Stories with male submissive lead

My story 'Switching at KinkCon' has a man who is dominant in the previous story 'Tell me what you want', but his partner from that story then finds out he can also have submissive moods.

It's one of my favourite stories but not many people have read it - stories of happy submitting men without humiliation/sissification but with respect aren't very popular on Lit, and nor are switches. People who did read it liked it - the title and tagline made the content very clear!

I have other stories with mentions in passing of male submission, but nothing really explicit.
I know exactly what you mean about switches not being well liked.
The life of a switch has lotta off and ons.
Does anyone have a favorite story centered on a submissive male? Perhaps one in which he discovers his submissive tendencies and explores them and goes farther and farther. Or one in which a dominant (of either sex) turns him into a sub and he discovers he likes it. I know that I can always search, but recommendations can be insightful.
My favorite femdom story on Literotica is "Swallowtail" by ktmcoll. It is novel length (13 chapters) and starts out slow. It's essentially a BDSM love story.
If you want slow and not yet very explicit, my story I Say Ass, You Say Arse: Contrasts has a nice normal guy pretending to be a hooker (the previous story in the series explains), who has his mind opened to various other things and is basically submission for beginners, concentrating on what is going on in his mind.

It'll take until the installment after next to get very kinky, I'm afraid.
Most of my stories have a submissive male protagonist (except for the Coach Laurie stories and Amy Vs. the strippers).
During the past 12 months, I published nine stories on this subject which can be read separately or as an arc. PaxNurgle is absolutely correct to say this is not a widely embraced topic at Literotica. My own attempts to find stories about submissive males which were not preludes to cuckoldry and glory hole consignment were unsuccessful, so I never expected brass bands to greet my own effort to depict the sexual thrills and contentment which might result from surrender to a strong woman. Considering the make-up of this group, I expected at least a smidgeon of tolerance and understanding - if someone's effort doesn't meet my expectations, I'll just pass on . . . Nothing, however, prepared me for the barrage of hate and 1-bombs hurled in my direction. Lit's housekeeping eventually cleaned things up (even my finale finally creeped back to 4.0), but not before I vowed to never again put my memories at risk in this manner. The time is fast approaching when memories will be all that remains for me, and I'd prefer when that time comes that they not be covered by someone else's shit.
Where would I read your stories?
During the past 12 months, I published nine stories on this subject which can be read separately or as an arc. PaxNurgle is absolutely correct to say this is not a widely embraced topic at Literotica. My own attempts to find stories about submissive males which were not preludes to cuckoldry and glory hole consignment were unsuccessful, so I never expected brass bands to greet my own effort to depict the sexual thrills and contentment which might result from surrender to a strong woman. Considering the make-up of this group, I expected at least a smidgeon of tolerance and understanding - if someone's effort doesn't meet my expectations, I'll just pass on . . . Nothing, however, prepared me for the barrage of hate and 1-bombs hurled in my direction. Lit's housekeeping eventually cleaned things up (even my finale finally creeped back to 4.0), but not before I vowed to never again put my memories at risk in this manner. The time is fast approaching when memories will be all that remains for me, and I'd prefer when that time comes that they not be covered by someone else's shit.
Now that is terrible. I am not sure why people have done that. I liked reading your stories.
I've got a gay male discovery story called Home Run which is mostly told from the perspective of the inexperienced man. He was never especially dominant to begin with though.
My story Strength is a Caged Cock is in Fetish, but it's basically a BDSM relationship where the main character Jake is submissive to his wife (and an old friend who has found about the nature of his relationship), but is not a wimp nor useless and the women appreciate that.

The story is about what he finds hard to talk about, even when he can take it happily.
Even if the tagline puts you off, the first page and possibly the second should be inoffensive enough.

There will be a 'pure' BDSM sequel soon...
Im new to ‚Forum‘ and this is my first entry
I can offer a submissive sissy tale, my personal tale, a RL experience …. Its my first time writing a english tale and so be prepared for some major spoilers ….. there is an intro, explains some and so you can decide
Im new to ‚Forum‘ and this is my first entry
I can offer a submissive sissy tale, my personal tale, a RL experience …. Its my first time writing a english tale and so be prepared for some major spoilers ….. there is an intro, explains some and so you can decide
Have you written the story yet? If so, please share it here...:) (If you feel comfortable doing so)
Most of my stories are Femdom / male sub. Enjoy...