Summoner: BotDG

"Duke Talarus, in my realm there are several forms of magic. Wild magic which is raw and unpredictable. Magical items such as enchanted weapons and armor. My scimitars are such weapons as they are sentient and are able to speak telepathically. Divine Magic, magic from the gods, wielded by priests, clerics and paladins. Finally there is what is known by some as pure magic, it is harnessed by wizards and mages."

"In Garlyn, we use runes to enchant things, like my sword." he said drawing it in order to display the red etchings. "The inscription reads, Pyrra, Lrosta, Garlas, Drak'tha. Por aun draga Solit, yed maga Luni. Te grol Scathach." he said in the flowing expression of High Galryk. "Priests and Templars use divine runes passed to their temple from their god. Rune-knights mostly use war-runes, but I learned from the Archmage himself and was taught many more esoteric and arcane runes then most of my calling possess. Wizards and mages can use all non-divine runes." Alleron explained. "There are tens of thousands of runes, maybe more. most can be cast more then one way to alter the effect. 26 runes make up our writing system." He said. "What world are you from Lord Commander? it seems a fascinating place.""
Rijin Kin

IC: I stepped out into the snow. "Lots of room to work with here. I suggest spreading out incase we have a mishap but that shouldn't happen until you have some of the basics down.

I walked about 15 feet away from the building and took off my gloves, fallowed by my coat, then my shirt, and continued until my torso and arms were free of clothing. "I hate the cold."

"As you can see I am not going to attempt any sort of trick or illusion. I am going to show you the art of summoning that is all." I streched out my empty right hand, and closed my eyes. "Each of you comes from a difrent place and has very much a unique outlook on what is and isn't possible. You will be working with that. You have to reach into the infinite well of worlds and find exactly what your looking for and pull it here with your will. Remember there is only one of any given object so you must clear your mind and pull that specific one, if you don't the summon won't work. If you do then you can create..." In about a second I had a katana in hand, a detailed dragon with two claws on each foot was etched into its sides.

"If you master summoning you will literaly have every tool you need at your fingure tips. But we should start small. So I won't need this." I tossed the sword into the air and let it slip back into the void on its way down.

"Let me show you what I want you to produce to begin with." I returned my arm to its outstreched position. I closed my eyes and my hand. I then opened the hand revieling a small piece of basalt, a simple volcanic rock. "This is a rock, and that is all you need to pull out as a summon. Now remember rocks come in an infinite variety many times over and for a summon to work you must pick exactly one of them." I tossed the rock on the floor infront of them, I then set back to putting on my warm clothing

"There is only one limit with this tool. Summons drain your energy so you have a window of time you must grow." I put my coat back on and the rock returned to where and when I took it. "Now I will answer any questions or you can begin practicing." Unless I got a bunch of geniuses, it would take time to make a simple rock. Like riding a bike this was a new skill were success either works or it doesn't. Not to many skills could be harnessed before begining.
Kame decided to give this summoning thing a wirl. he streched out his hand, thought of the pebble he had seen in his house when he was looking threw the basement, and summoned it. He felt the drain of energy, and quickly droped the pebble, which immediatly dissapeared.
Alleron listened to all Rijin had to say and then decided to practice. He thought long and hard to think of a particular rock and then it came to him. When he was a lad, his father had taken a large triangular rock and sharpened it into a knife for him, presenting it to him on his first hunt. It wasnt much use as a weapon, but it was good for dressing the rabbit that he had caught on his first day out. Alleron smiled at the old memory, he remembered how as a lad of 8 he had thought it was simply the most wonderful creation of all time, and had worn it proudly in a rabbitskin sheath, much to his father's amusement. He remembered his father's green eyes, so kind and warm most of the time, but when preparing for battle were so cold, like two frozen emeralds. It was only a few years later that Akaron Talarus had died as befit such a mighty warrior, covering the evacuation of Stonebridge, when he and his squire Tymon had held the small bridge across the Solinash river against the Serak foe. They both fell that day, selling their lives dearly, their currency being Serak blood. Garlyn later won the war, and The sword of Akaron was recovered, and returned to Alleron, some of his fathers spirit and wisdom imbued in the blade, just as had been since Talar himself had walked the earth. Enough of the memories Alleron said to himself Focus on the moment at hand, show the others the power of House Talarus His mind refocused on the knife, its bluegreen color, its dragon leather wrapping. Come to me! Alleron silently roared.

Into his hand dropped a large sharpened rock, bluegreen in color with dragon leather wrapping. So small in his large hands, he smiled to himself. Thank you Father he said silently. "Has anyone a leather thong? I would like to keep this close to me." he asked earnestly.
Mina found her own little space, and sat cross legged in the snow. Her ambiant body tempture wasn't high enough to melt it, so her butt wouldn't get wet. In fact, other than the vampire mage, everyones breath was giving out little puffs of steam. Interesting factoid. Her own breath also didn't stir steam into the crisp air.

A stone...and not just a stone, but a stone she could envision...She remembered one day when she and Jonathan had taken Quincy to the lake, before Lucy was born, and they had been looking for skipping stones. Jonathan was teaching them both, and he'd described what to look for. Smooth, flat, rounded edges...

She'd found the stone that was almost perfect...She remembered every mark of it, and had been worried that a pockmark might make it good enough. Jonathan said it was fine, and showed her how to hold it, forefinger curved around the leading edge...and then threw her stone away!

It had skipped six times across the surface of the water before sinking, and she'd been quite put out that he'd thrown it away and refused to look for others.

This was the stone that she envisioned now.
Rijin Kin

IC: Well it seems our vampire had a stone in his recent memory, shocking he managed to get it so soon. I wasn't the least bit suprised when he dropped it and it vanished, I myself got similar results numerous times while learning this skill. I moved over to him. "My guess is one of two things happened, either you have had that stone a long time, and you weren't able to focus on one moment you had it and thus you pulled it from many places in time. If you do that the drain is much more. The second option is that you weren't able to keep your mind clear and the sudden drain shocked you enough to let the stone slip back into its place. Either way it was a good first try."

I spotted the rune knight, the first one called here. In his hand was a green blade made of stone. 'Has anyone a leather thong? I would like to keep this close to me.' I quirked an eye brow, I guess that was the assignment, but to do it so quickly and to be able to keep it here. That was an unatral level of skill. I pulled into my hand a python skin sheeth of about the right size for it. I was confident I cold hold onto the sheeth longer then he could hold onto his blade, but I was curious how long he could keep the blade into this world. "Try this, but perhaps you should study your work before you put it away."

I moved over to lady. She seemed lost in thought, so I was relucant to tell her that wet jeans were very heavy, uncomfortable, and cold. I was also curious what I could learn from her summon.
Alleron accepted the thong from Rijin, and spent some more time studying the stone, it was just as he remembered, though now had grown dull. He tied the thong around the rock and slipped it over his neck. "This stone is very special to me, before my father died he fashioned it."
cats said:
IC: Well it seems our vampire had a stone in his recent memory, shocking he managed to get it so soon. I wasn't the least bit suprised when he dropped it and it vanished, I myself got similar results numerous times while learning this skill. I moved over to him. "My guess is one of two things happened, either you have had that stone a long time, and you weren't able to focus on one moment you had it and thus you pulled it from many places in time. If you do that the drain is much more. The second option is that you weren't able to keep your mind clear and the sudden drain shocked you enough to let the stone slip back into its place. Either way it was a good first try."
"many thanks kind rigin, but i can assure you it was not the former. i only saw this rock once, for a period of 2 hours, which is why i could easily picture it. *mutters "dam cat"*. i was quite surprized at the drain, and lost my focous. i shall try again, using the same object, as it is easy to summon". *reaches out hand and the stone appears* he feels the drain but surpresses the urge to react to it with a grunt, and instead starts to examine it to see if its changed since the last time he stared at it.
Rijin Kin Rodgers

IC: I nodded to the vampire. This group has lots of potential. Obviously more then me. I wonder how long I can teach them before they surpass me. I bet at least two months maybe three. Oh well. I went over to the steps at the entrance to the tower and sat down. I pulled out my flute and played the only song I ever played. The song was a similar to wind blowing threw reeds but fluttered between the lows of sadness, sorrow and loss, and the highs of happiness, joy and new life. It was three hours when played in its entirety, but I had only managed to play it all the way threw a handful of times in recent years.
all kame managed to notice in diference was that the rock had a scratch on it and what appeared to be some crap. probably both were the cats fault. he decided that he would keep his earlyer memory of the rock, and simply let this one refresh it, without taking in the new detail. he heard the song played by rigin and walked over and sat down. "you play a lovly yer sorrow tune my friend. do you mind if i play a tune as well?" he noticed that he might not want to answer. "simply nod or shake your head".
The skipping stone formed just above Mina's cupped hands, perfect down to the pockmark caused from a single drop of ancient rain. It hovered above her hands, slowly rotating. How Jonathan had tried to explain that's what skipping stones for for, and he and Quincy had found dozens, making them jump over the water happily. Laughing echoing over the water on the sunlit afternoon.
Rijin Kin

IC: I lowered the flute to correct the vampire. "My first name is Rijin Kin, it is more of a j sound then a g sound. The Kin is also an important part of the name. If you prefer you can call me Mr. Rodgers, if that is easier. As for the song, I will let you play if you can summon and maintain a musical instrument."

I considered returning to the song but spotted the lady had finished a perfectly round pebble. I suppose then that the three would likely need a new assignment, something more complex, but what should I pick? I could ask that they try to make a fly, although the complexities of life are difficult for many to summon. I suppose I could ask them to summon the biggest boulder they can and test their raw power. Or perhaps I should tell them of the greatest secret of summoning, that if they can clearly picture something they have never seen, it is possible to summon it once they accept that it must exist some where.

Maybe I should help our blue clad friend. He seems to be focusing his mind, but has yet to summon.
"sorry for the confusion, rijin kin." he allowed the pebble, to poof out of existence, and welcomed the relif. then he decided that if he wasgoing to summon an intrument, he would need a bit more power and stamina. it would cost him, but he had the ability to activate some dormant power, and us it for a time. he only hoped that he wouldnt die because of the loss of power and youth. he pictured the simple metal rod he used to play music on. it was crucial to cast a spell he had learned at a younger age,so he had spent many an hour practicing with it. he pictured a single point in time, in which he had finaly mastered the tune, and pictured the flutes bonelike shape. it had transformed into that shape at the moment, and he remembered clearly every detail of it. *summons dormant power*. he immediatly felt his body was stronger, and could feel the power in himself. *hold out hand, and concentrates. the flute appears. the drain of power is almost unnoticed in his present form, but would be much greater later on. he holds the flute to his mouth and startes playing.
Daniel looked around him and all he saw was the sapphire gate that stood before him still glowing. As he slowly got back up to his feet he knew that he was no longer at the airport waiting for his flight and if he was then they had done some serious redecorating. He turned around quickly, wondering if there was anything familiar to him but when he saw nothing he wanted to ask someone, anyone just what the hell was going on. He would even talk to one of the paparazzi just because they were someone that he could talk to.

He began to walk back towards the gate but stopped before he could reach it.

"If this thing brought me here what would happen to me if I touched it again. Would it just destroy me where I stood? Oh crap; I am starting to talk to myself. Is there anyone here?!"
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Saphire and Rijin kin

IC: Saphire: It was six pm already. I lifted up my head finaly hearing the gate. I was about to give up, the other two trainers had full teams already. ' any one here?'

"About fucking time some one apeared. I was begining to think this gate was a hoax." I took a step out infront of the gate. The man their apeared normal and modern a rarity I suppose. "Your just in time for dinner. Shall we go?"

IC: Rijin Kin: A loud bell tolled, in one ring. "I hope your hungry because it is time to eat. After food I will teach you the next skill."
Kame heard what rijin kin said(did i spell it right?) and allowed the flute to disapear. He used the last of his streanth to somewhat recover, nearly going unconcius but not quite doing it. He was really hungry, and noticed that he was a bit older. Suddenly he thought of something.

"you guys don't happen to serve blood, do you?" He looked around, feeling guilty that he had to inflict his own worlds problems on them. (he is a setimental vampire).
Rijin Kin

IC: "I forgot to mention your nature to the monks, so I dubt they were prepared for it. So most likely no blood."
Kame, sighed, but accepted that. "I don't mind as long as i get some soon, two days at the latest. I can eat normal food, but it does absolutly nothing to my body. I can't even gain weight."

He brought out a pipe and figited with it, not sure if he really needed it to satisfy his craving.
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Alleron turned around at Rijin Kin's words. "I havent eaten in some time, food is most welcome." He said, just as the stone disappeared from around his neck. "Rijin Kin, what happened?!" he said annoyed and surprised.
Rijin Kin Rodgers

IC: The vampire set about smokeing a pipe, I guess if it works it works.

Alleron turned around at Rijin Kin's words. 'I havent eaten in some time, food is most welcome. Rijin Kin, what happened?!' I looked closely and eventuly noticed the empty leather thong.

"Summons drain the mind and will. It is only natural for it to vanish after some time." I stopped maintaining the thong, happy I didn't become to distracted before the blade disapeaered.

"In general larger summons, or summoned magic, and living creatures drain more. By the time we are done here you should be able to hold onto that from dawn to dusk, or when ever you fall asleep."

I moved inside fallowed by my team. We moved up a flight of stairs into the dining level were four simple wooden tables were. Upon them sat today's meal; a turkey, a pig, and a rabbit for the specail ocasion. At one table was a bowl of pigs blood and I imedatly assumed I didn't have the only vampire here. My suspicion was confirmed when a pale figure filled a bowl of it. My bald counterpart seemed to have his full team here. I looked over to where some monks were eating salad, no dressing. That is what I would likely have.

Amoung the new folks were a spikey hard man in a green vest with an orange shirt. The pale figure from before was an adroginous person dressed in white leather. The last thing was the steretypical alien, small mouth big eyes frial looking body, he seemed particularly upset.
Alleron's eyes took in the feast before them. "I left my home three weeks past, Its been nothing but waybread, beans, salted pork, and water for me since then. Such food as this, i am impressed Rijin Kin, if all of your folk keep such a table, I shall be well pleased." He said, sitting down on one of the benches, his large armored frame dwarfing many around him. "Have you stout, lager, ale, or perhaps mead?" he asked hopefully chopping off a leg of pork with his knife.
Kame was very pleased with the blood, and immediatly begain drinking it. He half expected to burn and die when he realized he should check the type of blood, but was too thirsty to stop drinking.

After not burning into flame, He was grateful and decided he should stop freaking everyone out.

He noticed the company, and tried to act a bit more civilized. he sat down and pored himself a glass of blood, and started eating. He was amazed that he could taste the food.

"you make some very good food here. I am most gratefull that i can enjoy it fully." *smiles widly, accidently displaying his teeth*
Rijin Kin

IC: "Go ahead and ming...le?" I was suprised to see Kame and Alleron all ready doing so. They turned and launched some compliments on the food. "Thank the monks, but know that this is special for tonight latter you won't have such luxories while training."

I turned to Alleron. "I am afriad this high holy site, so other then the beer the monks brew little alchol is here."
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"Aye, holy, Forgot about that. Beer would be lovely." Alleron said, returning to his pork, and holding a hunk of bread. "So Rijin Kin, whats your story?
"A holy site? I don't feel any depression, hatred or misery. I don't even feel oppresion! Could it be that these monks are truly peacefull? Rijin kin, what say you?"

*turns to monks* "I thank you for being so good at making food, and for keeping the peace among so many people".

*looks at alien and the other stranger* "Come, fellow people, let us be at peace and make merry!"
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