Someone To Watch Over Me


sweet freak
Mar 7, 2014
Master, Daddy, Sir or Darling-- whatever we call the ones to whom we belong, they are our protector and defender, and they make us feel tended and cherished.

What are the little things your Dominant does to create a nurturing environment in which you can thrive? What are the symbols of his care and protection? Of your belonging and blossoming under his watchful eye?

I like locks and keys, umbrellas in the rain, blueberry pancakes on a Sunday morning. A gift with my tastes in mind, leisurely walks hand-in-hand, a safe place to rest at the end of the day.

Is there a song he once softly sang as you lay your head on his chest? (yes :eek:) A poem, or movie quote, or line from a book that perfectly illustrates the protective aspect of the bond between you?

Art, music, thoughts... there's room for it all, here. :)
I love his hands. So powerful and strong able to lift and carry me up the stairs. Hands so powerful they can imprison mine but so tender he has captured my soul. :heart:
I love his hands. So powerful and strong able to lift and carry me up the stairs. Hands so powerful they can imprison mine but so tender he has captured my soul. :heart:

Yes! Hands... :devil:

There are at least two 'hands' threads that I know of, let me see if i can post the links from my phone. :)
You are "Beauty" is all i need to say, the truth of which you can hear in my voice, see in my gaze, feel upon my touch of your body, your heart...Beauty is in your spirit, your care, your love...

Reposted from another thread.
But it felt like it belonged here.

Thank you Canbe4fun...this is the best kind of looking after your girl. :heart:

his large hands possessing me... like this
takes my breath away...
and every cell in me knows that he has claimed me as HIS.

He loves me because I am complicated.
He encourages all of my facets and loves my layers.
When I begin to fall apart from the many things I am attempting
... and juggling
... he reminds me that he knows I can do it.
That he is proud of all I am; all I can be; all I am becoming.
I feel like I've walked into a library in a foreign-speaking country. I'm curious but unable to translate anything. When it comes to communicating with people here, there's literally nothing I've spent more time trying to understand than the dominant/submissive subculture. It's just so prevalent among people here, some of whom I've been curious about, that it felt lazy not to try.

I wish I could say the efforts had paid off up to this point; they haven't. I'd like to think it's a language that I can learn if I immerse myself in it. But every indication points to my never being able to understand what others feel when they talk about it. That's frustrating to me, in particular, because the lack of a solution eats at me. Especially so because I've been told by a couple people that I already speak it. But I'll keep trying actually understand it.

For what it's worth, this all seems to be an enveloping secret language as an onlooker. I'm glad that those who understand it never seem to take it for granted.
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breakfast together on Sunday mornings at our favorite cafe.
his hand lazily caressing my calf.
I feel like I've walked into a library in a foreign-speaking country. I'm curious but unable to translate anything. When it comes to communicating with people here, there's literally nothing I've spent more time trying to understand than the dominant/submissive subculture. It's just so prevalent among people here, some of whom I've been curious about, that it felt lazy not to try.

I wish I could say the efforts had paid off up to this point; they haven't. I'd like to think it's a language that I can learn if I immerse myself in it. But every indication points to my never being able to understand what others feel when they talk about it. That's frustrating to me, in particular, because the lack of a solution eats at me. Especially so because I've been told by a couple people that I already speak it. But I'll keep trying actually understand it.

For what it's worth, this all seems to be an enveloping secret language as an onlooker. I'm glad that those who understand it never seem to take it for granted.

I really appreciate that you are curious...and expressing your apparent mystification with the D/s world.
For me... it is relatively new and I am still understanding how it works in me and in my life.
Lit has contributed to my journey in this.
I think, like many things, any of the behaviors that may occur in a D/s relationship may occur in a non D/s relationship. And these are all on a continuum. And no two relationships are the same.

The dialogue here... that is possible here, is part of what makes Lit so rich and so invaluable.
May the "foreign language" of D/s continue to be untangled bit by bit and interpreted for you by those you interact with here.


sitting with you on the beach... watching the tide change
and roasting marshmallows.
these simple pleasures warm my soul long after
the chairs are loaded back in the truck and the beach is in our rearview.
I feel like I've walked into a library in a foreign-speaking country. I'm curious but unable to translate anything. When it comes to communicaton with people here, there's literally nothing I've spent more time trying to understand than the dominant/submissive subculture. It's just so prevalent among people here, some of whom I've been curious about, that it felt lazy not to try.

I wish I could say the efforts had paid off up to this point; they haven't. I'd like to think it's a language that I can learn if I immerse myself in it. But every indication points to my never being able to understand what others feel when they talk about it. That's frustrating to me, in particular, because the lack of a solution eats at me. Especially so because I've been told by a couple people that I already speak it. But I'll keep trying actually understand it.

For what it's worth, this all seems to be an enveloping secret language as an onlooker. I'm glad that those who understand it never seem to take it for granted.

You are absolutely welcome here any time-- to post, to ask questions, or just to lurk. You are a perfect example of why I start threads on the subject of BDSM here on the Playground. I want it to be accessible, if not always easily understandable.

I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions, if you'd care to share them with us. On BDSM, on your own relatonships, on whatever seems relevant to the topic at hand. There's nothing like a lively conversation to keep the mind sharp!
