Scion: Seeds of Glory OOC/Recruitment

Man, do I like what's going on at the hostel. Wish I'd stayed. ;) Alas that my porn star missed the big gang least the first one. :D

BTW, I did write Hikaru just a bit for you, Tymeless. Just to keep her caught up and a little more on guard. I hope it's all right.
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Man, do I like what's going on at the hostel. Wish I'd stayed. ;) Alas that my porn star missed the big gang least the first one. :D

BTW, I did write Hikaru just a bit for you, Tymeless. Just to keep her caught up and a little more on guard. I hope it's all right.

Yeah, neither of our characters really know what is going on there. I guess they'll have to come up with some big gang bang theories.
Thanks Armphid. I'll wait until another post or two to interject myself into the story. I have a feeling Hikaru might even end up captured.
We are still here i think. I just haven't had time to post in any of my threads for about a week. Getting adjusted to the new school and work schedule. I personally should be back on track sometime this week.
I'm still here, I swear! I've just been working like mad the past two weeks, and have basically come home, eaten dinner, and collapsed every night. Things will be calmer after this weekend (assuming I'm not underestimating the impact of inventory), and I'll be more present then.

September has just gone all out of control for some reason. Strange, no?
I'm still here, I swear! I've just been working like mad the past two weeks, and have basically come home, eaten dinner, and collapsed every night. Things will be calmer after this weekend (assuming I'm not underestimating the impact of inventory), and I'll be more present then.

September has just gone all out of control for some reason. Strange, no?

Regrettably I have to drop out of this, and all of the other threads that I'm involved in. I'm taking a hiatus from Lit for an unknown period of time. I'm sorry for the inconvenience that this causes. Feel free to farm out my role to someone else.
Well I am going to regret blue leaving.

Is every one else still staying?
I'm a little worried that she mentioned inventory, I know that isn't easy.
Oh and I think i have one regained my muse to the point that i can use her even when i'm short on time. Sorry haven't been around school and work has been kicking me in the rear 70+ hour weeks and I had to adjust to it all and got behind here to the point it was hard for me to find my muse now that I'm caught up on all my threads I'm back to all my threads.
Well if your like me Tymless getting caught up on back reading is a very hard part.
I am still here as well. And hoping things will settle down for us all soon. I'm eager for more! :D
As am I. I've been trying to play this in real life but I can't get it going, of coarse a large problem is I am not willing to run any sort of white wolf campaign.
As am I. I've been trying to play this in real life but I can't get it going, of coarse a large problem is I am not willing to run any sort of white wolf campaign.

That would be something of a hiccup, yes. Any particular reason why? The base mechanic is pretty solid for an RPG.
I love whitewolf but D&D is easier to run as an rpg with most groups because everyone is familiar with the rules and not everyone is with whitewolf heh.
Well tymless basically hit the nail on the head. It's a difference in the rules essentially. DnD is basically driven by mechanics, whitewolf games are basically driven by plot. I guess at the core my real life role playing is driven by concepts and not plot. Of coarse I even tend to focus on concepts here on lit.

I built Crystal off of the concept of super senses, which is why she is a marksman, can track by scent, read so fast, memorize the lay out of a room in a moment, and has most of her knacks. The rest of the hunter sort of fell in place based on her god and developing a back story. Of coarse the lack of spells came about because it didn't seem to go with the hunter persona, so she ended up with 10 epic stats.
*runs in, skids to a halt* Ha-HA! Just when you thought I was gone for good, I swoop in like a . . . a person in socks running on tile!

Okay, so I've been a wee bit scrambled lately. But I'm back, and have posted.

Blue, we'll miss you, but I know how RL can be *points to self* so no worries. This thread isn't heavily dependent on numbers or balance, so we'll be able to make it work even if no one wants to take your guy.

I'm sure Arm's allllllll broken up about being the only guy with all these hot girls, lol
So. It might seem like the pig's actions are a little . . . much. I assure you: I rolled for both his action and Nerina's counter. He rolled better. I will, on occasion, roll for things like that, and I will abide by the way the dice fall.

Also, hehe, hi again, everyone!
Cats: I will roll when it needs to happen - it won't happen often, but it's easier for me to do it when I need to and let you guys know what the result was (if people want, I can put the results in an OOC portion of the post) than have you guys roll, and then tell me, and then have me figure the story-line version of those numbers.