Star Wars: Episode VIII: The New Threat

Darth Moridin

From the bridge of the Super Star Destroyer Executor II, Darth Moridin felt the call of the holicron, or more importantly, the call of the spirit trapped inside.

"Soon," he whispered. "Soon, but not yet. There are plans which must be put into motion first."

The races under his control were already starting to forment discord on variuos systems, and recently, two more world voluntarily joined his Alliance of Free Worlds. The fools. They did not know it, but they would soon have only what freedom he chose to give them. Now all he needed was a threat to unify them. He had been researching for this threat for sometime, and finally believed he had found them. It seemed that somewhere close to the Unknown Regions there had been placed a manufacturing plant for battle droids. If he could find it, and activate it, he would have his threat. Granted, the droids would be old, and out of date, but he was sure he could upgrade them to make them more fearsome. And them he would set them loose of the galaxy. Worlds would flock to his banner when it became clear that his Alliance was the only group that would be able to protect themselves from the droids.

Now all he had to do was find them.
Jedi Padwan Tra Shin

Tra was just about to speak when the Sith closed his eyes, and was ingolfed by dark clouds. "What?! I've never seen this, or heared of this before!"

The clouds cleared, and the Dark Lord was no longer there. "Imposible! How did he... Where did he go?... How did he do that? Tra was shocked, how did the man just disappear? And why? Maybe D'Rack could help explain?

Tra picked out his communicater out of hispocket and brought it to his mouth. "Commander? Bring in some men and clean up in here. Died bodies everywhere, and prepar my shuttle, I'm returning to the temple." With that, he turned and left.

Upon existing the door, he looked around as there were hundreds of Storm Troopers around, an there were at least 4 shuttles. "What are with all these men? I didn't call for this meany reinforcement."

"Yes, but we heard all the noise from inside and called fdor my troopers, we were just about to enter..."
Darth Azraiel

I looked at the boy, Luke. In retrospect, I think I recognized him when I first met him as a child all those years ago. Much had changed in him now. He was more muscular, and a lot more fit than early holo's of Palapatine. He looked....right in the jedi garb, but I could see that he was having trouble holding back his darker emotions.
" Control your anger boy, least it control you and you follow the path your progenitor took! I served Palapatine, and you stand to have a chance to be a greater man than he was, if you control your emotions. Stop playing Jedi & be one! Would you strike down a unarmed man? One helpless against you? Because if you do strike me down that will be what you are doing, and the Dark Side will be your fate!"
I looked at Tynan. " You know my words are true, as we have delt before. I do stand before you as unarmed as I have ever been. My lightsaber is worthkess until I replace the power cells, and in saving this child I stripped myself of my ability to touch the force. Sense my ability, this close to a Master I could not hide it anyway. Sense my connection with the force & see if my words are still true. My lightsaber I will gladly give to you."
I slowly, very slowly reached down & removed my lightsaber, placing it on the bed in front of Luke. Then I sat back & waited on the Jedi's next move.
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It was the most unexpected of things. Finding Luke holding the holicron in the first place (whatever a holicron is...) had been a shock, especially given how long and hard I'd worked to keep the damned bag out of anyone's hands, most of all his. Now, the boy who'd become an unexpectedly good friend, was in danger due to my poor judgment.
Before I could do anything, even move, more was going down. THe brightness the holicron had thrown forth was gone and after managing to avoid the man for eight years, Darth Pompous Ass had made his triumphant, unexpected return.
I reached to one side to detach the full-length blaster from its perch on the wall. I glanced back, seeing the holicron bounce to the floor and Luke look up to meet Tholin's gaze.
Blaster in my hand, I readied to fire if it bacame necessary, knowing that all I could do is distract the man and hope that, with my help, Luke could hold him off until help arrived. Let the Masters deal with this sort of threat, not the padawans and pilots. This was thier reign.
Luke ignited his saber then, and I waited to see if I could be of help.
One demand from Luke was all there was time for, then Tynan was there, to my relief, moving around me to enter the room, remaining more calm than I could have thought anyone would be in this situation."You came to us in peace eight years ago. Do as my Padawan says, and maintain that peace."
At his Master's second command, Luke switched of his saber, then, more humble than i would have guessed (but still not impressing me) Tholin began to explain.
The word that took hold of my attention most was "progenitor." Palpatine was...Luke's Father?
When he'd finished speaking, I stood by, waiting for Master Tynan's next move. I wasn't leaving my friends unreinforced in the hands of such an enemy.

He didn't understand all the talk of Luke's pregeny at all, but he didn't like it one bit. He would learn when he could. First things first.

He reached out with the Force, and delved the Sith. He was shocked, it was true... he could still feel the man's presence in the Force, so he knew he wasn't shielding himself, but it was as if something was missing, or had been torn away. He had no control over the Force any longer!

Tynan was shaken, but reigned in his emotions. He had been to Myykr, and dealt with the planets Ysalimiri - small animals who had the peculiar effect of projecting a bubble in the Force and rendering it null - but he had always known the effect would be temporary. he had even taken Luke to the planet as part of his training to insure that he would be able to handle himself if he had ever been trapped by a hunting party using some of the small creatures. But even then, he had known the effect was temporary. To be permanently torm away from the Force...

Tynan pulled the Sith lightsaber to himself, and hooked it to his belt next to his. Under the circumstances, a holicron was useless to Azreal, now. Unless he decided to throw it at him. He nearly chuckled at the thought, but again held himself in check. Then he did the unthinkablefor a Jedi. He pulled a chair away from the wall, and sat down before the Sith, so that there was no more than a foot separating thier knees. Luke, even though Tynan could tell how uneasy he was about whatever had happened, followed his training, and stood back behind Tynan, his own lightsaber finally hooked to his belt. Mogo, however, hovered close by, his blaster still trained on the Sith, nearly making Tynan smile. Not many would have stood with a Sith in their midst, let alone stood in a threatening way. The fact that the Toydarian was not Jedi only proved his courage a hundredfold.

"What you said about your abilities is true." He wouldn't offer the man sympathies, it would be an insult. Besides, Tynan would have to admit that he wasn't exactly upset the man was without the Force. He had been powerful, and unpredictable. he was much easier to deal with in this way. He could say one thing that was true, though. "I thank you for whatever you did to help Luke. Especially at the cost to you. My promise stands, no harm will come to you here that you do not bring on yourself, as long as I stand alive. What I must ask you is, why did you do what you did for my Padawan? And what is this threat you fear?"
Jedi Master D'Rack Fran'Tok

"Hail Palpitne..." The voice had said, to someone.. A boy was there, holding something. "What would you ask of us." Starteled, D'Rack reckonigised the boy.

Luke, a young boy D'Rack had meet on Yavin. A youn boy, strong with the force. D'Rack last saw the boy before the Order split in two. Though D'Rack never made an annoucment ofhis parting, or why. The Jedi knew of what was happening, they felt D'Rack's order grow on Coruscant...

But, what has that to do with this? Why was Luke being talked to as he was Palpitne? Palpitne, if he was back, how? And why? D'Rack didn't know... He did know for sur, that Palpitne, if he was back, must not gain any power.

The door beeped, and in came a Storm Trooper. "Sir, Tra's Shuttle has just landed."

"Thank you commander, give Tra new orders for me. He is to meet me at Hanger 3."

"Sir, yes sir!" The Storm Trooper bowed and left the room, the door shuting behinde him.
Jedi Master D'Rack Fran'Tok and Jedi Padwan Tra Shin

D'Rak walked into the large hanger. His eyes saw the Corellian YT-2000 Transport first. His Corelian YT-2000. The large freighter is 3.3 meters longer then the YT-1300, which the Millennuim Falcon made legendery, back at the end of the empire.

D'Rack had brought the YT-2000 5 years ago, from the Corellian Engineering Corporation from Corellia. Though D'Rack had it customized for armor, speed and firepower, it was used for undercover work, or peaceful missions.

The Shadow as D'Rack named it, was a dark shade of grey, with a touch of lighter grey at places. The Shadow was now a fast ship, so fast it could even outrun the Millennuim Falcon; where ever it was now...
Still, the Shadow could hold it's own agaisnt some larger spacecraft. But firepower wasn't I need for this mission; or D'Rack would use his flag ship, the Avenger, a Imperial-class Super Star Destroyer.

For the mission, D'Rack needed speed, and alot of it. So te Shadow was good choice, as it was the fastest ship D'Rack had in the entire fleet.

"Master, the Shadow is ready t depart... May I ask where we are going?" Tra asked, as he walked down the bording ramp

"All in due time, my Padawan.." D'Rack answered as he walked up the ramp of the Shadow. "First, tell me of what you found? Were the Sith behinde the problem?”

“I can not say for sure, Master. Though I did come across a Darth Azraiel, he said you knew him?”

“Yes, I know him, and I did feel his presants, untill before...”

“Yes, e just disapperad... No Jedi nor Sith could do that, it is inpossible!”

“No, it isnt possible, still it did happen. If it was a trick, I would still feel his presance; but I do not.”

“Then whaat does tat mean Master; where are we going?”

“To find out what happend.”
Darth Azraiel

Tynan was always a man who believed in himself and the force. His confidence in that was expressed in his every move. He would sit there waiting patiently until I was ready. Well, I did need to explain what was going on if this was to make any sense.
“ I’m going to have to start with a history lesson. I doubt that you know much about holicrons except that they are storage devices activated by the force. For Jedi holicrons, this is essentially true. The Sith, however, took a new look into them. For the Ancient Sith, they we informational devices, and sometimes a prison.” I paused to see if they were following, then continued.
“Many thousands of years ago the Sith learned how to move their spirits out of their dying bodies and into younger ones, as long as the host could sense the Force. Over time one particularly clever Sith, Dark Lord Ravan, learned how to force a person’s spirit from their body and into a vessel of his design. Somehow he found out that a Holicron could be prepared to be such a vessel. He then began a reign of terror such that the Sith have never seen the like in 10,000 years. That is until Ravan met the one Sith that we all feared. I would like to tell you his name, but it is never spoken, in fear that his spirit may hear you, & desire to walk among us again in a mortal body.
It was said that they battled for a year and a day, and in the end the Dark One came out carrying a holicron. It passed on from Sith Lord to Sith Lord over the centuries, until it somehow fell into Palapatine’s hands many years ago. He learned much from the imprinted personalities inside the holicron, but he also awakened the spirit of Ravan inside it. After a brief … discussion on whom got to keep the body, he also learned from Ravan too. That is how he stayed ahead of everyone. If he was killed, he had bodies waiting for him to occupy, so he could continue on with his work.”
I once again paused, watching the Jedi, gauging their reactions. Tynan was listening intently, as was the boy. Mogo, of course, was in the back pointing another gun at me. Some things never change.
“ When the Emperor initiated his final plan to ensure his life would always go on, he had a clone and his personal treasures, along with his personal guards put in cryo-satsis. I was one of his most trusted assassins, so he placed the holicron and some other items powerful in the Dark Side in my stasis tube alone with me, for protection. I know how dangerous this holicron is because I fought it every moment I slept in that tube.” I looked into the young Padawan’s eyes. “ It takes Ravan a few minutes to overcome the guardian, but then he strikes, and your soul would have been destroyed. You may have Palapatines DNA, but you don’t have his years of experience wielding the dark Side. You would have been destroyed.”
I sat back, waiting for their reaction. I was at their mercy and they knew this. Hopefully they would realize that the Holicron was safest with me, but it would be their choice if I kept it or not.

Tynan looked at the case holding the Sith device, but remained quiet. Luke did not.

"If that's true, than its place is with the Jedi, not with you..." Luke began, but fell silent, when Tynan held up his hand.

"I don't believe Azreal wants this creature loose any more than we," Tynan said. "And... oddly... in this situation, a non-Force user who understands the threat might be a better guardian than a Force-user, who might potentially open the holicron, even accidentally."

He looked up at the Sith, for that's what he was, Force or no. "Besides, I doubt that Darth Azreal is helpless, even without the Force," he noted, dryly.

"But Master..."

"Trust, Luke. You must have it, especially in me, or there is nothing I can teach you."

"I'm sorry, Master."

Tynan nodded, but he was troubled. This holicron was a dangerous tool, especially in the hands of a Sith who did not know its power, and there were already several floating around the galaxy who did not.

"Under the circumstances, I think it best if you remained with us, here," Tynan said, rising to his feet. "Shall I have quarters prepared for you?"
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Darth Azraiel

“ Since I am basically stranded here, I accept your offer of a room.” I looked over at Mogo, “Unless I can have my old cabin back?? No., Well then, I’ll gather my things and then we can be off.”

I reached down and picked up the bag, then I began removing items from it. First my armor, which I laid out on the bed. Then the lightsabers.
“Here Luke, watch these for me.” I said, tossing them to the boy.
I then placed the case back in the bottom of the bag. Next I removed my robe, then disengaged the lanvarok from my left arm. These both went into the bag. The disrupter pistol went in next, as did 3 vibroknives, a garrote, and a pouch with 3 smoke pellets. Next my boots went into the bag, along with my tunic. I then started to put on my armor. It felt strange at first putting it on, since it had been so long since I had worn it, but soon comfort overcame strangeness. With the last piece in place I clipped on the cape, and powered up all systems. Checking the readout on my right forearm I noticed that some weapon systems were offline, most noticeably the dartlaucher and the one-shot blaster, but the blades were still set. I punched in a shutdown code and deactivated the rest of the weapons.
“ I do have one request Master Tynan, please verify that my lightsaber is inactive, then let me have it back. I would like to be fully presentable for the council.”
I stood there waiting, a figure in glossy black powered armor with a deep black cape. You could almost hear the slow, rhythmic breathing echoing through the halls from another Sith who wore similar armor.

Tynan nodded, and check the long hilt. It did indeed seem dead, and he tossed it back to Azreal.

"Master..." Luke began, than cut himself off.

Tynan knew that a lightsaber was a dangerous weapon, even in the hands of one who can no longer feel the Force. But against a Jedi who can feel the Force, it would be a poor defense. He saw no need to keep the blade from him. He felt similarly about the armor. Why add salt to any wounds the man felt?

Besides, if he had truly saved Luke, than Tynan was in his debt.

"This way," Tynan said, and led the way from the chamber.

Alic's eyes flew open when he felt the onrush of the dark side. He had never felt anything like it in his entire life but yet it felt so familiar that it seemed as though it were a part of him. He closed his eyes and searched for the source of this dark energy and found it but found that there were two Jedi and a Sith near it.

As he stood there he began to fight with himself- part of him wanted to go and see what this dark side source was, in fact part of him called for it but there was a part of him that fought it. He shut off his lightsaber and walked out of the training room, into the corridor- not really knowing where he was going.
Kerra Shiran / Jono Te Aricus

The Phoenix, Yavin System

“You ready?” Jono asks Kerra. “Once we getting into sensor range there will be no turning back.” She looks back at him still a bit shaken up after finding out Tholin’s disappearance. “There is not turning back, only forward to face our fears straight on.” He nods & the Phoenix heads into Jedi territory.
Jedi Master D'Rack Fran'Tok and Jedi Padwan Tra Shin

The Shadow risked through hyperspace as D'Rack and Tra sat, talking. "Master, do you really think this is a good idea?.

I mean, with after what happened all those years ago, won't we be looked at as the enamy?" Tra asked D'Rack, as he looked out the cockpit.

"Tra, we are talking about Jedi here. Why would we be their enamy? We are Jedi as well... I felt something happen on Yavin IV... Some strange feeling... if any one knows already, it would bethe Jedi on Yavin." D'Rack answered as he looked at the nav computer. "We're here!"

D'Rack pulled back on the hyper=drive, and the Shadow jumped back to normal space.

"Unidentified Corellian Transport,please identifi yourself."

"This is Jedi Master D'Rack Fran'Tok of the Corellian YT-2000 trasport Shadow. I come inpeace to meet with the Jedi conciel, I ask for clearance to land?"

"I hope they will let us land.

Tynan led the way to the Council Chambers through throngs of Jedi students, most of which were just now climbing to their feet with the help of older, more experienced Padawan's.

"I'm afrais most of the Council is off-planet. Those that are here, however, will be waiting in the Chambers."

He had sent one of the oldest Padawan's at the Academy running off to the Chambers to inform Duu'Raan who was coming. Most likely, the student had found the old Jedi Master on his way to the Owl.

Before long, they came to the Chambers, and Tynan entered, with Darth Azreal, and Luke behind him.

Tynan and Luke bowed the Duu'Raan, who bowed in return.

Duu'Raan looked toward the Sith. "What bringsss you back to Yavin, Darth Azreal?"
Jedi Master D'Rack Fran'Tok and Jedi Padwan Tra Shin

"Shadow you have clearance to land, Master Duu'Raan welcomes you back to Yavin IV."

D'Rack pilots the Shadow through the planets atmosphere. "See, they let us land. You focusing on negative thoughts my Padwan, focus on the posative."

"Yes Master, it's just that I've never been here before."

The Shadow entered the hanger and landed. "Now, to see the Council. D'Rack stod up, pulling the hog ofhis clock up over his head. "Come Tra, we have business to atened to."

D'Rack followed by Tra walked down the bording ramp and made way towards a guard. "I am Jedi Master D'Rack Fran'Tok, this," Pointing back towards Tra. "Is my Jedi Padwan Tra Shin. We come in peace, and wish to meet with the Jedi Council."

"yes, you're expected. Follow me please." The guard turned and started to walk towards the Temple.

I sensed the disturbance in the Force, one unlike anything I'd ever felt, but I remained where I was, meditating. I sensed Luke and Tynan very close to the threat, which seemed gone the next moment. No pain, or distress, save for a small issue with Luke. An old presence, but not as I remembered it.
Come on, raine, I know you're out there somewhere...
I shouldn't have been so worried, not when she was not only a grown woman, and a Jedi, but a grown woman who also happened to be a Jedi Master. But something made me worry, something that seemed to reach across the Galaxy to me, from wherever she was. I wasn't recieving images, or feelings, but an odd...uncertainty. And great void that seemed to begin within her somewhere. She'd always been the type of person who was distant, fairly quiet, and she'd gotten worse in the last few years. After I passed the trials, she'd never taken another padawan, had merely joined the council and gone about taking missions solitarily, without much assistance or association. She was becoming too distant now, almost cut off from the rest of us altogether.
I felt nothing in particular, just a further repetition of the same feeling, that void...
I opened my eyes, looking over at Raven, who stared back at me, eyes open.
"What's wrong, Raven?"
"Something happened," she replied. "I felt it."
I nodded. "Tynan and Luke have it under control, I'm certain. While meditating, I'm usually very attuned to the two of them these days. If something would have gone wrong, I would have felt it."
SHe nodded, then lowered her head. She hadn't learned that part yet, to trust her senses, even that which the Force provided, without fail.
"Come," I said. "We'll check this situation out further. Let's head to the Owl."
She stood and hurried behind me.
Darth Azraiel

" Greetings, Master Duu'Raan. Let me begin explaning things by assuring you that I have given my word to Master Tynan that I offer no violence to anyone here. I came here because of the curiosity of your young Jedi here" I said pointing at Luke. "He was about to release something the Sith have kept imprisoned for over 5000 years because they feared it. I somehow managed to move myself using the Force from Corucant to here to stop the boy from making a mistake, but doing so has cost me. Right now your youngest apprentice could probably stop me, because in saving this child I somehow managed to sever myself from the force. I stand here before you as a man, not a Sith. I don't know if this will be permenant or not, as I have only heard of one other being cut off from the Force was Ulic Qel-Droma 4000 years ago, and he died from a shot in the back on a backwater planet. If the Council would grant me a request, I would use your holonet transmitter so I can contact my ship & have them pick me up. Now , do you have any questions for me?"
Jedi Master D'Rack Fran'Tok and Jedi Padwan Tra Shin

D'Rack looked at the doors of the council cham,ber. "This isit D'Rack, watch and lern, young one."

D'Rack pressed a button on the door panel, asking for entry.
Kerra Shiran / Jono Te Aricus

The Phoenix, Yavin IV

As they fly into sensor range, the com sparks to life. “Yavin 4 to Corellian vessel, please state your identification & business here.”

Jono looks at Kerra. She grins at him, then turn on the com. “Yavin 4, this is the Phoenix. We are requesting clearance to land. Jedi Knight Jono Te Aricus & Jedi Kerra Shiran are here to request an audience with the Jedi Counsel.”

“Phoenix, we are sending a squad to escort you in. You are cleared for landing.” A small flight of X-Wings appear around the ship.

“Thank you Yavin 4, Phoenix out.” Kerra looks at Jono, as she turns off the com. “All we have to do is follow the X-wings in, not make any funny moves, land & we are set.”

I opened my eyes, sitting up. I wasn't sure how long I'd been out, if I was ever really out at all. I was somewhere, that wasn't here, and wasn't entirely elsewhere, but I may not have been what you would call resting. Especially given my sudden alert state. I was drenched in sweat, my tank top stikcing to my skin and my hair almost dripping.
His words were echoing in my head.
Come on, raine, I know you're out there somewhere...
I hadn't caught on to his thoughts in quite some time. Colme was right, I was growing too distant. But that would have to wait, given the other things I'd just felt. Things that weren't just important,they were downright terrifying. And still, I didn't know the end of it, or the beginning, only flashes of what already is and what might be in the future.
"Learned many things have you?" Colme asked. He was sitting on a stump nearby, one of the few trees the Eet-Do had cut down.
"Learned?" I asked myself aloud. "Saw perhaps."
"And now?"
I shook my head. Marius' words had brought me back to reality, but perhaps too soon. The answer might have been only moments away when I'd come out of the...trance, was it? Then again, it might have taken hours or days longer, and I was already about to crack up, to lose my hold on the few things I still knew were real.
"I have to go," I told him, standing.
"Wait," he said, standing, holding a hand up as if to tell me to calm down. "DOn't be too rash. There're ways--"
"No," I replied. "I have to go. I have to find the answers to this and take them to the Jedi Council on Yavin IV."
"These visions along will be of service to them, Raine. You don't have to do all of this yourself."
I paused, having been hustling around until then, gathering the oddities I'd managed to scatter around the clearing. Then I shook my head. "No, the visions aren't done yet, and if I go to the Council, they might cease altogether. I can't take that risk."He grew silent as I grabbed the few items I hadn't gotten yet, then stuffed them into the bag I had brought them here in. Once they were stowed away, I turned to him, seeing his face worried, solemn. Humbly, I bowed to him, not even thinking this time about my inappropriate appearance, then I turned and headed for the X-Wing, my mind focused on the fastest route to the Outer Rim.

I was still holding the blaster when the two Jedi approached, the man leading the younger girl. The man stopped when he caught sight of me, owing his head and motioning toward the weapon with one hand.
"Is everything all right, Captain Mogo?"
I nodded slowly, an dreplied, "Just dandy."
"I take it our visitor was here?"
"If you mean that Tholin clown, yeah, he was here," I replied. I waved them inside, explaining, "We're almost finished. In about ten or fifteen minutes, we'll be ready to take off."
"Good," he replied. "And thank you again for your assistance, Captain."
"Yeah," I replied. "Whatever I can do to help."
I hung the blaster up and headed back down the ramp, leaving the two in the main cabin, which had once been the primary storage compartment.
Orin stood outside, distracted as well.
I nodded, "I guess. The Jedi have him under control."
He nodded, but looked about as unconvinced as I felt. You don't forget those who've left impressions like that of Tholin Mod.
"C'mon," I stated, "Let's get this done with. Is Josie finished recharging and replacing the proton torpedo cores?"
"I'll go check with her," he replied.
I grabbed up the hand welder and went backto work.
Caiben Raille

they led us inside, the Dug leading the way. Balle stood sternly, but non-aggressively, not showing any sign of fear or agitation. I followed his lead, wondering where this would lead, but nearly certain it would wind up in a physical dispute. Lightsabers and blasters. That's what i trained for. Not diplomacy.
WHen we were inside, the man we were looking for turned calmly to face his allies, then started to his feet when he saw us. Our attire no doubt gave us away. i gave him a quick, challenging smile, hoping he would bite. I was itching for a confrontation by then.
Respito's eyes grew wide as he looked us over.
"Jedi?" He gasped. "Why...?"
He looked to the Dug, who replied, "We've got this under control."
"Hello, Respito," Balle said. "I suppose you know why we're here. If you come peacefully, it will be greatly appreciated."
He shook his head. "I can't do that."
I stared at him, seeing the hand blaster sitting on the table before him and hoping he'd reach for it.
The building we were in wasn't large, but it was spacious enough for us to maneuver. Between balle and I, we could easily take the group.
"You have little choice. You've committed a crime, and those of us representing the mass of the New Republic look poorly on crimes against the alliance. You've killed a servant of the Republic, and there will be a penalty for it."
"No," he replied. "I hve too much to do here. I'm sorry, Jedi, but i can't go."
I was growing tired of this.
"Come with us," I said, "Or else."
Balle looked at me, his eyes grwing angry. He held his piece, however.
Respito looked down, his mind racing I could see, weighing his options. He kew they would lose this, the question was, was it worth the chance to escape.
Balle didn't wait for him to answer.
"Perhaps, while you consider these statements, and our reuest, you should answer some questions."
Respito looked back at him, uncertain, then nodded slowly.
Balle smiled, "Good."
Kerra Shiran / Jono Te Aricus

The Phoenix, Hanger Bay

The golden red Corellian Freighter comes to land into the hanger, Kerra peers out of the cockpit looking at a sight she has not seen in 8 long years. “Well Jono, what do you think of her.” She points to her former ship. Pondering on his answer as he powers down the ship.

“At lease its not this god awful color.” They both laughed. “Are you going to take her back? The Owl is rightfully your right?” Kerra jumps out of the co-pilots seat & practically falls on to his lap. “Kerra!!!” She smiles.

“No, I gave up the captainship of the Owl those many years ago. Besides ...” Roughing up his hair, as his face turns a pretty pink color. “You need me as your crew & the life I had before has passed.” Looking him in the eye & batting her lashes at him, “I am but your humble Padawan, Master.”

Jono pushes his cousin, student, friend, and crew off of him. “Kerra quit it. We are not going to make a good impression on the Council, if I am standing there blushing like a schoolboy, instead of being a Jedi Knight. Go & change, I’ll meet you outside.”
Master Duu'Raan

"Can you explain what it wasssss that we all felt a moment ago?"

Darth Azreal went into a long explanation. He seemed even more arrogant than he was at their last meeting, but gave the explanation nonetheless. Afterwards, Tynan and Luke suppplemented it. Of course, he needed the Jedi this time.

"Thissss troublesss me." He turned his serpentine head toward Luke. "Essssspecially when young Padawan's get in far over their head." He bowed his head. "Hearing Palpatine'sss name... we must know why."

"A mistake?" Tynan offered.

"Posssssibly. We should find out how ssssuch a misssstake could be made. Luke, would you give ussss a sssample of your blood?"

Luke nodded immediately.


Luke walked over to a medpack, and drew a few drops of his blood from a fingertip. He walked back to Duu'Raan, but the Jedi Master waved him away.

"Contact the New Republic, and asssk them for a favor. We'll need any DNA patterns they may have from Emperor Palpatine."

Luke bowed, and walked out of the council chamber. When he left, Duu'Raan turned to the Jedi and the Sith. "Now, pleasssse tell me, how could thissss have happened?"