So who are my fantasy writers?

Just a quick update for those who are interested, A Ruckus in Riverwood is done. Nearly 15k words. One more read-through and an audio check. I should be submitting it early Wednesday morning. It is a tale of high adventure! Or as near as this hack could get to it. ;)
I'll be dropping my two part Captain Scarlett Saves Mars! and Captain Scarlett vs The Scrapper in May as part of Chloe's Geek Pride event. It's based on good old fashioned pre-Sharknado science fiction and those great old science fiction radio dramas of the 40s and 50s.

However for those that would like a preview, a little taste, here's a 750 word teaser to whet your palate... Captain Scarlett and Pandora
Hello! I'm a new author here who writes (and reads) pretty much exclusively within fantasy. I have three stories up right now on Literotica, with plenty more planned out that I wish I had more time to work on, but I expect a new story should be up within a week or so.

My stories take place in a sorta whimsical fantasy setting inspired by stuff like D&D, Wizardry, Final Fantasy, and Dragon Quest. Usually there's a focus on fantasy races/species like elves, goblins, lizardfolk, demons, etc. For now at least, my stories are one-shots and are absolutely centered around the smut. It's possible I could try some multi-chapter works in the future, but being able to bounce between different characters and scenes with each story works well for my adhd brain.
Grr. The story was kicked back. I found other Skyrim stories in Sci-fi/Fantasy so I submitted it there because I knew the audience would be there. It was kicked back because it needs to go in Celeb/Fan Fiction. Resubmitted. Sigh. To the back of the queue, I go.


(gonna drop a grenade into the room midway through this post...)

It's my go-to mental genre. I've been writing a fantasy story for a little longer than this account has existed - and have yet to publish it. My handle here is the name of my POV character. I've published a side piece or two here and there over the years set in the same setting in versions of my fantasy world before I had all of the ideas settled more.

Recently started another one of those, and that one too might spend forever being rewritten. My story that I've been writing all these years makes the world of 'Conan' look like a place of advanced technology... but my new bit set in the same world is all guns and airships - and I'm mentally plotting a third piece where these two civilizations become rudely aware of each other.

But I also love finding good fantasy - however I don't like how "dark" the genre has gotten since "Game of Thrones" became popular. ["pulls pin on grenade"] I preferred the days when it was more like a range between Conan to Princess Bride. For modern cinematic fantasy I really liked Shadow and Bone and Carnival Row. So yes - I prefer "Steampunk." I feel Carnival Row is an unrecognized masterpiece which probably puts me at odds with a lot of fantasy fans. Especially since I also consider Game of Thrones to be the worst fantasy show I've ever seen - and in the 1980s I watched a lot of really low budget stuff with actors who made Arnold's Conan seem like Shakespeare... but at least they weren't as bad as Game of Thrones. ["boom"] ;)

Outside of erotica I haven't read fantasy in decades. My reading for a very long time got taken up by non-fiction.

I probably wouldn't fit well in other people's shared universes. I'm not a fan of some of the popular tropes and shared universes often end up reading like "Dungeons and Dragons fan-fic". For a long time my setting was human only but I've been enjoying changing that in my current mental rewrites. But I think I will check out the shared setting mentioned in this thread and see if I enjoy reading it.

The real fantasy for me is that I will ever someday finish the fantasy stories I've been sitting on...
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I feel Carnival Row is an unrecognized masterpiece which probably puts me at odds with a lot of fantasy fans.

Yes! I could not agree more. The first five opening minutes were quite weak and I almost judged the show unfairly, thinking it was going to be less than stellar - but I gave it a proper chance, and it grew on me. By episode 4, I was completely hooked. ☺️

Yes! I could not agree more. The first five opening minutes were quite weak and I almost judged the show unfairly, thinking it was going to be less than stellar - but I gave it a proper chance, and it grew on me. By episode 4, I was completely hooked. ☺️
I actually turned if off after that intro, and didn't come back for many months on one of those days when it was late and I was trying to avoid sleep so decided to binge something random.

The open is too much "tell" but in a confusing way - but then the show gets better and better as it goes on. By the end of season two it feels like somebody had poured their life's work into creating that setting and those characters. There's a whole fantasy world there though that we'll never get to see more of because modern streaming always cancels anything good.

(gonna drop a grenade into the room midway through this post...)

It's my go-to mental genre. I've been writing a fantasy story for a little longer than this account has existed - and have yet to publish it. My handle here is the name of my POV character. I've published a side piece or two here and there over the years set in the same setting in versions of my fantasy world before I had all of the ideas settled more.

Recently started another one of those, and that one too might spend forever being rewritten. My story that I've been writing all these years makes the world of 'Conan' look like a place of advanced technology... but my new bit set in the same world is all guns and airships - and I'm mentally plotting a third piece where these two civilizations become rudely aware of each other.

But I also love finding good fantasy - however I don't like how "dark" the genre has gotten since "Game of Thrones" became popular. ["pulls pin on grenade"] I preferred the days when it was more like a range between Conan to Princess Bride. For modern cinematic fantasy I really liked Shadow and Bone and Carnival Row. So yes - I prefer "Steampunk." I feel Carnival Row is an unrecognized masterpiece which probably puts me at odds with a lot of fantasy fans. Especially since I also consider Game of Thrones to be the worst fantasy show I've ever seen - and in the 1980s I watched a lot of really low budget stuff with actors who made Arnold's Conan seem like Shakespeare... but at least they weren't as bad as Game of Thrones. ["boom"] ;)

Outside of erotica I haven't read fantasy in decades. My reading for a very long time got taken up by non-fiction.

I probably wouldn't fit well in other people's shared universes. I'm not a fan of some of the popular tropes and shared universes often end up reading like "Dungeons and Dragons fan-fic". For a long time my setting was human only but I've been enjoying changing that in my current mental rewrites. But I think I will check out the shared setting mentioned in this thread and see if I enjoy reading it.

The real fantasy for me is that I will ever someday finish the fantasy stories I've been sitting on...
I'm going to check out some of your stories when I get the chance.
I'm going to check out some of your stories when I get the chance.
My published stuff isn't generally fantasy save for one entry that IMO is of mixed quality (it's very old). The fantasy works have been stuck inwork for ages. My favorite genre - but I can't seem to complete work in it... /sigh

That said... I am using this thread now as a 'reading guide' and working my way through stories mentioned here (just started that last night so I've got a lot to read).

I am also getting inspired to pick up one of my two inworks again. But nobody should hold their breath for that or we'll need a SciFi story about the aliens landing on a barren rock someday and finding one lone human standing there holding their breadth as the last thing in existence because... it's gonna be a while. :)


This is my one fantasy story published here:
- It's not a masterpiece. It's one of my lower rated items. It was my attempt at writing something 'shorter' that could conclude all in one chapter, and yet also show off the setting.

For a decade I had a blog on asstr (before that went down) and then blogger where I was posting in-progress pieces of the story I started all those years ago. That stopped when I decided to start writing it all over again because the plot of the original version wasn't working.
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First chapter of One Whore's Town finally went into the queue a few minutes ago. Pseudo-sequel to Lowborn where peripheral characters from that story take up a starring role. If you have a hankerin' for a wild and wooly prostitute turf war, keep your eyes peeled!
My published stuff isn't generally fantasy save for one entry that IMO is of mixed quality (it's very old). The fantasy works have been stuck inwork for ages. My favorite genre - but I can't seem to complete work in it... /sigh

That said... I am using this thread now as a 'reading guide' and working my way through stories mentioned here (just started that last night so I've got a lot to read).

I am also getting inspired to pick up one of my two inworks again. But nobody should hold their breath for that or we'll need a SciFi story about the aliens landing on a barren rock someday and finding one lone human standing there holding their breadth as the last thing in existence because... it's gonna be a while. :)
It could help to begin posting chapters. Make them of a decent length to engage your readers. You might find that the feedback motivates you to keep writing. It's helped me overcome a few blocks - that and the pressure of knowing that there are people waiting for me to continue the story.
I'm just rereading this thread, and came across this quote:
Yes, but if a young man finds an alien's SEP-field generator and uses it to screw his mother and his sisters without them being bothered to stop him, does that go in Incest, Mind Control or Sci-Fi?
@AlinaX, you're the only person besides me I've ever heard refer to the SEP field! Well, you and Douglas Adams.

On the subject of the thread, my most recent story (The Dome 01: Out Into the Wasteland) is officially sci-fi, I suppose, but post-apocalyptic, so it veers into the fantasy. Not much in the way of hard science, more emphasis on worldbuilding and strange and fantastic creatures. Think Hiero's Journey (I'm still miffed that Lanier never finished that series).

(Bonus: the chapter title is taken Billy Idol's song "Wasteland", from his much-maligned album Cyberpunk. The song samples the line "out into the wasteland" from the Mad Max movie The Road Warrior.)
Hello! I'm a new author here who writes (and reads) pretty much exclusively within fantasy. I have three stories up right now on Literotica, with plenty more planned out that I wish I had more time to work on, but I expect a new story should be up within a week or so.
Just so you know, the link in your signature is broken. It takes a person to their own 'my stories' page and not to your stories.

This is your stories, and the link you should use:
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One weakness of the series is that it doesn't quite do justice to the female characters.
There's an entire era of fantasy and sci fi where I suspect editors had to repeatedly tell writers that female characters need names. Tolkien was probably seen as a "radical feminist" simply because Galadriel did more than make Bilbo a sandwich...

Its worse in SciFi from that era than Fantasy though. Oddly enough. Writers often seemed to think women would just vanish in the future or something.

The counter-swing has sometimes been everybody - male and female - having way too much character. And then just getting entire novels of relationship drama and therapy sessions set in space or high school with vampires, mages, and werewolves. Something that I think is also known as "Young Adult Fiction". :)

I loved Wheel of Time but if you took the "high school" out of it's 14 novels, you'd have an entry for the 750 word story contest.


The thread was/is about fantasy, I had thought. But if we're including SciFi as some above have done then all of my published stuff fits. If I'm not writing about flintlocks, dirigibles, and naked sex wizards, I'm writing about aliens and people with strange powers. ;)
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The counter-swing has sometimes been everybody - male and female - having way too much character. And then just getting entire novels of relationship drama and therapy sessions set in space or high school with vampires, mages, and werewolves. Something that I think is also known as "Young Adult Fiction". :)

I loved Wheel of Time but if you took the "high school" out of it's 14 novels, you'd have an entry for the 750 word story contest.
At a certain point I gave up on modern fantasy written by women. I noticed a trend in the early-2000s for the books to go on and on about feelings, and lots of worrying about feelings, and perfect men being noble and hiding their feelings so that the women had to feel their feelings for them.

That's not what I want from fantasy. I want story, and adventure. I don't want the characters to be flat, but I don't want them to be whiny.

The problem wasn't limited to female authors of course (Rand and Perrin from the Wheel of Time were awful drips by the time I gave up on the series), but it seemed as if a whole new market had been created: women authors writing soap operas for (presumably) women readers. It took me a while to figure that out.

Nowadays I've just given up on pretty much all fantasy, if not all fiction. I'd rather write than read.
I finally finished my Enchantress Octalogy, a tribute to Terry Pratchett. The last one, Enchantress 8 - All Hail the Queen will be going up soon, it's in final edit right now.
I just started this one and I absolutely love the line where the heroine tries to hide her true gender with:

"and attempted to explain everything to the women in the housekeeping staff."

Mansplaining. The ultimate disguise. :)
Well, lesson learned. Although I enjoyed writing my Skyrim story, the fact that it had to be put in fan fiction has doomed it to just occasional viewing. Which is a particular disappointment because I think it's one of my best. I'm not pleased that it's been lumped in with the "Taylor Swift fucks the sound tech" stories. The sequel will have to be un-Skyrimed so it can be put in Sci-Fi/Fantasy.

I may even go back and do the same to this story. I have gotten one very nice comment so far, which made me feel good.

by Anonymous user on 03/10/2024
Howdy Rael/Rob!
I like the afterword there, it's nice to have an author give his two cents.
I did read your entry in the same flair as Conan and other barbarian pulp tales. It's my jam on these boards.
You made Skyrim your own, which some argue is the point of the Elder Scrolls in general, and find your writing a good mix of eroticism and swashbuckling adventure. The MC is flawed but heroic and the dialogue is well written.
Kudos, looking forward to the sequel.
Well, lesson learned. Although I enjoyed writing my Skyrim story, the fact that it had to be put in fan fiction has doomed it to just occasional viewing. Which is a particular disappointment because I think it's one of my best. I'm not pleased that it's been lumped in with the "Taylor Swift fucks the sound tech" stories.

I may even go back and do the same to this story. I have gotten one very nice comment so far, which made me feel good.
Well I liked it a lot.

Just left a little humorous comment as well.
I've got a few idea for stories for fantasy/sci-fi.
I'm wanting to get a few other stories finished first,
before I start in on them though.