So who are my fantasy writers?

Sci-Fi readership has particular interests, many enjoy the complex world construction, although that creation as a writer is neither simple nor easy to construct convincingly. My office-mate is a Sci-Fi enthusiast, and maintains a writer can be allowed one 'gimme' that violates normal worldly rules, but after that you have to 'earn' the reader's suspension of disbelief by creating identifiable characters and believable motives.

See, for me, that's the fun part. I can spend hour after hour happily writing background material that nobody but me will ever read. I put a high value on giving it internal consistency; the challenge then is to let that background stuff seep into the story in an organic way that entertains, not as an info-dump.

But yes, character-wise, I usually just write SF characters the same way I'd write non-SF characters. People are people, after all... unless they're aliens!
Back on topic...

My favorite Yearning Man: Quest for the Consort is a fantasy (non Sci-Fi) pre-technology world, a matriarchal society in need of a mate for a royal daughter. The name is a riff off the 'Burning Man' festival, and the setting is an equivalent to the Black Rock playa. A public copulation, challenges for the competing males, hot summer temperatures: all are involved. Lot of fun to produce.

That sounds like fun. I'll be reading quite a bit this week. Thanks you replying.
Okay, internet tough guy.

I see you feel threatened easily. You shouldn't. It's a bad way to live.

(Competition shouldn't make you feel afraid.)

I think most of us probably saw his reply to you for what it was: a valid reply.

You chose to see it as something else. That's on you.

It's on the OP for being passive aggressive.

It's on you for jumping into a conversation looking to defend someone like a shining white knight while thinking you know what's what. (Edit: Removed an unnecessary insult. Life's too short.)

But it's time to get this thread back on topic, so, you choose how you want to respond.
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It's on the OP for being passive aggressive.

Well, this was unfortunate. I'm sorry you construed "Clear enough?" as passive agressiveness, when it was not intended as such. It was an honest, if brief, query as to whether I'd explained myself sufficiently.

But the lousy thing about a written forum is that you can never be certain how a reader will interpret your message.

So when you responded rudely to it, I had no idea what your beef was and responded in kind.

We had a simple misunderstanding that was then blown quite out of proportion.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who has responded to my request for fantasy erotica stories. I'm going to enjoy as many as I can. Have a good one.
Well, this was unfortunate. I'm sorry you construed "Clear enough?" as passive agressiveness, when it was not intended as such. It was an honest, if brief, query as to whether I'd explained myself sufficiently.

But the lousy thing about a written forum is that you can never be certain how a reader will interpret your message.

So when you responded rudely to it, I had no idea what your beef was and responded in kind.

We had a simple misunderstanding that was then blown quite out of proportion.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who has responded to my request for fantasy erotica stories. I'm going to enjoy as many as I can. Have a good one.

Since the conversation is between us, I'll accept that and I apologize for misunderstanding your closing question and sending your thread in a direction it was never meant to go.

Edit: changed "our thread" to "your thread" as it was initially meant to be.
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A lot of my stories so far are fantasy, including a lot of my WIP stories which I'm going to get back into as soon as I get some time away from all the work and studying I've been caught up with.

I have to finish a scene of the next episode of my main project, A Ballad of Light and Darkness, and It'll hopefully be ready to edit and publish after I get some feedback for it.
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So I have three stories in SF&F. Both are a genre I like to write in, I need to do more. I need to do a scifi story
Okay, I get it. But my parents also made me read the shit and it didn't take with me.
I never got into shakespear, but I think we read A Midsummers Night Dream in school at some point. My only other intake of him is done by others, such as the Leo Decaprio Romeo and Juliet and those episodes of Gargoyles. There's also a thing we have here called Shakespear In The Park, where from June until... now, the actor's theater does all of his plays for free- haven't been in years, though. I really should look into his work, since I have been thinking about writing some stories, poetry, and songs in such fashion.

Off topic, but Poe is somebody else I've been wanting to get into. At least I bought a while back Grimms Fairytales, so that's one down on the "required reading and knowing" list.
I personally love fantasy (whether it's erotic or not). It's my favorite genre and is immensely fun to both read and write. My current project is a fantasy series that incorporates free use. It been so much fun with the world building and such.
I think Roger Zelazny's Amber series would be a great foundation for erotic fanfiction, or for inspiration for something that's similar.

I like the way it blends the typical medieval fantasy setting with a modern setting and sensibility. It's easy to imagine tinkering with it to make it erotic. One weakness of the series is that it doesn't quite do justice to the female characters. It would be interesting to rewrite the series from the standpoint of one of Corwin's sisters.
I think Roger Zelazny's Amber series would be a great foundation for erotic fanfiction, or for inspiration for something that's similar.

I like the way it blends the typical medieval fantasy setting with a modern setting and sensibility. It's easy to imagine tinkering with it to make it erotic. One weakness of the series is that it doesn't quite do justice to the female characters. It would be interesting to rewrite the series from the standpoint of one of Corwin's sisters.
Still need to read that one. It's on the shelf by mistborn and game of thrones, also waiting to be read.
I'm presently trying my hand at a fantasy story. I was debating whether I wanted to put it in the fantasy category because rumor and hearsay say the readership there is not large. It might also work in either romance or erotic couplings. *shrug*

It's been fun. The concept is pretty derivative of other fantasy I've read. Nothing unique, but its a first step in that direction for me.

I have an entirely unrealized idea for an epic space/sci-fi story. I keep developing the concept in my head, but I have misgivings about the work it will take to write the novel-length story I have in mind.
I think Roger Zelazny's Amber series would be a great foundation for erotic fanfiction, or for inspiration for something that's similar.

I like the way it blends the typical medieval fantasy setting with a modern setting and sensibility. It's easy to imagine tinkering with it to make it erotic. One weakness of the series is that it doesn't quite do justice to the female characters. It would be interesting to rewrite the series from the standpoint of one of Corwin's sisters.
Jack Chalker is another one that could be adapted to erotica. Especially his Soul Rider series. It involves voluntary and involuntary species and gender changes. In fact, if I remember correctly most of his stories involved body changes of some sort or the other.
Jack Chalker is another one that could be adapted to erotica. Especially his Soul Rider series. It involves voluntary and involuntary species and gender changes. In fact, if I remember correctly most of his stories involved body changes of some sort or the other.
I read his Midnight at the Well of Souls series many years ago and have very indistinct memories of it being erotic and horrifying in places, as well as being fascinating SciFi.
I personally love fantasy (whether it's erotic or not). It's my favorite genre and is immensely fun to both read and write. My current project is a fantasy series that incorporates free use. It been so much fun with the world building and such.
My current one is inspired by role playing games... and because I've been watching too many isekai anime recaps on youtube. The pacing moves sort of like a video game.
I'm presently trying my hand at a fantasy story. I was debating whether I wanted to put it in the fantasy category because rumor and hearsay say the readership there is not large. It might also work in either romance or erotic couplings. *shrug*

It's been fun. The concept is pretty derivative of other fantasy I've read. Nothing unique, but its a first step in that direction for me.

I have an entirely unrealized idea for an epic space/sci-fi story. I keep developing the concept in my head, but I have misgivings about the work it will take to write the novel-length story I have in mind.
Ah dunno who told you sf&f has low readership, it's a popular section here.
Well, compared to Mind Control and Incest, it feels like a niche backwater at times.
Incest is like the most popular taboo fetish- or one of them. Wouldn't be surprised if it was in the top three popular sections. I mean popular in general, the other two aren't allowed on here.
Yes, but if a young man finds an alien's SEP-field generator and uses it to screw his mother and his sisters without them being bothered to stop him, does that go in Incest, Mind Control or Sci-Fi?

"Mom! He's doing it again!"
"Oh, so he is!"
"Well, stop him."
"You stop him. It's your cunt he's in."
"It may be my fucking cunt, but he's your son."
"Your father will be home soon. Ask him."
Bringing this one back around because I'm currently in the editing process of my prequel to The Devil And Angel Em and then had an idea for a possible sequel.

So now I'm doing something I've never done before: compiling a list of World building notes.

My Fantasy universe is comprised of supernatural Angels and Demons of various stations and levels of powers and rank etc.

Neither my Heaven nor Hell match the more traditional legends and myths, and so I'm writing out how it all works now so it stays consistent throughout all three stories (and any future ones)

The notes could almost be their own story at this point lol.
The notes could almost be their own story at this point lol.

I get that way, too. My worldbuilding needs its own worldbuilding. But it's such fun. I published a good chunk of my background matter as an appendix, and by golly people seem to like it.

This stuff might come in handy, too, at unpredictable times in the future. You never know.
I get that way, too. My worldbuilding needs its own worldbuilding. But it's such fun. I published a good chunk of my background matter as an appendix, and by golly people seem to like it.

I'm considering adding at least some of it as an Addendum after the story.
Yes, but if a young man finds an alien's SEP-field generator and uses it to screw his mother and his sisters without them being bothered to stop him, does that go in Incest, Mind Control or Sci-Fi?

"Mom! He's doing it again!"
"Oh, so he is!"
"Well, stop him."
"You stop him. It's your cunt he's in."
"It may be my fucking cunt, but he's your son."
"Your father will be home soon. Ask him."
Whichever category you decide on, it sounds highly entertaining.