Star Wars: Episode VIII: The New Threat

Galleos Hunt

Gally stood silently behind Diora as he should. Watching, not speaking.

His job was to watch and learn, and share his views with his Master. He was an asute observer, he knew. A skill that made up, in some ways, to his relatively low strength in the Force. But not much, in his eyes. The Masters claimed he was middling, but he thought that just false praise to ease his ego.

In truth, he would not be on this mission if not for the fact that he was Diora Barraen's apprentice. She was an enigma among the Jedi. A Knight, not a Master, but one who was chosen for missions deemed too difficult, or dangerous for many others, including Masters. to embark on. He knew from the first that he could learn a great deal from her. So he watched, and listened.

And felt the tension in the group already.
Diora Barren

I shifted my glance between the bounty hunter and Aela. Tension, yes, and that was good. I would have to watch them both, but they would also watch each other. Checks and balances.
"I guess that's enough, four of us." I stated, referring of course to the core group. As if to accent this referral, the opposite bay doors opened and eight armed guards entered, marching as though they were on parade, two lines of four. They stopped before us.
"Diora Barren?" One asked.
I nodded.
"We're your support."
I eyed them, then considerd the Talon and shook my head. I wanted the space provided to add exactly that. Space. If we were successful, we'd be bringing more people back with us, hopefully as many as she'll hold, and that meant leaving some of these eight behind.
"Three of you," I returned. "The rest stay here."
He looked back, uncertain, then said, "But we were order..."
I shook me head as he spoke, letting him know that finishing was senseless. "Three, preferably those who are best at following orders."
He glanced at the others, but I could see him still measuring, wondering if I could be swayed. it wasn't his fault. he was trained to follow orders, and his superiors had told him to bring eight and come with us.
Finally, after a half-minute of inner debate, he turned, dismissed one full line of them, then waved for the last of the other line to go with them.We were left with three, as asked, two men and one woman. They lined up in front of me, as though for inspection.
I hardly glanced at them. I'd getthier names later. "Good, I assume you're ready for departure?"He nodded, "Save for the rations and other supplies, which are prepared, just not boarded yet."
"Get them if you would," I stated, then went to the Talon and entered the access codes.
When they returned, the ship was ready for boarding. The bounty hunter had disappeared into her vessel and returned with a few of her own cases, all sealed and locked.
I let it go. Whatever she brought, I had faith that Gally and I could handle.
"C'mon, everyone," I stated, loudly. "It's time to depart."
I turned to Nastasia for just a moment, clarifying, "Luckily, Luke has granted you leave..." Then boarded myself.
Marius Lane

The name came to mind without much thought.
The wind and rain were harsh, but my feelings were drawing me forward. Raven asked no questions. She remained silent, waiting when i stopped or slowed, letting me feel things out. She was a good padawan, and had she known Jennive better, I would have asked what she felt.
When we came upon the small shelter, i knew she wasn't in there, but it was time to stop anyway, to rest some and let the water run off of us.
I stopped at the door, examining the small building, the only one in sight. It wa odd, but I knew better than to question it. Too much else to concentrate on. SOmeone was inside, however.
I knocked carefully.
A few moments passed, I heard movement inside, but indecisive movement. I doubted many people stopped by, nonetheless knocked.
I knocked again, then waited until the door opened, cautiously, a female face peered out.
"We are Jedi from...not far away," i explained, not wanting to tell the location of the Academy, not while I was sensing such negativity concerning this place, even if that had nothing to do with the woman inside. "Can we bother you for shelter, only for a few minutes?"
SHe looked back inside, but only for a moment, then opened the dorr fully and allowed us entry. The building was packed full of items, but nothing that seemed to have any use, except for one small machine that made a constant humming sound and seemed to throw a limited amount of heat into the room we were in. I guess it to be the primary room, given the size of it and the overall size of the building, with one more rom small but there, existing off to one side or the other. I saw no doors.
"Might I ask why you're here?" SHe asked, sounding as defensive as I suspected she would.
I looked at her for a moment, taking her in. Human, mid-forties, clean but rough. Though I guessed rough went with the territory, and clean was easy when you had to go outside, and the rain was constant.
"We're looking for someone," I replied. "An old friend of mine..."
"Oh?" She replied, then looked down.
"Seen another Jedi?"
She looked back, then shook her head, but I knew better. She'd seen too few of us I could tell, to realize she couldn't hide her feelings. Or maybe not, and felt that she wasn't exactly admitting anything, while letting us know at the same time.
Someone's threatened her, I thought, then glanced to Raven, who was looking around the room, carefully, but still taking in the items there. SHe felt my gaze, then glanced up, feeling ym thoughts and nodding in affirmation.
When I looked back to the woman, she was still looking down.
"Might I ask your name?" I requested.
She shook her head.
"Fair enough," I replied. "We won't take much longer, just wanted out of the storm long enough to find our bearings."
She nodded. I considered the place, knowing full well that there was some reason this building still stood, out here in the middle of nowhere, and that she was taken care of here, where there seemed to be no real resources.We'll have to return here, I thought. But htere were more pressing issues at hand just then. I nodded to her, then turned to Raven, who had removed her hood and was wiping the water out of her eyes.
"Shall we, my padawan?"
SHe nodded, then placed the hood on again. "Indeed, Master."
I opened the door and exited, Raven behind me. Before she allowed the door to close, she glanced back. "It was nice meeting you, Miss Devlin," she stated matter-of-factly. "We'll be seeing you again."
Galleos hunt

Gally waited at the foot o the ramp, watching to two women. Neither moved to enter first. The bounty hunters eyes followed Diora onboard, then slid to the Twi'lek.

Aela's eyes had never left the bounty hunter. And Gally knew that Aela wasn't about to board before Natasia.

He shook his head slightly in irritation, then buried the emotion.

Instead, he bowed low, and held out a hand toward the ship.


Aela smirked sourly at him, before turning to board the ship, but not before shooting on last glance at the other woman.

Again Gally felt some misgivings. Diora seemed unconcerned, and that should be enough for him, but this time it wasn't. He was concerned. He would speak to her in private later.

He looked at the bounty hunter and smiled, using all of his Jedi calming techniques to bury any discomfort, and waited for her to board.
Dev Daymon

Minutes passed like hours, and the troopers passed out of sight. he crept from his hiding place, and shadowed them until they came to a small ravine, then slipped around them into the chasm itself.

Again he waited. Watching . . . listening.

The forest was still quiet for all intents and purposes. Much more Than it should be. Which meant that the troops were stil close.

They're circling. Somehow they know I'm close. Blast.

It would come down to a fight, he knew. Exactly what he had wanted to avoid.

He crouched low in the ravine, and waited for the inevitable.

She huddled under the bridge for as long as she could stand being couped up like that. Slowly she slid from her hiding place, listening ever carefully for any sign of movement.

Hearing no one, feeling no one to be exact, she slowly slithered further down from her hiding place. Her hands slowly moved, gripping the side of the bridge, her arms lifting her upwards to peek over..

Nothing was on the bridge and no one loomed around. She couldn't even hear the soldiers talking between themselves as they searched...

Where was Drev?

She glanced left and right, then left once more. Listening, hearing nothing yet again.. but it just felt wrong! Drev warned her not to use the Force for anything, but it was near impossible not to use it!

She crawled up onto the bridge, hunkering down and crab walking along. She stopped every few feet, listening, waiting.. until she reached the center most point.

She glanced down at the ravine, not really looking for anything or anyone, but quickly spotted Drev.

"Drev.. the Bridge.." She tried her hardest and quickest just to speak to his mind. Not knowing if it worked or not, she for some stupid reason forgot she could use a bird call.

That's when she felt the icy chill roll over her slender frame. She gave herself away! She gave both of them away! But damn it, to whom?! She felt her heart thump hard, leaping in her chest. Fear was merely a feeling, one she could, should control.. She coached herself, standing quickly and walking towards the thickest part of the trees surrounding the otherside of the bridge.

"Double damn!" She cursed, knowing now she needed aid, maybe from the Ewoks? And she needed transportation.. Which meant she had to get to the 'post' she knew was around here somewhere.

Question was, would she make it? She knew something 'felt' her presense and was coming. "stupid..." She cut her words off, refusing to curse at the Jedi for her failures, for her gifts. She did this, Drev warned her not to!

She'd lead them away from him this time, if thats what needed to be done. She jumped off the bridge, rolling once and coming to her feet. She took off through the trees, now running in the direction she thought they would most likely be stationed.. She disliked Troopers as much as she disliked her life being upset like this.
Darth Moridin

His eyes snapped open, and a feral grin spread across hsi face.

I've got you . . .

He hit the accelerator on the speeder bike, and it shor forward, his black cloak billowing out behind him.

The trees were a blur, but he didn't care. he wouldn't hit anything. The Force was his tool, and he it's master.

Soon, he would have the Jedi. Soon.

She stopped behind a tree, trying to be as silent as she could, listening...

She had an erie feeling she was being followed, by something she did not want to be followed by.

"Dev.. where are you?" She glanced around, seeing no one or nothing, but feeling it as if it were looming over her, breathing down her neck with a twisted snear upon it's face.

She pulled her saber from her belt but did not draw it out, merely a precaution, just incase..

She kept going westwardly, moving around shrubbery and trees, trying to stay hidden.

She didn't keep track of how long or far she traveled, she only stopped when she heard the sounds of an engine pass by not to far off..

She had to be close now to whatever base they had here.
Jedi Mastor D'Rack Fran'tok

The Shadow jumped out of hyperspace, to see Coruscant with the Death Star looking as it's moon. There was very few Star Destroyers left.

"Looks as the repairs are well under way. Still not much left." D'Rack thought to himself as he piloted the Shadow towards the Death Star.

"We have you on our screen now, please identify?" Came the voice over the comms.

"This is the Shadow the personal ship to me Master D'Rack Fran'tok, I requist clearance to land ASAP." D'Rack replied.

"Please transfer your code clearance to deactivate the sheild generator, Mastor Fran'tok."

"Transfering under way."
Darth Azraiel

It is a known fact that most worlds are incapable of supporting life. Some are barren rock, or have an atmosphere inhospitable to support human or near-human life. Then there are the worlds that welcome a traveler to land, for fresh prey is not easy to come by. Korriban is one such world.
The Ancient Sith began entombing their dead on Korriban many millennia ago. The inhospitable nature kept away colonist, and the Sith ensured that the planets nature grew even more malevolent, to make certain that the Dark Lords that rested there remained untouched, for even in death a Sith can be dangerous. Korriban is a world of ghosts and monsters. Almost all who have landed there to plunder the tombs of the dead have joined the ranks of the Dark Spirits that roamed the tombs. I knew of only one who had landed and returned. Exar Kun was a powerful Sith when he learned the secrets of the Ancient Lords, and I was but a man, for my connection with the force was weak at best.

The attacks began shortly after I landed my TIE at the base of the towering pyramid that was the tomb of Xar. First dark-side mutations of native species, which fell to both blaster and force pike, then the restless spirits that inhabited the land began their assault. Possession was not a problem. I had withstood the assault of the Nameless for half a century, but corpses rising from the ground was another matter. By the time I reached the entrance to the tomb, I was out of thermatite grenades, and my blaster was over half-drained. I made my way cautiously to the center of the tomb, avoiding traps and attacks designed to stop those who would plunder the secrets of one of the most powerful Lords of the Sith, but I would not be denied. Finally, I looked down on the coffin that housed what was left of the Ancient One. Most of what happened afterward is lost in my memory. I remember a challenge of wills, and eventually a truce being drawn. I remember a chamber deep under the tomb, and screaming as a thick liquid covered me and invaded my body, as pain and power exploded through me, and I remember leaving the tomb, with the Dark Side once again welcoming me back into its cold embrace.
The spirits and creatures of the dead world kept back as I reclaimed my ship and flew back to the BloodHawk, sensing that I was now a much more powerful threat. Once on board, I reclaimed my armor and clipped my saber to my belt.
“You ok boss?” asked Merric, voicing what was on the others minds.
“yes. I am once again a Sith, once again strong in the Dark Side, and in the Force. Set a course for the Yavin system.”
At that , I entered my meditation chamber to rest. I was back, but I was also changed and I needed to know what had changed in me down on that world of death and darkness.
Dev Daymon

He was up and running at the first bolt, deflecting it quickly and easily.

The trooper fell as it caught him in the chest.

Others opened fire, and he drew on the Force to propel him forward faster . . . leaping over bushes and fallen tree limbs, and dodging behind tree to throw off the fire from his pursuers.

He purposefully headed away from where he had felt Keila, putting several hudred meters of distance between him and the troopers before doubling back.

He had to find her before the Sith . . .
He slowed the speeder, and felt for her again.

The planet was so full of life, that her energies were nearly masked . . . but she was close now, and he was strong.


He hit the accelerator again, heading for the girl.

He leapt from the speeder before it stopped, and landed gracefully on the forest floor, his red blade humming in his hand.

"You hide yourself well . . . you've been here for quite some time, yes?"

He turned in place, searching for her with his eyes as well as the Force. He was surprised he was not able to pick her out easily . . . shielding herself must come naturally to her, because she was clearly only half-trained.

"Come out, and I'll let you live."

He left the launch bay at a slow walk.

Much was changing, and quickly. This new enemy, if his instincts were correct, could spell the end of the fledgeling Republic, and only the influx of new apprentices, and the return of lost Jedi, could save it, he feared.

He wished them luck with their search for the lost Jedi, but would not hold out too much hope for success. Fusion had always been . . . difficult, but he was a born leader.

"May the Force be with you, and your quest, Diora. For the sake of us all."

His eyes snapped open. A familiar essense floated through the Force, stabbing at all around it, one that he felt he should know. He reached out for it, but it was gone . . . fleeting, although powerful. Masked perhaps.

But whatever . . . whomever it was, was coming here.

He gripped his lightsaber tightly, and sighed.

It felt comfortable in his hand . . . like an extension of his body. But it was not enough for him to get what he craved. Vaapad.

He had watched Tynan move . . . had watched him sink into the discipline . . . but it wasn't enough. Anyone who watched his Master training students, or even dueling Knights, always left with the feeling that he was holding something back.

He had asked Tynan about it once, and only that time had gotten an answer.

"Vaapad is not used, Padawan. It is unleashed."

Luke hadn't understodd at the time, but it gave creedence to what a Jedi was capable of if they knew the technique.

And Luke craved that knowledge.

Thus far, Tynan ahd refused to teach it to him. In fact, he had chosen to teach it to only a select few.

Master Duu'Raan was one, but the ancient master had quickly withdrawn from the lessons. Vaapad was not for the reflective Jedi.

"I will learn, I swear it."

"You hide yourself well . . . you've been here for quite some time, yes?" The Sith turned, looking, probing for her location. She did her best to remain calm and centered but it wasn't so easily done when faced with the promise of death.

"Come out, and I'll let you live." Hollow words from a hollow being. She knew if she so much as breathed too loudly, he'd be on her in a second. She knew enough not to trust a Sith.. Any Sith.

She shifted as slowly as humanly possible, keeping near silent as she searched to see the stalker. And when she spied him and his face, she felt the blood drain from her face and her body once again freeze in place.

It is he! Her mind only confirmed what her eyes had seen. The very creature that had slain her Master when she was but a child.

Her mind reached out for Dev, hoping he wasn't too far away because she couldn't protect herself much longer from the Sith. She set down her satchel and pulled out her lightsaber. Slipping it into a pocket of her robes, she waited for him to find her before acting.
Darth Azraiel

6 days before the current events on Endor

I could feel the force surrounding me. Light, Dark, both sides of a face, neither complete without the other. The Dark Side was my lifesblood, surging through me, embracing me in its dark power, while the Light surrounded me like air, necessary for life but unseen. Futures opened to my floating mind, futures where the Sith destroyed the Jedi, and a thousand years of terror ruled the galaxies until they burned out in their rage and hatred for all life not under their crushing grip. Futures in which the Jedi crushed the Sith once and for all, and grew more and more stagnant until eventually they faded away into nothingness. Futures of war, peace, and everything in between whirled inside my spirit, until two choices unfolded. One led to aiding a council, one to saving a life that was necessary to the will of The Force. I am a creature of the Dark Side. Anger, Fear, Hatred, these things sustain my power and strengthen me, but I am also a man, and I serve The Force, both Light and Dark. My decision was mine to make, and I made my choice. I would go to the Forest moon where my Master had perished, and save the one that would serve The Force.

2 hours before the current events on Endor

“You sure this is what you want to do Boss? Asked Merric.
“Yes. I will be under ECM the entire time, so I should slip pass those Star Destroyers and their patrols. You wait here under full cloak, I shall return as soon as I am able, or if things go very well, I may even have a new ship, maybe that Super Star Destroyer.”
I got in my TIE/X1 and readied it for launch. I knew roughly where I was going, but mostly would be relying on The Force to guide me, as cloaking my presence did not allow me to sense other Force users, be they Sith or Jedi. With a loud clang the docking arms released me, and I slowly made my way to the moon, flying under enough ECM to seem to be a ball of debris on a ships sensors. Only someone directly looking at me should find me. The planet grew before me, and I let The Force guide me to where I was needed to be. Eventually, I made my way to a clearing on the planets surface and landed. I was close, but I also knew my time was growing short. Leaving the ship and pulling my shields tight around me, I headed off into the forest, a figure in black armor with a black cape billowing behind me.

At the time of the current events on Endor

I wandered the forest for about 20 minutes before I felt I was close. I stopped and drew my saber, but did not ignite it. Yes, I was close to where I was needed. Suddenly I heard the sound of a repulsorlift vehicle, and through the trees saw a man dismount a speeder. He ignited a red bladed saber, and I knew that this was the threat I was sent here to defeat.

"You hide yourself well . . . you've been here for quite some time, yes?" he said, looking around as if he was searching for a scent. "Come out, and I'll let you live."

I heard movement to my left, and spied a girl down in a gully. This must be the one that I was sent for. I readied myself to confront one of my own. Sith was about to face Sith, and that usually left only one of them standing.
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Dev Daymon

He saw her just as the Sith did.

The man was huge, nearly two meters in height, and seemingly as wide. The Sith moved toward her, and Dev leapt into the clearing.

Then he saw the other one . . . off to the side. He was shielding himself through the Force. It was only due to the leap that Dev saw him. He cursed himself silently.

All his training and discipline, and he leaps into battle without looking.


He hoped she heard his sending as he leapt to engage the Sith.

His blue blade sparked as it collided with the red blade of the enemy.

The giant parried easily, and counter-attacked, backing Dev up quickly.

He could feel the dark energy rolling off the man . . . could feel the power unleashed. He knew he could not win . . . but winning was not his plan.

He counterattacked again, briefly, but was driven back once more.

He felt the Force crash into his chest driving him backward, but he drew upon the Force,m himself, to balance, and land deftly on his feet.

The Sith did not purse. Instead he reached inside his cloak, briefly.

"I can feel you . . . but I know not who you are."

Dev knew he was not speaking to him, which meant he was speaking to the other Sith! Dev wasn't sure, yet, whether the fact that the Sith did not know each other would favor him or not.

Worse, he still could not sense the other Sith in the Force. How could this Sith?

The large man looked irritated. But not afraid.

Dev waited.


Run?! RUN WHERE? She glanced around her and found no real place she could possibly get out of the reach of either sith and frankly, Dev was out numbered. This didn't look good and she could curse her stupidity for even offering to heal Dev since it led to all of this mess!

Grabbing her satchel yet again, she slid slowly away from the figures on the rise, waiting for a hint of something to come to her. What they really needed was to get the hell out of there and fast. But how?

Making her way slowly around the two Sith Lords and Dev, she looked for the location of the speeder in which one had arrived on. Surely if she made it to that machine she could get their asses out of there..

She paused, sensing more danger in the air. But what it was had yet to reveal itself to her.

"Dev! We have to get out of here." She was stating the obvious there. She didn't want to leave him, she did not want another Jedi Master dead due to her and her abilities. She was getting tired of hiding and being afraid of this very thing. Surely she could be of some asset!

The only solution she had, the speeder. And so she worked her way slowly around at a distance, being careful to keep track of everyone she possibly could. It wouldn't do to run into a Sith unprepared.
Darth Azraiel

The Jedi reached the clearing at the same time the Sith saw the girl. I could sense the power of all three this close to them, and the Jedi did not have a chance, even if the girl helped. It was time for me to act. I stepped forward and saw both combatants stopped, the Sith standing at ready, his hand in his cloak. The Jedi was a few meters away in a guard position. It was then I dropped my shields and called upon the Dark Side and the power it gave me. Force lightning exploded from my hands, striking a tree between the combatants and showering the area with bark and wood fragments. That got everyone’s attention.

“I am Darth Azraiel, Lord of the Sith, and you will submit to me, or be destroyed" I said, looking at the towering Sith Lord in front of me. I ignited my saber, red blades humming in the quiet of the clearing, and waited on his next move. He would attack, but it would do him no good. After 25 millennia, a Sith Battle Adept once again walked the galaxy, and nothing would stand in path of my quest.

I sat up, hand reaching out and my saber turning end over end across the room from its perch on the stand there. In the second it took to reach my hand, reality came back to me, the dream faded. I caught the weapon and lay it next to me in one quick motion, then threw my legs over the edge of the bed.
As I stood, the room wavered before me some, but steadied quickly. That wouldn't last, though, I was certain. I could hardly sleep without the images coming to me now. The old woman always there, the galaxy burning in a war that I hoped would end differently, and the people screaming... All topped off with Marlik's voice (not Figgas, but Marlik).
I was sleeping less and less at each attempt before the dream would wake me. And every time, I was aware that there was something I was missing. Something I couldn't quite understand about what I was seeing -- feeling.
I gripped my lightsaber, squeezing the handle mindlessly and staring at the wall.
What was there? What wasn't there that should be?
The harder I thought, the more likely it seemed that I might go insane. Finally, I resolved to dress and see what needed done. Sleep would wait, and so would sanity, if it came to that.
I went to the dock, being met there by an armed guard, who showed fair defensiveness until he saw who I was, then sighed and nodded.
"Problems?" I asked.
"On edge," he replied. "Most of us are. Obviously, things are going on, with the visit from Chief of State Solo, and the sudden departure of the Jedi, especially them taking the Talon... Well, we know something big's going on. Add that to the damned bounty hunter and the recent visit from that odd Sith..."
I nodded.
"The Talon has departed then?"
He nodded. "Without a full crew, via Jedi Barren's decision, but..."
"And when did the Spotted Owl return?"
He looked at me for a moment.
"Master DuVal, the Owl was scheduled to return over an hour ago, but we've had no contact with her just yet. Mogo's been known to take odd excursions from time to time..."
I shook my head. "Not with a Jedi on board. Marius wouldn't have allowed it..."
He gave no response.
"Thank you," I stated, then left the bay. Something wasn't right about this, but what...?
Jedi Master D'Rack Fran'tok & Jedi Padwan Tra Shin

The two walked side by side through the bridge of the Avenger,/i] "Master, do you think it wise to move the order to Yavin IV and reunite the orders?"

"Yes, I do Tra. We face a new threat, an army that has been able to take out a few Sith and a few Jedi. We need all Jedi to band together if we can have any chance of driving the invading threat back."

"It wont be easy, the Jedi here don't wish to follow the oth..."

"Tra, these Jedi followed me because they beleive I am right, they will follow me again as this is the right path to take."

Tra stopped and looked out of the bridge towards the rest of the fleet. "What about the fleet?'

"You will lead them to Yavin IV, and defend the planet. I have other buisness. But first." D'Rack looked over to the commsofficer. "Open a channel to the fleet and the Jedi Tempal on
Coruscant, I have news."

Keiran was brought back to the present as warning beeps told him he was going to revert into realspace soon. He shut the droids down and made his way to the bridge. He felt his master's presence in the pilots controls. He also felt he failed his master. As the ship reverted, he checked to see if there were any pirates around, trying to sense them, feeling nothing. He shut down except for life support, so he could search for the council.

Going to the meditation room he sat down, stretching his senses as far as possible feeling for the largest concentration of jedi. Hours later, exhausted and sweating, he had the navicomp plot a course, wondering why the closest concentration of jedi masters would be on Yavin IV. He set the course anyway, went to rest.

Hours later as he reverted, setting to broadcast on open frequencies "this is the Sentinal I am searching for the jedi council," he said as he reached out with the force to broadcast his presence in it. He checked the sensors for hostiles.
Darth Azraiel: The Forest moon of Endor

The Sith Lord turned to me, greatsaber glowing crimson in the dim light of the forest. He was big, larger than most humans. He would have reach & strength on me, but I would most likely be faster. That and the Massassi bloodline that was so evident in his features would make him more likely to succumb to his rage, and I could use that against him.
“So, you call yourself a Sith? I can feel the Dark Side in you little man, but you are not known to me, and I AM the only Lord of the Sith here! Bow before you? I would sooner bow to this worthless whelp of a Jedi cowering in the dirt, or the half-trained child he is so vainly trying to protect. Come embrace death little man. Come and face ME!”
He launched himself at me and our sabers crashed together, my feet dragging furrows in the ground as the force of our meeting pushed me back. The jungle shone like blood as our red blades crossed, energy sparking as we blocked, each of us trying to gain the advantage over the other.
This was taking too long. Time to finish this fight.

I leapt back and separated my saber in twain, now wielding two sabers instead of a twin-blade. The battle continues with neither of us gaining an advantage, until I finally lured him into an overhanded strike, which I caught on crossed blades inches from my face.
“Ready to die, little man?” The Sith said through gritted teeth.
“I already have, and been reborn more powerful that you will ever be. Now it is time to finish this”
Force lightning exploded from my eyes, striking the half-breed in the face and flinging him back into a tree. With smoke pouring off his burned skin and hair, he charged me at a run. I dodged and struck, and his arm landed on the ground, hand still holding an ignited blade. I felt the power as he called upon the Dark Side in desperation and a bolt of Force energy hit me, throwing me back until I hit a tree, the breath knocked out of me. By the time I had regained my feet, he was on his bike and off, the high-pitched whine of the bike fading in the distance. I walked up to his severed arm and picked up his arm, sill holding the saber. Prying it loose, I shut it down and threw the arm into the forest.
“I will only attack in defense Jedi, so there is no need to engage me in combat. I am here for a reason, and it is not to harm neither you nor the child.”
I turned and looked at the girl, who was still concealed in some bushes.
“Come out, we need to leave this place before my fellow Sith makes it back to his Star Destroyer. If we squeeze ourselves in my TIE will hold three, but it will not be comfortable.”
I waited to see what they would do. One could never tell with Jedi. Sometimes they saw reason, sometimes they chose death.
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He frowned when he felt it. A newcomer . . . and one he did not recognise . . . had sent out a burst through the Force.

He switched him comm to the security network.

He was just in time for their response. "Sentinel, follow the homing beacon to landing platform B. Wait in your ship until told to depart. You wil be met there shortly."

Tynan keyed his comm. "Luke, I'm on my way to platform B. Meet me there."

"Yes, Master."

Tynan made his way to the platform, his dark green and black robes stirring slightly in the breeze.

The ship lowered its way to the platform. There was only one person aboard.

Luke stepped up beside him quietly.

Tynan keyed his comm. "Security, give the newcomer clearance to land, and disembark"