Snippetsville: General Discussion

Computer prob
A spyware program has infiltrated my system, it contains a keylogger, a function that records every key struck - including passwords. (Inadvertently arrived via my son's game 'runescape' and something called 'Autominer').

I am trying everything I can think of to get it off my system (not much luck yet - only managed to narrow down exactly what it is, that it wont go without a fight and also that it's swelling my system to the dangerous side of full).

I hope to either
a) get rid of it
b) reformat
c) buy a new pc

Obviously the first is the better option if possible.

So, I may not be around until I can sort it.

The next stories for editing are Quasi's. They are on 'hold' for the moment. There is no editing this week.

I note what everyone's saying about the Character Database (Lancelot, it's time to go in and add your characters too -
Find the thread in the SDC called Snippettsville Character Database, make a posting and list your characters, their descriptions (in under 100 words) and the story they appeared in.

Link: )

Quasi's idea of the Database upgrade is mentioned because he (among others) has used characters from stories other than his own and pieced lives together via his stories.

The stories he wrote took a small amount of time, the Character hunt took hours.

The difficulty comes when borrowing a character from another author, using the 'find' function has limitations - difficult with 100+ stories to search through. An upgrade of the Database would be helpful in this instance.


ps Do not open any emails you may receive from me until I advise you my system is clean again.
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A quickie...

I've managed to run Nortons, AVG and Trendmicro (thanks to Gauche) through my system and none have found any viruses. (I think I have the cleanest virus free system in the world now. lol)

The only problem left was how to get rid of the two spyware.perfect files. Thanks to Alex, they're now both off my system and my Windows\System file has not increased since they were deleted.

*wso doing whooppieeee*

However, my system is still almost full up so I've some hard yacka now to try and sort it. With only 403MB of free space left that's one heck of a job to try and wade through, especially as I think the files that were logging keystrokes must be hidden in amongst System files (and I soooo hate playing with System files).

Anyhow, massive panic over... but not out of the woods yet.

:kiss: Thank you both for your help.
I've managed to find a few minutes spare - just taken on a new part-time lecturer post and with two courses due to start next week I'm a tad busy - and I've been catching up with the posts.

There seem to be two major issues floating here, apart from the Kiwi lady's sick computer -

1. Character database, and

2. Level of involvement (cf. Lancelot Knight's post)

I'd like to take the second point first. I agree with him that potential additions to the group may well be put off by the need to get involved in absorbing Snippettsville's minutiae, when all they want to do is write a quick story. Others may find themselves involved in what seems increasingly to be a real place.

I think that the introduction to Snippettsville needs to be rewritten to make both levels of involvement not just possible, but welcomed. A skeleton outline for the casual writer, a deeper level of detail for someone wanting to be involved.

So far as the character database is concerned, I think it's a good idea and if no-one else can manage it, I'll take it on, although not quite immediately - see first paragraph above for reason! I think the database could serve both levels of writing, as the casual writer could ask themselves, say, 'has anyone used a character called Holly?' Check database. Yes, Alex used a Holly Patton in 'Holly and the Ivy Leaguer'. A deeper search would reveal that Holly is a teacher at Snippettsville High. And so on . . .

Any comment, anyone?

Tried to post earlier, but cookies unregistered me, or perhaps lack of them.

Anyhow, I have a new pc up and running. Am spending the next week figuring out how to chase after it.

PS and Carrie, you guys have come up with a great idea in that white and yellow pages phone book. Have you begun gathering the information as yet? (sorry I'm still trying to catch up). Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

PS if we choose 1 or 2, where will the end result be displayed?

In my opinion we shouldn't do 3 or 4 for obvious reasons I don't need to mention.

Alex I know you've been working on rewriting the beginning of the Snip Intro. Each time you edit it, it looks better.

Jon I hope your pc is okay now, and I'm sorry to guess that you've lost a ton of hard work. :(

I have had enough of this year already so am personally declaring the New Year begins next week. :D

Lancelot, on behalf of Group 1, you are welcome. :)

I'm looking forward to seeing some more Snip stories up on the 600 thread.

As to Quasi's suggestion of Green Lake's Winter Carnival...

The cut off date for the Winter Carnival stories will be 29 February (yes, 2004 is a leap year). The special Carnival Issue will be submitted to Literotica in the middle of March. (Please head stories with 'Winter Carnival' to aide with editing.)

So come along people, read up Quasi's story 'Sam Leathy’s Scheme' on the 600 word thread and get those keyboards clicking. :D
Stats Update

Christmas Issue
4.54 28 4675

01 - x.xx - 0 - 13994
02 - 4.45 - 33 - 9614
03 - 4.24 - 25 - 5270
04 - 4.20 - 30 - 7397
05 - 4.76 - 21 - 5321
06 - 4.00 - 38 - 8124
07 - 4.24 - 25 -13477
08 - 4.06 - 17 - 3813
09 - 3.91 - 23 - 5051
10 - 4.44 - 16 - 2570

Issue 10 is looking great! :)

Please shout if you need an extra pair of hands with that Database Carrie.
Issue 10
4.41 - 17 - 2941

Welcome Boxlicker101! :) I've PMed you.

I've put an addition into my overly large sig line... Hope it works.
Would Laurel allow this?

I'm not an editor here, just a sometime contributor so my authority is non-existant.

I don't know if Laurel reads these threads or the 600 word thread but I'm pretty sure she would take out the new story by Boxlicker if she came across it.

Personally I don't give a flying fuck about the content of The Snake Lady (hope that link is correct) but I'm pretty sure that it breaks the rules for the Lit. site.

I'm posting here, having PMed both WSO and ADK as editors. Next task is informing Boxlicker.

Re: Would Laurel allow this?

gauchecritic said:
I'm not an editor here, just a sometime contributor so my authority is non-existant.

I don't know if Laurel reads these threads or the 600 word thread but I'm pretty sure she would take out the new story by Boxlicker if she came across it.

Personally I don't give a flying fuck about the content of The Snake Lady (hope that link is correct) but I'm pretty sure that it breaks the rules for the Lit. site.

I'm posting here, having PMed both WSO and ADK as editors. Next task is informing Boxlicker.


The link is correct.

I realize that I am crowding beastiality but I think it should be acceptable. It is the story of a woman using a snake to masturbate much like the woman using a tentacle in "The Giant Squid" by Og. It is probably less beastiality than my story "Deidre and Horny Horny" which is about sex between a unicorn and a woman. The part with the horn is okay but the rest is a woman and an animal. In this story, the snake is no more than a dildo, albeit a live one. I could write a story about a woman having sex with a dog, which would be sex to both participants, but that would be true beastiality, so I won't do it. Anyhow, I thought I would give it a try.:)
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the rough beginnings of a directory

Here's what I've gleaned out of the issues one and two. W/R to organization this is no way near finished but I'd just like to know what you would need changed in layout before I get much further along:


Tales of Snippettsville Directory

18 or 19
next door to Ned's Uncle.
Waitress at Hannah's Diner

Issue One

Introducing Molly by PierceStreet

Every Cloud by Alex de Kok

Issue Two

A Natural Viewpoint by Alex de Kok

Pierce's "I" character

Issue One

Introducing Molly by PierceStreet

Ned's Uncle
next door to Molly

Issue One

Introducing Molly by PierceStreet

Ned's girl cousin
next door to Molly
High School sophomore.

Issue One

Introducing Molly by PierceStreet

Molly's grandparents
on a farm a couple of miles from town.

Issue One

Introducing Molly by PierceStreet

Samantha's lover and Maggie's brother

Issue One

Kindred Cunning by wildsweetone

Roger's Lover

Issue One

Kindred Cunning by wildsweetone

Roger's sister

Issue One

Kindred Cunning by wildsweetone

Hannah McGuire
owner of Hannah's Diner
ex-lover of Orville J. 'Jammer' Gillette

Issue One

Hannah and the Jammer by MathGirl

Every Cloud by Alex de Kok

Issue Two

Rip Henderson by MathGirl

Orville J. "Jammer" Gillette
asst football coach
ex-lover of Hannah

Issue One

Hannah and the Jammer by MathGirl

Jack Shaw

Issue One

Every Cloud by Alex de Kok

Issue Two

A Natural Viewpoint by Alex de Kok

Sally Aker
service engineer for Ace Computers

Issue One

Every Cloud by Alex de Kok

Issue Two

A Natural Viewpoint by Alex de Kok

Ace Computers
retail and service

Issue One

Every Cloud by Alex de Kok

McGuire's Diner

Issue One

Every Cloud by Alex de Kok

Duane "Rip" Henderson.

Issue Two

Rip Henderson by MathGirl

Father Morrison
Priest at Ste Anne's Parish

Issue Two

Rip Henderson by MathGirl

Elvina Henderson
Rip's mother

Issue Two

Rip Henderson by MathGirl

Ste. Anne's Church
Catholic Parish Church and Vestry

Issue Two

Rip Henderson by MathGirl

Snippetts County Honor Farm.
Detention Center

Issue Two

Rip Henderson by MathGirl

A Stranger Rides Into Town by jon.hayworth

Raymond "Sugar Ray" Stallings
inmate of Snippetts County Honor Farm

Issue Two

Rip Henderson by MathGirl MathGirl

Granny Stallings
Defended herself with her knitting needles when her great-grandson assaulted her.

Issue Two

Rip Henderson by MathGirl

Jon Hayworth

Issue Two

A Stranger Rides Into Town by jon.hayworth

Jack Carr
Owner of the Snippettsville General Store

Issue Two

A Stranger Rides Into Town by jon.hayworth

The Roadhouse

Issue Two

The Ghost by Quasimodem

Jim Cargrew
business man

Issue Two

The Ghost by Quasimodem

Bartender at The Roadhouse

Issue Two

The Ghost by Quasimodem

Shapely redhead

Issue Two

The Ghost by Quasimodem

The ghostwriter

Issue Two

The Ghost by Quasimodem


Issue Two

The Ghost by Quasimodem
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Re: Would Laurel allow this?

Originally posted by gauchecritic
I'm not an editor here, just a sometime contributor so my authority is non-existant.

I don't know if Laurel reads these threads or the 600 word thread but I'm pretty sure she would take out the new story by Boxlicker if she came across it.

Personally I don't give a flying fuck about the content of The Snake Lady (hope that link is correct) but I'm pretty sure that it breaks the rules for the Lit. site.

I'm posting here, having PMed both WSO and ADK as editors. Next task is informing Boxlicker.


The link is correct.

I realize that I am crowding beastiality but I think it should be acceptable. It is the story of a woman using a snake to masturbate much like the woman using a tentacle in "The Giant Squid" by Og. It is probably less beastiality than my story "Deidre and Horny Horny" which is about sex between a unicorn and a woman. The part with the horn is okay but the rest is a woman and an animal. In this story, the snake is no more than a dildo, albeit a live one. I could write a story about a woman having sex with a dog, which would be sex to both participants, but that would be true beastiality, so I won't do it. Anyhow, I thought I would give it a try.

I have PMed KillerMuffin for confirmation. I have PMed Boxlicker asking for the story to be deleted from the 600 word thread. I apologise for the delay - NZ had a long weekend public holiday.
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Re: the rough beginnings of a directory

champagne1982 said:
Here's what I've gleaned out of the issues one and two. W/R to organization this is no way near finished but I'd just like to know what you would need changed in layout before I get much further along:


Tales of Snippettsville Directory

Issue One

Introducing Molly by PierceStreet

Every Cloud by Alex de Kok

Issue Two

A Natural Viewpoint by Alex de Kok

18 or 19
next door to Pierce's Uncle.
Waitress at Hannah's Diner


Carrie that's awesome work so far. I think it might be worthwhile to switch them just a little (if it's not too much problem) so that the character's name is first. Then I think that each author should PM you with their own character's description so that can be included. I love the colours and the links, you've done a huge amount of work just with these first two Issues. Excellent work. :rose: :)

character name and description,
story title,
Issue number.

Does anybody agree or disagree with the suggested order?
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I need to make a point. I agree with Gauche re. Box's bestiality story breaking Lit. rules, but given the amount of thought and postings re. Snippetts 'ambience', no one mentioned that. He had a knockoff sentence at the beginning, otherwise it had nothing to do with Snipps or any kind of ambience.


perdita said:
I need to make a point. I agree with Gauche re. Box's bestiality story breaking Lit. rules, but given the amount of thought and postings re. Snippetts 'ambience', no one mentioned that. He had a knockoff sentence at the beginning, otherwise it had nothing to do with Snipps or any kind of ambience.



Perdita, there was only Gauche that posted publically to this thread mentioning the story. You have mentioned the 'ambience' aspect now and I thank you for that.

The story concerned was set in Snippettsvile, as you stated that was mentioned in the first sentence.

As for the style of his story, it appears to come across to me as being a 'storytelling' mode... If it were not for the snake/bestiality aspect, if say Myra were talking about a vibrator that she kept in the drawer next to the counter in the shop... then it would probably fit the ambience okay.

I am interested to see the next story that Boxlicker submits.
OK, Sweet one. I must keep laughing cos I guess I don't get the ambience thingy after all. It seems a toss up to me. Don't fret, I'm fine with it.

With regards to Boxlicker101's stories.

An update on the story written by Boxlicker (I will also PM him a copy of this posting).

I've checked with Laurel and here's her answer:

'We allow sex with mythical creatures - unicorns, robots, centaurs, etc. We do not allow sex with real animals - snakes, gorillas, dogs. etc.'

So, that is the reason behind Boxlicker's story Deidre and Horny Horn being acceptable and The Snake Story not being acceptable on Literotica.

Re: With regards to Boxlicker101's stories.

wildsweetone said:
An update on the story written by Boxlicker (I will also PM him a copy of this posting).

I've checked with Laurel and here's her answer:

'We allow sex with mythical creatures - unicorns, robots, centaurs, etc. We do not allow sex with real animals - snakes, gorillas, dogs. etc.'

So, that is the reason behind Boxlicker's story Deidre and Horny Horn being acceptable and The Snake Story not being acceptable on Literotica.


I'm okay with that but I also wonder about Og's story of the giant squid with its tentacles.:confused:
I'm not sure, I haven't had the time to read his story. Perhaps someone else has and can comment here please...?
Here's the beginning of Ogg's prefatory note on his story "The Giant Squid", which has a red H:

"WARNING: This is a satire on Tentacle Porn. What is described is a fantasy with a mythical creature."


Ogg's story
Issue 10
4.50 - 20 - 3281

Great to see! :)

Reminder for the Winter Carnival stories... Last date is the end of February. Lets get those keyboards clicking. :)

Rhinoguy has put up some great illustrations on his Illustrator's Hangout. Feel free to check out the 'window scene' pictures. Rhino and I both think they'd look great alongside some Snippettsville stories. Let me know your thoughts. :)
I'm wondering about street names. Only two streets actually have names(three if you count N. and S. Main St.) so what if somebody doesn't live on one of those streets? In a small town like this they would be named Vine or Grove or Pine or Maple, etc.