Star Trek: The New Frontiers (IC)

Captain Torres- Ready Room

23rd May 2400, 0900 hrs

“This is the best I can do I’m afraid Captain, they’re 10 years old. There are those in my command structure that do not wish me to trust you with anything more recent in case you do represent a new invading force.” Quatre told Miguel.

“But this world here is just outside of our territory. We only performed a rudimentary mineral survey on the world then. But even that preliminary survey indicated a world rich in various minerals. We would have already begun a mining operation on it, but the war hasn’t allowed us to outfit the mining ships with the sufficient equipment to get there.”

“What type of special equipment?” Miguel asked him.

Quatre tapped a few of the physical controls on the side of the holo-screen. He still couldn’t believe that there wasn’t anything physically there and yet there was. “The planet is deep within this gas cloud. It’s the largest our people have ever encountered, and filled with static plasma discharges. The survey vessel barely survived, in order for us to attempt to send in any other vessels in we would need to increase the armor on the mining vessels, and as a result of their size it would take up a great deal of our resources to do so. Resources that we currently do not have as a result of the war. However since your vessel is equipped with energy shields, you should be fine.”

Miguel looked at the map of the and the information of the cloud. He knew it was a nebula, and it might be the largest he had ever seen or heard of in Starfleet records. It was nearly 7 billion kilometers in diameter. There were 7 planets within it, with this particular planet being the 4th in the system at a distance of 230 million kilometers from it’s sun. From what he could tell it was a Class Q world, capable of supporting life however the surface would range from molten to water and / or carbon dioxide, due to it’s eccentric orbit. “Yes the Chimera should be able to get there with little problem. How far away is it from here?”

“For us it is nearly a 3 month journey, but judging how quickly you transported my crew here I’d say it would only take you a few more days.” Quatre told him as he called up a chart showing their present location and the location of the gas cloud. “Yes you have a remarkable ship here Captain. It’s amazing how much of the damage you’ve already been able to repair in such a short time.”

“Well the Chimera is a prototype vessel. The outer hull is designed of unique materials that allow it repair itself. Of course not the same can be said about the materials inside of the ship or materials for engine components. For many of them we can replicate them much like we do food and water, but there are something that are just to exotic for replication.” Miguel explained.

“I see, and how will you be able to use even these out of date charts to find your way to your home?”

“Our sensors are advanced enough that we’ll be able to take the information you’ve given us and compare to our sensors and computer files. We’ll then figure out our location in relation to the center of your galaxy. Once we know the basic configuration of your galaxy, we’ll run a cross check with out computer files. If we’ve sent probes to your galaxy, some thing will match. That will allow us to match the stars and thus determine our location in regards to our world.” Miguel told him.

“What if you cannot match any of the stars?”

“Then we’ll have to find some other way of figuring out away home.” Miguel told him.

Quatre was silent for a moment. “Well I have to beam down. I have lost my task force, and will be asked to answer for it. With luck, perhaps I will see you again Captain.” Quatre said as he extended his arm to the Captain.

The two men shook each others arms in the way that Miguel had learned was the Mendar way. Then watched as the Mendar Alpha left the ready room, joining his escort and went to the transporter room so he could disembark the ship. Miguel looked at the visual again and then tapped his comm.. badge. “Torres to T’Ker, Commander please come to my ready room.”
23rd May 2400, 0930 hrs - Captain's Ready Room

Stepping up to the door A'Lex tapped the chime, and then waited for the Captain.

"Enter." Miguel said as he walked over to his replicator, which was finally working again. "Iced tea."

Stepping into the room, she stopped just inside the door, assume a calm position of parade rest. Waiting for the Captain to speak, to question, to direct.

"Take a seat Commander." Miguel told her. "Would you like something to drink?" he asked

"No thank you, Captain." She replied taking a seat as he'd directed. Crossing long slim legs she waited. Was there a problem with the last Alien she wasn't aware of? Was something wrong with a crewman? Had the Doctor spoken about things he shouldn't have? So many questions, and all she needed was patience.

"The Mendar Alpha just left the ship. As promised he gave us some star charts, along with some suggestions of planets that might have the mineral we need to finish our repairs." Miguel said as he walked back to his glass desk and took a seat. He once again called up the data that he was give on the holo-screen so she could see the data herself. "The bad news is that the charts and data are about 10 years old."

"Space does not alter drastically or even noticeably within a ten year time span. Not even within a few hundred years. The maps will be sufficient, as long as they were accurate when made. Astrogation will be able to make adjustments to any maps to account for stellar drift."

"Agreed. Of course what can change in that time span are boarders." Miguel said. "It's possible that we can go there and find it's been claimed by someone. But there really isn't much that we can do about that until we get there."

"Obviously, Captain." T'Ker replied. "Did you have a specific planetary or stellar destination in mind? Or shall we set course for the closest?"

"Quatre suggested this world." Miguel said as he called it up on the holo screen. "It should only take us a few days to get there. Talk to our new Chief Engineer... Lieutenant.... Szera. I want her to set up a plan for extracting what we need from that planet. We'll also need to set up some space for processing the materials."

"What will we be collecting from the planet, if possible?"

"Well we need to completely rebuild the null accelerator for the slipstream drive. That as we know is made of caznium ore. We should also be on the look out for any of the other materials that we can't replicate, like materials for the warp coils in the nacelles. Since it's a Class Q world it should be rich in various minerals. Also, even though we have the botanical garden the fruits and vegetables aren't inexhaustible. So we should increase our food stores." he told her

"If there are inhabitants, they may object to any mining operations. Hopefully it is unoccupied, and unclaimed."

"And of course if it is populated, we have to worry about the Prime Directive. But as you said hopefully it's unclaimed." Miguel said as he took a drink of his tea. He noticed that she had said hopefully, not a normal thing for a Vulcan. "So Commander we've been so busy lately haven't had a chance to sit down and talk to you. How is everything going?" he asked her.

"Everything is normal, Captain. At least as normal as possible on a Federation starship with a slipstream drive failure and a location that is as yet unknown." She said, watching him. "Is there anything that is wrong that I have not been informed of?"

"Not to my knowledge. I was just worried about you. I know there aren't that many Vulcans on board, so if you ever need to talk about anything my door is always open." he told her.

"You believe I have a problem with something?" she asked.

"Not at all. I just wanted to let you know that if you did have a problem, you could come to me." Miguel said. He wondered now if offering her that chance to have someone to talk to was wrong. Did she seem offended by his question or was he imagining things. "What about our guest... S'Hara? Anything new with her?"

"Not that I have been informed. I shall check on her immediately, if you wish." Perhaps she'd speak with the counselor as well, the Captain seemed to wish to speak with someone about personal matters. Perhaps he was having problems. "Did YOU wish to speak about anything? Any problems you are having?" she asked.

"No none at all." Miguel said. "Let's get these star charts looked at and see if we can figure out where we are. And set a course for the Class Q planet, and break orbit as soon as possible. It's within one of the largest nebulas I've ever heard of, so once we get within that system we might have some rough weather while we're in it." Miguel told her.

Standing up Commander T'Ker nodded. "Yes, Sir. I'll information Helm control of our destination, Hydroponics of the harvesting operation, and Engineering of the potential mining operations."

"Thank you Commander. Dismissed." Miguel replied

Walking out T'Ker paused at the door for a moment. "Captain, if anything was wrong, you would inform me.. yes?"

Miguel smiled reassuredly "Yes Commander I will, and I hope you would do the same. After all we're the highest ranking Starfleet officers out here. All we have is each other."

"Of course.." She replied, stepping through the door as it hissed shut behind her.
23rd May 2400, 0945 hrs - Hallway

Tapping her comm badge Commander T’Ker began. “Counselor Doyle, I believe the Captain may be having some problems. He may be in need of your assistance.”

“Lieutenant Szera, please begin procedures for a potential mining operation. Use Cargo bay five, for whatever you need.”

“Doctor Morgan, prepare the Botonist and Hydroponics staff for possible harvesting operations. Use Cargo bay Six.”


Counselor Doyle
Lieutenant Szera
Doctor Morgan
Dr. Alex Hagen, CMO

OOC – Sorry I’ve been away for a bit. Finals hit me hard and the past month or so has been rough. But I’m back and about to try to play catch up

23rd May 2400, 0945 hrs – CMO Office

Alex looked over his pads and his reports, shuffling them out of the way and trying to avoid the casualty report of the last few days. He looked over at his steaming cup of coffee and then over at the pad that was blinking red. He sighed, closing his eyes and trying to calm his mind. He felt a small presence in the back of it, playing happily and ignoring his confusion and stress and was glad for it.

Kara seemed to take all of this in stride. Her home was a ship, and she knew it. She always hit the ground running, knowing that everything would be okay because her daddy said it would be. Alex was proud of her, and yet he felt slightly ashamed. She was an innocent and naive child. Things weren’t exactly okay, and he knew it

Ten fatalities on his people, including his second in command. Another dozen casualties four of them critical. Alex looked around the sickbay and saw the nurses tending to their patients with skill and determination before looking back down.

It certainly had been a stressful few days. And there was still the question about A’lex. Why had he left? He had a shift, his logical part of his mind told him. But there was another reason wasn’t there? He sighed as he sat back and looked at the reports, seeing not the information but his own confusion.

Shaking his head, he cleared his mind and attempted to focus on his duty.
There were requisitions, supply reports, and status updates that had to be completed. And seconds later he heard the comm. from the regularly calm and collected First Officer’s voice came over to him

“Doctor Hagan, prepare the Botanist and Hydroponics staff for possible harvesting operations. Use Cargo bay six.”

Alex tapped his communicator “understood, Commander.” He said in acknowledgement as he rolled his eyes. He knew that it would be necessary but Botany wasn’t his specialty. He figured it would easy enough, but the real specialist was Doctor Camilla. Unfortunately…

A nurse stepped into the office and looked over at him. “Um..”

Alex turned to her and looked up “can I help you, Lieutenant Street?”

The nurse nodded and looked at him straightly “Um, Sir. I heard the message.”

Alex nodded and tapped a few buttons. He looked over her file “And you would like to assist in the botany?”

The nurse nodded shyly. “Yes doctor. My specialty in the academy was botany and herboligy. I think that I could be of use down there…”

“Well, Lieutenant. It’s something I have to take up with the captain. But…” he said with a smile. “We’ll see, let’s get down to cargo bay Six.”

The nurse smiled and nodded as Alex stood from his desk and stretched a bit. He and the nurse headed out, grabbing materials on the way.

23rd May 2400, 1000 hrs – Cargo Bay Six

Along the way to the cargo bay, the nurse and Alex had contacted key people in the exobiology and botany departments, requesting their assistance down in the bay.

When the small crowd of people entered the sickbay, they looked around in dismay. It was dusty and unused, but it had promise.

Alex looked over at the nurse and the rest of the staff before opening his mouth “Okay, people, you all know what’s going on here. We are stranded in an unknown part of the galaxy and we need to conserve power and foodstuffs. You’re assignment is to transform this cargo bay into a full farm if at all possible. “He said

The biologists all looked at each other for armament before the nurse stepped forward “Let’s start with some movement, let’s get these cargo containers out of the way.” She said, leading the way to move a heavy container. The rest of them just stood tier staring before joining her. Alex smiled and called over a few of the more senior officers, all of whom were outranked by the Lieutenant.

“What do you recommend we need?” he asked
The botanist looked around “A miracle.”

“Excuse me?”

“Well, we need oxygenated soil, a lot of it. Along with seedlings and plant supplies. We also need to alter the environment here. We may need some engineers in here, sir.”

Alex nodded as he made notations on his padd “okay, you three come with me; we’ll get some samples together.”

The others headed out of the cargo bay as Alex turned to watch the nurse. She was moving quickly with her small crew, barking orders and moving equipment. He smiled and nodded. She was doing well, but she would have to prove herself to get operational control. Alex understood that this was his command, but considering…

Alex headed out with his crew.

1030 Hrs – Sickbay

“Three hundred Kilograms of Hydrodinated Soil form, along with nitrogen and Xolian supplements… We’ll need approximately 300 samples of betaziedian corn and Talarian Wheat…”

The requests went on and on and Alex cracked his neck, making his notations as the botanists continued with their lists of requests.

He nodded at them and looked over “Okay. I’ll make sure that you get it, run this by Lieutenant Street.”

“Lieutenant Street sir? She’s a…” The botanist looked at him as he returned the glare with a dangerous tinge in his eyes “She’s a medical nurse isn’t she?”

“She double majored and graduated with honors in exo-botony as well as exo-biology, ensign. I’m sure that she is up to the task of playing in the dirt.” Alex said with a small, dangerous smile.

The botanist glared at him at the obvious dig as Alex smiled warmly. The Ensign nodded “I’m sure she will be fine sir.”

Alex nodded “Okay…” he tapped his communicator “Hagen to Street, Come in?”

“Street here sir” the Lieutenant said after a moment.

“How is it coming over there, Lieutenant?”

“Very well sir, we have the main area cleared. We still have a lot of work to do, but we could get this up and running soon.”

“Give me a time frame?”

“Um… We should have the basic framework up and running within five hours. It may take us several days to be minimally productive, and possibly a week before we begin to see returns.”

Alex nodded “Ok, keep on it.”

“Yes sir.”

Alex nodded as the botanists headed out and stepped over to his office.

23rd May 2400, 1324 hrs –Sickbay

Alex stood and stretched, signaling yeomen to step into his office.

“Yes sir?” The man stood at him.

Alex handed him a few pads “These go to the captain.” He said with a tired yawn. It had taken him hours to compile the reports but he had finally finished.
He was about to raise from his seat when he saw a new report coming in, the progress from the new Botany Bay. He sighed as he looked down before a presence entered his mind. A quiet, powerful presence.

He looked up to see the doors to sickbay opening and the first officer stepping in. Alex looked over at A’lex and watched her moving directly for his office. He quickly repaired himself mentally.

“Commander, I have a status report on the botany bay ready for you.” He said as he looked up at her as she entered.
((OOC: eek! Sorry, I didn't see Varshanka's post!))

Doyle - outside Captain's ready room

She had acknowledged the 'summons' from commander T'Ker. It was her duty to see that ship moral did not drop even lower than the already dangerously low glow that it had achieved since being flung to this quarter of space. She had already seen many crew members, their confusion and disbelief rubbing off on her - no matter how professional she tried to be.

Sighing, she rubbed her temple as she walked up to the captains's ready room, having gotten his location from the ship's computer. She stopped for a moment, wondering if she should have just talked to him over the comms, but she had found him to be a just and calculating man. Someone that did not overly concern himself with... well... himself.

Ambushing just may be the only way she could corner him into something real and defined that she could help. She smiled wryly and wondered just how A'Lex would have taken the news that they were in cahoots concerning the captain. Quite obviously, the vulcan would have assumed it a logical response by informing the Ships Counselor of any concerns she had with command. But - being human was very likely never going to be logical.

Signalling the captain, she passed a hand over the comms unit, "Captain, may I have a word?"
Captain Torres- Ready Room

23rd May 2400, 1000 hrs

Miguel was quietly drinking his iced tea when he heard the chime that someone wanted in. "Enter." he said giving permission for whoever it was to come inside. He saw it was the counselor. "Please have a seat." he said as he stood up from his own chair. "So what can I do for you?"
Doyle moved through the opening doors, searching for any sign of distress or emotion on the captain's face as she did so. She noted the room, the relaxed atmosphere, the cup of tea. She blinked slowly and sat down in the proffered seat.

A slow and amused smile stretched over her features, her eyes twinkling, "Well, captain, there I cannot say. I was..." she smiled again, "Told that you may need me." She waved a hand and arched an eyebrow, "I don't suppose that you would know why?"
Captain Torres- Ready Room

23rd May 2400, 1000 hrs

Miguel looked at his glass of iced tea and remembered his conversation with his first officer a few minutes ago. He chuckled "If you were called here by our Vulcan first officer then yes I think i might know." he said and got up taking the now empty glass over to the replicator. He put it in and watched it dematerialize. "I was trying to bond with her. I guess since we still haven't gotten to know each other that well yet, she might have thought that the situtation we're currently in was effecting me." he told her. He then looked at the Counselor. "Would you like something to drink?"
She smiled, "Something warm would be nice thank you. I find a myself in a chill too often as of late." She barely suppressed a shiver.

"Can I ask why you thought it necessary to bond with her? Do you believe that her efficiency could be better served if she was your... friend?" she cocked her head to the side and squinted slightly, as if in need of glasses. But it was just her way to look slightly puzzled, it was better that patients came to their own solutions rather than handing it to them.

Besides, a chat about their current circumstances was in order. She hadn't been able to talk to him unofficially for a long time - and events were moving much more swiftly than she could hope to cope with.
Captain Torres- Ready Room

23rd May 2400, 1000 hrs

"It's nothing out of the ordinary Counselor. A Captain and first officer should have a good working relationship. It takes time to build, I know and I was just taking the first steps." he said as he ordered the replicator to give him another glass of iced tea and cup of hot chocolate for the counselor. When they materialized he walked back to his desk and placed it on the desk in front of her.

"I've served with Vulcans before, and have even become good friends with some. But I just can't seem to figure out the Commander." he said as he took the seat. "So how's the crew dealing with all this so far?" he asked her.
She nodded slowly. It was a long stretch, but she didn't believe that he was developing feelings for the girl. That could very well end in disaster, especially now, when they needed those two in command as strong as they could be.

"I never fully believed too far about the Vulcan way of life, Captain, if I must be honest. For a race as.... cool... as theirs, they have fiery passions. And of course, she is a female." She smiled, once again amused, "We're a complicated species in our own right."

No, the captain did not need help. Not in that direction at least. T'Ker was safe, in his hands, and he in hers. "One thing I do know. She is loyal to those she respects. If she does not... well, she will do her duty, but in a situation such as that, even Logic can be scewed to suit the user."

Shrugging, she accepted the hot chocolate, he must have read her file. It was her favourite, "Captain, the crew - well, the crew." She allowed herself to frown, "They are taking it as well as can be, I suppose. We are not cadets when it comes to meeting new lifeforms and ways of life. But the reality of it is fast sinking in. Some - some have families aboard. Some... well, some have families aboard other ships." She shrugged again, but her frown betrayed her concern, "Captain, we are doing as well as we can. But - I cannot for certain say how much longer we can do it. It is all very well for senior staff, you understand. We're extremely busy people. We have everyone to think and account for. But... others.... some of the crew are civilian, sir, and those civilians have lived their lives thinking of only themselves. They have nothing else to occupy them."

She stared into his eyes, troubled, "Sir, I have already diffused five attempts at either suicide or escape. And we are not even a month gone yet. None of those are Fleet, sir, but I have them confined to quarters. Helped as much as I could... but... Sir, it is getting to them. And I'm running out of assurances."

She gave him a searching look, "Sir, how are we doing?"
23rd May 2400, 1000 hrs

"How are we doing?" he asked as he shook his head. He couldn't believe that there were attempts at suicide already. It's only been a few days since they had become stuck out here. Whereever here is for that matter. He couldn't help but worry how bad things could get when they had been out here for an extended period of time. There were a few children on the ship as well, they couldn't be taking it easily. Even if they didn't understand what was going on, they could tell that something was up with their parents. "We as fine as can be expected, the ship is damaged, but we're fixing it. We're heading towards a Class Q world right now that might be full of materials we need to finish repairs. I've ordered we also take on extra supplies, materials, and possible food supplies. Our Botanical garden is large, but it's not meant to last for years. And truth be told I hate rations, so the more food we have on board the better I'll feel." he said with a smile.
23rd May 2400, 1000 hr.s

Had it been over a day since Szera had made her aborted attempt to speak with the Captain about the Cheng? It had to have been seeing as she was just this moment relieved by Lt. MacKenzie. She watched her weary crew heading off to get some much needed sleep. An engineer couldn't be more proud of a team than Szera was at this moment.

She knew she had some free time now, so she would grab a bite to eat, hit a sonic shower, then sleep for six hours if there was that long available. MacKenzie would handle the mining preparations. As a matter of fact he seemed eager for it. Let him have it, Szera just wanted her baby back in one piece.

She lethargicly made her way through the passageways towards the ready room. Now that she had most of the replicators back online she could grab something to energize herself with so she could talk coherrently before hitting her nest to get some much needed sleep.

For the second time in the past two and a half days she hit the button to request permission to enter the ready room. "Captain Torressss," Her language skills were slipping just a touch, the end of the Captain's name becoming a hiss, "Permission to enter?"
Captain Torres- Ready Room

23rd May 2400, 1000 hrs

"Excuse me Counselor. Enter." he said and then saw the large Gorn. "Ah Lieutenant. Please come inside." Miguel said and motioned for his new CHief engineer to enter. "Have you two met yet?" he asked the Counselor and the Gorn engineer.

<tags Counselor, Szera?>

"So what can I do for my Chief Engineer?" Miguel asked.
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Lt. Szera stopped dead in her tracks letting that settle in. Cheng? Her? The Cheng was dead? Szera went to the replicator saying "Gornian Szat's Kumis, One hundred seven degrees." The replicator produced the ordered drink and Szera downed the fermented beast milk.

She turned to the Captain and the Councillor. "I did not know he had died sir. I was under the belief he was in sick bay. I will do my best to to fill the position sir."

Szera began to turn back to the replicator and wobbled on her feet, taking a side dtep to prevent herself from hitting the floor. She looked at the machine and said "One ostrich egg, one hundred five degrees."
Captain Torres- Ready Room

23rd May 2400, 1000 hrs

Miguel saw the gorn stumble. She seemed to be a bit out of it. "Are you alright Lieutenant?" he asked. Though truth be told he was close to calling for an emergency site to site transport directly to sickbay. But he maintained his calm. Especially when she ordered the large egg.

He knew that things had been hectic, but for Szera to have forgotten that he named her the new CEO a few days ago. He then wondered how many extra shifts she had been working.
Dr. Alex Morgan & Commander A’Lex T’Ker XO – Medical Center 23rd May 2400, 1330 hrs

“Commander, I have a status report on the botany bay ready for you.” Dr. Hagen said as he looked up at her as she entered.

"I would prefer the term Botanical Experiment Bay. The SS Botany Bay was a vessel launched in 1996. A DY-100 class sleeper ship, it was discovered in 2267."

Alex looked over at her and smiled to himself. "I know that, Commander. I'm well versed in Starfleet History and records, as well as Earth historical information. It was, afterall, a joke." he said as he handed her the report.

Looking over the report she arched an eyebrow. “A joke? For what reason?”

"There doesn't need to be a reason for Humor, A’Lex. Humor is like Logic, it is a better course for things at times" Alex said as he looked down at some of his reports. "Besides, If I didn’t' have humor, I could end up being a stoic and cold, seemingly unemotional individual."

"You aren't Vulcan, so it wouldn't work." she said by way of reply. "You will be senior officer in charge of the Botanical Experiment." she added, phrased politely, if a Vulcan could phrase anything politely. But it was still an order, not a request.

Alex nodded "Of course I'm the Senior officer in charge of Botanical experiment. And as I am the senior officer I am going to be putting Lieutenant Street as my second in command in the operation. Her record speaks for herself and she deserves an opportunity to show us what she has. She is much more than just a nurse." Alex said with a formal tone as he looked up. "As for Vulcan? Well, Logic is not just limited to your species my dear."

“No, but we are more efficient at it. Most other races are excessively emotionally charged. Including Romulan and Betazoid.”

"No, I think not, my dear. Emotion runs in all sentient beings. They are a fact of natural evolution of the species. The fact of the matter is that Vulcans have not been willing to submit to, is that expression of emotion is a cathartic and healthy thing. Suppression of emotions is unhealthy and often leads to severe psychological disorders and at the very least unhappiness and.." Alex just shrugged "Vulcans as a race have emotions, as beings they have emotions. And you, as well, have emotions, as much as you try to suppress them. All Vulcans can suppress them, but they are still there no matter how hard you fight. " Alex shrugged again, standing up and stepping over to the Replicator "Betazoids have embraced their emotions and have injected them into their lives, as equally and as powerfully as logic. Would you like anything commander?" He asked before he turned.

“No, But you’re still wrong.” She replied as she turned and walked out. She didn’t wish to debate Vulcan philosophy, or the teachings of Surok. Not now, and probably not ever.

He'd probably be tolerable. If he stopped complaining about her emotions.. and how she controlled them. How all Vulcan's controlled themselves.

Immediately Alex Stepped over to the door and gently touched her arm, stopping her softly "I'm sorry, I have a lot on my mind with everything that has been going on and I shouldn't have antagonized you like that, Commander." He said in an honest, truthful whisper.

Turning from the door she stopped. "Apology accepted, Doctor." Then she looked down at his hand, and where he'd placed it.. on her arm. "You are aware Vulcan's do not touch in public.."

Alex looked down and held it there for a moment, feeling the warm of their skins radiating to each other before sliding it over her skin as he removed it. "Yes, I am aware. Thank you for reminding me." He said as he turned and stepped to the replicator, getting the fresh cup of coffee and sipping on it tenderly before turning to her.

"Do you have any suggestions for the Botanical Experiment?" she finally asked as he watched her.

"Well we could possibly decrease our foodstuff usage by forty percent in a few months. We can increase that time by routing more power for more equipment to the cargo baby, but that has to be approved by you."

“Fill out the appropriate requisitions and I’ll review them. Increase our food supplies may become a serious matter soon enough. Especially if the Captain continues aiding new Alien species. Speaking of which, where is the red skinned one? The Ansibian female."

"S’Hara? Well she is still quartered in our isolation chamber. Which reminds me, given our current situation I would like to formally request quarters be granted to her for the duration of her stay?" Alex asked as he pushed forward a padd on his desk, inviting her to sit down subtly.

"Is she ready to be released? Now unusual microbes or any other reason for you to be concerned for the health of the crew?"

"Everything checks out on her, outside of her dietary habits, she is safe for the regular crew. As for my reasoning I have a damned good one... " Alex said as he looked up at her sternly" Because she is perfectly fit and healthy and she's taking up space in my sickbay. She's not a prisoner on this ship, and yet we are almost treating her like one." Alex said before sitting back and taking another sip of his coffee.

"That is the Security Chief and Captain's concerns, not my own. I do believe she is not being completely honest with her answers, but I have not as yet determined why she would be misleading."

"Well, you are also the conduit for requests like these to go through from the crew to the captain. so if you could be so kind as to take this to the captain, I appreciate it." Alex shot back.

"You're voice as taken on a rather.. unusual tone. Are you angry for some reason?"

Alex chuckled a bit "I am not angry, but would like this resolved as soon as possible. An isolation room is not a prison and it is another bed in which I could treat my patients that's being taken up. " he said, leaving out the fear that he had already lost patients to the lack of bed.

"Contact the quarter master and have him assign a room for her. Someplace where she'll be comfortable. Other than a cargo. If he has any questions tell him to contact me."

Alex nodded "Thank you Commander." he replied as he stood and stepped over to his scanner terminal, working on a padd quickly before turning and handing it to A’Lex "These are the compiled results of the scans of the alien.

"Thank you," she replied, taking the Data PADD and holding it behind her back. "Will you be needing anything else?"

No commander, that is all, unless you have something you would like to discuss with me?" He asked quietly

"No. I have nothing to discu.. Perhaps.. Has the Captain had his physical yet?"

Alex shook his head "Not yet, and I will be contacting him shortly on the matter." Alex replied taking another sip

"I would appreciate being informed if anything is wrong with him. He has been acting rather.. peculiar of late."

Alex lifted his eyes and looked over at her "Can you elaborate?

"He is being rather.. emotional. More so than normal. I am merely concerned whether some Energy field may be effecting him. Or possibly a biological cause."

"I see... Can you elaborate? at all? have you seen this affect in other crew members?"

"I would rather not elaborate. If anything is wrong I'm sure you will discover it. And I've been rather busy to observe the emotional stability of the crew. But I have not noticed this in other bridge officers."

"I will look into it, but conside4ring the circumstances I believe that his reaction may be a bit normal."

"Very well. But as I said. If you finding anything wrong or unusual. I'd like to be informed. Only if it endangers the ship or crew of course."

"Of course."

"Thank you." She said. And then promptly turned and walked out. Although her hips may have been swaying slightly more than normal. Or it could have been just him.

Alex looked down at his padd but found his eyes wavering up towards her and watched her sway just a bit before shaking his head and looking back down at his padd, forcing himself to get back to work and working on the order for the quartermaster.
Dr. Alex Morgan & S’H’ara Aegeri – Medical Center 23rd May 2400, 1400 hrs

Watching from across the room S’H’ara waited for the cold female to leave, then strolled over to the Apothecarion. The very male Apothecarion. *So, can I leave yet? Or am i still clipped in the wings?* she asked, her tone - telepathic as it was - rather suggestive.

Alex looked up at S'H'ara and smiled a bit, replying back in telepathic *Soon, Ma’am. I'm working on a request from the quartermaster now. I had to speak to the commander because she is a senior officer.* he replied as he looked over at the alien.

*Ahhh.. So females do dominate the men in your culture.* She asked, almost as a confirmation of her observation.

Alex chuckled audibly and shook his head *No, females don't dominate, or at least are not suppose to that is. Depending on the location.* He smiled at his joke, a small flash of the bedroom flying through his mind before he could stop it, he continued telepathically. *She is of a higher rank than I am. And even though I outrank everyone on the ship in matters of medical importance, when it comes to the other matters the rank counts.*

*I see. A rather convoluted hierarchy it seems. Are you and the cold female a mated pair?"

*Not convoluted, clear and defined. There are different areas of relationships. As for her and I? Not officially. In fact, I’m not exactly sure what we are..*

*Then both of you are free to join with others? Even though you and she have joined?*

Alex thought for a minute and nodded at her *yes, We are both free to join with others. I keep forgeting that you are a telepath and you can see my memories... Why, are you interested in her?* He asked with a feel of humor in his mental tone

*She is.. interesting. I have not yet delved into her mind, and she has not imaged us together. Though most of the Medicae staff has expressed an interest. Either verbally or mentally in being with me. So have several of the armored ones.*

Alex nodded *Well it's only natural. You are very attractive by universal standards so you might as well get used to some of the crew expressing interest in you my dear." he said with a warm smile

*Are there any cultural restrictions that would prevent me from joining with them?* she asked.

*Well depends. First off, if the men are married or engaged with their mates, that would prevent you from joining with them. Also the fact that you are an unrecognized alien on this ship and it is their duty to guard you would be a reason for them to deny the joining. But other than that, not really, as long as it's kept private. *

*Are multiple pairing Joinings permissible?* she asked, an image of several individuals, all naked and writhing together, sent from her to the Doctor.

Alex shook the images out of his head, feeling her rising lust, heat and curiosity beginning to affect his mind and his hormones, but he calmed them and put his professionalism in check *Yes, Permissible. Providing they are all willing partners. I could recommend some excellent texts and records in our database if you are interested in the sexual activities of our cultures.*

*Yes, That would be most informative. Do you know if the Captain is joined?*

Alex looked over at her and shook his head *Not exactly. I have been with multiple partners but never at the same time... have you*

*Several times. Ground pounders are interesting. Aerials are very.. flirty and consummate at mating. Although the water dwellers were a hardy gathering. They always mated in multiples.. dozens of multiples..* she informed in. Images of flocks of winged beings pleasuring each other followed by what appeared to be a school, or swarm of obviously water breathing individuals. Hundreds of them.

Alex watched the scene in his mind with interest, feeling his own arousal growing at the obviously alien but intensely erotic scenes. He looked over at her and inquired *Strange... Cross mating is possible then with your races?*

*Possible? Sometimes. Severe biogenic alteration is required to the genetic samples to provide viable offspring in some cases. Although from my scans, most of the individuals on your vessel are viable genetically for propagation.*

*Most of the species have a common ancestry despite evolution on other planets in the galaxy. That is true of course, and there have been many cases of mixed breeds of species.*

"Really? How interesting.* she whispered in his mind, obviously not telling him something. Possibly important, but then again. She had that way of talking, as if she was always hiding something.

Alex's eyebrow rose as he caught her avoidance in his mind. *What are you not telling me, S’H’ara? Speak your mind, you have no enemies here*

*Now is not yet the time to speak what I may, or may not, have knowledge of.*

*Hmm... is there something we should fear out here? *

*Yes..* she said, leaning back and walking away, her hips moving in a perfect imitation of Commander T'Ker.

Alex watched for a few moments before he shook his head. *Well, that was maddeningly unhelpful,* he whispered in his mind before looking down and taking note of his little conversation with the alien in his notes.
Captain's Ready Room - Doyle

Mari did not have time to reply when the chime sounded for entry. She was only slightly surprised at the interruption, after all, the captain was a busy man. But she was surprised at who entered. The Gorn was typical of her species, but she had a way of seeming to be beastial without seeming to be threatening. She just was... she was her.

They had not met before but Mari warmed to her immediately.

"Szera - please, you must be exhausted!" she exclaimed. Whatever held the captain back was her perogative to say, "The crisis for the moment is over. You are allowed to rest, you know. We can do without our chief engineer for a while you know," this she said with a warm smile.

She did not offer to help the other woman, she thought that gesture would be going too far. But she would order her to rest should she need it - she wasn't part of the med-crew, but her title did have some perks. But of course, the Gorn had come for a purpose, no matter how tired she was.

"If you want, I'll leave the two of you alone?" She raised an eyebrow at the engineer, asking question but made no move to stir from her seated position.
A’Lex T’Ker XO –23 May 2400, 2100 hours

Stepping up to the Doctor's quarters A'Lex pressed the buzzer. Ignoring anybody that walked past. Paying attention to them would indicate something immoral, or unprofessional. She was the ships XO, and he was the Chief Medical Officer. Nothing more.

Alex looked up from the wash basin and splashed some water on his face, just finishing up his nightly routine. Kara was at a friend's house tonight and all he could think of was a good night's sleep in his own bed when the buzzer went off at his entrance. Rolling his eyes he made his way in his civilian trousers to the door and pressed the button "Yes?"

"I'd Like to speak with you for a moment, Doctor."

Alex thought for a minute before he opened the door and stepped back. "Come on in, Commander. Forgive my attire, I was preparing for bed " He said as he moved towards the couch to retrieve the shirt that was waiting there. "what can I help you with?"

"You need to get dressed on my account. Your state of undress is not bothersome. I shall attempt to keep this brief so you may begin your sleep cycle." A'Lex replied. "I'd like to know if you will be mentioning the incident in my quarters in your formal report?"

Alex looked at the first officer with surprise and slowly sat on the arm of the couch. "I was not planning to, Commander. It may be a part of my private and medical log, but it will be classified and covered under the patient doctor confidentiality clause." He said, speaking professionally "Besides, it is no grounds whatsoever for any court-martial. You were obviously in a powerful mind altering state which has since passed " He said with a smile "I will not mention it if you do not "

"I would appreciate it not being mentioned in any form. Either personal or professional." A'Lex said, standing with hands behind her back as she watched him. She'd never noticed how well muscled he, or any other male was. But for some reason she found herself admiring the way his chest was shaped. Muscular without being over muscled. Toned was probably the more accurate term. And he spent time in a sun intense environment. Or his heritage caused his skin to be slightly darker than pale skinned humans.

Alex looked at her and frowned "Commander, what happened was a pure reaction to your condition and should be a part of the medical record at least. I would be remiss in my duties at ship's doctor if I didn't make note of it even for my own logs. " Alex responded and looked her over, watching an almost invisible movement of her facial musicals before she resumed perfect stoicism. "Besides, you yourself would have had to explain to the engineers what happened, the damage to your quarters to get it repaired. You can't keep that from the record

"It is not a medical research subject. It is.. Taboo. It is NOT spoken about. Or made reference too." A'Lex stated, firmly, the tips of her ears turning the strangest shade of Green, which blended with the one on her cheeks. "As for the engineers, they'll fix the door and not ask questions. The chief Engineer will be informed the subject is under investigation. But it could just as easily happened as a result of structural damage incurred by the hostile Alien vessel."

Alex smiled and thought for a minute before rising. her beauty and her tight uniform had not gone unnoticed, nor has the memory of the other night. He could feel his cock hardening under his light flannel pajamas as he stood. "I think I can keep this time out of the report, as a favor to a friend."

"Your understanding is appreciated. I have another.. favor to ask."

"By all means, Commander." Alex said as he turned towards the kitchen "Can I get you a cup of tea?"
A’Lex T’Ker XO –23 May 2400, 2100 hours

Shifting stance A'Lex eyes traveled down his wonderfully shaped back and watched his buttocks as he walked. Her throat was dry and parched, and the thought of tea was a most excellent idea at the moment. "Tea would be appreciated. Earl Grey, One Hundred and Three degrees." she requested.

Alex nodded as he programmed the replicator and turned with two cups of hot tea, offering one to the commander "So what favor can I do for you commander?"

"As you mentioned, the door to my quarters is severely damaged. As such it is non functioning. And open to the corridor. Essential items have been moved to other rooms, but the main room, and the bedroom door are in need of repair. Would it be permissible for me to share your quarters until mine are made habitable once more?"

"Um... At least for tonight, sure. My daughter is at a friend's quarters... When she comes back tomorrow after school she will have to agree if it's for a long period but for tonight it's fine." Alex aid with a smile, gingerly sipping his tea and wincing as the hot fluid began to pour down his throat

"I shall make arrangements tomorrow to use one of the emergency guest quarters, but the logistics at this time are not logical, or possible. As the quartermaster has already retired for the evening."

Alex nodded "well.. okay. I'll just need a few minutes to get my begging onto the couch and you may retire when you wish"

Raising an eyebrow A'Lex blinked. "Explain the statement please."

Alex looked at her strangely "Well, earth custom dictates that if a female is present and needs to sleep that the male takes the couch in order to keep up society acceptable standards"

"Interesting. And you follow this custom why? Neither of us is human, nor were either of us raised in a culture based on or from Earth."

Alex thought to himself and smiled "That is certainly correct, however I wouldn't want the mostly human crew to suspect something

"Fraternization is against Starfleet regulations, even if it is only suspected

"As a Vulcan, if the Captain questions me I would of reply truthfully. As we are not fraternizing, the answer would be logical. And truthful. You shall sleep in your own bed, I shall sleep on the couch. Unless this is prohibitive?"

"No, this is not prohibited, but courtesy dictates that the man offer the bed to the woman. It is fine I will experience no discomfort on the couch" Alex said as he returned from the bedroom with a pillow and a blanket

"Will it be disruptive if I meditate? I can do without for this evening, but considering the events I would appreciate being allowed."

"By all means" Alex said as he started to fix up his bedding

"Thank you," She replied. Stepping over to the replicator, A'Lex created two candles, a lighter, and Teal night wear.
A’Lex T’Ker XO –23 May 2400, 2100 hours

Moving into Alex's bedroom, A'Lex changed clothing returning only a few minutes later with both candles and the lighter. Kneeling she placed the candles at precise locations on the floor and lite them. Sitting back on her ankles she closed her eyes and began to slow and ease her breathing.

Alex looked into the open room and watched her chest moving, the cleavage underneath unrestrained by any bra, the light material seemingly hovering over her flawless skin. he groaned silently as his imagination and memory filled in the blanks and his cock grew even more, he turned away and sat on the couch.

For sixty minutes T'Pol meditated. She moved as she meditated, unlike many Vulcan that concentrated on being still. A'Lex moved slowly, her arms and legs twisting as she moved through a style of Vulcan martial arts that was deadly if used correctly. For sixty minutes she twisted and rolled, much like a t'ai Chi master of earth. For sixty minutes she said nothing, the gravity of the Doctors room not even allowing her to break into a sweat. Even though the cooler temperature did have a physical reaction on her body.

Alex tried not to look at her reflection in the windows of the starship, but he watched her motions as her body moved in her.. meditation. He watched and noticed with his keen seeing that the hairs on her arms were raised, the erect nipples reacting to the slightly colder temperature of the room. All in all he couldn't use any of his self control to calm his arousal. He tried to close his eyes and even pulled out a padd to study some medical reports, but not even that deflected his gaze. when she approached from the room, however, he managed to look away finally.

Bending over A'Lex blew out the candles and then turned. Bending over she placed the cooling items on the small low table that had been pushed to the side. Incidentally allowing a very nice view down her top. For anyone that was looking. Not that she aware of how her action would, or could, be perceived.

Alex looked up and smiled, feeling a instinctual urge to reach forward and claim his former mate, but he repressed it with a slight feral growl from his throat. His gaze danced over her bulging tight globes underneath her bodice as he felt his breathing beginning to quicken and his cock obviously hard and tenting from the very thin material that encased it. "That is some routine you have worked out there, Commander..." He said before thinking.
A’Lex T’Ker XO –23 May 2400, 2100 hours

"It assists me in calming and centering myself." A'Lex replied, her own keen eyes noticing the way the Doctors thin trousers strained against the hard muscle contained within. "Thank you for allowing me the use of your quarters for this evening. If I am able to repay your generosity in the future, I will of course return the favor."

"Well... I have to admit that such a routine is certainly.... entertaining to watch for a male." Alex said, standing and stretching, his muscles rippling under his skin as he pulled back and watched her.

"Do you wish to observe me meditate every night?" A'Lex asked.

"I'm not sure if I can do that, Commander. There is only so much a male can take without loosing his calm and acting on pure impulse" Alex replied

"Interesting. Why does watching me meditate cause this reaction in you?" She asked, her eyes lingering on his chest, darting down to his thighs and crotch for only a moment before returning to his face.

"it is intently arousing for me, Commander, as I am sure you can notice..." Alex replied, following her eyes over his body

"Truthfully? In what way? It is meditative, and a form of Martial art. It is not intended to be arousing. And yes, I noticed your state of physical sexual readiness." She said, the tips of her ears softly shading to a light shade of green.

Alex saw the change in tint in her ears and noticed the rush of blood, the change in her breathing and other subtle signs of her arousal. He took a step forward and watched her, stepping closer to her and letting her feel his own heat emanating off of him. "As I have noticed yours, Commander..."

Turning A'Lex walked into the Doctors bedroom. Saying nothing. Neither acknowledging his words, or denying them.

Alex smiled and followed her into his bedroom, sliding the door closed behind him and stepping up behind her where she had stopped, pressing his body against her. "You never answered my question commander..."

Turning around A'Lex face the Male Doctor, the few buttons on her top undone. How she'd managed to accomplish that feat her secret. But undone they were, and with each soft breath she took the shirt opened more and more. Moving closer she stopped, centimeters separating his naked chest from her barely covered one. Looking up she raised an eyebrow.

Alex looked down and smiled, watching the tremor in her flesh as she moved closer to him. he rose his hands and slowly unbuttoned the rest of her shirt, sliding his hands in and softly over her taunt warm skin, making his way up her sides to her chest

Closing her eyes A'Lex sighed, the soft ripple of emotion coursing through her like a steam engine from earth. Or a warp reactor on over load. her lips parted enticingly as the sigh escaped her softly and silently.

Alex slowly rose his fingertips up higher on her body, slowly drawing his fingertips over her sensitive skin of her breasts, trailing them over her aroused nipples. He licked his lips and slowly cupped her ample breasts in his hands.

Reaching up A'Lex used just her fingertips to brush at the teal material, brushing it from her shoulders. Without a whisper the material slipped down her skin to settle on the floor at her feet. Closing the distance between them she pressed her hard nipples against his hands and chest. And kissed him. Her lips warm and moist and eager. And very inexperienced in the art of kissing.
A’Lex T’Ker XO –23 May 2400, 2100 hours

Alex accept her eager, albeit a bit awkward kiss and gently and gently squeezed the mounds inside of his hands, manipulating her nipples with his fingers as his lips focused on hers. He tasted her essence, opening his mouth just a bit and slowly sliding his tongue to her lips, gently prying apart her skin to slide into her even as he stepped even closer to her.

Pulling back A'Lex looked up at Alex, her forehead crinkled in confusion.

Alex smiled "What are you confused with, commander?

"Why did you stick your tongue in my mouth?"

"It's a human based technique. stimulation of the oral cavity by the tongue is said to be quite... pleasurable..."

"Really? It felt.. weird. Not precisely unpleasant, but certainly unusual.”

"May I continued, Commander?"

“You may continue." she replied, tilting her head and kissing him again. In the meantime her hands hand moved up and began touching his back.

Alex grinned and kissed her again, sliding his tongue into her more easily now. Sliding his warm wet organ over hers and increasing his suction just a bit, feeling her fingers slide over his back and smiled to himself. His fingers squeezed her breasts and flicked her nipples before he pulled back and slowly slid them down her sides

Moaning softly, A'Lex's hands slipped up and down his back. She found the texture of his flesh very interesting. Fascinating in fact. Creeping ever lower her finger tips brushed the upper edge of his pants, and them pushed under them. Feeling the hard flesh of his buttocks.

Alex groaned a bit, sucking her tongue into his mouth slowly and sucked and massaged her tongue softly. He felt her fingers pressing under his pants and stroking his firm skin as his hands slipped under her own night dressing, slowly stroking her firm skin and pressing against her with his hard length.

Alex groaned a bit, sucking her tongue into his mouth slowly and sucked and massaged her tongue softly. He felt her fingers pressing under his pants and stroking his firm skin as his hands slipped under her own night dressing, slowly stroking her firm skin and pressing against her with his hard length

Stepping back and away from him A'Lex moved backwards, the rolling motion of her walk smooth. Stopping when her legs reached the bed she sat slowly sat. Watching the Doctor. Hoping, and fearing, what would happen. Anticipating, and dreading, the event with equal measure.

Alex watched her movement and smiled, stepping forward and sitting beside her on the bed, reaching his fingers up and gently stroking her leg as he leaned forward to kiss her again.

Pulling back A'Lex shook her head. "I wish to see it..."

Alex looked down and stood infront of her, gently pulling down his trousers and pulling the flimsy material over the mountain in his trousers. His thick veiny organ sprung into life as the engorged purple head flicked out infront of A'Lex. He looked down at her, watching for her reaction.
A’Lex T’Ker XO –23 May 2400, 2100 hours

Tilting her head to the side A'Lex reached up and wrapped her hand around the hard shaft. The warm of her skin not nearly as warm as the heat that pulsed through his muscle. "Fascinating." she murmured. Her other hand moved up and cupped the semen filled sack the hung below the cock infront of her. "Does it get any larger?" she asked, half afraid it did. She didn't remember much from what happened, but she did remember that they had barely managed to get it in that night. And if it got much bigger, she wasn't sure she'd want it in her again.

Alex bit his lip as he felt her slender, powerful fingers gently surrounding his engorged cock. "It depends on the actions being taken to it." He said with a smile "apparently you do not remember our previous activities

"The memories of that event are.. sporadic, hazy and uncontrolled." A'Lex replied, pulling on his shaft, tugging him slightly closer and between her legs as she examined his erection more closely.

Releasing it for a better look she ran a finger down it's length, learning and becoming familiar with his and her reactions. The thick vein along the underside was very interesting, at least to her. But then so was the fact her heart was pounding in her chest and skull.

Alex looked down at her and smiled, allowing her to continue with her examinations

"Why did you undergo the human medical treatment?" She asked suddenly. "It has no physical or medical reason." She continued, moving one deft and manicured finger along his shaft, and stroked the curve of the head of his hard shaft.

"Tradition, really. NO particular reason. Some cultures thing it works and looks better"

"Ah," She'd heard some cultures that resembled Human, and had the possibility of mating with that species performed the operation on their young. Some cultures saw it as a right of passage from youth into adult hood. Much as her people had the Tradition of crossing the Forge as the last step into adult hood. Or the first, depending on how close you lived to it.

Granted she'd seen naked males before in her life, at her age it would have been a miracle not to, but most of them had been cadavers during her medical training. And none of them had been nearly as well shaped as Alex was. She'd heard some Klingons measured upwards of 24 inches in length, but found that doubtful. And there were no medical records indicating such.

On the other hand several species never reached longer than 4 inches. At least Alex was quite pleasantly not that short. Or nearly that long.

Alex looked down at her and smiled, reaching forward and gently stroking her silken hair in his fingers, slowly sliding his fingertips over her ears.

"I.. am inexperienced in these matters," A'Lex began. Attempting to inform him she is, or a rather was, a virgin until their.. activities the other night.

Alex smiled at her and gently stroked her hair. "I can teach you what ever you like my dear. Most of this is instinct. You remember nothing of your time with me?" he asked sincerely.