Star Wars: Episode VIII: The New Threat

Darth Azraiel

" Palapatine was a Lord of the Sith, as such, he was, well, paranoid. He had the knowledge of how to transfer his essence from his body to another, and made preperations so that if necessary, he could do that. Not many know this, but during the time before the Jedi Purge, Palapatine was actually on his second life by taking the body of a specially prepared clone. Luke could be such a clone, though I know not how he came to be grown. I do believe he is a clone of Palapatine, but since his spirit is his own, he is a different man. Be mindful of his ancestry, but I believe he will someday be a powerful Jedi, not a Sith."
I looked over at Tynan, meeting his gaze with my own. "Train him well, and watch over him, for he does have the potential to be a powerful force for good in the galaxy."
" Master Duu'Raan, if it would please you I would like to contact the BloodHawk now and study my problem. If I can find a way, I will have my abilities back, and I feel that this place does not hold all the answers that I seek. I paused a second, then continued.
" I do ask one more boon. May I purchase two power cells, I happen to be in need of repairs on my lightsaber. Cortosis weave is a very large bother."
Jedi Master D'Rack Fran'Tok and Jedi Padwan Tra Shin

D'Rack and Tra walked into the Council chambers. Bowing, he said. "Greeting Master Duu'Raan, Tynan and Darth Azraiel
." Standing up, this is my Padwan learner," Lookingup at Tra. "Tra Shine. I assume youknow why we are here?"

A clone. That seemed unlikely, but not nearly as much as Luke being Palpatine's son, or somehow the Emperor reborn.

"I will have them brought to your chamberssss," Duu'Raan said, in response to the Sith's request for power cells. "And I will have accesss given to you, for transmisssion to your sship. Keep in mind, the transmisssion will be monitored. I'm sssure you understand that trusssst isss ssssomething that musst be earned over time."

Tynan could see the sense in that. There was no way of knowing, after all, if Azreal had some allies out there who would use the knowledge of the location of the Jedi Temple for some sort of assault, although he didn't believe that to be the case, and didn't think Duu'Raan believed that either. Still, it didn't hurt to be cautious.

Besides, the location of the Jedi Temple hasn't been exactly a secret lately. Not with the emergence of the New Repuplic, and the Jedi again being used as its guardians.

It was then that a Padawan announced the arrival of Master Fran'tok, and his Padawan.

The Jedi Master greeted them, and introduced his Padawan.

Master Duu'Raan, of course, took the lead. "Welcome Master Fran'tok. I would venture it hasssss sssomething to do with recent eventss that have transsspired on this planet?"
Jedi Master D'Rack Fran'Tok and Jedi Padwan Tra Shin

"Yes, I, as well as meany otherJedi have feltsomething recently, from Yavin; my Padwan believe it is tied in with what happend on Coruscant."

D'Rack shifted his glaze to Darth Azreal. "My Padwan was bringing Azreal to my chambers, when he just disappaered." Looking backat Duu'Rann, D'Rack colntinues. "I havea feelingof what happend, and if itis what I fet. We are in for a bumpy ride."

Looking at Tra. "We came in peace, here. We wish to help sort this out, then return to Coruscant."
Balle Lister

"And what is the purpose, Respito?" I asked.
Caiben was itching for something to happen, I could tell, wanted some sort of conflict. Too young, and with far too much to prove.
"I'm...trying to intercept a signal," he replied, looking to us wearily.
"We don't answer to these two," the Dug interjected.
"They're Jedi," Respito returned.
"We won't hurt any of you if it isn't necessary. That isn't our way," I insisted, knowing all the while the Caiben might be a strong contradiction to my statement.
Silence from both Respito and the Dug.
"Where is this signal coming from?" I asked.
"I don't know, nor do I really know where it's going, only that it passes through here."
"And who is sending the signal? Are you attempting to intercept Republic communications?"
He shook his head. "You truly donot understand, Master Jedi. The signal is not a Republic one, or else I would have no reason to intercept. I was directly involved with the Republic, if yo recall, and had nearly full access to such records. In fact, my crime was done in the hopes of helping the Republic, not injuring it."
"Explain." Caiben interjected, but he spoke curiously, not aggressively. Asking, not demanding.
"THe man I killed was working against us, a spy for...well, I don't even know who. Just that information was being transmitted and that he was the one sending it."
"So, you believe that a servant of the republic, a servant in fact of one particular world of the Republic, serving a Senator directly, was spying and transmitting information to a third party?"
He nodded. "I can all but prove it, but not to the liking of the Senate."
"ANd your timing? Why kill him precisely when you did?"
"He was about to send new information, at least I believe he was. I know he'd acquired it, but I don't know if he was planning on sending it right away. I decided, since those around me would provide no help, and many suggested they would tell others what I was telling them, that I had no time to waste acquiring more evidence, and I took matters into my own hands."
"You killed him. What was this information he had?"
"Exact information regarding Republic and Rebel fleets, locations of yet hidden bases and up-to-date details of what forces were where."
"Military information?" Caiben asked, looking to me. "He was sending the information to the Sith?"
"SO far as I can tell, no," Respito returned. "We're beyond fairly certain that Darth Figgas remains at Cloud City, at least we were before that particular attack. And Moridin and Charis aren't really secretive about where many of thier forces lie. They aren't afraid of us, which is reason enough to be concerned. This is totally unlike any of the acts we've discovered the Sith in thus far. And the information was headed in a direction that would seem unlikely a Sith would plant an informant. The signal was headed toward Kessel, and a signal left there headed in another direction, but I couldn't get an exact location before I was forced to act."
"Okay," I stated. "My padawan and I will dedicate some time to further explore this idea, with your assistance of course. We will not allow you to leave our wight."
"Fair enough," Respito returned.
"Okay, show us..."

AS I finished up the welding, I caught the outpour of air, rushing across the floor of the hangar, as the vessel lowered and settled down close by. I slipped up the welder's mask, eyeing the red-gold vessel and thinking, what the hell kind of paint job is that?
I chuckled to myself, wondering who would fly such a vessel. It appeared reliable enough, sturdy, but it took guts to fly a vessel that probably wouldn', couldn't be forgotten.
"Ready?" Orin asked.
I turned to him, seeing Josie standing behind him.
"The proton torpedo bays are all taken care of; we're supplied and stocked, ready for action." Josie added.
I nodded.
"The jedi are already on board," I stated. "Let's get moving."
Orin nodded toward the new arrival. "Who would fly a ship colored like that?" He chuckled. "Not sure I want to know," I laughed back. Josie just smiled. Too young and innocent for this type existance, I thought. She should be somewhere else, living in a peaceful community, hoping to find a husband and have some kids, make ends meat. That's the kind of existance a girl like her deserved.
But the Galaxy didn't have room for such wishes these days. The Sith, and the scattered remains of the Empire made such a life nearly impossible to look forward to. Our duty was here, and whether or not any of us liked it, so was hers.
She looked down, noticing me staring. I smiled nervously, then stated, "All good thoughts, josie. C'mon, let's go."
Ralta Duststorm

Ralta stood up and left the tevern. not only was his master not at the meetingplace, he couldn't even detect him in the force. he pulled out the comm unit and attenpted to transmit.

target out of range.

shit. Ralta was now going to have to find a way to boost his transmision, or send a long range transmission, which he also could not do with this machine.

Ralta gritted his teeth and ran a rough hand over the stubble on his face. Courosant had hundreds of transmitting stations. but he had to pick wisely, it had to be one he could send a powerful message from, but not one that was going to cause him alot of trouble. he hopped back on a sidewalk and was whisked off.

soon he'd be taken to a small local station, where he could make his move.


Ralta stepped off the conveyor walk and entered the building. he looked around and leafed through some information booths, looking inconspicuous, and then headed for the washroom. as soon as he was in, he walked back out, but this time he shadowed himself through the force, sticking to the crowds, he ofcourse wasn't invisible, but no one would give him a second thought. making his way through the station this way he came to a transmission room that was not currently being used. he stepped in, made sure no one was around, locked the room down and began a subspace transmission to Azreals comm unit.

"where the hell are you?"
Darth Azraiel

* Where the hell are you???*

I jumped slightly upon hearing my apprentices voice in my earpiece. It seems he had found a way to contact me through the local holonet. Very resourceful, as a Sith should be.
" Gentlebeings, I have a call coming in on my personal com link from my apprentice. I plan to answer him, but will not leave so that you will know I plan no ill will."
I fiddled with my armors electronics, aligning the frequencies with my earpiece, and setting it up so that the com unit would work through the planetary holonet, utilizing the jedi's equipment on planet.
"Ralta, I am currently in good health & with the Jedi Council on Yavin IV. I had a accident, and need you to contact the Bloodhawk and come here to get me. Corrin & Merrick are currently hovering cloaked on Corucant, so use com channel gamma to contact them. If your wondering why you cannot feel my presence, its because I can no longer touch the force. I will be awaiting your arrival. Tholin out"

I looked at the masters assembled before me. " Well gentlemen, its only a matter of time before I cease to be your problem. Now, if you will show me to my quarters & have those power cells, I have some repairs to do. If you have any more questuions , feel free to ask."
I stood , waiting on the Jedi.
Kerra Shiran

Hanger Bay

As the Toydarian & the two humans enter the Owl, a figure in a dark cloak quietly walks down the ramp. Shielding her thoughts & presence from the Jedi aboard the ship, Kerra walks carefully so that she made no sound on the metal deck. Taking a look around to notice the changes that have been made in the passage of time.

*The old girl is still holding up under Mogo’s care.* A smile appears on her face but quickly vanishes. Kerra stand there posed, dressed in her smugglers garb. Black leather jacket, pants & boot under a cloak of the same color with a blaster slung low.

“Yeah it takes guts to fly a ship like the Phoenix, but then again you of all people know I have the guts to fly it. Mogo.”

OOC: edited slight to reflect what QC wrote after this post ...
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I froze, knowing that voice, but still amazed that I had just heard it.
I turned, seeing her standing there, on the ramp of the god-forsaken red-gold heap that had landed next ot the Owl. Okay, so it was a well-built ship, but that color...?
Josie stopped, looking back at me, surprised. "Who's...?"
Orin walked past her, looking down the ramp at what was transpiring outside. "Did he just say...?"
"Where the hell have you been?" I asked, not sure if I was happy to see her or not jsut yet, though my heart thumped in my chest like I'd just reunited with a long-lost friend. "You won't believe the trouble your old friend has been causing around here..."

He was pacing, and I wasn't ever entirely comfortable when he did that.
"What is it, Master?"
"Nothing, really," he replied.
He paused. He had a habit of doing that when I got personal, and saying his name like that often touched him that way. Raine used to call him that, he'd told me, but in his words, that was a long time ago, before she turned away.
I'd wanted to ask him what that meant, but it seemed far too personal to him to press my nose into.
"Just something that's been bothering me," he replied.
"Sorry, Master."
"It's alright. Anyway, since we've got some time, we might as well work on a few things. Your training is constantly in motion. Let us not fall behind..."
"Yes, Master," I replied, standing.
"We'll work on some saber techniques," he stated, "given our recent encounter with a sith, we might as well do what we can to ensure you're as prepared as we can make you should you be forced to face one, yes?"
"Yes, Master," I replied. Words to the wise, I knew. He was teaching me, ruthlessly at times, but always with the intent of teaching me, making me stronger in both skills, and my connection with the Force. Even when his insistance and his tactics were a little too overpowering to be truly helpful.
I stood, taking my saber from my belt and igniting the blade. He did the same. That done, we began to circle, blades held out before us, ready for a move from the other.
"Alright," he began, "Do whatever you choose. Attack; defend? In an actual duel, the decision will not be made for you, as it has often been in practice. You will have to decide."
Darth Figgas

Cloud City, Bespin

"You were defeated..."
"Yes, Master," Blaze confessed, lowering his head further.
"And by my old padawan's one time apprentice, yes?"
Blaze inhaled deeply, then stated again: "Yes, Master."
Figgas shook his head slowly. He stood before a large, glass window, octogonal and framed with metal supports. Long ago, this might have been the window that Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader shattered in their legendary duel in this city.
He faced out, scanning the metallic walls of the column that extended upward and downward, one panel appearing incredibly like those next to it.
"I'm sorry, Master," Blaze stated, hoping to fend off some of his master's wrath should the situation come to that. he was prepared to fight the man in defense of his own life should it come to that, but only because he was ready to die that way.
"Sorry," Figgas returned, quietly.
He turned toward his apprentice, who knelt on the floor a few feet away, his head bowed to face the floor.
"It's been eight years since I was brought here, nine since my then apprentice took control over the city," Figgas explained.
Blaze had heard the story, several times, and it infuriated him. Darth Vaine, yes, the incomperable Darth Vaine, who'd faced not one, but three jedi, including the one he'd faced and been defeated by recently, Marius Lane. He tried to block out his master's words, feeling the anger building up inside of him.
"Yes," Figgas said, as he'd reached the point where he'd been awakened, his apprentice, once a Jedi padawan just as he had been, had done so much to bring his master back to the realm of the living, protecting him for two years, keeping him hidden and working without guidance to find the child who could heal him. "Get angry, Naven."
Blaze gritted his teeth. He hated that name, almost as much as he hated the name Darth Vaine. Naven Raille, his old name. That man had died, and Blaze had been borne. His master should respect that.
"You might have been killed by a single Jedi, whom Vaine defeated not only him, but his master and almost another more experienced Jedi in the process. It took three to defeat Vaine. And a mere one almost brought you to your end."
"I survived," Blaze stated, looking up, his eyes burning with anger now. A brave act, to even look up at his master at all, nonetheless with anger in his eyes.
Figgas took in a deep breath. He was digging in now, taking the bait. Almost where he wanted him.
"By a cheap trick, tempting the Jedi to the dark side. Wise, yet unnecessary. The man would have laid at Vaine's feet well before it reached that point."
Figgas shook his head again. "A disappointment, Darth Blaze. Perhaps I should have chosen your cousin, Caiben. He was ripe to turn, and easily the more skilled of the two of you...a worthy apprentice he would have made."
Blaze looked down, closing his eyes, trying to turn his thoughts, to control them.
"No," Figgas growled. "Donot control your emotions, you weakling! You're not a Jedi, you're not even a poor excuse for one! You're a fool for even trying to be what Vaine once was, what every Sith should be."
Blaze was moving then, his hand drawing the weapon from his side, body taking steps that seemed less than voluntary. Anger had taken over, hatred driving it further on.
Figgas drew his own saber, meeting the first strike by parrying, then turning, allowing the man's momentum to carry him past, in front of the window. Blaze was turning again, swinging with all his strength at his master, who blocked and parried each attack with ease that could only have come from mastery opf the weapon he held. Only one blade egnited, the man could have killed his apprentice at any time, but still, he played the defensive.
"I am not a fool!" he shouted, slicing through the air in strikes that stood no chance of hitting the man. He'd realized at some point that he was vulnerable, that Figgas could end him whenever he chose to, but his body seemed to move without his help, without his controlling it.
Figgas could feel his thoughts, racing, too many of them, and one of them telling him to calm, that he was far too vulnerable to attack this way.
The Master stepped back a single step, leting his apprentice advance, then lowered his weapon slightly, letting Blaze step into a lunge, then with the flick of his wrist, the saber spun out of Blaze's hand and struck the ground. He slashed at the man's exposed stomach, a superficial wound, then stepped further back, watching Blaze hit the floor knees first, holding his bleeding wrist as though he didn't realize yet that his stomach had been injured.
Figgas switched off his lightsaber, looking down on him. He stood calmly as his apprentice panted, still uncertain what had just happened, sweating.
"Too much restraint, my apprentice," Figgas said, plainly. "Allow the anger to surge through you. The Dark SIde will lead you, but you have to allow your emotions free reign, let them tell your body what to do next. Only then will you find true strength."

"Calm, Raven. Control your emotions," I insisted. "Only through control can we truly gain the perspective we need in order to become one with the Force."
She was getting frustrated already, as she had a habit of doing.
"Sorry, Master."
"No," I stated, switching off my weapon. She followed suit. "Donot be sorry, padawan; be mindful. You try far too hard, and this frustrates you. You are learning the ways of the Force, and this takes time. It isn't something that you will learn in days, or even weeks. It is not something you should already be able to do."
"I'm sorry, Master," she stated again, frustrating me some. "I merely wish to learn, to be a master of these things as you and Tynan have become."
I froze, eyeing her for a moment.
"That's a misconception, Raven," I said, my voice softening. "We are not masters of anything, not really. The Force is something that takes more than a few years to learn, but an eternity, a span of time no one will actually live through. There is no Mastering the Force, merely doing what we can to help those who need our help. That's what we are here to do. Do you understand?"
SHe bowed her head, "Yes, Master."
I thought for a moment, then said, "No, you don't. But I believe that's my fault. We'll work on this as well, but not right now. Meditate...this time on spiritual awareness. Look into yourself and find something that makes you feel at ease."
"Yes, Master."
Kerra Shiran

Hanger Bay

“Kerra?” Mogo turned back in surprise. Though it was not possible to read his thoughts, Kerra read the first expressions off his face. The girl & Orin turn to see what was happening behind them & react at the same time. “Where the hell have you been?” The Toydarian exclaims, gesturing animatedly. “You won’t believe the trouble your old friend has been causing around here ...”

She knew Mogo might not like it, but Kerra did it anyways. Coming down the ramp & closing the gap between them, she envelops him in a hug, careful not to crush his wings. Whispering in his ear. “I missed you too, Mogo.” Stepping back to give him time to recover his composure, she then turns to Orin & greets him.

“I am glad to see you are also well Orin & still in one piece. Looks like being apart of the Owl’s crew agrees with you.” As she steps back from embracing the mech, Kerra tells them both, what she has been doing for the last eight years. Talking about her being injury & recovery from the battle on Marched V, the reunion with her cousin Jono, the history of the Phoenix & the intervening years.

Kerra sees him frown at the mentioning of family. “Mogo, this friend of mine you have mentioned ... You don’t mean Tholin? Do you?” His face gets graver & he nods. “He is here! Alive?! What has happened? Has anything happened to his possessions on the Owl? Is that why he is here?”

She stops & takes a deep breath. “I’m sorry ... I have recently felt something through the force. It was like a scream of anger, hate, and pain, then an emptiness of nothing.”

Odd how things were adding up, all to one moment. Must have been one of the strangest coincidences in Galactic history.
"Tholin is here," I replied, not wanting to look her in the eye. I was still a little embarassed; not only did she insist on hugging me, something that was truly un-Kerra-like as far as I could recall--Kerra had always been the littlest Big-shot in the Galactic smuggling biz--but she'd done it in front of my crew. On top of all that, this situation was building to something that I feared would end badly for her. Here she was, dressed in Jedi robes, searching out her grandfather, who just happened to be a Sith, who'd practically fallen out of thin air just minutes ago, minutes that had felt like hours a moment ago, eventhough now it felt like it had occurred only seconds ago. "Though I can't really say how he arrived, or why he's here. He's with Jedi Master Tynan and Luke..."
I wasn't sure I had the words to continue on, didn't really know how to explain what had happened, especially because i didn't understand it myself. I stuttered through what had happened, trying to be as helpful as I could be, but feeling as though I was falling short.
"I can't say exactly what's going on, Kerra," I admitted, after I'd finished my play-by-play (which I noticed was listened to with wide-eyes by Josie). "But be careful. Even Tynan seems to be having trouble understanding what's going on. That makes me nervous..."
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He watched as Duu'Raan asked a Jedi to escort the Sith to his chambers, after he had spoken to someone on a comlink. He wanted more information on what transpired with Luke, but got the feeling that Duu'Raan wanted him here, so here he stayed.

He also listened to Duu'Raan fil Master Fran'tok in on what has transpired with Luke, and the Holicron, and the decision to leave the object with Azreal.

"Masssster Tynan hasss made it clear that he trusssstsss Azreal in thisss, and I trusst his judgement." He swiveled his serpentine head toward Luke, who was still standing near a computer, waiting for a reply from his blood test. "Asss for the Padawan, whatever the reason for this, is isss obviously the reason for his strength in the Force. But hisss training isss sssound. I do not believe him to be a danger to ussss." He frowned. "Maybe to himssself, but not to usss."

Tynan waited for Master Fran'tok's reply in silence.
Jono Te Aricus

The Phoenix, Hanger Bay

When reaching his quarters, Jono cleans up & dresses in more formal garments. Checking his reflection in the holo mirror, he straightens his clothes switches the machine off & heads to the entryway. He hears voices as leaves his chamber. Someone was talking to Kerra. He quickens his steps.

Reaching the ramp, he sees his cousin listening to a Toydarian, who could only be her former first mate. Jono listens to the last few words that Mogo had to say. "But be careful. Even Tynan seems to be having trouble understanding what's going on. That makes me nervous..."

Adjusting his cloak, Jono steps into view & speaks. “With this many Jedi Masters & Knights, it is highly unlikely that Tholin would try anything rash.” He walks down the ramp, his appearance was a bit of the contrast from Kerra’s. Dark green tunic over brown leggings tucked into the same shade of boots, blaster & saber attached to his belt.

Standing right next to her, it was readily apparent that they where related. Jono bows slightly to Mogo. “Forgive my manners. I am Jono Te Aricus. I must thank you for the care you have given my cousin & Padawan.”
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I bowed my head, doing so self-consciously. I was hanging around too many Jedi, and this head bowing thing was getting to me. Ten years ago, I was smuggling weapons to whoever might want them so long as the price was right, now, I was fighting the good cause, and bowing to Jedi. Things change, as they say, but this seemed a little extreme.
"Nice to meet you, Jono," I returned. "You are here to meet with the Jedi council, no?"
It made sense. Things were always abuzz after a battle like the one at Bespin.

The X-Wing came out of hyperspace and I looked ahead, seeing the planets of the Corona System float before me. I felt it as soon as the stars became stars again instead lines whipping past as I moved through hyperspace.
Something was very wrong here. Fear, hatred, anger, and despair. The feelings seemed thick around me, muddling my head with thoughts that were all of the Dark Side. I forced them from my mind, and as they receded, I felt something else. A tinge of familiarity and what was once strength, the Force and not the Dark Side, then it was gone.
Where had it come from?
I glanced through my control panel, then flipped on my comm unit, opening a channel to my droid.
"R-7, scan the surface of the nearest planet and tell me it's name and statics from file."
The droid beeped and whined, then readouts reached my comm-screen.
"Daytin; last registered population: 5 billion, plus," I muttered as I read. "Current read-outs, 8 billion plus, population, less than half originating here..."
That isn't right.
"R7, when was the last transmissin recieved from Daytin?"
Beeps and whines, then: "Four years ago..."
Something was very wrong, and I knew that landing on Daytin would not give me the answers I wanted, unless I wanted to die before leaving with them.
Where had that sensation come from? The Light Side of the Force, near. But where?Instinct told me I was in danger, so I piloted the X-Wing away from Daytin, moving toward the more distant planets in hopes of keeping my profile low. I sensed the Dark Side, but not in any concentrated way. Greed, anger, the want for power, to control, but not concentrated as it would be if a Sith were nearby. No, this was some other force at work.
I moved toward the smallest planet in the system, though I could not remember the name of it.
Beeps and whistles, and I checked my radar. Three vessels moving in, not large, but apparently well-armed.
Avoid conflict, I told myself. Get to the surface and land.
I broke the atmosphere before the vessels were in sight, and as my sensors showed them nearing the planet's atmosphere, I lowered the fighter into heavy jungle, landing where I saw a place clear enough and scaping my way through limbs and vines as I brought her down.
Looking up, the overgrowth protected the vessel from sight well enough.
I popped the hatch and climbed out, knowing that, if I was wrong, I shouldn't be near the vessel when it was found. I grabbed my lightsaber, attatching it to my belt, then a small handblaster, slipping it beneath the belt, then headed out into the jungle. I had never been here, in fact, I'd only been to the Outer Rim on a few occasions, and that was in training, with Marlik. The Outer Rim had become "no man's land" to the Republic, both of them I was certain, given the depleted number of Jedi and Rebel troops, limiting our jurisdiction to worlds closer to the Core, and not even including many of the Core worlds.
Appearing uninhabited, the planet was overgrown and unruly. Nature still held its reign over humanity, but I sensed life--humanoid life--very near. And in abundance.
I crept through the trees, moving as quickly as I could, hoping to distance myself from my landed fighter just in case.
As I neared where I life I slowed, catching onto some of thier feelings. Fear here too, and panic, and grief and sorrow...
The people, whatever races they were, were weak, and tired. Ready to give up.
But among them, in smaller number, I felt the anger and aggression of others, hatred and greed.
Something was very wrong here.
I hear the sounds of footsteps then, heavy steps made by fairly large creatures, coming from up ahead. I slowed, reaching for my lightsaber, then thinking better of it and pulling my blaster. They would be a fair distance from me when they came into view, and my blaster had better range and would be more helpful. I settled back, waiting quietly as they neared, smashing down vines and small trees in thier wake by the sounds of it.
WHen they seemed only a few yards away, I stepped out, pointing the blaster to where they stood.
My first thought was of Master Duuraan, but that quickly changed. Duuraan was Jedi, trained in the arts of peace. These creatures seemed built for war, even in thier less than alert state.
Two of them, each holding what appeared to be a whip of some sort, the ends of each spurred.
Stun whips, I thought.
"Don't come any closer," I stated, pointing the weapon at the nearest one, though the other was only a step behind it.
At least seven foot in height, the lizardlike humanoid creature looked down on me, its raptor-like head cocked to one side. Its arms were ended with claws, razor-sharp by the looks of them, though the stun whips were my immediate concern.
A long tongue darted from between its lips, as if it tasted the air. Its bluee scales appeared armored, much unlike its clothing, which was plain, not for combat but apparently for day-to-day work.
"You can be dead in seconds," I advised. "So take my advice and lay your weapons down."
The one closest seemed to debate my request for a moment, then it stood taller, its lizard-like tail whipping vigorously behind it, irritated to be confronted I guessed. Then it smiled, an oddly unnatural expression for this particular creature, displaying sharply pointed teeth.I heard it then, a second too late I would realize later. A rustle of vine behind me. I turned, reaiming the blaster at whatever might be waiting there. The stun whip was all I saw, then the world was gone in a sudden rush of darkness.
Jedi Master D'Rack Fran'Tok and Jedi Padwan Tra Shin

"Palpatine's... clone!" D'Rack was worrid, very worrid. "it's been almost 50 years since Palpatine was killed, now your saying he may be back?"

"If this boy, Luke, is a clone of Palpatine, or his son; then he musat be trained with out much interaction with the Sith. It is likely to have a effect on him."

"I will train him, as I always have," Tynan spoke quietly. "He knows what it is to be a Jedi."

He eyed the Jedi in the room, both Masters and apprentices alike. "He will not fall."

Master Duu'Raan nodded his head gravely. "The Council hassss utmossst faith in you, Master Tynan. Your judgement weighsss heavily."

Tynan nodded, and crossed his arms in front of his chest. Luke returned from the computer, and bowed.

"Admiral Thandor had passed on the request to the New Republic. He said he'll vouch for the urgency of the request. It should move things along." His eyes darted around the group, and lingered a bit longer on Master Fran'tok and his Padawan. "I...," he swallowed. "I understand your fears, and..." he stood up straighter, "I'm a Jedi. It's all I ever wanted to be. I won't fail you."

Tynan nodded. He knew the truth of the words. At times Luke's desire to be a Jedi drove him a little too much, at times, but it was far better than the alternative. Still, there was some darkness there, a temper that needed to be curbed.

Mogo had filled him in on what had happened on Bespin all those years ago, when the bounty hunter Natassia Vish had attempted to recapture the boy. Luke had struck out on instinct, and that instinct had been Dark. Force lightning to be exact. Still, the boy... man, had a good heart. His healing abilities were astounding, and healing had no place in the Dark Side. It took something the Sith couldn't comprehend... compassion.

"It's not us, who you would fail, My Padawan. It's yourself. Remember your training, and you'll do well."

"I will, Master." Luke bowed low.

Tynan bowed his head in response. "Now go and meditate on what has happened today."

Luke bowed, and began to leave.

"And Luke," Tynan called out out.

Luke turned around, and looked back at his Master. "Yeah?"

"Stay out of trouble," Tynan said, a small smile on his face.

Luke grinned openly. "I will."

Luke left.

"If you're concerned about the padawan, Masssster Fran'tok, you are welcome to stay with ussss" Duu'Raan said. "I will have rooms made ready for you."

Tynan waited on master Fran'tok's reply.
Ralta Duststorm

Ralta was on his way through hyperspace to Yavin four. he didn't know what was happening, but he was not sure what his mentor was doing at the jedi council. he was in good health, and alright, and needed a pick up.

Ralta had decided that this was a call for help. the ship dropped from hyperspace, and slipped into orbit, fingering his lightsaber the ship docked with the jedi spaceport. Ralta left the ship and proceded down a hall. if he didn't come across Azerial soon, he'd have to comm him again, and that might not be good.
Caiben Raille

"There," Respito stated, pointing to the device we had found earlier.
"Yes," Balle returned. "We've seen it."
"But did you look closely?"
"We hardly had the time, before our invitation to come inside arrived," he replied. "It collects a signal fro somewhere, but you aren't sure where."
"Not entirely true," Respito corrected. "I wasn't sure, but now I've got a better lock. The signal was leaving Kessel and being intercepted at Hoth."
"Hoth? I thought you said you didn't know where?" I asked.
"When I left Coruscant, I didn't, but this piece of junk has proven quite the investment, though I cannot pick up exact information. The messages are lost, but I do know that they're being sent to the Outer Rim."
"Any idea exactly where?" Balle asked. "Even a clue?"
He shook his head.
"If you're lying about this..." Balle trailed off.
"I'll return to Coruscant, if you promise me I'll be under protection until this is investigated further."
The Dug opened his mouth to speak, but Balle didn't allow him the chance.
"Agreed. I'll request safe asylum until this is resolved, but if you're lying..."
"I'm as good as dead," he returned. "I killed a Senator's aid. The fact that I'm going back should give the Republic proper reason to consider the truth in my words."
"We'll soon see..."

I could feel the cloth patting my face, but consciousness fought me for a few seconds longer.
When I finally opened my eyes, the cloth stopped its patting and the young girl above me looked down, her face streaked with dirt almost as though she had tried to use it to camouflage herself. She didn't smile, or even seem to acknowledge that I was awake, just stared down. She was probably no more than fifteen, with youthful eyes, though they appeared to have aged considerably, especially in contrast to thier youth.
I tried to sit up, but my body fought me.
"It'll wear off in a few minutes," she explained, her voice soft.
"Okay," I responded, my voice sounding weak. "Where am I?"
"On the jungle planet Haab," she responded. "You were captured by slavers."
She nodded, as if the word explained everything.
I tried to sit again, this time managing to get onto my buttocks with a lot of effort and a little help from the girl. I looked around, seeing that night had fallen here, and that I was among others, locked inside what looked to be a feebly constructed cage made of branches tied together with vine. What was keeping them here?
Outside, a few of the creatures that had captured me stalked between other similarly constructed cages.
"What's going on here?"
"Where have you been?" A voice asked.
I looked around and found the gruff man it must have belonged to. He was large, bulky with both muscle and normal bodyweight. Just large. A worker.
"Where are you from?"
"I'm a representative from the Republic," I responded.
His eyes lightened. "The Republic? You're here to help us? Are Republic soldiers near?"
I shook my head. "I'm the only one who knows, and I just found out when I opened my eyes. I can't say I understand it yet..."
His face slackened. "We're hopeless here..."
"Quiet, Makkern," the young girl said.
"Sorry, m'lady," he returned.
"M'lady?" I looked to her.
"You're looking at the current crowned princess of the Daytin royal family," Makkern replied. "Or Queen I should say. She's the only survivor, and we're lucky they let her live."
"I'm young," she added. "They think I can breed, not for royalty purposes, just to make more slaves."
"And Daytin?"
"They've taken it. God knows what they've done to it. I haven't been there in four years."
"A slave since you were eleven..." I muttered, shaking my head. "I thought the Dracuurians wer peaceful."
"Some are, others not," Makkern stated. "These are the ones who aren't, only they've been in control for quite some time. How has the Republic not found out about this?"
"We've been busy. Our hands are full with the SIth," I replied. "We've lost touch with many of the planets nearer to the Core. To keep up with planets in the Outer Rim..."
"And the Sith wars?" The Queen asked.
"We're losing, though we're fighting hard," I responded.
"A delegate to the Republic? Or are you just some kind of messenger? You don't look like a diplomat," Makkern stated.
"Jedi," i responded, matter-of-factly.
Thier attentions peaked, save for one, who caught my eye just then, when Makkern glanced to him, not getting a response at all.
I glanced to Makkern in question.
"He doesn't talk much," the man replied.
I eyed the humanoid creature, thinking for some reason that he looked very familiar. I'd had a long few months, especially given the last so many hours, and his likeness escaped me at first.
"They took my lightsaber," I explained, turning back to the Queen. "Do you know where I might find it?"
SHe nodded. "They hide nothing from us, but chances of getting to it, and it actually helping you against them...they aren't afraid of us. There's a reason for that. They've taken over worlds, these soldiers have. Even the slavers are afraid of them, of thier own kind."
"I have to get out of here," I said. "We all do."
The Gungan shook his head slowly, its long dirty ears swaying back and forth.
"What's wrong with you?"
"Yousa muss be veeerrrry careful," he stated, dryly, sounding oddly wise in his words.
Makkern looked at him, surprised, then glanced to me, making it seem as though the Gungan hadn't spoken in a long time. The creature's voice sounded familiar as well, and my interest peaked.
He looked at me, then said, "Yousa no recognize me?"
I looked closer. He sighed heavily, then closed his eyes and my eyes widened. I felt it more than anything else. The Force, as I have felt it when i first arrived in this system.
He nodded. "Isa been here for three years."
"Master?" Makkern stated. "You mean...?"
"He's a Jedi," i returned, nodding. "A Jedi Master in fact."