Subjective Voting Criteria

is it fun to watch the self-righteous fall?

Ever since Chapter 5 and the Triad hit the charts, i've been sneaking LOTS of peeks during the day.

Okay, at night, too.

I've been so good for so long. Got strong and focused and centered. Turned my back on the demon vote-watching and tried to help others going through the heartache and trauma of VPAW (Vote-Peeking-Addiction Withdrawal) and now... this.

I've fallen off the wagon in a big way, my fellow addicts.
Help me!
The only cure

If you got the temptation too much, put a big mountain of work in your way and do it.

Write something new, the only cure. That way, you'll stop worrying about the latest and move your worries to the next one and the next one...

Pretty soon people will say you're prolific. You'll just say you're sick. Make it work for you.

Use the addiction. Make a character have one. Addicted to booze or drugs or work or...oh yeah, sex addiction.

Just like you and me, they can't stay away.

It's called "obsessive compulsive." Lots of smokers, alcoholics, musicians, writers, artists of all kinds and overweight people all have it and, like any addiction, it doesn't go away, it just goes under control.

Fortunately, I don't think you can die from vote peeking...right?

- Judo
I managed to get my voting obsession more under control lately, until today. That's cause I got whacked again over the weekend. I got one vote each on about 15 of my stories, and they all dropped. I said some very bad words, very bad indeed, and then I threatened the cat. He didn't seem particularly afraid.

The story that's been drving me crazy lately is "Mother of the Bride". It was up to 4.59 on the top lists, and with over 400 votes I was consistently in the top 20 stories. I kept getting votes and emails pretty consistently on it. Well, Friday it dropped to 4.58, and today it fell to 4.57. Groan...

I think what Laurel said was right, that the votes are a "clumsy" way of judging how well you're doing. It's not totally accurate, but close enough to be worthwhile.

Now I have to get my butt back in the chair and finish the 20 or so stories I have cooking. Need like 7 days of uninterrupted peace and quiet to work...ahh...paradise...

I feel your pain. "Austrailia Day" was at 4.56 with 98 votes in one day it got 4 votes. Down to 4.50.

Even worse, it hasn't recieved a vote since. Whoever voted it down, took it low enough on the top lists to damn it to oblivion.

Oh well, I'm moving on, but I do feel your pain. :(

Votes. I swore I'd never approach the subject again, but after the seventh rum and coke, I'll state my piece. Piece. That brings another subject to mind, but never-mind.

Hum. Votes. Yes, they matter, more than we might want to tell anyone. Less fraud is here than one might think. Look at the amount of people voting. Look at the amount of people reading! While votes should not tell you how or what to write and post, it should give you an over all view of your work. No, mine is not at all fives by any means. However, it's running pretty true to form. Not everyone wants to read what I write. Not everyone hates what I write. If I run above a three, I consider myself lucky! I've tapped into more than the average. If it drops when I hit the top list, then those are the breaks. It just means MORE people are are reading and voting. At least for me. Ones? I get them. I take them into consideration. If more people vote five than one then I'm doing REALLY WELL! To hell with the average.

And, conversely, if more people vote one, then I'm usually aware of the change or abnormality in my story that might have caused that.

Fraud exists, yes. But it isn't the norm, and it shouldn't be taken as such. Most people have lives, and they won't waste them playing with number and so on unless they have a true vendetta. Live and learn.

VPA Cure Found:News at 11:00

To all the members of VPA (Vote Peekers Annonymous) I have found a cure.

Simply post stories in the BDSM category. They sit there unread and unloved and never garner more than a very few low votes. Several days of constantly checking these stories causes a sever allergic reaction in most people afflicted with VPA (Vote Peeking Addiction). If they survive the initial trauma they soon stop peeking at their votes entirely.

Just thought I should let you guys in on this new cure!

Ray :p

... if all one's stories are in the BDSM category, Ray, and every once in a while someone both reads one of them AND votes on it, then one can remain seriously addicted. ~sigh~
Yes cym, I can see that you must be de-sensitized to the BDSM allergy by now. Like the guy who is constantly exposed to poison ivy until it no longer bothers him.

Lucky for you ... I think.

Billboard charts


Look at it this way, you were number one for at least a day. Consider how many don't get there. I've been lucky enough to have a few stories hit the number 1 in their catagory and it has been one of the best kicks I've ever had. Enjoy the accolade without trying to get too competitive. If you're over 4 people like your story. If you're over 4.3 they love your story. Enjoy it, you deserve it.

Hi all.......
I am fairly new to this site now myself, though I have been writing and posting stories since March. I consider myself VERY
lucky and very fortunate to have received the wonderful emails and feedback comments that I have. I used to anguish over the
"votes" as well. (Believe me) and it hurt when I saw what I thought was a reasonably good story suddenly take a tumble.
But I have to agree with everyone else on this, initially I think we
have a "following" perhaps that tend to read and enjoy our stories. Then.......if they "do" hang around on the top lists, you
tend to get a wider range (and pickier I might add) of readers who for whatever reason do not like, nor think the story is as good as it's currently showing, and then the numbers seem to drop rather quickly. All in all......I do think the averages seem to
eventually settle in once you get a hundred or so votes going for you.

I've quit LQQKing as often as I used to do, and enjoy the feedback and emails a whole lot more anyway. That's what keeps me interested and wanting to continue to write. I will say I am pleased with MOST of my stories. My lowest is 4.00 as we
speak...and Mrs. Steel is doing fairly well.

It is interesting that I think the majority of the so called top stories are in the "Mature" category. I think the reality is, most stories in the Group Sex, or Mature categories seem to do the best, whereas everything else more or less lags behind. It is one reason I've changed my subject matter from what I was initially
writing. Still....write for yourself as much as for the reader. Its far more enjoyable.

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