The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar


So a question?

What was everyone's first ever car?

Mine was a 1972 chevy caprice

So a question?

What was everyone's first ever car?

Mine was a 1972 chevy caprice
I loved my ‘first car a 67 Ford Mustang and drove it until the floor boards were replaced with diamond plate so I couldn’t see the lines on the road anymore. So sorry I couldn’t keep it but needed a reliable car…then bought a new ‘80 Subaru that needed a new engine under warranty within a year.Ugh.. loved the Mustang 💛
I loved my ‘first car a 67 Ford Mustang and drove it until the floor boards were replaced with diamond plate so I couldn’t see the lines on the road anymore. So sorry I couldn’t keep it but needed a reliable car…then bought a new ‘80 Subaru that needed a new engine under warranty within a year.Ugh.. loved the Mustang 💛
Chevrolet z28
We've been married 47 years. She keeps track of me and I do her. She also has COPD, CHF. I am diabetic

Im glad you have each other, it makes such a difference. I’m a rare disease patient and for a while I had someone who kept tract of me, but he’s been gone 10.5 years now. I miss him and not having to be alert all the time even though he was drama lama ;)
Im glad you have each other, it makes such a difference. I’m a rare disease patient and for a while I had someone who kept tract of me, but he’s been gone 10.5 years now. I miss him and not having to be alert all the time even though he was drama lama ;)
She also has CGD. A autoimmune disorder the medical abbreviation for chronic granulomatous disease, a genetic disorder that affects the immune system.
  • CGD occurs when white blood cells called phagocytes are unable to properly kill bacteria and fungi. This leaves people with CGD highly susceptible to frequent and sometimes life-threatening infections.

  • Symptoms
    Infections typically affect the lungs, lymph nodes, liver, bone, and skin. People with CGD may also develop masses of inflammatory tissue called granulomas in the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and genitourinary tract.
It's also 1am
Sleep time for me, she's been asleep a hour already.
She also has CGD. A autoimmune disorder the medical abbreviation for chronic granulomatous disease, a genetic disorder that affects the immune system.
  • CGD occurs when white blood cells called phagocytes are unable to properly kill bacteria and fungi. This leaves people with CGD highly susceptible to frequent and sometimes life-threatening infections.

  • Symptoms
    Infections typically affect the lungs, lymph nodes, liver, bone, and skin. People with CGD may also develop masses of inflammatory tissue called granulomas in the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and genitourinary tract.

One of us then. :(
Have to agree. Every so often, we break out a bunch of records and give them a good listen.

Always some hidden gems, and sometimes just some filler.

They do make MP3 turntables. I had one, but then it started going to shit. But not before I ripped a shit ton of music. A lot of my punk rock 45s.

Here’s some of my dad and gran’s 45s. I like how the country records were labeled “hillbilly.” 😂

It's very cool you have these old records! 🥰😍
People come here to get away from the other forums. It’s a sanctuary of a kind. Respect is the key. And lots of venting about the every day things in our lives, like the weather, coffee and tea for our UK patrons, and work for those not yet retired.
And being supportive of each other! 💖✨💝
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My typical strategy with this thread is to start where I left off and go linearly. Today I bounced back between the current page and continuing to work

I’m dizzy from this shit!

And soooooo
Confused! (Shocking, I know)

Hope all a yaz have a great day. I’m off to corporate zombieland for another day of work.

Be careful and safe. TTYL.
I do the same. Of course, that strategy bites me when I've been AWOL! 🤣😅🤣
Yup new aches and pains today
How's Ms Lil?
I'm still managing the back pain from when I saw my trainer last. I need to remind her I'm an old lady and not a nubile young hottie like her! 🤣🤣

It is getting better. Lots of stretching, yoga poses, walking, and, interestingly enough, stairs! Yes, taking the stairs helps my back pain! 🤯🤯
I work for the Army, and yes they can force me to pay up to, and including, wage garnishments or taking it out of any Federal tax refund I may be eligible for. The rules that apply to private sector employers don’t apply to the Federal sector.
That totally sucks, BSK. The "trust issues" in me feels like you were set up. 🤬🤬🤬
Here you go Lilli…I guess I should have asked how you want to use this first, but this new WiiM pre amp, streamer allows you to put a USB in back so you can catalog your music. They have a couple of Different platforms (I like the Ultra) and will probably ask Santa for that…😄. Everyone is very excited about this thing in the HiFi world. At least all the reviews are pretty good.

Soooo…need a nurses advice…I’ve had a pain under both scapulas for a little over a month. Went to the Ortho doc yesterday and had X-rays. Spine looks good but they now want me to go to a Cardio doc for more X-rays to rule out aneurisms?😮. The PA said back pain can be a side effect of that…Thorasic something or other? First question…how concerned should I be? Second, is this more that I’ve turned into a slug as of late and not getting enough exercise? Don’t want to be buzzard bait yet!

On that nice note…some MZ…

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Thanks for this info, H. Is this another device to store my music? I'll look into it. I do have a couple of old iPod classics, the kind with 160 gb of storage. I would have to wear wired headphones with them.

Now to your question. The second I read pain under the scapulae, I thought "aneurysm."

To answer your first question - You need to be VERY CONCERNED!

To answer your second question - No. Aneurysm formation really has very little to do with your fitness level.

An aneurysm is a weakened wall of an artery. There are several contributing factors. Men are more likely to develop aneurysm than women, smoking, high blood pressure, age. Arteries have three layers of wall. If only one or two thins, a person can develop what's called a pseudoaneurysm. It still needs repair but isn't the emergency a true aneurysm is. A true aneurysm has thinning of all the walls of the artery. This causes bulging of the vessel. Depending on the vessel involved, this could be a problem.

The aorta rises from the left ventricle (ascending aorta), goes up towards the head, then makes a bend (aortic arch) and goes down towards the toes (descending aorta). It is the main artery from the heart that feeds all other arteries. The part of the aorta that is in the chest is called the thoracic aorta. The part of the aorta that is in the belly is called the abdominal aorta.

There is a tremendous amount of pressure generated by the left ventricle to expel blood with each heartbeat. If the aortic walls are thin, an aneurysm can occur anywhere along the aorta. It's kind of like a water balloon with a weak wall. If there is enough thinning and enough pressure, a break or rupture can occur. Pain in the back is a common symptom of an aneurysm.


So..., you need to get this checked out ASAP. The cardiologist will get an x-ray and probably an ultrasound. The cardiologist will want to manage your blood pressure as well. If you need surgery, the cardiologist will refer you to a thoracic surgeon.

This is probably more information than you wanted. Please get this checked out soon. If you have questions, I am happy to answer what I can. 🫂🫂🫂
Ah! I see you need a mobile solution. Disregard the above post! That’s a home solution. I’ll look around and try and find something you could possibly use. I’ve been an apple geek for so long, I’ve sort of tuned out a lot of the other platforms.

I’ll find something though…

Edit: Some of these might fit the bill?
I'll take a look. Thanks, H! 😘