6+2+9+6+1+5 = 8L + 2 auto = 10L. Scorpface has 4L soak; Brigitte deals 6L. Scorpface is badly injured, and oozing ichor on the ground, a claw severed and two legs barely holding on.
Not to copy cat, but Evan's doing the same Brutal Attack trick, but aimed at the amanojaku. He took being mind fucked pretty personally.

His dice pool is 3 Dex + 3 Melee + 1 Accuracy from the weapon and +1 from the honeycomb bracelet - 1 for Brutal Attack = 7 dice with 2 successes from Epic Dex.
All righty then.

7+9+4+6+4+4+9 = 3 + 2 auto = 5 to hit. Evan is up by 3, 14 dice for damage roll.

8+2+10+6+9+7+3+10+3+5+6+7+3+3 = 8 + 2 auto = 10L. Amanojaku has 2L soak; it takes 8L. It is badly injured, missing a limb (you can pick which) and bleeding profusely.

Edit to add Crystal's action

Crystal is shooting the amanojaku that Evan just sliced up.

Crystal rolls 9 dice: 8+9+6+5+6+1+9+6+10 = 5 + 4 auto = 9 to hit. Crystal is up by 8, 14 dice for damage roll. Crystal spends 1 Legend to add 4 successes.

6+1+3+3+2+8+2+10+6+2+1+7+8 = 5L + 6 auto = 11L. Amanojaku has 2L soak; it takes 9L. Amanojaku is dead! Hooray!

Fatebinding rolls: GM rolls 4 dice = 9+10+7+5 = 5 successes. Fatebinding occurs.

Scorpface attacks Brigitte, aiming for a bite. Eeeeew.

Scorpface rolls 6 dice: 6+5+7+2+7+6 = 2 +1 auto = 3 to hit. Brigitte has something insane for her DDV, Scorpface misses.

The two humans are looking for hiding places.
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You can't give us a hint of the character? Not even a tease? Come on, man, we're good for it. ;)

Sure, I can drop what I've got so far. (just got the final bit of things sorted.

Kain O'bannon
Scion of Lugh
Modern day Knight

Legend 3
Willpower *******
Strength ***
**Holy Bound
Makin’ it look easy
Dexterity *****
**Roll with it
Untouchable opponent
Stamina ***
**Body Armor
Eternal Youth
Charisma ***
*Boys will be boys
Appearance ***
Intelligence **
*Fight with your head
Wits ***
*Opening Gambit



Spear of Lugh (Fire, Sky, War) ***
Acc 7 Dmg 5L Def 1 Spd 5
Concealed Armor **
+5L/6B Mobility -0 Fatigue 1

Sky 1 (sky's grace)
Fire1 (Fire immunity)
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Very interesting. Looks like there's a lot of fun to be had with this fine fellow, oh, and his nature is Competitor? That's going to be fun. Excellent!
Very cool, he looks good. Like I said, give me a bit to get these guys off the island and we'll bring you in :D
Brigitte's second attack: 3+1+10+8+3+9+4+8+10+2+5+6 = 7 + 2 auto = 9 to hit. Brigitte is up by 4.

Brigitte rolls 17 dice for damage: 8+8+8+2+4+9+1+7+6+4+9+7+3+6+9+8+8 = 10 + 2 auto = 12L. Scorpface has 4L soak; Brigitte deals 8L. Scorpface dies like a chump in a pool of his own ichor.

There are two cowering humans left. What'cha gonna do, friends?