Star Wars: Galaxy In Crisis OOC

Ahhh...the wiki for fan created material, the stuff that is not part of the Star Wars canon. That would explain why that info isn't to be found in Wookiepedia, the official wiki for all things Star Wars.

And see that is also your blindness. As we stepped out of the realm of cannon when Anakin shifted the story line away from become Darth Vadar, we took the story from cannona nd allowed all sorts of interesting things.

As I stated before I argued my point with the admin of this story. and wone your arguments are futile. My point is made.
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A bit sure of yourself, aren't you? :rolleyes:

Well, there're only two things to do with regards to someone with a big head, and that's to either try to knock 'em down to size, or to concede defeat, therefore inflating their heads even more. Therefore, I will do neither. I will do as my sig line suggests and not give a damn, therefore robbing you of your victory.

There was no victory to be won or lost. I had already discussed my character with the group admin, there for this argument you had with my character was futile. If the Admin had not approved my character, I would never have submitted the bio.

I'm sorry you feel the way you do, but I can't do anything to help you.
I'm sorry you feel the way you do, but I can't do anything to help you.

Who said anything about me needing help? Honestly, you seem to have a rather big ego going on here. You might want to work on that.
I was thinking about joining this thread, but if you're already arguing about characters on page 2 . . .
Don't let this little...whatever it is...discourage you. You're welcome to join. Once you've got the okay from Lucky, of course.
Paendragon, if your interested please do PM a concept to me. If it's a little controversial with what is or isn't cannon, don't let that disway you from attempting to bring in your character. Because as you can see with our latest character, I'm not above allowing that sort of thing if you can convince me of your point. Then once I agree you can post your bio here and can start posting without worry.
In character vs out of character

I think it needs to be pointed out that no one should be realizing my character is female. I'm covered in clone armour. There aren't any modifications that make it built for a female. As for any voice usage they all have built in sythysizer to filter out stress and to amplify pitch. (at least it sound like in in the movies and the games.)
Varshanka, I don't aim to offend, if I do, please accept my apologies in advance, I believe the only one to refer to your character as male or female was Shiriiak, and, well, he is a very old and skilled Jedi Master. That being said, I just simply meant it as The Force giving him the knowledge. It is certainly not beyond the skills of a Jedi Master to read the thoughts, and emotions of a person, and to know things about them that they would not want known. Didn't think it too much a stretch that by him sizing you up with a bit of Force use to figure your intents, that he would have gleamed from it your gender.

If you are upset or offended please PM me and i will be glad to go back and edit the post in question. Again, given the situation it was either I fall back on Shiriiak having used the force to sense your presence and as much about you as possible, or as soon as you started firing you would have had pretty significant threat coming your way. I erred on the least disruptive solution I saw. Also, according to your explanation of the character, you belong to a specific group of clones,as such I assumed there would be an emblem for the brigade, these Dala Troopers and the pic you posted certainly lead me to believe you infact did look different than the standard clone troopers.

They carried specialized DC-15x sniper rifles, DC-15 blasters, autoturrets, thermal detonators, and R-1 recon droids while in the field, Phase I Clone snipers carry recon droids that alert a capital ship to Bomb the position that it is at the time, Phase II carried recon droids that activate its self-destruct system and obliverate all enemy troops within the area.

Sharpshooters were equipped with range-enhanced sniper rifles, standard DC-15 blaster sidearms, an autoturret for defending crucial parts of the battlefield, and a recon droid. Their helmets had narrow viewplates, allowing for the trooper to focus on a single target. Their armor was lightweight and suited the sharpshooter perfectly; seeing that the trooper would have to take his shot and then find new cover, this would have proved useful in heavy combat.

If they carry special gear and the armor is perfectly fitted it would leave little doubt as to the wearer.

So, again sorry if I offended you. If you want the line removed fine, but like I said, it only makes sense he would have sensed as much about you as possible. PM me if you want t discuss it more, and I will be glad to do so. I certainly am not trying to argue with you or come off as a jerk.
Bio for Andio Korrigan

This is a brief bio of my character. Much of his past is to be discovered in game :)

Andio Korrigan
Biographical Information
Species: Human
Home world: Coruscant
Height: 6’0
Weight: 180
Hair color: Varies, naturally Brown
Eye Color: Deep Blue
Profession: Thief/Slicer

Advanced Slicing Gear of Self Design, Equipment pouches on belt and backpack, Standard Blaster, Old Vibroblade sheathed in boot.
Little is known about Andio in his life. He keeps his past rather well hidden and is often cloaked in the darkness of the underworld he had been living in since he was 8 years old. A talented Slicer and thief, he often took on contracts to slice into Republic data centers and Private data centers alike.
Though the life of a slicer and thief is not a necessarily safe one, he arms himself with a side blaster and a vibroblade that he taught himself to be proficient at. Being in the dark underworld, he had to learn how to patch himself and others up in a clinch to avoid detection from authorities and in turn has learned to be a rather talented medic, though his true talents lie in slicing.
Var, is 116611 back in her armor? I'm assuming she is right now and that Anakin doesn't know she's female yet. If not let me know.
Just for fun...


Yes 116611 is back in armour. there was a fairly long post about the trooper getting regeared up.
Ohhh, don't I wish I could pull off a look that hawt.

Gawd, she's luverly.

I'm sure you come close :D

As an aside, I used to know someone who has her own Tie Pilot outfit. Poor lass is only just over 5 foot, so she looks kinda... short, in comparison :cattail:

AGE: 19 years old
SPECIES: Leeyonane
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5'8"

BIOGRAPHY: There are worlds on the rim of The Galaxy that, while not beneath the notice of The Republic-- and shortly, The Empire --have not been as integrated into Galactic affairs as some of the more central worlds. Yllyanah hails from one of those worlds, a wide wide green world of lush jungles, grassy plains, arboreal woodlands, and small villages.

Savannic society, while primarily composed of independent packets of proto-civilisation, is aware of the people of the stars, and aware of their dangers, and has managed to a certain extent to learn the standard tongue necessary for communicating with these peoples. Be that as it may, the vast majority of the denizens of Savannah are more feral than cultured, more animistic than humanistic, and phenomena beyond their ken are often explained away with "angry spirits." This includes Force-related phenomena, as the most of Savannah are not familiar with the Jedi concept of what The Force is and does.

Thus, when brash, outspoken Yllyanah was kidnapped from her own village by slave traders, none of her fellow villagers, not even her shaman father and mother, raised a hand to prevent it. Because they believed, in their hearts, that Yllyanah was being punished for manipulating the spirits...

Yllyanah is a Force Potential, though of course her tribe was unable to know this for what it was. Glimpses of the unknowable, feats of reflex and athleticism amazing even for her species, even nudging small objects with her mind... from time to time, Yllyanah would do impossible things, and she was feared for it. And then she picked a fight with slavers from the stars, and she was taken.

Now, now, her future is as uncertain as her mysterious gifts, because she has been taken to a dark dank palace on sand-swept Tatooine, a planet diametrically different to the ecosphere to which she was native. She has been sold to an oozing blob of great worldly power, and been chained to his throne...


The Leeyonane are one of many varied species that populate Savannah, but they are among the more formidable hunters.

Yllyanah can see in the dark, hide in a moonbeam, track prey and foe by scent and sound. Her increased senses include heightened spacial awareness and kinesthetics.

She moves in near-silence even over troublesome terrain, and can scamper up near-vertical surfaces-- and, occasionally, briefly, cling to them --a technique which is aided by her ability to leap thirty-foot vertical distances from a standing start, or seventy-foot horizontal distances from a run.

She is agile and flexible and strong. She always lands on her feet.

She heals quickly.

Yllyanah is ferocious in a fight, but lacks training, and certainly lacks much experience against those of modern weaponry.

She has claws.

One curious aspect to Yllyanah is that she is nigh-impossible to "read," either through The Force or other means. She can be detected, a grey, ambiguous impression, and her surface emotions are read easily enough, but any attempts to probe her thoughts will end in futility and perhaps agony. It is uncertain whether this is a natural defence of her species' biology, or whether it is reserved simply for this fierce creature.
purrr.... meowwwww

scratching at your door/ ALL NIGHT LONG.. Let me IN...

Please.. begging on knees here..

damnnnn.. wow..

pant pant..
I'm sure you come close :D

As an aside, I used to know someone who has her own Tie Pilot outfit. Poor lass is only just over 5 foot, so she looks kinda... short, in comparison :cattail:

:: thinks this over ::

You're saying she's "short for a stormtrooper?"

:: rimshot! ::