Show Us Your Meat

Miles Long

Fuck victoriously!
Oct 21, 2005
Like most guys, I'm pretty proud of my meat and I like to show it off to the world. It's thick, it's juicy, and it's guaranteed to make your mouth water.*

How do I ensure my meat is so special? Preparation. Whether it's via my signature dry rub or my tangy special sauce I personally cover every square inch of my meat to maximize the flavor. When it hits your lips it's like whoa and your taste buds forget that other meat even exists. My meat really packs a flavorful punch all the way from the tip of your tongue to the back of your throat and down into your tummy.

I know how to handle my meat because I've been practicing for years. What can I say, it's a real passion of mine and I'm dedicated to honing my craft. Yes that's right, honing my craft. For example, one thing I learned over the years is that sometimes to get the absolute best out of my meat I really have to go low and slow. Low, and slow. Take my time and my meat will thank you. Or more accurately, you'll thank my meat. My meat says you're welcome. Would you like seconds?

My meat is prime. My meat is grade A. And I want to share it with you.

I know I'm not the only one around here who has some meat worth sharing, though. All are welcome to post pics of their delicious meat for everyone to enjoy. Whip your meat out and show us so we can all enjoy it!

*Guarantee not applicable for vegans or residents of Hawaii.

I'll get us started with a Sunday roast I just made. For reference, my potatoes are extra large potatoes - that's just how big my meat is.

What’s really impressive is thee number of balls.
I was just wondering where you've been lately and now I understand.

You've had your hands full with all that meat.
What time should I be there? Please send GPS coordinates ASAP

Just sent you a raven. Should get there any day now.

What’s really impressive is thee number of balls.

Balls? I'm talking about my meat and potatoes.

Your meat looks delicious. I’m hungry. :cattail:

Thank you. I worked really hard on it and it feels good to know others find it appetizing.

I was just wondering where you've been lately and now I understand.

You've had your hands full with all that meat.

Some days it feels like a full time job.

My kinda meat I’d like to nibble on.


Is that your meat? Or did you find a picture of someone else's meat and post it?

I’ll throw my meat into the ring. Pork shoulder smoked 8 hrs w cherry wood

Holy wow dude! Your meat looks amazing. I never thought I'd be jealous of cherry wood, but here I am mouth watering at the prospect of 8 hours spent with that meat. You can throw your meat in my ring any day. Great addition to the thread!

Miles. Can you show us your meat when you pull it out?

That's the whole point of this thread. Please see above.

I'm far too shy to whip out my own meat, but this one speaks to me. It even claims to be a destination for quality meats! :D
I'll get us started with a Sunday roast I just made. For reference, my potatoes are extra large potatoes - that's just how big my meat is.


Looks delicious! I'm in :)

I’ll throw my meat into the ring. Pork shoulder smoked 8 hrs w cherry wood



I'm far too shy to whip out my own meat, but this one speaks to me. It even claims to be a destination for quality meats! :D

A tongue with a heart shape :D

I don't have any meat as of yet, but I will post when I get some ;)
Here we are again

Hello fellow meat lovers! So about a week ago I was looking at my meat and I started to get really excited. It was really long, thick, and heavy - even by my standards. 4.76 lbs, for anyone who's obsessed with measuring meat. I decided to season it and go low and slow in the crock pot. I'm not gonna lie: even though the crock pot is pretty large, it was still a challenge to fit my entire meat in there all at once. But don't worry, I made it fit.

After 8 hours in there, the house smelled so good it made your eyes roll back in your head. Check it out:


Pork shoulder, perfectly seasoned and full of juicy flavor. My meat has rarely looked, smelled or tasted so good. What else could I do?



It has been an utter delight to put my meat in my mouth all week long. And with a bit of smoky BBQ sauce, it really is the perfect pork on your fork.

What about everyone else? Have you got any more meat to show us?
That’s some good looking meat!
I dry rubbed my ribs w tenderness smoked them long and slow avoiding the temptation to let the flavor burst out to early , then ended with a nice wet sauce!
That’s some good looking meat!
I dry rubbed my ribs w tenderness smoked them long and slow avoiding the temptation to let the flavor burst out to early , then ended with a nice wet sauce!

Holy fuck that looks incredible. I bet everyone was wet and sticky and so full by the time they finished with your meat!