Sinegard Academy for the Wayward

Angela "one liners"

Van let the curtain fall back in place a second time as he puffed on his cigarette. “Things just got worse! The evil druid dude just called up a bunch of insects. The horde of insects are attacking the house!”

“Ok, I got this.” Angela said as she got up from the couch adding “I hate this fucking guy”

She turned into mist and reappeared on the other side of the front door.

“Children of the Night” she said and four swarms of bats began eating all the bugs.

"Hey nail-face… you should come with a warning label!" Angela said

"Give me the Girl!" The Engineer yelled back at Angela

“Could you repeat that? I don't think I heard you correctly.” Angela replied with a smile.

“Give me the GIRL!” The Engineer yelled louder

“I wonder why you feel comfortable asking that of me or my friends.” Angela replied “I mean really? All the evidence shows we are not likely turn over anyone in our group. Yet you asked it anyway? It kind of shows off your low intelligence” Angela commented.

“All of you will die! Now turn her over!” The Engineer threatened

“Like that comment!” Angela laughed “I’m sharing my personal views of my friends, which I know better than you. And you say that? I think you’re just threatened by a highly educated woman.”

Back inside the house

“She was doing good until that last comment.” Gem commented “but highly educated? That is not Angela”
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Engineer and Company:
From behind the Engineer one of his compatriots stepped from the shadows, his hands twitched and cd’s of illegal porn and illegally copied, or bootlegged, movies and music flew forth, each one striking a screeching bat.

“I am not threatened by the like of you child. You’re an immature leech playing at games older than time. I require the girl R'v'n Nyght Sh'd. I do not plead; I do not ask. I require her. Give me the girl and you shall be troubled no more to play your mortal games and cast your Simple magics.”

“I give opportunity, for your God has given you free will. Give her over and we depart. Refuse and we bring your ruin. I prefer you to refuse for I will savor your soul when I strip it from your twitching corpse.”

More of his minions stepped for, the box in his hands changing shape fluidly and of it's own accord, untouched by him, but controlled just the same.​
Upon seeing the brave stupidity of Angela, Ramzaheed decided to try something interesting. “Please trust me and follow my lead,” he said as he walked out the door.
He calmly walked right up to pinface until he was about a foot away.
“Listen here Mr. One Track Mind. The one who you’re talking about isn’t with us at the moment but if you insist on trying to destroy my uncle’s home I will be forced to let my celestial aunt know about it. I am sure that you won’t want to deal with her when she’s mad.”
He wasn’t sure what else to do or say so he just kept rambling on.
“You know that there are other ways of doing business with us mortals other than threatening or even hurting us. Maybe we can make a deal for a mutual beneficial outcome.”
The Engineer:


“If she is not here, then leave and we will determine her non-existence within for ourselves. We do not fear your ‘relative’ either.”

Stepping up to the edge of the ward the High Dark Priest, shoved his arm through, flesh scorched by Holy fire as he raked his claws across Ram’s throat. “I’ll feast upon your soul, boy!”

“You have nothing we want except the girl!” He snapped as his acolytes each took one step forwards, ready to aid their Master at a hint of a desire for it.​
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Just as he felt the nails start to scratch his throat he took a step back.
“Ow, here I was going to let just one and only one of you to come in and check for yourself, you go and do this. You really think that will make things easier for you? I was trying to be polite. But you done and ruined that,” he said as he sent his aunt a mental message about what was happening as well as a mental playback of what just happened.
“Emgineer, I have heard of you. I know that I have no chance against you in a fight. Why must we make things harder than they have to be? From what I’ve heard and read about you, you have always seemed more levelheaded,” he said as he put a hand to his throat to assess the damage.
The Engineer:

With a suddenness that was noticeable the box finished changing shape with a snap and there was a soul wrenching lurch. Everything around them changed. The sky was gone, the woods between house and campus walls. Everything was gone.

Replaced by a new landscape.

A landscape of dark red shadows and screaming. A labyrinth made of the souls of the damned lay beyond, but what lay in the center of the labyrinth? Freedom? Eternity in hell? Pleasure? Pain? Both?

Pulling his arm back through the burning ward The Dark Priest smiled. “I will have the girl, and then I will return you to you world.”

In the distance over the Labyrinth several Hell Drakes flew in Lazy Circles. If he called one.. their souls would burn for eternity.​
“Just listen for a moment. While we were in a library doing some research to help me out, some clockwork asshole came and attacked us. In the confusion and wake of his attack he took Ravyn. I don’t know who he was or why either of you are so desperate to get your hands on her. But if you want to find her you’ll have to find him.”
He wasn’t sure if saying that was a right thing but it seemed like the only option he had at the time.
“He hurt my friends so I have a personal vendetta against him, whoever made him, as well as whoever hired them. I would like to help you destroy them,” as he said this last part he could feel the anger and hatred of this place pulling out his own anger.
The Engineer:
"Leave the building and we will determine if she is inside or not," The Dark Priest said. "If you speak truly, you will be returned to the Material plane. If not..."

Gem was smiling.

“Ok… let's all leave the house” she said, over hearing pinhead’s demand. “I’ll lower the wards once we are outside.”

“Fuck that… I think we should fight” Angus snorted.

“Angus, trust me” Gem said “I’m wearing this silly blind fold… because you asked me to trust you.” She pointed out

“Ok” Angus agreed, but he had his sword out.

Everyone filled out of the house and stood next to Angela and Ramzaheed. “Everyone hold hands” Gem requested. Once that was done Gem said “I have lowered the wards. You may enter” she told Pinhead.
Dark Priest:
“We don’t need to enter we just need you out of the way for the detection spell.” The High Priest commented as he canted a detection spell.

After a few seconds his associates moved around, surrounding the building each of them casting the spell as well. Rejoining him minutes later he looked at Angela and Gem. “Very well, a deal was made, and a deal is kept.”

The cube shifted and they were back in the material plane, although the House had been shifted 180 degrees, front to back.

“Curious that the male.. Wolvenbane is not present. Are they together?” The engineer asked as the cube continued to morph and shift.​
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“Before we answer that question, could you possibly answer one for me?,” Ramzaheed asked. He really didn’t want to be indebted to the Engineer but this demon might be able to answer this question.
“Do you know how what I am? If so what am I besides a mortal?”
Dark Priest:
“Yes,” The Engineer replied. “Now where is he?” One of his thumbs slid along the oily silk smooth surface of the cube, tracing an unseen pattern as he watched Ram.
After giving Angus a quick glance he said, “He left us shortly before the clockwork man attacked us in the library. For all I know, he very well could be in the hands of the inquisitors. We haven’t had a chance to look for him or Ravyn since that incident.”
Dark Priest:
'Your answers are useless to me," the Engineer replied. "No further bargain will be made." Sliding his thumb across the cube he and his allies vanished.
Angus and Gem

After Nailface was gone, Angus asked Gem what had happened to her plan.

“The house was trapped by the professor. Anyone going inside would have suffered a massive radiant blast and be completely blind. Pinhead must have figure that out when I dropped the wards. Too bad, would have been fun to hear their screams.” Gem explained.

Angus snorted in disappointment. Then he turned to Ramzaheed “Hey, we don’t sell out teammates. Ravyn and M’Kael are on our team. If that pinhead comes looking for you, you want us to tell him where you are.” Angus was pissed off and yelled louder than he should have at Ramzaheed. “Sorry, I'm just pissed. I know we had few options... I just hate that fucker.” He said to soften the blow.

“Kind of interesting that he actually returned the house and us. Seems like he has some code he lives by” Angela observed. “How are we going to turn the house around to face the correct direction?” She asked.

“Why?” Callo asked

“The Feng Shui is all off. How can the house achieve harmony and balance facing the wrong direction?” Angela asked
Screams and yells of confusion and panic filled the halls as The Dark Priest and his allies moved through the dungeons of the school laying waste to the guards within. Untrained and unqualified they fell quickly.

Until the Inquisitional staff regrouped and rallied under Archon Magdalena. With her spear and spells she sent several of The Dark Minions back to the nine hells. As Senior Inquisitor Ravenor launched a counterattack from another corridor.

Stone a steel shattered and warped as powers dark and light conflicted with each other. And then it was over. The incursion of the Dark ones was over. The Inquisition cheered in victory, until they counted the dead and dying. Then they found Wolvenbanes cell empty. The guards in the room torn apart no piece of meat more than two stone attached to another.

“I’m done questioning him or holding him for the Grand Inquisitor.” Ravenor snarled. “Kill M’Kael Wolvenbane on sight. Execute him. He’s found guilty of murder, flight from justice, escape, resistance, in absentia…”

Looking at the Archon she snapped. “Carry out his sentence, and anyone that tries to stop you is hereby guilty of aiding and abetting his flight from justice.”​
Just as The Engineer vanished Ramzaheed said, “Callo, if you can track anyone in the shadows, just like you did when you and Angus came to help me, take me to M’Kael and the rest to Ravyn. I’ve got a plan.”
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“I’m sorry, Ramzaheed, but that is not a power I have. I can go into the shadows and find people, if I look in the right spot. In this case, I’m not sure where to look.”

“Well, I think both of them have permanent Tracking Marks” Gem said. “Professor Ot told us that after examining them. M’Kael also a had a few curses, and Ravyn her micro scars”

“Can anyone locate the tracking marks?” Angela asked

“No, only the person that placed the mark can track it. And the two marks were put on them by two different people.” Gem explained.
“Darn, welp looks like I’ve got to come up with a different plan. Do you think you could possibly find at least Ravyn using the shadows?,” Ramzaheed thought out loud. He got a slightly defeated look on his face. As he slowly walked back into the house.

As Ramzaheed walked towards the house, he was stopped by a female, clawed hand on his shoulder

“I’ll try to find them” Callo said and then she disappeared into the shadows.

“Don’t look surprised, Ramzaheed. Dragons are big fat lazy lizards. She has wings and can cover lots of ground, flying around in the shadows.” Gem pointed out.

Then from the shadow they heard Callo’s voice “Big, fat, lazy?”

“I meant that in the kindest possible way. Big in beauty, Fat in abilities, Lazy in how smart you are” Gem said trying to recover from her remarks. “We greatly value your assistance”

They heard nothing in reply.

“So what is your plan?” Gem asked
As Callo touches his shoulder she gets the sense that he was holding back a lot of emotional energy.
Ramzaheed turned to her with a smile and said, “Please do what you can.”
Then he looked at the others and said, “I originally planned to bring M’Kael back here, with force if necessary, as the rest of you work on saving Ravyn. But now I am not sure what to do. I wish that I was a better tactician.”
Data Driven Decisions!

“Don’t be so down… we’ll figure this out” Gem said in a positive voice.

“Nailhead, had us by the balls” Angus pointed out

“Not a problem for us females!” Gem replied with a smile, seen below her blindfold.

“I think Angus was speaking figuratively” Angela offered

“Folk, I have not used my more powerful spells yet. Had they gone inside the house. We’d be picking up the pieces of at least nailhead’s buddies. I have time stop, if we are in a jam. Ramzaheed has his blood magic book… there got to be some good stuff in there. We just need to figure out what to do next. Let’s review the facts”

“I hate positive people… wearing blindfolds” Angela sighed “Here is what I think we know.

Professor of demonology was killed

The inquisition does not like M’Kael

There is another separate group trying to kill M’Kael but they seemed like minor players

Another professor was killed… just like the first one.

Nailface and his buddies are looking for Ravyn and M’Kael, I think

Ravyn has a demon thing inside her, and she can’t die, and she does not want to get pregnant.

M’Kael is a bit wacky from living in the shadow realm for a long time.

Someone hired a hit on us and grabbed Ravyn.

We killed a Seahag

Oh and there is a creature killing people in town

The inquisition seemed to like to kill people too and hate M’kael

Anything else I forgot?” Angela asked

“As you were talking through all that… it struck me that a visit to Ravyn’s parents might be a good idea” Gem said “The Nevermores are a rather significant Family that had a problem last year. It was all hushed up and paid off but the rumor mill went nuts with stories of the oldest son being in Organized crime, murder, drug deals gone wrong. It never made the papers, someone was doing some serious PR work, but the rumors were out there.”

“And M’Kael parents too…” Van suggested as he smoked on his cigarette. Van was convinced M’kael and Ravyn were related somehow.

“What about going to Grand Inquisitor Castiel Azrael of House Ne'iocene and reporting all this?” Gem asked
“I will not, and I repeat NOT, go with you if you go to see him,” Ramzaheed said, “but you did give me an idea.” He stepped a few feet away from the rest and pulling a simple pocket knife from his pocket poked his finger and began drawing runes and glyphs in a circle on the dirt.
“My aunt is going to kill me for doing this but what has to be done, has to be done,” he said. Then he looked directly at Angus stating, “Please forgive me.”
With those words spoken he took off his all his clothes except for his underwear and stepped into the center of the circle where he began chanting in a language almost forgotten by time causing the runes and glyphs to glow and rise up out of the dirt as if they were alive. Mentally he said to Angus, “I hope you know that I love you and I will return, don’t try to stop me. I am just going to see an archangel about returning a favor.”
In a dance of dirt, light, air, blood, runes, and glyphs Ramzaheed disappeared.
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“What the in the hell just happened?” Angus asked confused

“Don’t ask me, I didn’t see anything” Gem replied

“Ramzaheed just… dimensioned away” Angela said “Might have been teleportation… but that was pretty weird for teleportation”

“He was talking to me in my head” Angus explained “He said I hope you know that I love you and I will return, don’t try to stop me. I am just going to see an archangel about returning a favor.”

“SHIT!” Gem gasped

“Definitely a planar shift spell” Angela said with some pride

“He loves you?” Gem asked Angus

“I guess so” Angus admitted

“And how do you feel about him?” Gem asked

“Oh fuck” Angus thought in his head. “I probably should not have said the love part to Gem.” Then he answered Gem’s question. “I really don’t know? I like him just like I like everyone in this group.”

“Do you like him more than me?” Gem asked

“HEY” Angela interrupted “Enough about this love triangle crap, Gem! I thought you said shit because Ramzaheed is off to see an archangel! That is shit worthy. Angus saying he fucked someone else, that is just a shrugged of your shoulders. I mean he had sex with me, you, Daisy, Ravyn-lookalike, and now Ramzaheed. The guy gets around.”

“Did you have sex with Ramzaheed?” Gem asked Angus, she was almost in tears
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Archangel Michael:
Swinging his blade out Michael stopped the blade a butterflies whisper from Ram’s throat. Behind and around the a host of Celestial’s bared Holy blades and chanted prayers of blessing.

Blonde hair flowing in the Word of Gods breath, Michael stared at Ram, ice blue eyes holding judgment over him. Holy shields blazed in the Light of God as they all waited for the Word to be given.

“Choose carefully your actions or words... Mortal.”