The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Good morning early risers, good day to those in Europe or to those with insomnia. It’s 10 F today and no wind thankfully. No taxiing just taking the dog to get groomed ( has poodle curls so needs it) and ultimately I get a haircut too. I’m also watching my granddaughter today as well.

It’s a good day to be inside.
Happy Friday!!! We can haz sun today.

Every now and again I over think something like "shit ton". i have a fair amount of experience with weights and measures and I have cleaned up manure. I think maybe a shit ton is what we could get in the spreader?
Exactly. A shit ton is exactly 3.1416 front end loaders full of manure.

Not to be confused with a metric shit ton.

And fucktons are a whole other weight a measure.
Well, I was going to jump on this thread last night, but I pulled my old trick and fell asleep on the couch.

I hate that that makes me so mad. Fucks up my sleep and just doesn’t make me feel accomplished.

Still feeling the effects of the time change in the early nights. I don’t mind Christmas, but fuck this time of year.

I saw that even @Mrswonderer got online while I was snoozing.
Every now and again I over think something like "shit ton". i have a fair amount of experience with weights and measures and I have cleaned up manure. I think maybe a shit ton is what we could get in the spreader?
Referring to this snow as shit is really appropriate, FYI...

I like to say that they are both four letter words! 😂
To me it sounds musculoskeletal, like a strained muscle. I would still go to the cardiac doctor because if something happens we don't want to miss anything. That you have a cardiologist that did an EKG in September is very good. I would let them check it out and then consider massage or chiropractor if you believe in them, or maybe even physical therapy if it is that bad
I do have a regular massage therapist, but haven’t seen her in a couple of months. They scheduled me for PT but don’t want to do it until the Cardio Doc gives the green light. I went by the place where I did my stress tests and they said I have to have a referral 🙄. Well, my GP put me on waivers a couple years ago (wont go into that) and so I’ve been using the local Medac for any sniffles. 😄. So probably wont get to see anyone before the fat man slides down the chimney I’m guessing?

Thanks so much for the advice! It makes me feel better for sure! 🙏🏻
Thanks for this info, H. Is this another device to store my music? I'll look into it. I do have a couple of old iPod classics, the kind with 160 gb of storage. I would have to wear wired headphones with them.

Now to your question. The second I read pain under the scapulae, I thought "aneurysm."

To answer your first question - You need to be VERY CONCERNED!

To answer your second question - No. Aneurysm formation really has very little to do with your fitness level.

An aneurysm is a weakened wall of an artery. There are several contributing factors. Men are more likely to develop aneurysm than women, smoking, high blood pressure, age. Arteries have three layers of wall. If only one or two thins, a person can develop what's called a pseudoaneurysm. It still needs repair but isn't the emergency a true aneurysm is. A true aneurysm has thinning of all the walls of the artery. This causes bulging of the vessel. Depending on the vessel involved, this could be a problem.

The aorta rises from the left ventricle (ascending aorta), goes up towards the head, then makes a bend (aortic arch) and goes down towards the toes (descending aorta). It is the main artery from the heart that feeds all other arteries. The part of the aorta that is in the chest is called the thoracic aorta. The part of the aorta that is in the belly is called the abdominal aorta.

There is a tremendous amount of pressure generated by the left ventricle to expel blood with each heartbeat. If the aortic walls are thin, an aneurysm can occur anywhere along the aorta. It's kind of like a water balloon with a weak wall. If there is enough thinning and enough pressure, a break or rupture can occur. Pain in the back is a common symptom of an aneurysm.


So..., you need to get this checked out ASAP. The cardiologist will get an x-ray and probably an ultrasound. The cardiologist will want to manage your blood pressure as well. If you need surgery, the cardiologist will refer you to a thoracic surgeon.

This is probably more information than you wanted. Please get this checked out soon. If you have questions, I am happy to answer what I can. 🫂🫂🫂
OH WOW!😮 The PA didn’t seem too concerned but was concerned enough to recommend it. I’m guessing my regular EKG wouldn’t see this? Probably have to do the ultrasound (PA did mention something like that) or something. I better start slowing down a bit? Ugh…I read this and told She who must be obeyed to call my mothers heart doc…maybe just end around this whole referral BS…

Thank Lilli. It’s scary but I knew you and MissK would get to the bottom of it! Now some MZ…to get my mind off the bad stuff….

I'm still managing the back pain from when I saw my trainer last. I need to remind her I'm an old lady and not a nubile young hottie like her! 🤣🤣

It is getting better. Lots of stretching, yoga poses, walking, and, interestingly enough, stairs! Yes, taking the stairs helps my back pain! 🤯🤯
Yes same here my trainer is young 40s I'm high 60s. My arms are recovering from the training on Wed morning wow.
I'm definitely gaining because I'm definitely in pain lol. But Lili thank is one of the few things that improves the quality of life.
At least I know it's working for me. My range of motion is better that it was 20 years ago. My strength is improving. My balance is great.... So I whole heatedly say go go go Liliana.