Star Craft 2 RP

Strange how we have come to this conclusion that we are ahead of Lans. I wonder how that could be possible? :confused:
Gabe is in the infirmary, Lans is still battling zerg and about to make a huge discovery (or so it sounds) and my next step is to mingle with the people so it would be out of contrast if there is still fighting going on.
That was actually a rehtorical question. They just didn't have the emoticon I wanted. lol
Yes we do cellphone repairs.

I order the parts we need and then sit around bored out of my mind until I can get parts

Then parts shows up and I'm busy for a day or two
You don't keep parts on hand? No inventory? Not even for the parts that break the most?
Huh. Interesting. Oh well.

Wish Lans would do his posts, that way we can proceed at the speed of plot.
What? Oh, his brain? He'll recover.

By the way, I just realized that the last post in IC is yours. I can't figure out how I missed that. All this time I thought the last post in IC was Lans doing his Science Complex entrance. Instead it turns out to be Gabe having a little dream and then waking up in the infirmary.
I got that idea from Dexter. I like the idea and will maybe do it a few more times as Gabe turns from the Dominion
brain melted

sorry about the delay... i've been busy... but your right, DK. Michael IS about to experience a great and most horrible feeling there is... but i won't spoil it.

btw... i doubt you got ahead of me. in my brain, there's already a huge fleet in haven fighting against the pitiful dominion.
That fleet would be comprised of school topics for your finals and the Dominion being your sanity?