Scion: Seeds of Glory OOC/Recruitment

If I knew I could of coppied that. I would of done so sooner.

Okay HB I am ready to come in when you are.

Short list of changes. For those who don't wish to reread my post.

The unspent birthright went to gloves of Cerynitis, the name is that of the deer Hercules had to catch. The deer belong to Artemis and was both fast and large.

I really altered my knacks removing the social epic points and placing them on stamina and perception. Knacks that didn't fit like super speed, strength, and math were made into nimbleness and awareness.

And I found the info on adopting scions which is what Artemis a virgin goddess is suppose to do. So I changed her story to include adoption and an unnamed goddess.
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Well your braver then me. Any how let me remove some guess work.

Choose calling, pantheon, God and Nature.
Note that all Attributes start with one dot before you add any.
Prioritize the three categories: Physical, Social, Mental (8/6/4)
Choose Physical Traits: Strength, Dexterity, Stamina
Choose Social Traits: Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance
Choose Mental Traits: Perception, Intelligence, Wits
Note Favored Abilities (6)
Choose Abilities (30—at least 6 must go into Favored Abilities; none may be higher than 3
before spending bonus points).
Choose Birthrights (5—none may be higher than 3 before spending bonus points), Boons and
Epic Attributes (10), and Virtues (5—none may be higher than 4 before spending bonus points).
Record Legend (2), Willpower (total of two highest Virtues), Legend points (square of Legend dots).
Bonus points (15) may be spent at any time during character creation.

Bonus points may be spent as fallows:
Attribute 4
Ability 2 (1 for Favored Ability of divine parent)
Birthright 1 (2 if the Birthright is being raised above 3)
Virtue 3
Willpower 2
Legend 7
Epic Attribute 5 (4 if associated with divine parent)
Knack 3
Boons 5 (4 if associated with divine parent)
Additional Spell 5 (4 if Magic is associated with divine parent)


Trait Increase Cost
Attribute rating x 4
Ability favored by divine parent (rating x 2) – 1
Ability rating x 2
Virtue rating x 3
Willpower rating x 2
Legend rating x 8
Epic Attribute (associated with divine parent) rating x 4
Epic Attribute (not associated with divine parent) rating x 5
Pantheon-Specific Purview rating x 4
Special Purview (associated with divine parent) rating x 4
Special Purview (not associated with divine parent) rating x 5

New Trait Cost
Ability 3
Epic Attribute (associated with divine parent) 8
Epic Attribute (not associated with divine parent) 10
Knack 5
All-Purpose Purview Boon rating x 4
(associated with divine parent)
All-Purpose Purview Boon rating x 5
(not associated with divine parent)
Pantheon-Specific Purview 3
Special Purview (associated with divine parent) 3
Special Purview (not associated with divine parent) 4
Spell (Magic associated with divine parent) rating x 4
Spell (Magic not associated with divine parent) rating x 5

oppps might have screwed up. - HAVE REMOVED THE BIO. FINAL COPY BELOW
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okay here we go again. Nerina Moana - Final Submission

Thank you Cats for all your help! It was really nice of you!
Nerina Moana

Name: Nerina Moana
Calling: Politician
Nature: Visionary
Pantheon: Dodekatheon
God: Poseidon

Animal Ken 3
Control: 3
Fortitude 3
Integrity 3
Politics 3
Presence 3
Thrown 3
Melee 3
Empathy 3
Occult 3


Strength 2
Dexterity 3
Stamina 2

Charisma 4 (2 Epic)
Manipulation 3 (2 Epic)
Appearance 4

Perception 3(1 Epic)
Intelligence 3(2 Epic)
Wits 3(1 Epic)


Inspirational Figure -- Restores a spent willpower to each person in a crowd of mortals and/or scions. –Charisma

Charmer -- Quells an emotion in a target, allowing them to be convinced without regard to that existing emotion. -Charisma

Rumour Mill -- Rumours can be sent that capture the media spotlight over the next month or weeks. – Manipulation

Takes One to Know One -- When target deliberately lies, the scion is aware that the statement is false.- Manipulation

Fast Learner -- Scion learns Academics, Medicine, Occult, Politics and Science faster than others.-Intelligence

Language Mastery -- Scion understands any spoken language immediately and learns to speak or write in that language very quickly.-Intelligence

Scent the Divine -- Detect if someone is a Scion by scent. Different pantheons have different scents.- Perception

Don't Read the Manual -- The Scion can use an item they have no training with as if they had one dot in the requisite ability. -Wit

Expression 2
Intellect 3
Valour 2
Vengeance 2


Water (3): Water Control, Changing States, Water Breathing
Animal (2): Animal Communication – Horses and Sea Creatures; Animal Command

Legend: 4

Willpower: 5

Relic: Naiad’s scythe: A scythe that was made by Hephaestus and lost by Nerina’s stepmother. Nerina found it and Amphitrite allowed her step daughter to keep it when she tried to return it. It shrinks down and clips onto her charm bracelet when not in use.

Relic: A necklace, which enables her to use her water boons and helps with her animal communication and command. More so on Horses and sea creatures.

Blue eyes, Black-Brown hair, tanned skin, fit.

Nerina was born to Marisa Moana and a man Nerina was never told of. She grew up in California where she became known around the small sleepy town she grew up in as the Surfer Girl. Being an only child to a single mother was tough for Nerina or Rina as people called her. She worked hard at school and did well. Though not everyone thought she got there on her own.

When Nerina was 13 she went out on her surfboard past the rocky shoals that littered the coast line near her home town. She stretched out on the board and let the waves rock her, confident in her ability to return to shore. She was lazing there when a tall dark haired man appeared hovering above the edge of her board. Startled she screamed and ... of course fell off her surfboard. Scrambling back onto it, she gazed at what she thought was an apparition. But it was a man known as Triton. Her half brother. Puzzled, yet not one to scoff at people who could obviously kill her (HE WAS FLYING FOR HEAVENS SAKE!). Triton explained that her father was a god, hell not any god but Poseidon God of the Sea, Storms, Earthquakes and Horses, and that Triton had been sent to awaken her to the knowledge and to ask her to find a lost item. Her step mother Amphitrite had lost the Naiad’s scythe. A gift from Poseidon to her one year. And she had selected Nerina, scion of her husband to find it.

Hello! 13 years of age! Can’t leave home can’t find this.. Naiad’s scythe. Triton merely said that the scythe was in the cove near her village. Find it, return it to Triton and he would deem her worthy of her birthright.

Grumbling about annoying big brothers, Nerina chose to humour him and paddled for shore. Triton watched, content that his newest sister was competent in the water like the majority of Poseidon’s offspring.

It took Nerina a week of hunting the cove, checking the rock pools and caves before she found the scythe, wrapped up in seaweed and half buried near the point. With it, she took it back out to where she had met Triton the week before. But it was not her brother who waited but a woman of extraordinary beauty. Amphitrite. Scared and wondering if she was going to be killed, Nerina shakily held out the Scythe to her step mother.

Amphitrite merely shook her head. Triton appeared beside her and told Nerina that she had earned her birthright, to be a child of Poseidon, you had to be single minded and determined. To have drive and Vision. And she had vision. The scythe became her’s and it affixed itself to a charm bracelet which Nerina now wears everywhere. She rarely has had to use it in her life. Under Triton’s guidance, Nerina went through high school her eyes on entering politics when she finished university. She got accepted to Berkley on a scholarship and is in her 4th year there studying political science and law. Her eyes are on the prize. First female President of the United States.
Cats, Jilly, welcome to the thread. I'm sorry it took me so long to get to you - I've been feeling a little under the weather lately and haven't been as observant about things as I usually am *is spacey when she feels bleh* I'll get you both in the IC today, most likely. And after that, I may just let you all RP for a while until we're ready to get things rolling for story-real :)
Cats, Jilly, welcome to the thread. I'm sorry it took me so long to get to you - I've been feeling a little under the weather lately and haven't been as observant about things as I usually am *is spacey when she feels bleh* I'll get you both in the IC today, most likely. And after that, I may just let you all RP for a while until we're ready to get things rolling for story-real :)


Just a quick Question. Are we all rooming together or do we get separate rooms. Just so i know where to put Nerina.
Hehe, you're all rooming together. The hostel is, as some people have guessed, not run by normal people - it's magical, and there IS only one room. You will, however, have your own beds :)

nerina is going with the fact that these others make her nose tingle :)
Ah gee guys... :) Makes for good story telling!

Scions of:

Poseidon Nerina Moana: Rivals of Poseidon include Zeus; Geb, Frigg, Tyr, Quetzalcoatl, Susano-o and Damballa.

Artemis Crystal Williams: Rivals of Artemis include Hera, Freyr, Isis, Legba, Susano-o, and Tezcatlipoca.

Freya Evan Colburn: Freya's rivals include Hel, Sif; Bastet, Athena, Tezcatlipoca, Raiden and Erzulie.

Amaterasu Hikaru Koizumi: Amaterasu's rivals include Marishiten, Susano-o, Tsuki-Yomi; Apollo, Kalfu, Sif, Thoth, Tlaloc and Xipe Totec.

Isis Nina Tyler: Rivals: Thoth; Hermes, Odin, Quetzalcoatl, Amaterasu and Ogoun.

Susano-o Kenta Yamatto : Susano-o's rivals include Amaterasu; Thoth, Athena, Hel, Odin, Quetzalcoatl and Legba.

Ah gee aren’t we just a lovely bunch. I think not one of us is gonna have conflict if we subscribe to our parents wills. .. Maybe Evan is gonna be peace maker!
Hey just because a rivalry is there doesn't mean we have to be hostile.

:) i know Cats. thats why i wrote IF we subscribe to their will :)

I frankly think this group is a rather diverse group with a variety of skills that will help in whatever Hookers sends at us.

We do have a lot of variety but also a lot of pretty, which I'm a fan of. :) I do think this'll be an interesting group.

But if needed, Evan can play peace maker. He'll encourage everyone to sort out their differences with some old fashioned, uh..."negotiating." :D

I can dream, anyway
Cats, just fyi, Hikaru's Suji is a housecat-sized, invisible tiger, so Crystal would have seen that instead of a man.

I'm probably going to post the next part that will start the story now, just so everyone knows. There will be dwarves!
Cool, I'll edit my post.

I want to say our group isn't very diverse in looks. Ever one of us, except blue, has an attractiveness of 4. Ofcoarse the looks greatly very if we include epic stats, at which two people of 0, two have 1, and two have 2.
Actually, the Appearance stat is just how attractive you are, on a scale of one to ten. It doesn't determine what you look like, just that you're hot, whatever you look like. Tymeless's character - and blue's - are both Asian, and almost supernaturally hot even without their Epic stat, and they're hot, but still clearly Asian, while you and Arm and Jilly and Pywa will all be clearly caucasian (though Pywa, as a Scion of Isis, will look half-Egyptian). The males are super-handsome (whatever that means to you, whether it means ruggedly handsome or prettyboy hot), while the girls are all gorgeous specimens of whatever their look is.

The descriptions matter more than the stat - you can have an Appearance stat of 5, and have it represent Divine ugliness (and there are some deities where that's kind of a way you can go; Hel, for example, or Izanami), and it can work just as well, depending on where the story goes.

. . . I kinda got on a soapbox there. In short, yeah, pretty much everyone's in the same 'league' as far as it goes, but they all look different.
Actually I simply was pointing out every one chose appearance 4, except blue. :cattail: It's just a simple observation.

Actually, the Appearance stat is just how attractive you are, on a scale of one to ten. It doesn't determine what you look like, just that you're hot, whatever you look like. Tymeless's character - and blue's - are both Asian, and almost supernaturally hot even without their Epic stat, and they're hot, but still clearly Asian, while you and Arm and Jilly and Pywa will all be clearly caucasian (though Pywa, as a Scion of Isis, will look half-Egyptian). The males are super-handsome (whatever that means to you, whether it means ruggedly handsome or prettyboy hot), while the girls are all gorgeous specimens of whatever their look is.

The descriptions matter more than the stat - you can have an Appearance stat of 5, and have it represent Divine ugliness (and there are some deities where that's kind of a way you can go; Hel, for example, or Izanami), and it can work just as well, depending on where the story goes.

. . . I kinda got on a soapbox there. In short, yeah, pretty much everyone's in the same 'league' as far as it goes, but they all look different.
Actually I simply was pointing out every one chose appearance 4, except blue. :cattail: It's just a simple observation.


I think the word diversity confused people, but I'm with you. I think that's because it's the easiest high Appearance stat to get if you prioritize Social. :) So it may mean that not only do we all like pretty, we all may be lazy. ;) lol
I always seem to prioritize social based stats whenever possible for a character. I just think being good at interacting and possibly saving yourself a fight is important. I also like the idea of my characters being considered attractive heroes and or heroines it seems to fit the stereotype. No one wants to be saved by an ugly hero.
Or both an attractive hero and heroine, as the case may currently be Tymeless.

Social was my weak point but then I decided to rework my character and made mental the bad group.
Or both an attractive hero and heroine, as the case may currently be Tymeless.

Social was my weak point but then I decided to rework my character and made mental the bad group.

i made strength etc the bad group
I made Mental Evan's "weak" group. Which is unusual for me, I typically have Social as the lowest one for my characters.
Well I've only played vampire the masquerade once, and this once. All the same I seem to be using high physical scores.
I will play all types of characters but in rpgs I like to be the character people rely on to perform skills and stuff. So in battle heavy campaigns at times i feel useless but i have found a nack for playing the support roles that other's don't want to play.