Don't worry Sword, I haven't forgotten about the audio message. It just happens to arrive while Zeladar is down on Haven rather than on the bridge of his ship.
Does Michael need help with the Zerg in the building, or are you covered? I could always have that one Dark Templar that was helping Michael on the front lines follow him, with a couple of buddies in tow. The Immortals however are just a bit big to be trapsing around in Terran buildings. They'll work on taking out the remaining Ultralisks. So, if the militia doesn't deal with them, your guys will find 3 Ultralisks that died from non-Terran means, probably some where were the Terrans were not setup defensively.
I was thinking of mingling with the refugees and then find that uhm whatshisface isn't on Haven anymore, then make a discreet transmission, that if intercepted would mean nothing more than a misdirected transmission on rock formations.
Then the more Gabriel gets to know about the Haven's refugees, the more he turns against the Dominion
hahaha it's my men. I'll do what i want with them. seriously... there's a reason why they died... 12 marines against 120 zerglings and 25 hydralisks (these are NOT part of the city hall battle)
In the first place? Are you referring to Char, with the redemption of Kerrigan? FYI, they had a massive fleet backing them up on that campaign. What do you have? Oh wait, that's right. You have 12 Marines and a bunch of poorly equipped militia.
Oh, and by the way, Zeladar knows that a Zerg force of the size that attacked the city just doesn't come out of the no where. There's got to be a hive on Haven somewhere, and he's probably gonna bring the fleet to look for it.
Uh...what? Did you forget already that there were still 3 Ultralisks on the loose? They can't exactly fit inside a building, so they're just out and about, crushing anything in their path. And like I said, if the militia can't (or won't) deal with them, the Protoss will. The next morning will reveal 3 more Ultralisk corpses that died of mysterious wounds.
You probably did and I don't remember it. Oh well, either way, the Ultralisks end up dead. Only difference would be if they have huge chunks blown out of them or holes punched into them. It'll probably end up being a mix of both.