Summoner: BotDG

Rijin kin and Robert.

IC: Bald Rival trainer: "A vampire would dislike clergy men I suppose. Don't be foolish though, this isn't a church to some god, the monks here have dedicated themselves to protecting and maintaining this site for the likes of great warriors. In grates like you will be filtered out during the first round of competition and sent back to where ever you came from. I suggest you take a better account of your surroundings." The man kept a stern look for a few seconds and broke into a smile, and then a slight laugh

"Nah man, I am Robert. I'll be training your enemies in this game. So did I have you going?"

IC: Rijin Kin: I looked at chatting up Kame suddenly. Well I suppose he sat next to the guy. "My story? I am afraid there isn't much of one."

"I was born in the country Southern California grew up there, small place really, and became a manager for a store. Some weeks ago a monk came to me and told me I was to train you guys. So I had to make my way up here. In truth I am only so so at the summoning thing. Unlike you I have a limited potential, and I think I live up to it. But it has only been a hobby for me, and for you I need to make it a way of life."
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Bald Rival trainer: "A vampire would dislike clergy men I suppose. Don't be foolish though, this isn't a church to some god, the monks here have dedicated themselves to protecting and maintaining this site for the likes of great warriors. In grates like you will be filtered out during the first round of competition and sent back to where ever you came from. I suggest you take a better account of your surroundings." The man kept a stern look for a few seconds and broke into a smile, and then a slight laugh
Kame was shocked at what the preist said, his eyes glowed red, as his blood pressure rose rapidly. His still visable teeth briefly went red and dripped a little blood. His musles tensed, and he looked like he wanted to leap at the priest.

"Noah man, I am Robert. I'll be training your enemies in this game. So did I have you going?"

He instantly calmed down. His skin was slightly paler, as his blood was slightly deepleted. He looked a bit put out, and distracted. "You do a really convincing act, Robert". He said shakily. He begain to look at bit guilty and worried.

IC: Rijin Kin: I looked at chatting up Kame suddenly. Well I suppose he sat next to the guy. "My story? I am afraid there isn't much of one."
"I was born in the country Southern California grew up there, small place really, and became a manager for a store. Some weeks ago a monk came to me and told me I was to train you guys. So I had to make my way up here. In truth I am only so so at the summoning thing. Unlike you I have a limited potential, and I think I live up to it. But it has only been a hobby for me, and for you I need to make it a way of life."

*Turns head toward Rijin kin* "That is interesting. You should ask to get payed or something", he said jokingly.

IC: "He does in a way. Tell me where you come from do they have Jury dutty?"
"I belive so, but people are rarly given anything bsides the death sentense in a proper court. Either that or they are innocent. So the persecuter gets killed. *laughs* I'v gotten so many people killed because they couldn't prove that i was guilty.*smiles* Of course, your talking about a peoples court, were if you have a false witness they arn't burned.... Right?"

IC: I raise an eye brow, sure that its status of being the only hair on my head draws an eye. "Sounds brutal, in many of the countries in this world you can be called to be a juror. When that happens your emploier must give you the time off, and in some places pay you normaly. In addition to that our travel expenses are being payed for. All thanks to the confederation we live in. So he is being compensated. Ofcoarse neither he or I had any choice other then to come, so that is most unfortunet."
"California? Jury Duty? I have never heard of such things. In Garlyn, if one is on trial, they have the option to demand satisfaction in the form of trial by combat. If they win they are cleared of the charges. Depending on the criminal in question, different champions may be asked to face him. I myself have faced two. Of course, some criminals are so diabolical in nature that they are not given the option of trial by combat, they are merely executed, often publicly. In some civil disputes, Duels of Honour are the preferred method of handling insult or injury. Why just before i left on my quest, I had to preside over a duel between a Father and his daughters suitor. The daughter claimed she had been raped, but it could not be proven, thus we could not place the suitor under arrest. For my part i believed the girl, not all rape is violent, and we could only look for physical signs. The suitor was known for a small degree of skill in casting runes, and I believe he utilized such a thing for his crime. In any case, the girls father called the young man out at the Sakril festiva, saying it was either a duel or blood feud for four generations. Both families are well respected in stormgarde, and there has always been rivalry between them. Blood feuds are messy affairs, so the young man accepted the duel and I presided. The young man named his brother as his second, and the father named his eldest son as his. The father's fury was terrible to behold, and he not only threw down the accused, but also his second, both of whom were much younger then he." Alleron said, sipping his beer.
Mina accepted a small portion and played with it while watching the others. Her substance was not offered at the table, but she would ask the trainer later about it, because the image of the stone she created had drained her. Mostly, she feared, she would need rest. She watched as the other vampire had a flash of temper.

The conversation swirled around her when she heard something that sparked her interest.

"California? I've been there. Perhaps we are from the same world?"
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Kame listened with interest at the others tales, and was begaining to relax. He laughed slightly when the man called Robert raised his eyebrow. It was preety funny!

"Alleron, you sound like your country does indead have a decent court system. I would recomend it for my world, but vampires have a code of honor that would make that impossible. :rolleyes: But, then again, if a criminal could get away with enough, then isnt it possible he could corrupt your court? No offence ment"
Rijin Kin and Robert

IC: Robert: The archaic soldier turned from his conversation with Rijin to add his input. 'California? Jury Duty? I have never heard of such things. In Garlyn, if one is on trial, they have the option to demand satisfaction in the form of trial by combat. If they win they are cleared of the charges. Depending on the criminal in question, different champions may be asked to face him. I myself have faced two. Of course, some criminals are so diabolical in nature that they are not given the option of trial by combat, they are merely executed, often publicly. In some civil disputes, Duels of Honor are the preferred method of handling insult or injury. Why just before i left on my quest, I had to preside over a duel between a Father and his daughters suitor. The daughter claimed she had been raped, but it could not be proven, thus we could not place the suitor under arrest. For my part i believed the girl, not all rape is violent, and we could only look for physical signs. The suitor was known for a small degree of skill in casting runes, and I believe he utilized such a thing for his crime. In any case, the girls father called the young man out at the Sakril festival, saying it was either a duel or blood feud for four generations. Both families are well respected in stormgarde, and there has always been rivalry between them. Blood feuds are messy affairs, so the young man accepted the duel and I presided. The young man named his brother as his second, and the father named his eldest son as his. The father's fury was terrible to behold, and he not only threw down the accused, but also his second, both of whom were much younger then he.'

"Sounds interesting to say the least."

'Alleron, you sound like your country does indeed have a decent court system. I would recommend it for my world, but vampires have a code of honor that would make that impossible. But, then again, if a criminal could get away with enough, then isn't it possible he could corrupt your court? No offense meant.'

"Personally I find there are always a few with enough power to escape any court."

IC: Rijin Kin: 'California? I've been there. Perhaps we are from the same world?'

I smiled at the hopeful woman "We can't be from the same world, because I am from this one and you are not my dear. But at least it means your world has some geography in common with this one. Right now we are close to Nome France, on the North American Continent."
Kame replyed to Robert by saying "Yes, i agree, there are always a few who can get by the courts.... when iwas younger, i *stops himself briefly, then continues* was always hearing a story or two about a vampire who would kill everyone in the courtroom, so that there would be no trace of the crime. And most of them got away with it, after all, you don't have to dispose of the bodies.. it's imposible to tell where a vampire has died without an eyewitness...." *His eyes go red for a second, and he smiles very happily*. "Of course, quite a few were killed because there were eyewitnesses...."
Kame looks over at Rijin kin and the other like himself at the mention of geography. "France, california? In my world, there are only two places, france and italy... the undead have control of italy..." :D
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"Interesting." Mina sipped a glass of water. "My North America has three countries on it, and only one of them speaks any French. I live in a place called New York City, now, but I grew up in England, which is an island country across the ocean."
PoliteSuccubus said:
"Interesting." Mina sipped a glass of water. "My North America has three countries on it, and only one of them speaks any French. I live in a place called New York City, now, but I grew up in England, which is an island country across the ocean."

"you grew up on in island? Before or after you were turned into one?" He would be surprized if it was after, because vampires generaly did't like water.
Rijin Kin

IC: "I am familar with France, Italy, New York, and even england. Although I have been to none of them except ofcoarse France. Even then I've only been to this teritory and not the main body of France." I took a sip of water.

"Tell me what is England like this time of year?" I began to eat my salad.
Kame decided to try a bit more food. He saw potatos, tomatos, bread, beef stake, and most importantly, all the meat had a small amount of blood. :)
"Aye, our courts could be compromised, for nothing is perfect. But we find very little trouble with ours, even if a certain criminal that i want captured evades the courts elsewhere, I will declare him anathema, and he will be hunted down by my personal warriors, and even once by me personally. If one is declared anathema, we dont bother with trial, they are killed on sight." Alleron said, taking another swig of his beer. "On our continent of Tiris, there are many countries. There is Garlyn, Frosthold, Tyrvel, Sera, Rinda, Macalus, Barendur, Toreny, Dushlan, and Kyrthak. There is much war."
rengadeirishman said:
"Aye, our courts could be compromised, for nothing is perfect. But we find very little trouble with ours, even if a certain criminal that i want captured evades the courts elsewhere, I will declare him anathema, and he will be hunted down by my personal warriors, and even once by me personally. If one is declared anathema, we dont bother with trial, they are killed on sight." Alleron said, taking another swig of his beer. "On our continent of Tiris, there are many countries. There is Garlyn, Frosthold, Tyrvel, Sera, Rinda, Macalus, Barendur, Toreny, Dushlan, and Kyrthak. There is much war."

"Thats a nice system you have. It might work with our people, but we tend not to trust each other alot, and it would probably trigger a couple of wars among the clans..." *smiles as a thought comes* "A war of the clans.... haven't had fun like that in along time.... HeHe:). But our people are much better off living in peace, after all, if we lose too many of us, the humans may grow bold!" *laughs, then gives a nod of acceptence. "Yes, we are fine living as we do"
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Rijin Kin

IC: "Yes well war was reduced when the confederation came into being. And it has stopped for the duration of these games." I placed my empty salad bowl down.

"Finish up and we can resume training outside."
Kame quickly finished as much of the food as he could(he can only digust so fast) and kept a small vial of blood to bring along. He regained his streanth partly, and followed Rijin Kin.
Alleron nodded as Kame spoke. "Many call us barbarians, saying our concept of justice is brutal and unenlightened, I am surprised that you do not."

Finish up, we will resume training outside

Alleron drained his beer and finished his bread, rising from the bench and following after Rijin Kin.
rengadeirishman said:
Alleron nodded as Kame spoke. "Many call us barbarians, saying our concept of justice is brutal and unenlightened, I am surprised that you do not."

Finish up, we will resume training outside

Alleron drained his beer and finished his bread, rising from the bench and following after Rijin Kin.
Kame answered him on his way out. "Never be surprized by the vampires my friend. we can talk peace, we can talk war. we can accept basically anything that another can think of, yet we ourselves never seem to change. Maybe we are as weird as we can get! *laughs*"
Rijin Kin

IC: We returned to the cold as much as I disliked it. Tomorrow I would take them up the tower, not for but still some where. Today how ever I would show them the basics and hope it soaked in quickly.

"I am now going to show you something more advance. I will have you attempt this among other things in the days to come, but for now I suggest you practice summoning on stones and other small inanimate objects. After all the more you practice the faster your endurance will grow."

I stuck out my hand once more and summoned a turtle into it. "Some of you are familiar with this animal. The majove desert tortoise, there aren't o many of these and there ill equipped for the snow." I sat the turtle down in the snow, and it immediately ducked in the shell in a vain attempt to become warm. Poor thing, I returned it to the Nevadan deserts it came from. "Now some of you may be familiar with this nonnative species." I stuck out my hand again and summoned an arctic fur tortoise.

"He'll do better here then the other one." I set the fuzzy white turtle down and it began walking about in the snow gracefully. "Now the advantage here is you can control a living summon. With some practice. "Dig boy." The turtle set about digging a snow cave. "Ofcaorse they can't do something physically impossible, so I can't make him dance or anything like that. So let me ask this question of you. How is it I managed to summon a species of turtle that exists no where else on this planet?"
Kame was kinda wondering that himself. "Maybe you summoned it from another world after someone showed it to you? Is it possible to summon from worlds not your own?
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Rijin Kin

IC: "Very astute of you. I was able to summon and control my friend here because I knew he existed." I bent down and peted the turtle who had stopped digging.

"You don't have to worry about his safty. If he dies here he returns home unscratched. So don't worry about summoning something important to you. Although I should tell you people tend to be nearly impossible to summon."
ic: Kame was in awe at this news. "so that means that if we die, we go home safly? And with no memory of this?"