A lot of this could be cleared up if Literotica was more transparent with what AI detector they are using. Whichever one it is, it is obviously way to sensitive. Either that or there's a very large AI usage problem on the site.
There's definitely a huge influx of new content, which had the knock-on effect over Christmas of causing publishing delays for some, but not all.
I don't think they need to be transparent over which detector they're using. None of them are 100% accurate. However, I think it's important that they're transparent about the percentage threshold that they consider a positive result to be.
As definitive proof isn't possible for any publisher, a determination has to be made on the balance of probabilities. What percentage from the detector do they classify as a positive result?
65% might get you kicked off Amazon, for example, but not Literotica. Or vice versa.
However, doing nothing isn't an option. They're obviously not happy with the influx of content that's almost certainly AI produced. So, they pick a scanner and choose a threshold.
As long as we're all subject to that in the same way, with no favouritism, I'm in favour of it.