So who are my fantasy writers?

Wattpad, I hadn't heard about that. Their loss and our gain. Chump move, they lost a talented writer.
Hey Rob_Royale, we haven't heard from you in a while. How's the story coming? Any updates? Lots of folks out here are looking forward to it.
Hey Rob_Royale, we haven't heard from you in a while. How's the story coming? Any updates? Lots of folks out here are looking forward to it.

Well ya see, there was this tornado and it took me away to this weird place and took me while to ....

I umm ... I got sidetracked by a MILF story ... or two. Sorry. I have started it and I'm still hot on it. But it hasn't been my main focus. I'll get back on it soon.

Thanks for the encouragement. I appreciate it.
I was told they weren't strict, but I've never published or read there.
They have rules that are more notable for being ignored than enforced. There's no checking of stories and the 80-90% of the stories are written by teenage girls. It really shows in the stories. A tremendous amount of fanfic, a lot of it featuring underage sex written by teenagers. A lot of it is awful - the sort of stuff I wrote when I was 15. LOL. I have a few stories there but unless you write fanfic or torrid YA werewolf or vampire romances, it's not worth the time and effort. Some writers there get it right, and get successful - there's a few have got published books out of it and Wattpad does work to promote authors, but it's a really mixed bag. You have to be pretty good at networking and promoting to get lots of views too.

Annabelle did okay there, but I suspect someone reported her stories for whatever reason and that was why she was nailed. Just my opinion tho.
I hate getting nailed. It makes it hard to get up and move around. I guess I'll avoid Wattpad, then.
They have rules that are more notable for being ignored than enforced. There's no checking of stories and the 80-90% of the stories are written by teenage girls. It really shows in the stories. A tremendous amount of fanfic, a lot of it featuring underage sex written by teenagers. A lot of it is awful - the sort of stuff I wrote when I was 15. LOL. I have a few stories there but unless you write fanfic or torrid YA werewolf or vampire romances, it's not worth the time and effort. Some writers there get it right, and get successful - there's a few have got published books out of it and Wattpad does work to promote authors, but it's a really mixed bag. You have to be pretty good at networking and promoting to get lots of views too.

Annabelle did okay there, but I suspect someone reported her stories for whatever reason and that was why she was nailed. Just my opinion tho.
I hate getting nailed. It makes it hard to get up and move around. I guess I'll avoid Wattpad, then.

Ah well, a couple of my stories on Wattpad got taken down as well. Pretty ridiculous given all the stuff that IS on Wattpad, and they don't police it at all. Anyhow, I looked at what they'd taken down, shrugged, and took down all but one of my stories myself. The views just weren't worth it and I don't have the time to get into all the networking and promotion you need to do to attract views and readers there. Been interesting being there, but it requires a lot of presence if you're going to become visible there - it's all story tags and networking.
I hate getting nailed. It makes it hard to get up and move around. I guess I'll avoid Wattpad, then.
I don't read too much on there, I'm not putting too much effort and investment on publishing there. It can be lucretive, but it's arduous. They even will pay you, if you can meet the requirments that are probably only paled by YouTubes. I just wanted a general purpose site, that got enough traffic, to publish things that wouldn't be a real fit in most places. Ironically my biggest "success" is a fan fic I put there for filler. I have a short story that's three years old or so and has two views. I've got things I wrote from r/WritingPrompts on there. The sites just weird.
Ah well, a couple of my stories on Wattpad got taken down as well. Pretty ridiculous given all the stuff that IS on Wattpad, and they don't police it at all. Anyhow, I looked at what they'd taken down, shrugged, and took down all but one of my stories myself. The views just weren't worth it and I don't have the time to get into all the networking and promotion you need to do to attract views and readers there. Been interesting being there, but it requires a lot of presence if you're going to become visible there - it's all story tags and networking.
Most of my stuff ain't even in nobody's visuals to be read, much less taken down. The messageboards were a good way to get views, if they weren't so corrupt. I'm not gonna take anything down, I'm just not gonna go about it seriously, despite it was really one of very scant few sites I planned on putting novels on. It is some kinda port in a storm. Really damn shame for a highly popular site. The stuff there was really supposed to be wattpad exclusives, but I might put them elsewhere, or along with a new blog, though I'm not a big fan of crossposting. There really is no loss with Wattpad when there'd no real gain. The places I'd crosspost them to, are equally, or close to it in shittyness, imo, but maybe I ain't gave them the same chance I gave Wattpad.
I pretty much only write fantasy/sci-fi. The sense of adventure and the worldbuilding (to me) is more fun to write than the romantic/erotic stuff.

I have Drowning at Dusk ( which is basically a sexy take on a typical sort of heroic fantasy DnD-style adventure (an assassin teams up with the dark elf she was hired to assassinate). That one just wrapped up.

Also have Duchess of Lust (, which is basically a less dark Game of Thrones with more threesomes and gangbangs. The final chapter of that should be up this month.

In the future I plan on branching out a bit more and diversifying my worldbuilding, rather than using generic medieval European fantasy or generic DnD-style heroic fantasy settings.
I finally finished my Enchantress Octalogy, a tribute to Terry Pratchett. The last one, Enchantress 8 - All Hail the Queen will be going up soon, it's in final edit right now.
I write a lot of non-erotic fantasy/sci-fi, but haven't delved too much into that world in erotica. My sexual fantasies tend to reside in the real world, as much as I like to imagine other ones.

My Halloween contest entry The Summoning contained some supernatural elements, and I really enjoyed writing that.

I've also dabbled with a story within a story in my Vacation with the Marshals series (starting in part 4), where a character is reading what she describes as "lusty sci-fi." I've got more of it in my draft in progress for part 5, and am having a lot of fun with it. I'm considering expanding that into its own standalone piece.
Since starting this thread, my fantasy story has changed directions. Originally it was an original setting but the task of world building was daunting. So I shifted to writing it as a Skyrim fan fiction using locations and characters from the game. Considering the staggering hours I have in that game its a good fit and I'm enjoying the writing.

I'm going to put it in the fantasy/sci-fi category as I've found other Skyrim stories there.
I have written only a few fantasy stories, but I really, really enjoyed the world building and flights of fancy allowed...a great category/genre indeed.
Don't forget to tell us when it's up.
I do enjoy shameless promotion on the forums, so you can bet that I will. :giggle: I am 5600 words into, The Ruckus in Riverwood. It will probably be between 12 and 18k before I am done. I could definitely see myself doing additional stories as well.

I have found though that themes I would never touch on in a standard real-world story, I have dove right into, in my fantasy story. In this instance, cuckoldry. My MMC is a classic alpha male à la the works of Robert E. Howard. Not quite a villain, not quite a hero. In this story, meets a woman who has married a coward. He doesn't even think twice about taking her into his bed.

I would never do a humiliation/cuckold story in any other circumstance, but it is weird how well it fits this story and how okay I am with the idea. It's strange how the setting and characters can change your perspective.
Well, since we're doing shameless promotion...

I've done a few that I put in the Fantasy/Sci Fi category. The one I'm most vested in and excited about is my First Contact series.
Happens in a sort of utopian, well more non dystopian future where we can get from Earth to the Asteroid belt in hours. There's a Disney Luna that most people will never be able to afford to visit kind of thing.

Features a rogue Earth Force Marine and two of her squad who stumble on an alien on Mars. He's a tall purple Trellian that exudes a very strong pheromone... It's erotica, so why not?

Chapters 1 and 2 are out there, but chapter 3 is kicking me in the teeth. Five or six planned.

the coolest part for me isn't even on the page. I have a good friend with an advanced degree in theoretical physics. When I explained what I was doing with faster than light, he nodded and said, "Yeah, that actually works."
Since starting this thread, my fantasy story has changed directions. Originally it was an original setting but the task of world building was daunting. So I shifted to writing it as a Skyrim fan fiction using locations and characters from the game. Considering the staggering hours I have in that game its a good fit and I'm enjoying the writing.

I'm going to put it in the fantasy/sci-fi category as I've found other Skyrim stories there.
Do you get to the Cloud District often?
I do enjoy shameless promotion on the forums, so you can bet that I will. :giggle: I am 5600 words into, The Ruckus in Riverwood. It will probably be between 12 and 18k before I am done. I could definitely see myself doing additional stories as well.

I have found though that themes I would never touch on in a standard real-world story, I have dove right into, in my fantasy story. In this instance, cuckoldry. My MMC is a classic alpha male à la the works of Robert E. Howard. Not quite a villain, not quite a hero. In this story, meets a woman who has married a coward. He doesn't even think twice about taking her into his bed.

I would never do a humiliation/cuckold story in any other circumstance, but it is weird how well it fits this story and how okay I am with the idea. It's strange how the setting and characters can change your perspective.
What bequith that woman to marry such a milk drinker?