Star Wars: Episode VIII: The New Threat


He was till troubled by what had occurred, and thought to seek out his friends for comfort. He headed out toward the hangar, and the Spotted Owl.

The closer he got, the mor his feet began to drag. Mogo was there, after all, when it all had happened. He had heard the holicron say... he couldn't even force himself to think the words. He came to a stop outside the ship, but couldn't bring himself to enter.

Tyna bowed to both Duu'Raan and Fran'Tok. "If you both will excuse me, I feel my Padawan might need my guidance in these times."

"Be careful, Tynan. A Padawan musssst be able to think outssside of their Masssster's teachingss if they are ever to become Jedi," Duu'Raan said, his large reptillian head coming to bear on the smaller Jedi Master.

"Yes, but in Luke's case, he isn't yet ready for the trials. Mostly due to his late start with training, but also because of his unchecked emotions. I don't think leaving him alone would be productive at this point."

Duu'Raan nodded. "I bow to you're wisdom in this matter. Tread carefully, Massster Tynan."

Tynan nodded, bowed again to the two other Masters in the room, and left. He reached out with the Force toward his padawan, and sensed him at the place where all this had begun. The hangar.

He found him outside of the Spotted Owl. Luke turned toward him.

"Master... I thought you were staying at the meeting?"

Tynan shook his head. "There was no need."

Luke nodded, and turned, again, to look at the ship.

"They are your friends, they won't treat you differently."

Luke smiled, but it was only half-heated. "Reading my mind again?"

Tynan shrugged, and moved closer, placing a hand on Luke shoulder. "Not necessary. I know Mogo and Orin. Remember, they've seen you use the Dark Arts live and in person. If that didn't scare them off, this won't. You're still the same person you were before, no matter your bloodline."

"How can you be sure? Palpatine was as evil as they come..."

"It doesn't work that way, Luke. Mt Master, your namesake... remember that, was the son of one of the most feared and ruthless men the galaxy has ever known. Anakin Skywalker did things..." Tynan shook his head, "too horrible to contemplate as Darth Vader. But still, he was redeemed, through the love of his son. The son who was as good a man as anyone has ever known, despite his lineage."

Luke opened his mouth to reply, but sighed instead.

"Now, enough questions for now." Tynan stepped back, and removed his cloak, and tunic, stripping to the waist.

Luke could barely stop himself from wincing at the sight. Tynan's lean, muscular chest was covered in burn scars, and quite a few blaster marks from his bounty hunter days.

"On guard," Tynan said, igniting his blus lightsaber.

"A duel? Now?" Luke asked, as he too stripped down.

"You're distracted. Now you ignore those distractions and lose yourself in the Force. Sometimes the best times for training is when we're the least prepared for that training."

Luke nodded, and ignited his purple blade.

"Hold on," Tynan said, and rerached behinf him to unhook a second lightsaber. The surprise on Luke's face was evident. Tynan had long siince stopped carrying a second blade. One was sufficient for defensive purposes. He tossed the second blade to Luke. "Use this one."

Luke caught it and placed his own blade on top of his dicarded cloak. He recognized the blade his Master had given him, and smiled. Hi ignited it, it's green blade flashing to brilliance.

"Now, on guard," Tynan said. And for the first time in many years, found himself facing Luke Skywalker's lightsaber in practice.
Jedi Master D'Rack Fran'Tok and Jedi Padwan Tra Shin

"I don't think my being here would help. If Luke does inbrace the dark side, the Jedi here are enough to stop him."

D'Rack looked at Tra. "We have issues to deal with on Coruscant." Tra looked don at D'Rack. "Tra, go ready the Shadow for take-off."

"Yes Master." He then bowed and left.

"Though, I don't feel this issue is dealt with, there's nothing more I can do right now." D'Rack bowed. "If you excuse me, I will be living for oruscant."
Kerra Shiran / Jono Te Aricus

Hanger Bay

Mogo returns Jono’s greeting & ask if he is here to meet with the Jedi Council. “Yes & no.” He hesitates in answering, not sure of how much background info to tell him. “We are actually on a quest to find you.” The Toydarian looks at him in surprise. “Not you exactly, but the items that Tholin left on the Owl & returning them to him. It seemed logical to start here."

Looking at the young Jedi Knight, Mogo looks skeptically at him. “Eh ... So Darth Pompous Ass sent you to do his dirty work.” He got riled up about it. “Probably got impatient & came for it himself, didn’t he?” The fear & angry with his friend being in danger just came out of him.

Before Jono could reply & correct him, his cousin spoke up. “Mogo don’t put word into his mouth for him.” Kerra frowns & explains. “What my tongue tied Master is trying to say ...” He gives a slight reprimand. “Kerra that was uncalled for.” She continues as if it didn’t happen.

“We are on a quest by his parents to return the holocron back to the safest place for it to be. In our grandfather’s possession.” Kerra takes a moment to speculate. “Your friend Luke triggered the holo, somehow Tholin felt it & propelled himself here thru the force?” Before she could go on further there was the sound of sabers clashing.

The cousins look at each other & a silent message is passed between them. “Duel.” The both move off to see. As they round about the Owl, two figures are dueling. Green & blue blades clash with each pass. Kerra sit down cross-legged & Jono leans against some cargo boxes behind her. Absentmindedly she takes out her knife & flips it end over end in her hand.

He dodges his Master attack, and counter-attacks. Tynan evades his thrusts with seeming ease, and then flows back into a counter-attack of his own. One that Luke is hard-pressed to evade. Then, quickly, his Master's blade spins in,, slahes his blade aside, then brings his blue blade back around on a downward chop, sending his green blade flying from his grasp.

"Again," Tynan says, stepping away from him.

Luke shakes his head, and calls the lightsaber to his hand, igniting it.

"You're better than this," Tynan admonishes him. "Less thinking, more feeling. Let the Force flow through you..."

Luke nodded, and spun his blade, looking for an opening. As usual, he found none. It was no exaggeration to say his Master was an expert with a lightsaber, if not the best, than certainly one of them. Luke had never seen him lose, and he had certainly never beaten him.

"What are you waiting for?" Tynan asked.

Luke attacked again, this time driving his Master backward, his green blade swinging in wide arcs, blurring against his master's blue one. But again Tynan counter-attacked, and again, Luke found his own blade spinning from his hand.

Tynan disengaged his blade, and shook his head. "Ten years. Ten years we've been together, and this is all you've learned from me?"

"Master, I..." Luke faltered.

"No excuses, Padawan. You should be better than this, byt now." Tynan frowned, his eyes boring into Luke. "Perhaps I'm the wrong teacher for you after all... if I can't get through to you after so long..."

The hurt hit Luke like a hammer. "no, that's not it. It's not you...I..."

"More excuses," Tynan spat. "This sickens me." He turned to walk away.

Luke was shocked. Tynan had never berated him like this before. Never made him feel so... weak.

He called the blade back to his hand. "Our duel isn't over, Master." His voice was hard, challenging.

Tynan stopped, and looked back over his shoulder. "Indeed? Jedi do not pick on the weak, Padawan. And you haven't shown me that you're not."

"Try me," Luke said.

"I have."

"Again," Luke replied.

Tynan shook his head. "Very well, one last lesson. And when I beat you, we go our separate ways. There's nothing more I would teach you."

Luke nodded, and came at Tynan hard. Tynan danced away, and counter-attacked, but this time Luke anticipated, and swept in low, forcing his master to leap backward to defend.

It went like that for quite some time...attack, and counter-attack. The more Luke pressed, the more his master wore him down. Luke could see a small smile forming on Tynan's face. It was then that he knew what the Jedi Master had been doing. He had been stringing the duel out. Carrying it out longer just to humiliate him! He could have disarmed him several times already...

"Bastard!" Luke snarled, and attacked with a ferocity he had never used before. His blade was a blur... strike, parry, slash, thrust. Tynan stepped backward under the assault, his own blade spinning to block each attack.

Luke felt a fire in his belly, and the familiar crackle of power across his skin. Tynan's eyes narrowed.

Luke coiled the Force for a strike... and waited for an opening.

And nearly froze when he realized what he was about to do. Quickly, he centered himself, and felt the anger bleed out of him in a torrent of dark side energy. Bleed downward into the plasteel floor panels beneath his feet.

For his part, Tynan leapt backward, and used the Force to propel himels out of the reach of Luke's blade. He landed gently, and immediately switched off his lightsaber.

"Good," Tynan whispered. "Very good." Gone were the anger and scorn seen earlier. Only calm was evident. Calm, and...

"Pride is a very un-Jedi-like emotion, Master."

"Indeed," Tynan agreed. "I'll try not to let it get out of control."

"You did all that on purpose, just to make me angry..."

"Just to prove a point," Tynan corrected.

"The point being?"

"That you are the master of your own destiny. Not whatever genes you have, nor whomever you received them from. You may have the abilities and power of the Emperor, but not the heart. When faced with a similar choice, what do you suppose Palpatine would have done? Bleed all of that energy into the ground? Or slam it into me?"

Luke pursed his lips. "How did you know what I would do?"

"Because I know you, Luke. I know what type of man you are, and what kind of Jedi you will be. Nothing that has happened over the last day will change that."

Luke could feel his throat tighten with emotion, and he fought to control it. "Thank you."

Tynan shrugged. "Don't get emotional now, boy," Tynan teased. "Especially in front of out audience."

Luke looked around, and found the couple watching them. The girl sat, flipping a knife in her hand. She was pretty, although from the look in her eye, he didn't think she'd enjoy hearing that from him. Oddly, she made him feel half-naked, which he supposed he was, and he had to fight the impulse to cover himself. Beside, Tynan didn't seem to mind his similar undress as he strode forward to meet them. The man with the woman leaned on some crates rather lazily, but only as much as a vornskr might seem to be lazy right before it attacks, which is to say that it was all an illusion.

His eyes were drawn back to the girl as his Master stopped in front of them both.

"I am Tynan," the Jedi Master said. "This is my Padawan, Luke. You are new here, but not from Coruscant, I sense..."

Tynan paused, as if waiting for something. "You are friends of Mogo's?"
Jedi Master D'Rack Fran'Tok

As D'Rack was about to turn to leave the chambers, a beeping noise from his pocket caught him by surprise. He looked down at his comm-unit and saw it was a masage from Coruscant, code red...

"Yes?" D'Rack voiced as he turned on the communication.

"Master, we're being attacked by Imperal forces. 7 Star Destroyers, with 9 Dreadnoughts!" The young man report.

"What? By whom?"

"Intel suggusts General Brian Anderson, they hit us by surprise; we've already lost one Star Destroyer... So far they haven't spoted the Death Star."

"Bring all ships up to attack, I want the Super Star Destroyer to defend the Death Star! My Padwan and I are on our way back to Coruscant."

D'Rack closed his comm-unit, turned to Master Duu'Raan and bowed again. "I do apolgise, but I haveergent mattersa to atend to." With that, D'Rack left the chambers.


D'Rack was running to the hanger as he saw the end of wha t looked to be a Lightsabre dual... D'Rack didn't have time to wast to watch.
He saw the hanger behinde the small crowed, ad yelled out to Tra, who was leaning on the ship, watching the dual. "Tra, Coruscant's under attack, we are leaving right now. Get on board and prepar for immidet take off!" D'Rack hated war, ut it was invoidable when controlling a key planet of the galaxy.

Pompous Ass!, I thought, again getting angry with the man, even though he wasn't even present. I calmed down some, opening my mouth to speak, when the sound of sabers striking came to ear. I'd heard the two talking, though barely. Now that they were dueling...
Kerra and jono went to check things out, and Josie hurried behind them, eyeing the duel from a few feet away.
I hovered down the ramp and watched as Luke and Tynan struggled against one another, the boy fighting fiercely and Tynan seeming to bide his time, disarming the boy again and again.
Another lesson, and one I felt was best left undisturbed.
"C'mon, Josie," I said, not wanting to continue the conversation with Kerra just then (Tholin Mod...grrr). "We can't keep the Jedi waiting forever."
I muttered the words, but knew the two wouldn't hear me anyway, not while they dueled. Thier concentration, here where there was no danger at least, was almost impossible to disturb when the Jedi focused it.
"Don't be a stranger," i muttered to Kerra, then led Josie into the Owl, Orin close behind us, throwing the switch to raise the ramp.
I sat down in the pilot's chair and switched on the intervessel intercom.
"We'll be taking off shortly," i announced. "LEt me know when you're ready, or if there are any other provision we'll be needing before takeoff."

I was sorry then that I hadn't taken Marius' advice, but it was too late to consider that. i would do as he suggested as soon as I got the chance, have me prosthetic leg fashioned to hold an extra lightsaber. I was fairly certain these "slavers" would never have looked there.
Too late to change things now.
I looked across the poorly constructed cage at the Gungun, wondering if I'd understood his meaning correctly. As we sat in silence, two of the slavers moved near us, eyeing me through the stick-like bars of the cage.
They paid little attention to the others, just looked me over, as if wondering how much work I could provide them. The girl's words were true. They were not afraid, even knowing my status as a Jedi.
After a few moments, the two nodded to each other and walked away. More silence, then I asked him, "Why did you never try to escape?"
"Meesa knows that if meesa tried to escape, these slavers would punish thesa people," he replied. He shook his head. "But meesa made a mistake. Many have died while meesa here, many that might have been saved if meesa had raised support and escaped, risking and losing thier lives. More have died because of my compassion than would have if meesa had just taken the risk."
I understood what he was saying. If he'd fought, he would have been risking innocent lives, using them as a means of escape, which was not the jedi way. But more had died than might have had he accepted the casualties and escaped.
"What advice are you giving me, Tie-Rae?" I asked. "I don't entirely understand."
"Risk is a part of life," he said, speaking with more clarity than any of his ancestors probably had. The Gungan accent was a hard one to lose, but Tie-Rae had done so fairly well. "The idea bees to minimize riskie when possible and take the riskies that are necessary. More will die if weesa stay here, so an escape is inevitable. The question is, when and how?"
I nodded, understanding his point.
"Meesa tired from captivity, and unable to lead such an act. Yousa younger, more stronger right now. And peoples will follow a human before a Gungan."
I nodded. But how to keep down the casualites?
"Surprise attack..." I muttered. "Not just a run for the hills style encounter, but..."
"You're suggesting an offensive strike?" Makkern asked. "We don't have any weapons, no means of attack. No way to organize."
"Theysa know yousa Jedi," Tie-Rae said. "Theysa might take you away at any time. Weesa must attack verrry soon."
I looked outside, eyeing the various cages that were scattered across what looked more like a campsite than anything else. Each cage appeared to hold maybe fifteen people, including the one we were in, and there were at least thirty within sight. I noted three guards for each cage as a ratio, but there might have been more or less, plus those I couldn't see. I guessed more encampments like these were scattered across the area. It appeared as though the Dracuurians were intending to clear the area and set up some sort of roost. A roost on one fo the smaller planets, toward the outer edge of the system.
They'd already taken over most of the system, I realized, and were setting up strongholds toward the outer edges. Fortressing the entire system in a sense, though to actually do that was impossible.
I looked to the girl, the Queen, I reminded myself.
"How many of your people are here? Have you any idea?"
"Several," she replied. "Though i don't have a head count. Many of them were killed in the invasion, and many more have died since then, while my father still ruled in the famine that ensued the brief war we fought, then in the slavers possession. We're a small percentage of what remained, and many are not even here,but scattered throughout the system, working as slaves where they're needed. I cannot organize them to a major attack, Jedi...?"
"Raine," I returned. "Jedi Master Raine DuVall. And you're Queen...?"
"Meryn Tobe Staben," she returned. "Makkern is my master of guards."
The man nodded to me at his mention.
"I don't want another war that we cannot win. My father fought a losing battle because he knew our people were better off dead than strengthening the enemy as slaves. The slaves here, altogether, could not overthrow such a force as is located in this system."
"I don't want to overthrow them here, just attack, do some damage, then run. Give them time to think we're trying an overthrow, to draw whatever forces they have here into one area, then make for the vessels they have here, hopefully taking control of some of the weapons in the early goings. The idea here is misdirection, then escape. I want to get out of here, to take the message of what's going on here to the Republic. I might be able to get there on my own, with a few supporters to back me. in a situation like this, I could raise that support with a few sudden actions right now. But it would be much more beneficial if you were to come with me."
She looked at me, her eyes thoughtful, not happy or sad, or paniky or hopeful. just thoughtful.
The look of a leader, I thought. Contemplating what to do, what is best for her people, not jsut her.
"I don't wish for too many casualties," she stated.
"You've already had too many casualties, your highness," I stated. "And the longer you stay here, the more you'll be forced to endure. There's no future in this system unless the Dracuurians are forced to leave. Only with the help of the Republic can your people ever be free again."
"If we can send word to other encampments, if there are any..."
Makkern shook his head. "We'll have to set things up here, and hope the others hear and follow our lead. There's no contact between us and them. We can arrange for the others here to await a signal, but not right now. We'll need to wait until tomorrow night, and send word among them during the work tomorrow."
"I'll need to know everything you can tell me about them in the meamtime," I stated.
Makkern nodded. Tie-Rae nodded slowly as well, a look of satisfaction on his face.
I looked to the Queen. "It's your decison, Your Highness."
She nodded. "Tomorrow night."
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Aela Rishtar

Her blue head-tails twitched slightly, in amusement.

"That's it? Just like that? Tomorrow night she says..."

She shook her head once. "Six months I've been here, toiling for the leather-necks, and getting beaten when I won't, and all I had to do the whole time was decide 'Tomorrow I'll escape!' is that it?"

She leaned forward, ignoring the girl and her bodyguard, as well as the Gungan. She focused on the Jedi woman. "Have you seen them move? The scale-heads? Like vipers." She snapped her fingers to emphasise her point. "And they're strong, and agile. And those are just the slave masters. The warriors are even more dangerous. Twice I tried to escape, and twice they caught me with humiliating ease. They toyed with me, only because I was alone. Do you have any idea what they will do to you when they stop so large a group? They'll make a point to do it publically, and painfully, and many will die. Then they will kill others, just to make their point. Are you ready for that to weigh on your conscience?"

She knew she was, and would join with them if she could. But she had to know what kind of people they were, and whether they had a real chance. The reality of it was, they would all die sooner or later, from the work alone. At least in escape there was the chance of freedom, and if not, there was the chance of a quick death.
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The Twilek girl's words had a strong meaning behind them, but my mind did little more than consider how to answer her.
"We all must be. I certainly am. Like Master Binx has said, many have died since his arrival. How many more will die right here? Or on other worlds that the Republic can help? A war might be inevitable, and the Republic may not be able to help, but if we stay here, all of us are as doomed as those who die here as a result," I responded. I eyed the girl, wondering if I was right in the strength i saw in her. Perhaps my judgment was off, given the past few months and the effects they'd had on my psyche, not to mention my body. "The best time to act is before they feel threatened. Right now, they are not threatened by me. That might change given time, and myself and Master Binx are currently are strongest offensive weapons. I'm fresh, and he's getting weaker, as all of you will."
"Strongest yes," Makkern said, "But we can all fight to a point."
"I'm, not much with weaponry, nor with physical violence," the Queen stated, "But my heart is willing enough."
"I can fight," a voice stated, plainly, from across the cage. Sitting there, the dark silhouette of a woman remained unmoving.
I eyed the figure for a moment, feeling oddly uncomfortable now that I realized she was there. Violence comes naturally to this one, I thought, then turned my attention back to the Twilek, awaiting her response.
Kerra Shiran

Hanger Bay

As she watched the younger man get disarmed again & again by the other, Kerra heard Mogo call Josie back to his side. She turned at the sound of his voice. He mutters some last words to her, before entering the ship. As the ramp closes up she whispers, “I won’t. May the force be with you my friend. Where ever your travels go ...”

The anger & frustration build in the youth, shifts her attention back to the duel. Kerra turns back to watch the fighting get fierce, the dark power builds in him. She resumed flipping her knife end on end. Ready throw it, if he is overcome with the dark side. His blue eyes glow with power, looking for the moment to strike.

At the last second the realization appears in his eyes & the power is drained out of him. The duel ends. Kerra relaxes a bit still flipping the blade, as both men shut off their sabers & talk. They turn & start to come over to her & Jono. “The younger one thinks you’re pretty.” She doesn’t respond to her cousin’s remark. It struck her odd that he caught it, when she did not.

It was not the time to think about it, as elder of the two approaches. Jono move to her side & gives Kerra a hand up. "I am Tynan,” He motions to the younger Jedi. “This is my Padawan, Luke. You are new here, but not from Coruscant, I sense..." He pauses. "You are friends of Mogo's?"

Putting the blade back into its sheath in her boot, she responds. “You could say that ... I am Kerra Shiran and this is my cousin Jono Te Aricus.” He bows when she introduces him. Even if Kerra left out the fact that Jono was a Jedi Knight & she was his Padawan.

“You might have already guessed that we are here, because of the Sith Holocron. As well as our grandfather the one known to you as Tholin Mod. Mogo has mentioned that he was here. May we see him?”

The Jedi Master bowed in greeting, then turned to look off in the distance. he held out his hand, and a transmitter floated off a control station nad landed gracefully in his palm. he held it out to them.

"This is tied into planetside communications. You should be able to locate and contact your..." Tynan smiled, and his eyebrows rose... the idea of Azreal having family..."Grandfather whereever he may be."

He looked from one to the other. They seemed lost in a way.... searching for something. he thought to inquire if he could be of assistance, but thought better of it. They seemed ready to be on their way.

"We had some dealings with the Holicron already, I'm afraid." Tynan could sense Luke stiffen behind him. "I'm not sure why, but I believe your grandfather is correct that the safest place for it is with him."

He hesitated. "I'm not sure what you know about what's happened, but your grandfather... I'll let him explain it to you. A great deal has happened, today."

He glanced back toward Luke, and found the boy staring at Kerra...but certainly not in a challenging way. Tynan nearly laughed. She had to be at least ten years older than him. Still, it's better than the thought he was fighting over earlier. He turned back to the cousins. "Your grandfather has been granted a diplomatic staus of sorts, with us, so he is no danger from any of our people. I've given him my word on that."
Aela Rishtar

She nearly snarled when the quiet woman had spoken. She just didn't trust the bitch. Still, she wanted out of here, and now.

"Oh, I'll fight," she said to the Jedi. "You'll not leave me behind. Just a warning though, when one of us falls, no matter who it is, leave them. If we stop for one of us, we all die."

With that, she leaned back and fell to silence, regarding her new crew.

Already, we had dissention among us. Not pleasing, but she still was thinking straight. We needed to leave, and she was ready to go, more so than i was in fact, and she'd had time to make adjustments to this type existence.
I nodded to her, sensing her lack of faith in me.
"This won't depend on me," i stated, plainly. "But all of you. I live a life where danger is expected. You must muster the courage to fight as well."
I said this last part, intending for everyone to hear me, not just her.
"Now, let's get the preliminary information out of the way. Where will we find the transports we need to escape?"
"On the far edge of the encampments," Makkern replied. "There's a a few storage units there, and a small hangar. Any transports will be there."
I nodded. "Okay, here's what we need to do..."

We lifted off, leaving Kerra and Tynan and Luke behind, talking among themselves. The Jedi in the back were quiet, almost too quiet. The girl gave me an odd feeling, something I couldn't place that made me uncomfortable. SHe just...
Doesn't smile, Mogo. That's the problem. She almost never smiles... It reminded me of Master DuVall, but not quite so bad. I'd gotten used to DuVall easily, though, given her serious nature and how naturally that trait seemed to fit her. The child was a different story. SHe should have been happy all the time, smiling regardless of her place in life, the dangers and responsibilities she faced, merely out of custom and youth. But her face rarely lit up, at least not in the presence of many other than her Master and those closest to her."Taking off for the Mached System," I announced over the com-unit. The Jedi would be glad to have this underway.
I flipped the unit off, thinking, Good luck, Luke as we broke out of the atmosphere and set coordinates for the Mached System. A few moments later, we were streaking into hyperspace.

She listened to the Jedi talk, and took in the plan. Dangerous, but it just might work. And anything was better than staying in the pit she was in.

When the Jedi finished, Aela simply nodded to show she agreed with the plan. Then, like the rest, she waited.

Tynan bowed to the cousins as they departed.

"She's related to Azreal?" Luke asked.

"It appears so," Tynan replied, grinning. "You seemed quite interested in her."

Luke blushed slightly, and turned toward the departing ship. He seemed troubled, once again. "Master..."

"Don't worry about it, Luke. You won that battle you fought."

"But I almost..."

"So have I. In fact, I fell victim to the Dark Side quite a few times. I believed it possible to control it, and use it for good. But it's not possible." He touched the scar given him by the Sith, Darth Vaine. Vaine had used his own knowledge of the Dark Side to weaken Tynan during their duel all those years ago, and it was only by letting go of his anger was Tynan able to overcome Vaine. That, and a little help from a friend. "I learned that the hard way." He looked hard at Luke. "Almost is not the same as doing. You stood on the precipice, and pulled back. You've already passed the test that I failed. Take comfort in that."

Luke nodded.

"Now, you still have meditations to do. Get to it."

"Yes, Master," Luke answered.
Jedi Master D'Rack Fran'Tok

The battle had been raging on for hours and hours. Star Destroys, Tie Fight ers of all types, everything was at it. On the surface of Coruscant, it looked like fireworks going of far away.

The Death Star, had been just sitting back, out of reach of fire. The attackers, the I mperial troops didn't know it had no superlaser; so they kept away from it.
The Super Star Destroyer, Avanger stood guard of the Death Star, which was just a big space station. Sure, it had weopens to defend it'self, but the Death Star in hole, was not a weapon.

Jedi Master D'Rack Fran'tok had returned just as a Star Destroyer blew up, causing a big ligth show for those on Coruscant. D'Rack, landed his ship, the Shadow and took controll of the Avanger.

Things had been going bad for D'Rack, he was losing. Why? It was like General Brian Anderson knew all of his weak points. D'Rack was at lost for an answer to of why and how this had all happend. The Im perals had forced together, some how, under the rule of some one. But who?

* * *

"Master, intel reports that the Star Destroyer Messiah seems to be the head of the attacking forces." Tra reported to D'Rack, his eyes forcused on the battle out side.

"Hmm," D'Rack was thinking. His hand was rubbing his chin, he was stressed, and Tra picked up on it.
Walking out of his chambours and to the bridge. "Captian gether 2 Star Destroters with the Avanger then charge at the Messiah with all firepower locked onto it's key weakpoints. We take it out, and it may better our chances."

We came out of hyperspace, the vessel settling back to normal speed, and I glanced over to Orin.
"They know already, but you might as well announce that we're in the Mached System."
He nodded, then conveyed the information over the comm-unit.
A moment later, the two Jedi were in the cockpit, looking out at the scene before us.
The older one spied the planet in front of us, not doubt hoping the Force would give him some guidance as to where to start his hunt.
"Isn't that Alda?" The girl asked. "Isn't-?"
"No," he stated, cutting her off, though obviously not intending any harm. He seemed to be in his own world somehow, almost in a trance. "She isn't there...not now."
The girl opened her mouth, but then thought better of it and closed it again without speaking.
"Captain," he said. "Can you do a quick tour of the system, so we can see if anything looks out of sorts. Your opinion would be of great use, givne your smuggling history."
"No problem," i replied.

The next day, I learned the hard way why the group of slaves appeared so worn down and tired. the work was grueling, without so much as a hint of the proper tools that should have been used for such work. They were digging holes that were deep enough to create underground facilities like the one the Rebels had used at Hoth, huge and deeply planted, the workload one that would take years at this pace. And already has on other planets my mind reminded me. They'd already set up these bases everywhere in the systems they'd managed to overtake. And they'd apparently had years to do it, meaning their influence could have been anywhere by now.
News spread as fast as expected, givne the low tolerance for talk among the workers. The slavers were fairly well spread out, however, and the water bearers were allowed to travel between slave groups to carry the message. Many expressed quiet concern, but none truly protested. The strongest argument had been "We'll have to act fast, before the actual soldiers catch on."
A good point, but the risk was necessary and would never lessen. It was time, and I hoped the others realized and acted with as little thought as possible.

She waited, tensed for action. She knew she ws weakened from being underfed, but with surprise on their side, who knows? Besides, if they were caught she would be killed... and death was another sort of freedom. As luck would have it, she was using some of hammer in her work today. Crude, and hardly deadly, but it was better than her hands. Beside, she had been studying these creatures lately, and she thought she knew when to strike, and where.

Now, all there was to do was wait for the Jedi woman's signal....
Darth Azraiel

A young Jedi stepped forward at Master Duu’Rann’s command, & approached me. She was young, maybe 20 years old, but still a Jedi.
“ Come with me.” She stated, and proceeded down the hallway. I turned & bowed to the council, then followed the young woman down the hallway.
She led me down some hallways until I was in what I could only guess were the old masters quarters.
“This will be your room, Lord Azraiel” she said, motioning me to the room. I bowed to her & moved inside. It was a good thing I did because a few moments after the door closed my suits comlink chirped in my ear.
“Tholin, you there???”
I opened the hidden control panel in my left forearm armor & switched to a scrambled signal, then activated my mic.
“I’m here Merric. I assume you are in orbit cloaked, as usual?”
“You got that right. This place has more security that a Hutt’s money vault! You do realize that there are not one but two friggin Star Destroyers in orbit around this rock.”
“ Yes, for some reason the New Republic likes its Jedi. Stay put in orbit, and I will clear you for clearance to land. WE have a new mission, & it’s going to be an interesting one boys.”
“ Copy that. Bloodhawk standing by.” Was Merric’s reply
I walked over to the wall comlink and scrolled through the selections until I reached security.
“This is Darth Azraiel. Could you please put me into contact with Master Duu’Rann. I have something I need to ask him.”

I picked them up on scanners, but by then, I was certain they'd spotted us.
There was a fair sized caravan of them, at least ten ships, many of them smaller in size than the Owl and probably not as mobile, but still, ten ships...
One large vessel waited among the, obviosly a command vesel of some sort. This vessel was about half the size of a Star Destroyer, and designed for some sort of major freight transport, but "modified" I could tell, for war. Whoever was running this operation wasn't at a loss for firepower. Question was, who did they intend to use it on?
"We've got company, and they know we're here," I said, knowing that by then, there was nothing I could do but wait to see what he wanted me to do. That was the pain of this job, working with the Jedi especially. My instincts were expected to answer to higher ranking officials.
"What now?" I asked.
"I think we've found what we've been looking for," he stated.
"And that's good?"
He shrugged. "We'll see soon enough."
The Owl rocked then as the large vessel locked on a tractor beam. I reached for the instrument panel, out of reflex almost.
"No," the Jedi said. "Let them bring us in. You still have this equipped for your smuggling missions?"
I nodded, looking to him.
"Hide yourselves in whatever secret comaprtments you can safely fit in," he stated. "My padawan and I will take care of things here. If you feel something has gone wrong, contact the nearest Republic vessel and make them aware of our situation."

The plan may very well have been too simple, but in a way, that was what might make it work, the only thing that might. These were mostly simple people, and asking them to fight was more complication than they would be able to deal with.
Mostly, I would rely on myself, Master Binx, our new "friend" the twi'lek, and the strange woman who was as likely an enemy as a friend. Her I would have to watch. For now, though, she was an ally, and an important one. Trust wasn't an option, but a necessity.
"You," one of the Dracuurians said, grabbing me by the arm and pushing me forward. "Your presence is being requested elsewhere."
He pulled at me, atempting to drag me away from the others. Makkern turned to see what was going on, and another of the guards pressed him down, managing to get his large frame to one knee. He looked back at me, over one shoulder while another of the guards moved closer to him. He nodded, not telling me anything, but requesting I get things moving right then.
Nearby him, the Queen looked antsy, ready to move but possibly too afraid to do so.
I stepped away just as the guard who'd pulled at me reached out for me again, utilizing the Force some to enhance my speed. Once I was a few steps away, I turned to face the guard, both arms raising high above my head, then waving back and forth twice, then falling back down again as I readied to defend myself.
That was the sign, two waves over my head, and things were underway. I just hoped enough of us held our nerve to gain the surprise and head for the hangar.
The guard advanced, but I moved again, this time leaping over his head and flipping above him, letting my heels catch him on the back of his head as I came downward again and landed behind him. He staggered forward, then fell, both acts inspired more by surprise than anything else.
I looked around. Makkern was moving, turning to swing at the guard that was trying to restrain him, hands locked together in axe-handle fashion. He caught the guard on the left side of his face, but the guard stood tall, reaching for its whip.
I wanted to go to his aid, but the guard I'd just gotten to the ground was stirring again.
As I turned to face him again, he too reached for the whip at his side. Before his hand could grasp the handle, I reached out with the Force, pulling it from his belt and to my own hand.
His eyes lit up, but only for a second, then the tip of the whip caught him between the eyes and sent him backward, barely conscious.
Turning back to Makkern, I saw him strike the ground, but only a second later, Tie-Rae was there, his ears flopping around as he turned, catching the unsuspecting guard upside the head with a spin kick.
Makkern gained his feet, waving for me to folow him.
Weapons shed. He knew where they kept the items we'd had coniscated. He knew I need a lightsaber.
"Here," a voice said. I turned to see the small figure that I knew not to trust, holding one hand out, wanting the weapon I'd taken from the guard.
Don't trust her, my mind told me.
I tossed her the weapon, reminding myself: trust isn't an option...
"This way," makkern said. It isn't far. They never thought we'd have the nerve to even try something like this, nonetheless try to take back our weapons," he explained. There shouldn't be much resistance. The Queen stayed nearby, as instructed.
As we went, I could her the shouts of the others as they joined in the fight, many just grabbing onto the guards and hoping to get help soon from someone more capable of battle.
As I glanced back, I saw Tie-Rae heading toward the woodsline alone. A coward? No, I thought. He has something else in mind. Some goal for the better cause.
The girl who'd taken my whip struck one guard down, then turned and followed behind us.
She had weapons here...perfect.
"How far?"
"Right there," he responded,pointing at a small shed that looked like every other one on the premises, the ones that held tools and such instead of weapons. No guards stood watch, so i guessed they truly didn't fear us, though we hadn't made it inside just yet.
The other fell behind easily, but I pressed ahead regardless, glancing back here and there to ensure they were alright. I noticed on each occasion that the woman who seemed our weakest link, the untrustworthy one, was keeping up best, almost matching my pace but not quite.
She tossed the whip to Makkern as she passed him, letting him cover our backs as we gained whatever advantage we could in the shed.
Once the door was open, I expected resistance, but none waited on me. I glanced around, seeing three crates that were sealed shut and another that was still open. I guessed the sealed ones were full, and in the open one, sitting right on top of it, was my lightsaber, looking as though it were an ordinary tool, a rake or a garden hoe.
I shook my head as I pulled it to me, then turned to see the girl behind me alread, slipping into the shed and glancing around.
"Help me tear these crates open and get the weapons inside to the slaves out there," I instructed.
She said nothing, but went over to the nerest crate and pried at the lid. it popped off with little resistence. Inside was a suit of plated armor, full with holsters on each side of the belt and a few magnetic seals on the back to hold yet more weaponry.
"WHat's that?" I asked.
"These...are mine," she replied, then went about pulling the body armor over her torn clothes.


Aela spun and launched a short, hard kick to the crotch of the nearest leatherneck. Not nearly as gracefull as the others, but just as efficient at the right time. She grabbed the whip from his belt. Or tried to. Quicker than thought, the guards taloned hand closed around her wrist at the same time her hand closed around the whip, his fingers drawing blood as they wrapped tightly around her.

She screamed, and reacted, aiming a second kick to the exact same place the first one had landed. The guard grunted, again, and staggered backward, his talons raking across her forearm. He was too close for her to use the whip, so she improvised.

She held it by the tip, right behind the end, and threw the tip at the guard, while activating it. The whip bit into the guards chest, like some sort of strange snake; it energy jolting him backward, and rendering him unconscious.

She looked around quickly. The others seemed to have done better than she, and were already moving toward the weapon shed. Good... hand to hand was fine, but give her a good blaster at her side any time.

She came through the door to the shed last, and watched the bitch unpacking some sort of nasty armor, and enough weaponry to choke a bantha. The Jedi, of course, went for her lightsaber.

Aela eyes scanned the room for something a little more her style. She found an older blaster rifle, and grabbed it, and a hand blaster, which she stuck behind what remained of her belt. She grbbed a nearby bag, and filled it with all kind of weaponry, and raced to the door. She saw the large man... Makkern... and tossed it to him. He nodded, and grinned at her. She returned it.

This just might work after all. She hefted the rifle and glanced back into the shed.

"Now what, Jedi?"