Star Wars: Episode VIII: The New Threat

Jedi Padwan Tra Shin

Tra looked on, as the Sith did away with his Storm Troopers. Trying to stay calm, Tra looked down at the man.

Tra was 2 meters tall, yet size does not matter with the force. He knew he was no match for the dark lord, looking around the room confirmed he was strong with the dark side.

"We shall talk." With that, Tra hit a button on his Lightsaber and deactivated it, he also touched a 2nd button, which the dark lord did not see.

"Who are you, and what is your business here?"
darth Azraiel

I stood in front of the young Jedi. He had deactivated his lightsaber, so maybe he had a decent head on his shoulders after all. I holstered the disrupter, and placed my lightsaber back on my belt.
He looked a little nervous, but he was also standing determined that he would not shame himself or his master, and knowing of his master, he would someday make a powerful force for good in the galaxy.
“I know your master, Young Padawan. He is a noble Jedi, and if you can give me his word that I will leave at a time of my own choosing, with everything I carry upon my person going with me, I will accompany you to see him and anyone else you deem necessary for me to see. You have my sworn word I will offer no violence to you or anyone else, less that violence is offered to me first. As for my business here, well, it is concluded, so it is of no importance now.
So, what is it to be?”
Admiral Dar Thandor

"Greetings, Master Jedi Tynan... Jedi Luke. I trust all went well?"

He listened while to two Jedi reported the events at Cloud City, his face growing more troubled as they went on. After about fifteen minutes or so of back and forth between the Admiral and the Jedi, Tynan finished.

"Another Sith? You're certain?"

"Jedi Knight Marius Lane, confirmed it," Tynan replied.

Dar nodded. Lane was reliable. A good soldier if he weren't a Jedi. Pity. He had nothing against the Jedi, personally. In fact, he trusted them more than most. It was just that there were times where it was necessary for a soldier to have a slightly more.... flexible moral code. And for the Jedi, that was inconceivable. Except of course for the Sith. But to have them on your side... well, it was most definitely not worth the risks.

"Where will you go now?" Dar asked. Even an Admiral in the New Republic Navy didn't give orders to a Jedi Master. Fortunately, he rarely had to - the Jedi volunteered for the missions where they were most needed.

"To Yavin. Then we'll decide our next step. Any word from the Chief of State?"

"Nothing new. Setting up the new government is going slower than expected."

Tynan nodded. "The Jedi will support the new government when needed."

"I'll pass that on."

Tynan nodded again. "If there is nothing else?"

Dar shook his head. "No, we're done here."

"We'll stay in contact. May the Force be with you, Admiral." The Jedi master and his apprentice bowed to him.

"May the Force be with us all," Dar answered, and bowed back.

Mached V

Jono deactivates his saber first, Kerra follows his example & the rocks that were floating, drop to the ground with a thud. Wincing at the sound, “Mother ... Father ... What a surprise to see you.” He exclaims in surprise at this visit. His parents have never appeared to him after their deaths. “Jono, my son ... We have always watched you from afar.” Arianna motion for both of them to follow her & Lucas, she speaks to them as they walk.

“We ...” She glances at her mate & he gives her a reassuring glance. Giving her courage tell the story & laying this burden on the young Jedi. She continues to speak. “We have both sensed a disturbance in the force.” She walks into the shade of a large bu-bah tree & sits on one of the many large roots that protrude from the ground. Lucas stands behind her with his hands in her shoulders. Kerra & Jono sit on the roots in front of them.

“Tholin Mod Carradas, my father & your grandfather, has left the object that was in his possession, unguarded for far too long.” Kerra whispers, “The Sith Holo.” Jono looks at her to question but sees that she is white as a sheet. Arianna voice brings his attention back to her. “Yes, you know of what I speak of. In the wrong hands, it could be lethal. You both must secure the holo & return back to the rightful owner Tholin.”

Jono looks to his cousin for an answer, she shakes her head no. Lucas move from his position behind his mate & kneels in front of Kerra. He places his arms lovingly around her & speaks. “You must over come your fears child. This is one of the many tests to become a Jedi. You honor your father name. You have come so far under our son’s tutelage.”

Lucas turned his attention to the young Jedi Knight. “Son, you have grown in many ways since reuniting with your cousin Kerra. But there is much more to learn. Jono, you will not find them stay here on this planet. The time of hiding is over.” The young Jedi look at each other & nod in agreement.
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Caiben Raille

The Dug had gone inside, but the Nikto stood outside, talking to a few others, one another Nikto and the other two Gammoreans, thier clumsy, rounded bodies and pig-like snouts making them look oafish more than threatening. Other than the three, I saw no threats nearby.
I had an od feeling that I was very close to finding our objective.
"Find Respito," we'd been told. "And bring him to us."
I debated moving closer then and there, but something told me to hold back. I glanced arond, uncertain what had given me the idea. Perhaps something was creeping up behind me?
"Calm, padawan," Balle insisted, holding one hand up in a settling gesture. "It's only me."
I bowed my head, but I was disappointed. I'd been looking forward to the opportunity to act on my own, without supervision.
"How many?" balle asked.
"Three, and the Dug went inside," I responded. "Inside, I have no idea, but the building is fairly small. I would guess they aren't crammed in there."
Balle knelt next to me, hiding himself behind the small dune I'd hunkered down behind, almost thirty meters from the building we surveyed.
"Reach out with the Force, Caiben," he said. "Tell me what you feel."
"I sense that he's there, Master," I replied, not bothering to reach out.
"So certain?" He asked.
I nodded, again, no hesitation.
"We shall soon see," he responded. "According to my most recent source, Respito is very ner, and involved with your two acquaintances from the tavern."
I smiled as he said that: "Acquaintances."
"Shall we?"
"Not just yet," he replied. "Let's do a quick once over of the area first. Of all the places to hide, why would he come to Tatooine? Why not somewhere more remote?"
"Cheap thug support," I replied, uncertain what he was getting at. "Why not surround himself with such allies? They provide safety."
"Oh?" He asked. "He was on Coruscant for how long, Caiben? Two or three years, at least, in service to the worlds that were rallying together there, hoping to build an alliance of some sort, possibly to begin a new Republic of some sort. He has more than mild awareness of what the Jedi are capable of. He knows he isn't safe from us here."
I dwelled on his words for a moment. My master's words made sense, but what was he getting at? Our orders were to bring the man back. After all, he'd murdered a trusted servant of the Alliance Balle had just mentioned.
"Balle, what are you thinking?" I asked.
"That there is more to this than we're realizing," he returned.
"Like what?"
"I don't know yet," he replied. "Come, let's check the area, then decide what to do."

I was just dozing when I heard his voice again. It'd been two days since I last saw him, and I hadn't slept more than ten hours total since then. Those ten hours had haunted me enough for a week's worth of sleep however, had brought questions to mind that I thought had plagued me before, but now were truly testing me.
Was I strong enough? It was a question I was certain every Jedi asked themselves during thier lifetimes, but it had never pressured me the way it was now, the dreams, visions so hauntingly strong and realistic that I wondered if I could return to them at all, if they would simply drive me insane.
Perhaps if they had some sort of common thread to them, something I could use to interpret them better, to make sense of them.
"You look aweful," he stated, saying it matter-of-factly.
I opened my eyes, or rather forced them open. My eyelids were sore, and my body was fighting movement. I sat up, having leaned back against a tree on the small island in the swamp, planning on resting a few moments before heading back and dozing off. Thankfully, the visions left me peacefully unaffected.
"You've got the worst timing," I stated. This time, I didn't worry about my appearance, as I was dressed similarly to our last meeting. I bowed my head, however, awkwardly as it was from a sitting position. I started to stand.
"Oh," he said, shaking his head and holding out on hand. "No, by all means, you need some rest. I know you intend to show respect, and that is enough on this particular occasion."
I debated continuing anyway, then decided to listen to him and sat again.
"Why haven't you slept, Raine?"
"You need to ask?"
He shook his head. "No, I suppose I don't, but is staying awake helping you?"
I just looked at him for a moment. "I can't face them yet."
"And why not?"
"I'm not ready for this," I replied.
"Not ready?" He asked, eyeing me suspiciously. "What makes you say you're not ready?"
"I don't feel ready, Colme," I replied. "I feel...weak."
"That's why? That's what keeps you from facing this challenge?"
"I'll fail."
I looked down at the ground, pulling my knees up to my chest and wrapping my arms around them, cradling myself there, feeling like a child.
"You'll fail? And how do you know this?"
I didn't look up, or say anything.
"You speak out of fear, Raine," he replied. "And honestly, is failure really so terrible? Must you succeed at everything? As a Jedi, it is your duty to attempt, whether you fail or not is not an issue."
"Failure not an issue?" I looked up to him. "I never had the strength to be a Jedi, and I've been fighting too hard to stay ahead of my own shortcomings. I'm tired, Colme."
Colme just nodded, then looked to the ground. "Perhaps you're right, and that you hadn't the strength to be a Jedi. I guess that's always a possibility. But I don't believe that, and niether should you. Faced with the death of your Master, you stood tall, training your padawan and keeping your responsibilities in focus while dealing with what went on inside of you. Then, he resurfaces, a Sith lord now, and you must face his padawan, Darth Vaine, once Dietre Versant. Then and there, outskilled, you stood tall, losing a leg in the process. Still you rebounded."
"I would have been killed were it not for Marius and Tynan," I replied, cutting him off. "Again I failed."
"It took all three of you to defeat Vaine," he replied. "In that context, you might say all three of you failed...but as individuals. As a team of Jedi, you succeeded."
"A team?" I asked. I was getting angry, and my voice raised some as I spoke. "There is no team here, Colme. I'm alone. Marius and Tynan are..."
"Far away...yes, I know, but only because you keep them there, only because you hold on too tight and force them away."
I was talking about distance, physical distance, but the truth in his words stung ever more than I could have seen coming.
"Let go," he said again. "And sleep. Face what is awaiting you. The future of the jedi Order may very well depend on it."
"You seem to know more than you're teling me," I accused.
"Yes, but not about what you're feeling and seeing, not the future. The Force is speaking to you on this matter. And you must speak to it, you must discover its meaning," he stated. "Do not be afraid to fail. Do not be afraid of the future, or the past. Fear is one of many paths to the Dark Side. Close your eyes, and let go. Let the Force guide you as it may."
Easy words to say.
I lay back, resting against the tree again, taking in a deep breath, trying to relax.
"I'm right here," he said, softly. "Face your destiny. Do not be afraid or try to control things. Let the Force guide you. Let go..."

As he walked down the hallways Alic knew the looks the students had on their faces. They did not trust him and in truth he did not trust himself, with the war that still waged within him he knew what would happen if he gave up. He had destroyed more people that he could remember when he had last give up and had told himself that it would not happen again but how was he to fight for his very being when the people in this temple, the very Jedi that he needed help from refused to help him.

He sighed and kept walking down the hallway, trying not to look at everyone's face until he came to a large area that was empty except for himself. He stood there and wondered if he could do it- really become a Jedi or would everything that he had done in his previous life haunt him forever.

He pulled his lightsaber from his belt and activated it, looking at the blade as he held it before him. Its bright red blade was there to remind him but he knew that he did not want to remember. He wanted to shut everything out and live his life as he was meant to live it- as a Jedi. But he knew he couldn't and every time he tried something reminded him. He raised his head to the ceiling and let out a scream, hoping it would rid him of the darkness in his very being.
Ralta Duststorm

Ralta held out his hand, his palm comming out of the sleeve of the cloak and waited. after collecting a handfull of credits he nodded. No one was going to notice a dead body on couroscant. and no one was going to notice a few thousand credits being dumped into his account.

He walked outside the bar and hoped on a conveyor after being taken to the spaceport he walked past the customs officers and into the docing bay. passing ship after ship after ship he came to a corner, and greeted his tiny Tie Advance. there was probably nothing this small here, not on a Couroscant spaceport.

Getting clearance, he powered up and took off the deck. pasing for the double helix Shields, he passed through the window and jumped into hyperspace. he had spent longer away than he had wanted, and it was definatly time to get back, and see his teacher, sensai whatever you wanted to call it, his sith master.
Jedi Padwan Tra Shin

Tra remembered his master speaking of a lord of the Sith walking into a Jedi meeting backon Yavin; before the order split in two.

All though, D'Rack lead the Coruscant order honurably, and with an aspect that would make Luke Skywalker proud; Tra couldn't help thnking of the order on Yavin. "Peacefull, kind, loving people.... Too much though; The order would fall if it didn't change. The others did not see it, blinded by the dark side." D'Rack had once said. "Time changes, we must change too, if we are to survive." The young Vurk thought tat be true; ad true it was. "We have to relise that not all Sith are fully evil. Look at Darth Vader, he had goodinhim still, and became Anakin Skywalker as he killed Palpatine.
"Once on Yavin, a Sith lord had been apart of our Jedi meeting... Times do indeed change, but there is always those who do not change, or even want to change."

Was that Sith lord that Master Fran'tok spoke of, be this man in front of Tra?

"Come with me, we will leave forthe temple. Master Fran'tok will suriilyhonur your geaster of peace... Do not be alarmed, I called for reinforments, so we will be greeted by a company of Storm Troopers...." Stoping, turning around. "Forgive me," Begged Tra as he bowed. "I am Jedi Padwan Tra Shin. And you are?"
Darth Azraiel

"Come with me, we will leave for the temple. Master Fran'tok will surely honur your geasture of peace... Do not be alarmed, I called for reinforments, so we will be greeted by a company of Storm Troopers...." He suddenly stopped & turned. "Forgive me," He said & bowed. "I am Jedi Padwan Tra Shin. And you are?"

For most people that is a simple request, but for me it can have multiple answers.

" I am known by many names in many cultures. Among the Hutts I am known as Death. To the Sith & Jedi, I am known as darth Azraiel, & also known as a rebel by both. In a time long past I was known The Hunter. & my birth name is Tholin Mod Carradas, son of Carradas Ravin, one of the Emperors best Jedi killers."

I adjusted my cloak, checking the various sharp, pointy, & generally nasty things I had secreted about my person.
" Your Master knows me as Darth Azraiel, so that will do for now. Lead on, Padawn Tra Shin, youur master & a lot of curious others await your return with ahumbled Sith in tow."
I bowed to him & folded my hands in front of me, looking as innocent as I could, which probably was not very innocent.

We were just getting started when the Jedi returned. He stopped a few feet away, waiting for me to finish what I'd started before speaking. I clamped te hose in place, then turned to him.
"Captaion Mogo," he began. "Might I request your help again?"
"Where to?"
"The Mached system. It would be beneficial to go undetected if possible, and your old freighter here might be getting a reputation, but it still looks innocent enough at first glance."Marius stood silently.
I nodded. "Yeah, but she needs a few more repairs. An hour or two maybe. Can you wait?"
"We can wait," he replied, bowing his head slightly. "And we are very appreciative."I bowed my head as well, imitating his gesture, though I felt like a fool doing so. I was no Jedi, just a lucky pilot.
Going back to the repairs, I wondered how Luke was doing, hoping to see him before we left again.
Jedi Padawan Caiben Raille

"I knew it," Balle said, matter-of-factly. The contraption was a fair distance from the building I'd been hiding outside of,almost a kilometer in fact, and a transmitter was attached to it.
"What is it, Master?" I asked, eyeing it curiously. I'd been irritated with him at first, wanting to go in and take the man by force. That was what I knew, how to fight. But Balle's sense of diplomacy was proving more effective than I would have guessed it would be. Perhaps I should be giving him more credit than I do.
"It appears to be some sort of recieving device, but it's home-made, and it doesn't appear to be made to send signals," he responded.
"So, Respito is recieving signals from somewhere, but where? Do you believe there are even more spies in the Senate?" I asked.
"Perhaps," he replied. "But his behavior still surprises me. He merely attacked, seemingly out of nowhere. he could have done that at any moment, yet he waited how long, then retreated to Tatooine of al places. Desolate, yes, but also obvious."
He stared thoughtfully at the contraption, then said, "Don't draw your saber."
I felt it at the exact moment he spoke, but heeded his words, turning toward the group as they neared. Seven of them, blasters in hand.
"Are you coming in peace, or do we have to handle this in more aggressive manners?" The dug asked, leading the crew.
"We'll come in peace," Balle said,calmly.
"Give over your lightsabers," he ordered.
"No," Balle said, simply. "We will come as guests, not hostages."
"You're forgetting who has the blasters here. The upper hand is ours," the DUg returned. "As I said--"
"The upper hand?" Balle asked, dropping his hands to his sides, one hanging comfortably near his hip, dangerously close to his lightsabers.
The Dug thought for a moment. I wanted to challenge the little creature, but thought against it. Balle had a plan here, and I was no one to disrupt it. I assumed his same stance.
"Fine," the Dug replied finally. "But try anything..."
Balle nodded. "Lower your weapons and lead the way."

They came out of Hyperspace near Yavin, and approached the lush tropical world near it's equator. Luke was in the cockpit, while his Master meditated in the back.

"Talon to Yavin base, request permission to land. Transmitting clearance code," he said.

There was a slight pause while his code was being checked for authenticity.

"Welcome back Talon," a voice called back over the speaker. "You're cleared to land in the main hangar."

"Thank you, Talon out." Luke flicked off the communicator and took her in to the atmosphere. Before long, the jungle canopy appeared through the viewport. Luke deccellerated quickly, and pulled up on the yoke, and brought the ship in low, skimming just over the treetops. He loved flying, especially this ship. The Talon was a big ship, closer to a light freighter than a fighter, but it handled like a dream.

"Is there something wrong with the direct route to the hangar?" a voice asked from behind him, nearly causing Luke to jump before he caught himself. He bit off a curse. Besides being a Jedi Master, Tynan had been a bounty hunter, where stealth was sometimes required. It was a skill he honed to perfection.

"I... just thought I'd get some practice in."

"Really," Tynan said, dryly. "Not just having fun, then?"

Luke grimaced slightly. "Maybe a little."

Tynan laughed. "In some ways, you'll never change, my Padawan."

Luke flushed. "We're coming to the hangar," he said, changing the subject.

"Take us in."

Luke nodded, and slowed the ship, bringing it into the large, open hanger doors. He scanned the hangar for a place to land, and grinned when he saw the Spotted Owl. He set the ship down right near it.

They walked down the ramp, and Luke glanced over toward the Owl.

"Go ahead," Tynan said, as if reading his mind, which he very possibly might have been.

His Master's Force talents were unique. Tynan was a swordsman without equal as far as Luke was concerned, although he might be biased. He had an unusual weakness with telekinesis, but had extraordinary talents with his mind, such as reading your thoughts, implanting suggestion, such as the Jedi mind trick, or more rarely for Jedi, he had the ability to make you see what was not there. Unfortunately for him, most mind control techniques fell far too close to the Dark Side for him to feel them appropriate to use. Surface thoughts, though, were sometimes hard for him to miss, especially strong ones.

"It's ok, Master. I'll talk to Mogo and Orin, later. My place is with you."

"Nonsense. You've earned a break. Go to your friends, and find me afterwards."

Luke stooped and turned toward him. "Are you sure?"

Tynan stopped as well, frowning slightly. "I said so, did I not?"

Luke grinned. "As you wish, Master." He bowed to Tynan, and waited for his Master's return bow, before turning toward the Owl.

He found Orin standing outside. He grinned at Luke when he saw him. "Luke! Mogo will be happy to see you." He held out his hand for Luke to clasp, which Luke did.

"It's good to see you both. Where is the old man, anyway?"

Orin winced. "Repairs," he said, waving his hand toward the ship.

Luke nodded in sympathy. Mogo was a good friend, and a good man, but when he was in the midst of repairing the beloved Spotted Owl... he got... colorful to say the least.

Orin looked around, and then back to Luke. "Where's Tynan?"

"He went to meet Master Duu'Raan."

"Too bad.." Orin looked disappointed, and uncomfortable.

"Something wrong?" Luke asked, concerned.

Orin shrugged his shoulders. "Well... when we came to this planet... before we came here actually... all those years ago, we had an unusual passenger."

Luke nodded. The Sith he had met eight years ago. "Mogo had told me about the Sith you were forced to transport." he had also told him that technically, the ship did not belong to him, but to a woman.

"Yeah. Well, he left some things on board the ship when he disappeared, in the cabin he used. We were warned to never go in there. He said he would not be held responsible for what happened to us if we did."

Luke nodded. "Probably trapped."

"That's what Mogo thinks. Only now he's finally decided he wants whatever's in there off his ship. So I figured..."

Luke nodded again. "My Master would be the perfect choice to go in and get it out." Too many people knew of Tynan's past, and his abilities with the Dark side. Fewer knew that he conquered those urges years ago. Still that would would make him the best candidate for the job. Unless...

"I could do it," Luke said.

Orin looked doubtful, but Luke persisted. "Look. I'm a Jedi, I deal with this kind of thing all the time. If it's too much for me to handle, I won't. But at least let me take a look at it, just so I can inform my Master what he's up against."

Orin was still doubtful, but after some persuasion, he relented.

"You're just going to look, right?"

"Of course," Luke answered, and followed Orin inside the ship.
Interlude: Yavin IV

The room was cold and quiet, like a tomb untouched for centuries.
The bed was still made, and the cabnets locked. All looked normal in the small cabin exceot for two things. Under the bunk lay a dark brown leather satchel, about a yard long & a foot wide. It looked like any other spacers kit bag, usually filled with the knicknacks of life on the move, but it was anything but junk inside.
Anyone opening the bag would first find the armor. Black in color with red sigils only a few beings in the galaxy could read . The black cape that attached at the shoulders lay folded under it. Below that was a smaller satchel, with some odd-shaped cylinders inside it. Six, to be exact. And below that was a box crafted from a strange black metal. Red runes decorated it also, & a thumbtab was centered on to of it. Inside were protections that would lay low a hundred Jedi were they to try & open this box. Only three beings in the galaxy could safely open this box, and two of those were dead. What lay inside this box deserved these protections and a thousandfold more, for inside this lay knowledge, Dark knowledge, and a spirit thet the ancient Sith felt necessary to imprison in a cage of crystal. All this lay behind a door, a door that was once locked, & now lay open for the first time in over 8 years. The door a young Jedi was about to cross, and posibly change his destiny by doing so.

He could feel the Force energy surrounding the room. Oddly, it all seemed somehow familiar to him.

"I know this..." he whispered. He probed it with the Force, gently. There...

The Force energy pulsed, and hummed ominously. Suddenly a whiplike tendril shot out from the door and bit into him. He screamed, and clawed for the Force. Fear and anger filled him, but he was too far gone to notice. It was a battle for his life...

He struck back the same way he had done before... only somehow differently. And the Force trap surrounding the door pricked like a bubble.

"What the hell happened?" Orin asked, his voiced raised, filled with anxiety and fear.

"Nothing..." Luke said, breathing heavily. "It's... it's gone now. Safe." He put out his hand and slapped the door panel for emphasis. The door slid open noiselessly.

He had done it. He only wish he knew how.

He stepped inside, slowly, looking around.

"Wait a minute..." Orin said. "You said you were just going to..."

"I said I wouldn't do anything if it was too much for me to handle. It wasn't."

Orin seemed torn. Luke had obviously managed to overcome any trap that was set... he was still alive after all... but he still wasn't sure if the young Padawan should be inside the room.

"Maybe I should get Tynan," Orin said.

"Maybe you should," Luke whispered. "Yeah," he turned to look over his shoulder at Orin. "I think you should. "I'll wait here, and make sure no one wanders in here." It was a lame statement, Luke knew, but it was all he had. No one would wander onto this ship. Hell, Mogo was probably on his way here already, unless he was in an area that was soundproofed, like the engine compartment. Screams tended to carry on a ship.

"Don't touch anything," Orin said, then ran off at a sprint.

But Luke's curiosity was piqued, now. Besides, he had defeated the trap, hadn't he?

He reached out with the Force, tentatively, searching the compartment. And found something. A resonance of some kind coming from under the bed. He, of course, investigated.

He found an ordinary looking brown satchel, and probed it again, gently. The resonance was still there, and it was coming from the bag.

He pulled it out into the open, and opened it. Inside he found some sort of armor, covered in some strange symbols. He studied them in detail. Something about them seemed familiar to him... like a memory just out of reach, that would occasionally tickle the edge of his consciousness. There was a cape there as well. When he touched them he felt a surge of power... it was dark and foreboding. Fear. And rage. So it was this that was the source of the resonance.

He lifted it ut hurriedly, and placed it on the floor, wiping his hands on his tunic afterward as it would remove the feelings he had felt.

Underneath the armor he found some more familiar objects, in another satchel. Lightsabers. Or at least the casings for them. he made a mental inventory of the number before removing that as well, and placing it beside the armor.

Below it was a strange object. A black box, etched with the same red runes as the armor. It seemed to hum, dangerously. But it called to him. Without thought, as if looking at his own hand from a distance, he reached out to it, and closed his hand on it.

The boxed roared. There was no other way to describe it. The sound assaulted his senses, and his world rocked. He thought the entire planet must have moved. He felt his flesh burning. He was burning! Flames swallowed him, and he screamed, but he would not let go. The veins in his arms stood out... the blood roaring through them... and his muscled corded with effort.

Somewhere in his head, he knew he wasn't burning... he knew how to protect himself, and had on pure instinct.

His thumb came in contact with a small thumbtab.

The dark energy increased, but he fought it ruthlessly, drawing on every reserve he had, and every instinct he posseessed. He forced the energy back into the object, with a victorious snarl.

Suddenly. all was quiet. All except a voice, a low rumble like an earthquake, in his ears.

"Hail Palpatine. What would you ask of us?"

He had just stepped up onto the ramp when it hit him, staggering him backward. He had shielded himself instinctually but it had nearly not been enough. It was as if he was being buffetted with an incredibly strong wind of dark Force energy. No matter how he tried, he could not move forward.

Then just as suddenly, it had stopped.

His hand went to his belt and he pulled free a lightsaber, igniting it with the familiar snap-hiss. He turned to look at Orin, who seemed relatively unaffected.

"Stay here. If I don't come out, get anyone who is not Jedi as far from here as possible."

"Forget it," Orin replied. "Mogo's in there." He pulled losse a blaster he had hidden under his shirt.

He had changed as much as anyone, this boy. Mogo's influence perhaps. Or perhaps just getting caught up in the events that he had.

"Very well, but stay behind me."

He entered the ship, lightsaber held up before him.

"Pal...patine...?" I muttered, disbelieving. The boy was before me, holding the object I'd gone to such pains to keep hidden and safe. All that effort wasted.
And it called him...Palpatine?
"Luke, what are you doing?" I stared forward, my hands trembling at my sides. How could he have gotten his hands on the object, especially after Master DuVal specifically told me to keep it hidden and safe. She'd even gone so far as to tell me that, should we be lost in battle, she'd be willing to part with it, just so no one else might have it. A powerful thing it was...well, whatever it was. The Jedi hadn't even known, just that it was powerful, and that the dark side held powerful domain within it somehow.
"Get away from that thing," I insisted, wanting to move forward, to take the object from him, but I couldn't move, scared to death for the boy's safety, afraid that if I moved, some harm would come to him.
I turned, looking out into the corridor and shouting for Orin to bring help.
Darth Azraiel

I was looking at the Padawan, waiting for him to lead me off to his master when I felt it. The trap had been laid 8 years ago, and just now someone had tripped it, tripped it & defeated it. Only someone powerful in the ways of the Force could have done that, and that meant they might be able to open the case that the holicron is in. If he escaped, the entire galaxy would be in peril!
Ignoring the Jedi, I closed my eyes & centered myself, then sent my senses out, tasting the energy and following it back. Farther & farther I flew until I saw a ship, then a room, then a boy with a glowing pyramid in his hand. I had them, but by the fastest of ships, they were two days away! Then I heard the words that would change everything for me
* Hail Palpatine. What would you ask of us?

It could not be! My master was reborn!
I had to get there before the Dark One attacked. The gatekeeper would offer the young Emperor some protection, but it would not be enough. Somehow I needed to get there NOW!

My fear for the boy was growing, as well as my rage over being helpless. I could feel the Dark Side caressing me, bathing me in its power. I let loose all the barriers I had kept up all these years between my anger, my hatred, & my fear & embraced it.
Thunder cracked overhead, and the winds picked up as the power flowed through me, feeding off my emotions.
With a cry of pure rage I unleashed the power within me, and with a crack of lightning a black vortex of power enveloped me. I was one with the Dark Side, and apart from it. Suddenly the power disgorged me from its embrace, and I spilled out onto a bunk, landing on the floor in front of a startled young Jedi.
I stood and knocked the holicron from his hand, and the room darkened as the crystal shut down.
" You fool! You almost let loose a scourge on the galaxy greater then any Sith or Jedi could imagine." I stepped back & picked up the holicron, still a little dizzy from my experience. That’s when I noticed something wrong. When I picked up the holicron, it should have activated, but it was dead in my hands. I knew the fall had not harmed it, for I had thrown it against a bulkhead with the full force of my strength before & it suffered not a scratch.
I tried to reach out & sense the feelings of those about me, but felt nothing!
I had saved the young emperor, but at the cost of my connection with the Force! I was severed from the Force!

His surprise wore off quickly... well as quickly as it could considering the events that had just transpired.

He had not even answered Mogo when the Sith had appeared from nowhere and knocked the device from his hand. Then, the Dark Lord took it into his own.

Luke's lightsaber was out in a flash, and pointed toward the Sith. If he were somehow able to tap into the power of the device, or the armor... Luke was doubtful he could stop him if he tried as it was. But try he must. He was Jedi.

"Put the device on the bunk and step back."

Then he noticed something else. The man was different... where Luke remembered only confidence and even arrogance everpresent on the man's face, there was now only shock. Shock and horror. Something was wrong.

Tynan stepped into the corridor, and practically ran into Mogo. He slid by him and found Luke facing the Sith, Darth Azreal. Tynan stepped up beside his Padawan. His trained eyes took in everything, from the armor, to the satchel, to the device in Azreal's hands.

"You came to us in peace eight years ago. Do as my Padawan says, and maintain that peace."

Tynan wasn't sure what was going on here, or what the device was, but he trusted Luke's judgement. And the boy seemed to think it a threat. Tynan could feel the dark energy emanating from it, and wished it out of the Sith's hands.

The compartment was small, which would negate the superior numbers. If Azreal decided to fight... Tynan would put his skill with the blade against any man, living or dead. But in these close quarters, nothing was guaranteed.
Darth Azraiel

The suprise did not last long with the young one. and with a familiar snap-hiss he had his lightsaber out. A moment later a familiar figure came in and joined him. I had not seen Tynan since that day long ago on Yavin IV. He looked well, but concerned.
"You came to us in peace eight years ago. Do as my Padawan says, and maintain that peace."
I looked at him, and at the young Jedi. Shaking my head I bent down & picked up the case for the holicron, then placed it back inside the case & closed the lid.
"May I sit down? This may take a while to explain, and for some reason I am not feeling very well at the moment."
Kerra Shiran / Jono Te Aricus

The Phoenix

If it wasn’t for the cameo net, the YT-2400 Corellian Freighter, would have been a molten golden gleam in the late afternoon sun. Jono wished for the millionth time that Kerra would relent & let him change the paint scheme of the ship. But she would go on about how it was bad luck to change the color, after the ship already had a name.

*The Phoenix was an eyesore on the ground but a thing of beauty flying thru the sea of stars.* Jono had to admitted to himself.

Ever since Kerra won it in that shady Sabacc game, five years ago. They have done almost every possible modification with little expense & lots of ingenuity. Jono’s deft mind, could figure out how things needed to be put together in a non-conventional way. It was his puppy, his pride & joy since building & modifying the land speeder.

Kerra walks down the gangplank. “You got everything Captain?” Jono smiles in surprise, “This is the last of it.” He points at the items on floater cart. She nods then turns around to go back into the ship & start the flight. Feeling a twinge in the force, she glances back at her cousin.

“Jono, did you just feel that ...” Suddenly a sharp pain emanates thru the force trying to rip her heart out. Kerra clutches her chest as the pain starts the overwhelm her. “Jono help ...”

As she falls to her knees, Jono catches her in his arms. “Kerra!!!” Being rocked gently in her cousin’s embrace, Kerra seeks out the answer to the pain she is feeling & finds her answer. *Tholin* Quickly as it came it’s gone & with it any connection to her grandfather is severed. Jono looks at her in question, as he helps her stand. The tears form in her eyes. He looks into her eyes, as put his hand on her face, “What’s wrong?”

Kerra smiles sadly, “Tholin is gone, I can not sense him thru the force. Something else has happened right before it. Did you feel it?” Shaking his head no, “We must go Jono, to Yavin 4 & find where the Owl went. For our grandfather’s sake.” He nods in agreement & they set off.
Ralta Duststorm

Ralta dropped back out of Hyperspace, completing his short journey to his homeworld, re-arming, and re-fueling, and passed again through the twin shields of Couroscant.

Landing strangely at the same port he'd lift from a day earlier, he climbed out and passed quickly through customs. he walked the streets, bumping into the busy crowds. Finding a sidewalk he stood and let it carry him to his destination.

Ralta stepped off the platform and passed through the dirty doors of a bar. he hadn't felt his masters presence here, but you never know. he was right though, he definatly wasn't here....

Ralta closed his eyes after sitting at a booth and tried to contact Azreal, where was he anyway? he waited a few minutes, and then reached for his com unit.

"Drop the holicron, Azreal," Luke said. His voice was edged, and he took a step closer to the Sith.

Tynan reached out and touched his arm. "Steady, Luke." Tynan's eye's slid down toward the case in Azreal's hands. It was a holicron? It didn't look like any he had ever seen in holo's before. How had Luke recognised it?

Tynan looked back at Azreal. "You may sit. After you put the object on the ground. I do not know what is going on here, but I know what I felt wash over me moments ago. And I trust me Padawan's judgement. If talking is truly what you wish to do, then you have my word that no harm will come to you, and you will be allowed to leave as you came." He was sure that the Sith could sense the other Jedi approaching. As a show of good faith, Tynan switched off his lightsaber.

Luke, he noticed, did not. Instead, the boy eyed the device in Azreal's hands. Tynan felt for the emotion coming off his Padawan, and was disturbed by what he felt. Fear. Fear and longing.

"Luke, deactivate your blade."

Still no response.

"Padawan," this time with more conviction. "Deactivate your blade."

Luke's eye's snapped toward Tynan, and he blinked his eyes as if just waking up from a dream. he looked at Azreal again, before shutting down his blade, and stepping back.

Tynan nodded, and waited calmly for Darth Azreal.