The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Wow! Lots of stuff going on there. When was the place built?

In regards to your original question, freezing pipes would be the immediate concern. Do the pipes go down through the floor, or into the wall?

Can you check the temp with a thermometer? Or do you have an IR camera to look around the wall with (might be worth asking around if anyone you know has one. Great way to find heat leaks/poor insulation. )
I have fixed most of it..... some stuff has to wait til I can pull together the money....
Fuck! I forgot to prep my cold brew last night!

Breaking the percolator out. I was in then 2:55 club and been hit back to sleep.

But now it’s close enough to a reasonable time, so I’m up and at em.
Hasn't become a habit yet.... i watched an old video about making cold brew with a French press and for some reason she sprinkled a little salt on the coffee..... I guess it can mellow out bitterness....just a tiny pinch
We own our own ranch and grow our own and use it daily
Functioning stoners
We prefer edibles and make our own
Not for the faint of heart
Haha. Yeah, I don’t like too much. 5mg is often too much for me! I’m a lightweight.

In NJ you can’t grow it, (you can buy it) which is bullshit.

I did grow plant a couple years ago, it was pretty interesting and I learned a lot about weed and weed plants. Was kind of interesting, but man did it make the house smell!!! Very strong smelling.
I am with you on the black coffee. I lost 10 lbs. when I started drinking my coffee black!
Good for you!!
I just don't like all the add-ins.
After review, I've concluded that making your own is best. Most shops near me do have "plain" iced coffee on their menus, but you'd never know if from how they market their drinks.
Haha. Yeah, I don’t like too much. 5mg is often too much for me! I’m a lightweight.

In NJ you can’t grow it, (you can buy it) which is bullshit.

I did grow plant a couple years ago, it was pretty interesting and I learned a lot about weed and weed plants. Was kind of interesting, but man did it make the house smell!!! Very strong smelling.
Yep - I have allergic reactions to the smoke but also to the plant. Both are "sticky" - meaning it takes a lot more effort to wash it out of clothes than say wood smoke, cigarette, or even cigar smoke.
Love how helpful it is for people as a medicinal, just keep it away from me please.