Shadow over Gerelden OOC

Speaking of Kelt, how about I do Grimlock a favor and have Kelt show up with Jager?
Fine with me. I see no problems...maybe its a very musically minded creature.

Kelt is the horse right?
Kelt is Grimlock's horse yes, the old warhorse that shares a deep bond with Grimlock.

Well master if you have a way to get him there I see no problem with it.
I might find a way. Hell, even now I'm coming up with ideas regarding that horse, and it ain't even my horse!
Rocket pack! No...wrong time.

Wings! No...too mythical.

Teleportation! Oh, that could work...

Shadow horse! Watching you even when you sleep? Kinda creepy.
Heh. Hadn't thought about any of those options. I'm going with Occam's Razor and having the horse walk there on its own. It's my estimation that we're not more than a half-day's walk out of the city, so Kelt could easily make it there on his own.
They do seem pretty good at finding their own way. Like when you fall off out riding and freak out because the horse bolts only to walk all the way back to the stable and find it there waiting for you, eating.
OK but how will you get Kelt to escape? Or should I throw a RP from Kelt's perspective?
Okay. So, the scenario is this: one of the stable boys took him out for a walk. Something spooked Kelt, he bolted and escaped the corral. Without a saddle, and only wearing a bridle, he took off through the streets and out of the city. The guards tried to give chance but the rain came and they turned back. Kelt kept going, eventually making his way to the ruins, where he and Jager will cross paths.

Of course, none of that needs to be known in the IC aside from Kelt and Jager meeting.
It's been a long time since I've had cracker jacks. And carrot juice? Juicy is not how I would describe carrots.
1. Depends what you are doing with them.

2. Get them younger, before they go too tough.

Well, I'll get to work on my IC reply now. Not sure if it'll but up tonight or tomorrow, considering how late it is here. Normally I'd be in bed by now, but I slept in today, so I'm not that tired yet.
Well, that didn't take as long as I thought it would.

Leo, could you have Grimlock's horse wander into the ruins with Jager and Zelthuros in your reply? All you have to do is simply have the horse wander in, soaking wet and weary of Shadow (he is a predator after all); I'll have Jager handle the rest. Should save some time and serve as a reason for Jager to go join the group.
Okay. So, the scenario is this: one of the stable boys took him out for a walk. Something spooked Kelt, he bolted and escaped the corral. Without a saddle, and only wearing a bridle, he took off through the streets and out of the city. The guards tried to give chance but the rain came and they turned back. Kelt kept going, eventually making his way to the ruins, where he and Jager will cross paths.

Of course, none of that needs to be known in the IC aside from Kelt and Jager meeting.

*sigh* Since it's there, leave it there.

By the way, why did you have Kelt fully saddled up? A warhorse wandering around with a saddle on is very likely to raise the suspicions of Jager and Zelthuros, whereas just a bridle and lead rope would suggest that the rain spooked the horse and it bolted.

Anyways, like I said, since it's there, leave it. Don't bother making changes.
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So DK wanted to know what it was like to be a horse. Let him be, Jedi. Let him be.

IC up, by the way.
I went easy on him. If he does anything to it, it would be his decision.

Anyways, I've got some work to do in RL at the moment, so I'll try getting my reply up later tonight.
Took a little longer to write that than I thought.

Anyways, it seems that including the saddle on the runaway Kelt has created a little bit of a...situation...for Jager. :eek:
I had him saddled because he is a proud animal and would rather show up ready for battle than with just the bit in his mouth. Also as we have stated the rain is supernatural, it would be kind of strange for a trained war horse to bolt and run at the sight of some strange rain. But thank you for allowing me to write as Kelt and I hope I handled the Jager situation properly.
You handled the situation fairly well. Now just to wait for the others.