Star Wars: Episode VIII: The New Threat


"I don't think it's the newcomers . . ."

Tynan shook his head. Not for the first time did he lament not following Raine's path. Meditation, to him, was used to bask in the Force. To center oneself. Visions, premonitions . . . they weren't his strengths.

He was a warrior. He was sent to handle missions of the more dangerous sort. Ones where his skills could be used to best advantage. It was difficult to maintain the Jedi Code at times, but he had managed to keep himself clean, nonetheless. Even Vaapad was a tool to counter the darkness within him. To channel it, and use it as a tool for the light. He was a warrior. A sword to be aimed at a threat.

He was not a philosopher.

Perhaps he was being overly sensitive . . . or perhaps what he was feeling was the presence of an imminent threat.

He released her, and sighed. "Something is wrong, but I don't know what. Perhaps, with time, it will become clearer."

He turned toward the Jedi Council chamber, and entered, the door sliding open before him.
Jedi Padawan Tra Shin

Tra returned the bow. "My master, Fran'tok sends his regret for not being here, he is on his way to Komino." Tra stood up as the chambor doors opened. "The Jedi Fleet suffered great losses whiole defending from the last attack of the Imperials."

Tra couldn't help feeling odd. "The Jedi Fleet is in needof moreships, 1 Super Star Destroyer with 70% of her crew, and 2 Star Destroyers each with under 50% crew can not help much. Master Fran'tok is bring back 2 Star Destroyers filled with 100% crew of Clone Troopers."

"I think it wise if we were to add the Jedi here on Yavin tothe crew of the orbiting ships, we need to be ready for an attack."
Keiran Selkan

He turned to Tra Shin, "Attack? Imperials? what has happened in the past years?" a look of confusion painted on his face. "What will we be attacked by? and why have the jedi moved here? Isn't the council supposed to be on Coruscant?"
Master Duu'Raan

Duu'Raan held up one clawed hand.

"You have many questionsss, Padawan Learner. And we will try to anssswer them one at a time. Patience my young friend."

He looked to Tra Shin.

"Do you have newss of an attack? Sssssome of uss wish to move the Jedi offworld for sssecurity reasonsss. Doing sso would necesssitate ssplitting your fleet, or assking the Republic for aid. If you know of an imminent threat, however, Admiral Thandor should be contacted."
Jedi Padawan Tra Shin

Looking at the old Jedi Master. "The fleet sensors picked up a very large fleet heading to Coruscent, my master enteredhyperspace after the threat arrived... I don't know how long, but I swense an attack on Yavin will be soon."

He stood quietly, off to the side.

The talk of an attack seemed hard to believe. The location of the Jedi Temple on Yavin was secret, known to only the top levels of the Republic. If the Dracuurians, or the Sith, were coming here, then would that mean there was a traitor involved? If so, then this person would have to be dealt with. If it came to that, there was a good chance his Master and himself would be sent to investigate.

He felt a chill creep up his spine. An ill feeling. It came when he thought about his Master . . .

He looked at Tynan. He had seemed distracted when he entered the Chamber, but was focused as a lightsaber now. His eyes intent on the newcomers.

What was the Force warning him of?
Master Duu'Raan

"An attack on Coruscant. That isss troubling."

He looked at the rest of the COuncil.

"Perhaps we should accelerate our plansss. Begin relocating sssome of the children."

He continued to look at the assembled Jedi.


"Something is wrong, but I don't know what. Perhaps, with time, it will become clearer."
He turned, entered the Jedi Council chamber, and the doors closed behind him. I debated following him, but it seemed pointless. Whatever was going on inside could be repeated to me later, if necessary. Tynan's words deserved some further deliberation, however. He sensed something coming, but what? With the Force so... persistent, I was losing my ability to see its depth, to make out one thing from another.
But there was something... No, two things.
I suddenly began to wonder what had happened to Marius, not just wonder, but to worry.
I shook it off. Worry was a distraction, and one that I didn't need. Marius could take care of himself, and I couldn't hep him from here anyway.
I entered the chamber, having decided it best to move forward, to not dwell on the feelings I'd just encountered.
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Jedi Padawan Tra Shin

"Master Jedi's, it may not my place to tell what to do, but I feel that we all should leave sooner rather then later." Tra looked around, seeing the others watch him. "If we are attacked now, not even the Jedi Fleet will last for long, untill my Master returns with much needed renforcments, we wont be able to defend ourselves from much at all."

Tra knew that time was close, will the time of the Jedi again, end? Troublesome thoughts, but true and important ones.
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Keiran Selkan

"I'm sorry to intrude, but how large of a fleet are we talking about? I have an old freighter, with an unfinished fighter in it." He looked around, reciting opening himself to the force to calm his fears of what was happening.
Jedi Padawan Tra Shin

Tra turned to his side, looking down he watched the man as he asked his question. "Jedi Selkan, the Jedi Fleet was once a nice sizeable force, but now is down to one Super Star Destroyer and two Star Destroyers. We also have a regirement of Jedi Star Fighter per Star Destroyer."

Tra felt the force flow through the room, letting him sense the feer in the room .
Master Duu'Raan

"Any shipsss would be of help, young Padawan. And when the time comessss, we will welcome yourssss."

He looked around the room. many were watching, but few were speaking. Tynan seemed troubled by something. He looked to Raine.

"Massster DuVall, what are your thoughtsss on thisss?"

My thoughts?
I'd hardly entered more than a second ago, but here I was, with Tynan and the new Jedi, and Luke. That was where it came from I thought, the information I'd missed. Always helpful that one. A good padawan; he'd make an excellent jedi someday.
I glanced around, uneasy with Selkan's fear so obvious. I felt no particular weakness about him however, and that put me at ease. Fear was an anchor, but only when uncontrolled. He'd already set to calming himself.
A traitor? That was Luke again, I sensed.
And how are you sensing these things, Raine? From Jedi?
I ignored the thought.
"It seems entirely possible, that if this padawan learner can find Yavin after so long away, and with the fleet stationed in our orbit, Yavin is indeed in great danger. Very visible, regardless of our attempts to conceal it. Should the Dracuurians or Sith attack us here, then the fleet would most likely be destroyed. We cannot face both, if we stand to face only one. It is, indeed a necessity that we move, and it seems our lack of haste at first has shown to be a misjudgment.
"It is time to move the children. But not with the help of the Jedi fleet. Our individual talents are useless onboard such vessels. The Force, and our lightsaber training... All useless at the hands of whatever skill our enemies might have at piloting fighters. We must load them onto freighters, and small ones, and move them offplanet unnoticed."
I glanced around, again feeling for thier responses. this time, it didn't come so easily.
"I fear our choice not to immediately involve ourselves in this struggle alongside the Republic might have hindered our ability to maneuver against the enemy. I believe it was the right choice. We are not ready to face this enemy. Not with thier aid, and not without. Putting forth an upfront, head-to-head battle against such as force will surely work in thier favor. It is time we moved behind the scenes, actively fighting when only necessary. We need ships to bebuilt, and more support garnered to help the Jedi Fleet and those of the Republic. But first, and foremost, we must get these children out of harm's way."
I lowered my head, feeling as though i only stated the obvious, and nothing helpful, but the words also felt the right words.
Jedi Padawan Tra Shin

"I agree," Tra looked back. "as much as I like the Jedi Fleet, it does draw attention to us." He held his head up high and lost himself in the force. "We should move the children to a afe place, and sooner the better.

"The Jedi Fleet does have a few small frieghters dockt, if needed I can call them, and there unmarked vessials, they can not be traced back to the fleet." Tra felt a little bitof hope still.

The Jedi had been almost whiped out, but it survived on the hope of one man. Here again, the Jedi face yet again, destroction. But Tr always felt that Light wins over Dark. "My Master once told me, that 'evil only needs good men to do nothing, and all is lost', I am sure he would want us to move and build our forces."
Padawan Keiran Selkan

Looking much calmer, "I believe you think to much of me Master Du'val, it took me months to find the concentration of force presence here. I have one freighter, which we could pack a lot of people in," he looked down, closed his eyes and looked back up opening them again, "I'll have to dump my fighter. I won't be able to handle a whole bunch of children, much less help them train, I do have a number of remotes, but I am still only a padawan learner. Another concern is where would we move them to?"
General Ak'we and Major Ovow

Somewhere at Naboo's moon Talus "I think the Empire will rise again i have allready have Lok, Rori, parts of Naboo,Talus, and the planet Yavin and its moons the Empire will rise again but I think we need some more troops do you know where we are going Major" said General Ak'we "I think i do Sir we are going to Kamino so we can get some more troops lets just hope they still have some left" said Major Ovow "They will always have some left and Major how are those Super Star Destroyers looking" said General Ak'we "We curently have 10 we should have 20 very soon" said Major Ovow "Get my ship ready we are going to Kamino"

As I looked down I saw my cybernetic legs I remember how I lost them as a Twi'lek he was looked down on in the Empire but that did not stop him. One day I went out alone in space and saw A rebel gunboat if I destroyed it i would get a promotion but i didn't see the escorts 6 X-wings shot me down but at my luck a Imperial ship was near i was almost dead they got there to late my legs where gone they had to give me some cybernetic legs after that I went up the ranks i would stay with these legs for the rest of my life.
Master Duu'Raan

He nodded. "Then it isss agreed. We will begin a relocation." He looked to Tynan.

"Massster Tynan, will you assisssst the Padawans in organising the evacuation?"

Tynan shook his head. "I cannot, Master Duu'Raan. I must remain here until the last."

Duu'Raan tilted his serpentine head at the former bounty hunter. "To what purposssse?"

Tynan shrugged. "I don't know. I just know I must stay . . ."

His eyes had a hard edge to them. A look that many Jedi knew well. Tynan would not be swayed, and would not speak of it further. Duu'Raan nodded, trusting in the Force.

"Ssssso be it. I will asssist in organising the evacuation. May the Force be with us all."

When the meeting had commenced, my first instinct was to ask Tynan why he'd made the choice he had. I eyed his carefully for only a moment before negating the idea. He'd made his choice, and hadn't told Duu'Raan. Either his purpose would remain his secret, or he wasn't certain as to his motive, some tremor the Force had sent him that he felt shouldn't be denied. Either way, the topic was dropped.
I went to Selkan, trying to force a smile but knowing I'd failed. Some things just didn't come easily for some people.
"You're help would be much appreciated, Padawan Selkan. Training would not be your responsibility, I assume. Mostly just protection and transfer. i believe Jedi Arakken would make a good companion for you in the transfer process. She's our resident teacher most times."
Keiran Selkan

Turning to Raine, "Master Duvall I believe that would be nice, I have my own training to finish. It's one of the reasons why I spent so much time trying to find the rest of the jedi. I lost my master, he told me to come looking for the Jedi Council." He smiled at her gratefully, "My master was hoping I'd be able to finish my training once I had returned, but it seems as if my training will be put on hold as we need to put all our efforts in teaching the children in their lightsaber skills as well as piloting and other skills if the Order is to survive."

He eyed the Jedi as they walked out, and followed in step behind Raine and looked down dejectedly, as he hurriedly went off to his ship. When he got aboard, he instructed his R2 unit to help him start peeling off some of the armor ablative armor that he had found on some of the rim worlds. It was pre-shield technology and he valued it a lot. A few hours later, covered in sweat and grime, he had managed to salvage some of the armor and rested against the floor.

"Tryst," he turned as his R2 unit rolled over and gave him a questioning beep, "I'm fine." He lay there on the ground for a while then picked himself up at Tryst's proddings. "Fine, fine, I'm getting up," the droid spat at him, clearly not happy with his laziness. Keiran got up, and plopped down into the cockpit, and started disconnecting the controls and a few hours later, was outside of his "ship" with the pilot's yoke, and sensors for the ship and a rotational ring, which he salvaged off a B-Wing. He reached out with the force and powered up the ship, opening the cargo hold doors, he said "Tryst, get secured."

Keiran walked up to the Sentinal's bridge and fired up the repulsors and moved the ship a little to the side, sighing to himself too bad I couldn't finish you . . . Blinking back tears he unceremoniously dumped his unfinished fighter onto an unused section on the side of the landing pad, making it a total heap.

About 10 hours after the meeting, Keiran set the freighter down where it originally was transmitted on open bands, "This is Keiran, I'm ready for transporting"
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Marius Lane

"So you aren't from here?" I asked. "None of you?"
He shook his head. "Heavens, no. No one could live here for generations, not since the Clone War. How it's become as livable as it is now is beyond me..."
Livable? That's what he called this place.
They were refugees from.. well, all over the Galaxy. Word had spread slowly and carefully, and survivors were coming here to hide from some threat I'd yet to hear about.
"The Draccos," the man said. "They'll probably never look here. The terrain is useless to them... Jabiim's been a blessing, simply because it's cursed."
"Draccos..." I muttered, thinking. "There's too much about this I don't understand. But I haven't time for the explanations right now. Later, yes. I think it'll be very necessary, but for now..."
Raven was out of sight at the moment, though I felt she was all right. She'd gone to heal several minor injuries (and a few major ones, I was certain) for the people here. Soon, we'd have to go.
"We're here because I've sensed another Jedi nearby. A friend of mine..."
The man's brow crinkled. "Can't say I've seen a Jedi. Not many ships land here, and the ones that do are often full of refugees, people like us."
He'd explained already that there were more than a thousands here, hiding in catacombs and in abandoned buildings. Mostly children, he'd admitted, ashamed it seemed, that they were hardly capable of protecting. I saw work for both the Republic and the Jedi here, but something was far too amiss to concentrate on such issues just then.
"Most likely, she'd have landed without being detected. The question has been, why am I feeling her so clearly? Why does it feel so urgent?"
I was thinking aloud, but he responded anyway.
"Maybe she came here to see the tomb..."
I glanced to him, raising my eyebrows.
"The tomb?"
Deep Space

The ship was sleek and dark, it's mottled surface reflecting the blackness of space back into itself. It was surrounded by dozens of ships of the same design.

"Here, overlord. Thissss isss the ssssystem," the Captain gestured to a image of a large gas giant on the view screen.

"Are you certain?" the answer came.

"Yessss, Overlord, I am." He had better bem he knew. His life would depend on the accuracy of the information he had obtained. Dracuurian punishment was swift, and final.

"Excellent," the Overlord responded. "Ssset course."

The Captain did so.

The fleet leapt into hyperspace, and toward it's destiny.
Darth Azraiel

The whine of repulsorlift vehicles and the stomp of the AT-ST announced the arrival of the Imperial troops. Soon, I had a squad of stormtroopers with two AT-ST in front of me. The Commander, having had experience dealing with the Sith, dismounted and approached me on foot.
" My Lord, we have found no sign of the jedi. Do you have any new instructions?"
I raised my arm to point off in a direction that would keep them occupied when I felt Him rip free of the prison that had held him for several millennium.
Of course my illusion dropped too, which was not good.

The commander died first, his head not even on the ground yet when I had targeted the scout troopers with my lanvarok built into my suit, destroying their chances to escape. By then the troopers had realized what was going on and started firing, but by then Death was in their midst. Crimson blades flashing, my sabers found their mark time and again. Bodies and pieces of bodies began littering the floor of the forest. A few bolts hit me from the back, but my armor absorbed their energy, and they only fueled my anger. The first AT-ST fell to my blade, the second fell as Sith alchemy-treated blades blew through the plassteel windows and permanently silenced the troopers inside. Within a minute, the forest was once again silent except for the sound of two red blades humming in the shadows of the trees. These had been the finest troops left in the Empire, but to a Sith Battle Adept, they were fodder.
Dev Daymon

He slipped into a meditative trance and nearly swooned when he felt the Dark Energy released. But it wasn't coming from the planet. Something horrible had happened in orbit.

He looked upward as if her could see what it was, which of course he couldn't.

Then the Sith unleashed death. Dev could feel the woman tense next to him, and he wrapped an arm around her. The stormtroopers were there hunting them after all.

Besides, the Sith would no doubt kill him relatively easily. His technique was smooth and deadly. Not many Jedi would even stand a chance. Certainly not a negotiator like Dev Daymon.

Soon the forest was quiet.

"We need to get out of here," Dev said. "More will come."

He left quietly as the meeting ended, but Luke caught up to him quickly.


Tynan looked at Luke and smiled slightly. "I'm fine."

Luke nodded and walked on, silently.

Tynan watched the boy . . . man . . . out of the corner of his eye. They had been together a long time now. Luke was the closest thing he could imagine to family. A brother. A son. "I cannot explain why, Luke. But I need to be here. Be ready."

Luke nodded.

Tynan continued. "Luke, if something were to happen to me, I want you to take Windu's holicron into safekeeping."

Luke's eyes widened and he looked at Tynan.

Tynan shook his head. "But I want an oath from you. I don't believe vaapad to be the style for you. It brings the user too close to their own darkness. It channels that darkness into a weapon of the light. But if you're not steadfast, it will consume you."

"Master, I . . ."

"Let me finish."

Luke nodded, and Tynan continued.

"Mace Windu was fond of a saying. 'You either master Vaapad, or it masters you.' You skirt the Dark Side when you use it. And if you're not careful, you will fall. Not maybe . . . you will. The reason I have refused to teach it to you thus far, is not that i don't believe you'll be capable of learning, and mastering, the seventh form . . . the reason is because you're not yet ready. You carry a darkness in you. One that I know far too well. You must learn to control it. Remember . . . anger isn't evil. Emotions aren't evil. Acting on those emotions is where the danger lay."

"I understand, Master."

Tynan sighed. He wasn't at all sure Luke did understand. And lately Tynan had the odd feeling that his time as a teacher was running out. The thought made him uncomfortable, but there it was. He placed a hand on Luke's shoulder.

"Luke, you're like a son . . ."

He stopped midstep as he felt it wash over him. It came from a great distance. An incredible evil.


He looked at the boy, but Luke showed no sign of feeling it. It called to the darkness inside of him. Sang to it. Pulled at it. And he knew that it was that darkness that allowed him to feel it at all over this distance. His own past, rearing it's head.

"Something terrible has happened . . ."

She had to fight the strong pull in her to protest the Sith's actions. She had to hold tighter to Dev in order not to rush to the fallen and heal. She was very much aware they were trying to kill the three of them, but it did not do anything to halt the urges.

"Is it over?" It was silent, but she could still hear the cries of pain, hear the few still breathing only for it to stop a few seconds later. A lifetime in her mind, those seconds..

She felt drained all over, fighting her very nature and denying the cry for help as her gift made her overly sensitive to... Only to realize she had been pouring all her healing into Dev..? She stepped back and released him, knowing that doing that for too long would also cause harm to him. She didn't get far before weakness took her ability to remain upright and she had to grab onto Dev once more. She hated to be weak and vulnerable, especially now.

"We need to get out of here," Dev said. "More will come."

She nodded in agreement, she wanted off this planet and soon. She knew she needed to thank the Sith for saving their skins, but it was also hard to trust one such as him. She had seen what they can do, and had done today.