The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Looks like a decent machine. Only comment is low tig amps at 15A vs some others at 5A. Most likely not an issue, but could be useful for very thin material. (Razor blades or pop cans for the fun of it).

I didn't see any pulse settings. That has been handy in a few cases. But might not be a problem you ever run into.

There are others out there too. Modern welding equipment is getting so cheap lately, it sure doesn't hurt to shop around!

I like personal recommendations. His glowed, all three modes and a variety of projects.
The countdown started the minute the equipment was identified as missing. They have 14 days to initiate an investigation and if I’m found liable I’ll be financially responsible to pay for the missing equipment (after depreciation of course). It’s the Federal Government so what do you expect.

And to add one more kick in the balls, I was reviewing my online depot card statement and I found an authorized charge. Now my card is locked while the bank does their fraud investigation, two weeks before Christmas.

And I wonder why I can’t get into the holiday spirit this year.

Hope everyone is having a better day. Thanks again for listening.
You can vent to us all you want or need to. I am sorry this happened to you. I am hoping that it will get straightened out and that you won’t be on the hook for anything.

And that your CC clears quickly.

This has been a tought year on many fronts.

Hope your appointment at the VA went ok. I’m sorta scrunching my face saying that… cuz I know the VA. 🤞🤞🤞
Well today just turned into a complete shit show. Bottom line, two pieces of equipment that I was responsible for, but were stored in another building, have turned up missing. I was directed (of course verbally, never in writing) to leave that equipment at the remote site. They will initiate an investigation but eventually I’m sure I’ll be held liable and have to pay for them. Fuck that. I’m livid right now.

Sorry to dump this here, but I don’t have many other areas where I can vent. Hope everyone else is having a better day.
Oh no......
You can always dress warmer for the cold but there is only so much you can take off for heat and still be able to go out in public. You knew that!
I used to say something similar to my husband when I was in menopause. He constantly whined about being cold as I had the AC and two fans going all the time! I would growl at him to put something else on. If I could have unzipped my skin and put it in the freezer, I would have happily done that!
More than a weekend…vacation! I always take one before Christmas (it always covers Christmas…seniority rules😊) and will usually go out over New Years as I don’t really do anything for that other than maybe cook black-eyed peas and Rice. We used to have a big family oyster roast for NY’s eve or day but the only true oyster lovers left are me and momma.

My kids took after their Southwestern mother and only want Mexican, beef or piggy…which I never turn down BTW…😉. Wife has her great grandmothers enchilada recipe…two day event if done the old fashioned way (she cheats some now) but the whole house smells like chilies when we boil them. It’s become a new years tradition.

Watched some of the college football games but had to go to bed early. Looks like they turned into barn burners. Everyone have a great Sunday! Wort Hotel, JH, MZ…

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Your house sounds like it smells AMAZING!
You can vent to us all you want or need to. I am sorry this happened to you. I am hoping that it will get straightened out and that you won’t be on the hook for anything.

And that your CC clears quickly.

This has been a tought year on many fronts.

Hope your appointment at the VA went ok. I’m sorta scrunching my face saying that… cuz I know the VA. 🤞🤞🤞
VA appointment went OK. Getting them is the hard part…LOL
That sounds so good right now!

It was an incredibly lazy day today. Still thinking there's a battle with some sort of bug in my. The whole morning was gone, sleeping in (sort of .. 🤨) until past noon for once. Did a few really small projects this afternoon, but zero energy. Already thinking it's bed time again! 🤣

Hope you all had a good day today.
Take care of yourself, DKA! If your body wants to rest, rest it!
The countdown started the minute the equipment was identified as missing. They have 14 days to initiate an investigation and if I’m found liable I’ll be financially responsible to pay for the missing equipment (after depreciation of course). It’s the Federal Government so what do you expect.

And to add one more kick in the balls, I was reviewing my online depot card statement and I found an authorized charge. Now my card is locked while the bank does their fraud investigation, two weeks before Christmas.

And I wonder why I can’t get into the holiday spirit this year.

Hope everyone is having a better day. Thanks again for listening.
That truly sucks!!
May I suggest - no ladders or stepstools, etc. this season?? Just in case :oops:
I should have gotten on and attended as I wasn't sleeping anyway! 😖😤🤬
Don't take this the wrong way... but I hope the opportunity does not arise again. I'd rather not see you for that reason. :LOL:
Hope it worked out well for you, K.
Cancel! Cancel! Cancel!
Crap - saw Miss K's response - guessing this one went forward. 😣
One more day! One more day! One more day!
We're going to see the doctor Thursday at 1pm my time
🫂 😍 Wishing you the best possible outcome for the situation!!! Love and healing thoughts
Took a late nap and waiting for my medicine to kick in that makes me drowsy.

The forecast for tomorrow is not good for grandpas taxi: snow, icy, and below zero windchill. I think I may be opting out.

I forgot to mention that I made 2 fruit cakes Monday. I had a slice of the citrus one this morning with coffee - yum. The other one is soaking in Scotch for later consumption! 😉