It's Time To Start Treating Mexico As A Hostile Foreign Power

The part where your lack of reading comprehension said:

Honestly, it's like you enjoy getting your ass reamed... oh wait...

Oh. So you don’t understand what an ultimatum is. ✅

a threat in which a person or group of people are warned that if they do not do a particular thing, something unpleasant will happen to them. It is usually the last and most extreme in a series of actions taken to bring about a particular result.

Of course you have always shown a propensity to consider your own definitions to be above all other sources.

Carry on, douchebag.
Mexican cartels are firing on our Border Patrol and penetrating our border at will. They are asking for an armed response. We have the right to defend ourselves and our border with whatever force is necessary. Much more so than the borders of Ukraine.
That does not apply to Mexico as a country. The government is innocent.

And we have no more business crossing the border without Mexico's permission to chase the cartels than General Pershing had crossing it to chase Pancho Villa.
That why all those people got kicked out or are in the process of getting kicked out by the Trump administration. The democrat/leftist infection within government is pretty extensive, so we need to give it a little bit more time to treat and clean.
Every word of that is a lie.
We need to give the Mexican people a choice. Either stay as a sovereign nation, or become a US territory.
Like Puerto Rico? No way. They'll never accept anything short of full Union membership for each of their 32 states. That's 64 senators.
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Very few of them involved in the drug trade.

I live in an area known for weed cultivation. Mexican and Russian mafia were coming into the area, armed and dangerous until the state legalized it.

Money’s gone, mafia is gone.

The Mexican Cartels are the result of America’s war on drugs.

It’s simple supply and demand: as law enforcement tries to decrease supply the price increases, making it more profitable for the black market. More profits makes the cartels more powerful.

Now that the money is gone from the weed market the cartels are moving more fentanyl and meth.
Were you raised on a sinsemilla farm?

I wasn’t, and although I don’t grow, I’ve been around it all of my adult life.

Ten years or so ago it was literally worth more by weight than gold. Kids were dropping out of high school and making >$100k a year. Legalization has made it so growers have to be good with business to make it and most kids whose parents were growers are off school and other kinds of work. 👍
I wasn’t, and although I don’t grow, I’ve been around it all of my adult life.

Ten years or so ago it was literally worth more by weight than gold. Kids were dropping out of high school and making >$100k a year. Legalization has made it so growers have to be good with business to make it and most kids whose parents were growers are off school and other kinds of work. 👍
Ah, the good old days!
Isn’t Mexico just another Tennessee or West Virginia, filled with retards who can’t speak English and live off crime?
I live in an area known for weed cultivation. Mexican and Russian mafia were coming into the area, armed and dangerous until the state legalized it.

Money’s gone, mafia is gone.

The Mexican Cartels are the result of America’s war on drugs.

It’s simple supply and demand: as law enforcement tries to decrease supply the price increases, making it more profitable for the black market. More profits makes the cartels more powerful.

Now that the money is gone from the weed market the cartels are moving more fentanyl and meth.
The weed money’s not gone, but might be at cartel level interest. Regulations and taxes on the legal weed market make it precise and safe, i.e., you know what you’re getting, but higher priced than your local dealer can sell for. As such, underground weed has spiked pretty good.
The weed money’s not gone, but might be at cartel level interest. Regulations and taxes on the legal weed market make it precise and safe, i.e., you know what you’re getting, but higher priced than your local dealer can sell for. As such, underground weed has spiked pretty good.

Yep. There is still some money in it, but it’s typically less than a quarter of the value of ten years ago.

We used to have seasonal “trim-igrents” showing up in town looking for work. The local pubs would be full of foreign accents. Gone are the days….
Why not just Buy Mexico?

Tip: offer to pay in American Cash

First time we bought parts of Mexico was at the point of a gun. Got a decent price. Second time, we got ripped off. I would think we'd need the guns again.