The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Happy Tuesday!!! Up a bit earlier than I need to be, but that's not unusual. While I was half asleep, I thought about being with old horses and staring off to the Southwest. Today is a day where it's fully official, that an anchor, an albatross, is removed from Wat's existence. It's one of those days that you think will never come, that you won't live long enough to see, but that if you continue to wake up every morning and take care of the tidbits in your path that need doing, the day will finally arrive. The official paperwork will take a long time to arrive, but the fact that the whole situation will sod off is sufficient.

Got an email last night from my former dentist. Their office will be closed today because:

The afternoon of Monday, Jan. 6, city officials announced that an immediate boil water advisory was in effect across Richmond. Residents should not only conserve water, but if they must use it, they should boil it. “Some customers may experience a total loss of water service, while others may experience varying degrees of loss in water pressure,” the city said in its release.

We're on the low pressure side of things. Hmmm . . . .
They do that if a water main break..... I qm sure you know that....the epa gets really pissy when you take water service off line
Happy Tuesday!!! Up a bit earlier than I need to be, but that's not unusual. While I was half asleep, I thought about being with old horses and staring off to the Southwest. Today is a day where it's fully official, that an anchor, an albatross, is removed from Wat's existence. It's one of those days that you think will never come, that you won't live long enough to see, but that if you continue to wake up every morning and take care of the tidbits in your path that need doing, the day will finally arrive. The official paperwork will take a long time to arrive, but the fact that the whole situation will sod off is sufficient.

Got an email last night from my former dentist. Their office will be closed today because:

The afternoon of Monday, Jan. 6, city officials announced that an immediate boil water advisory was in effect across Richmond. Residents should not only conserve water, but if they must use it, they should boil it. “Some customers may experience a total loss of water service, while others may experience varying degrees of loss in water pressure,” the city said in its release.

We're on the low pressure side of things. Hmmm . . . .
Yeah Wat...... so happy for you..... chapter..closed.... on to bigger qnd better things that will make our Wat happy!!!!!
Heading home on the Big Ol’ Jet airline today. Picked up a cough out on the road 🤧. So far my home remedies and those Riccola’s have kept it at bay.

Wonderer, hope Mom is doing well. It was way too many pages to try and catch up, so I’ll have to wait till I get home. Spent a night in Fargo 🥶. -8f…good Lord people…stay inside! My hands were numb in my gloves within five mins! 😮. Hope everyone has a great Tuestag!

Rainforest Z…warmest thoughts to those who are cold!

Morning everyone...I don't know about good yet.

Yesterday I was trying to dig out my garage and fell hard in the neighbors ran out to help, dug out my driveway, salted, and offered to call medical help. I was OK. Just sore...
Generous people make me cry. I would do it for them..

Edit: Yeah, Good Morning!
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On Sunday my two sisters were with me and I forgot they all sang songs together. (I didn’t sing along really, but my sisters were both in Choir and my mom loved much more traditional music.)

But it was nice for my mom to hear some music in her final days.

Anyway, my mom is barely coherent and I don’t really know a lot of the songs my sisters were singing songs together.

I suggested we sing a song I knew. We couldn’t think of anything, so quickly settled on white riot by the clash. My mom had a moment of coherence and just shook her head “no” and lifted her hand to cease. 😂

In honor of my mom who gave us a great love of music!! (She’s still hanging in there…)?

On Sunday my two sisters were with me and I forgot they all sang songs together. (I didn’t sing along really, but my sisters were both in Choir and my mom loved much more traditional music.)

But it was nice for my mom to hear some music in her final days.

Anyway, my mom is barely coherent and I don’t really know a lot of the songs my sisters were singing songs together.

I suggested we sing a song I knew. We couldn’t think of anything, so quickly settled on white riot by the clash. My mom had a moment of coherence and just shook her head “no” and lifted her hand to cease. 😂

In honor of my mom who gave us a great love of music!! (She’s still hanging in there…)?

Your mama is funny... she was like back to hymns and elvis kiddos.
Finally - caught up for the moment...
The afternoon of Monday, Jan. 6, city officials announced that an immediate boil water advisory was in effect across Richmond. Residents should not only conserve water, but if they must use it, they should boil it. “Some customers may experience a total loss of water service, while others may experience varying degrees of loss in water pressure,” the city said in its release.
Boil, Boil, Toil, and Trouble...
Wait - different kind of boil?
Either way, be careful with what's currently a Witches Brew out your way, @Wat_Tyler
I have managed to get 7 plus hours of sleep three nights in a row. I am still collecting data before I share how it’s happening.
:heart: 🥳 Looking forward to seeing the results once all data has been collected and reviewed. 😊
Heading home on the Big Ol’ Jet airline today. Picked up a cough out on the road 🤧. So far my home remedies and those Riccola’s have kept it at bay.
Safe travels & hope you feel better soon!!

May I suggest a decongestant for the airplane if you tolerate them?? 30-40 minutes before takeoff and again before landing (if your flight is more than 2 hours). I've seen how painful it is when an eardrum blows. :oops:
Yesterday I was trying to dig out my garage and fell hard in the neighbors ran out to help, dug out my driveway, salted, and offered to call medical help. I was OK. Just sore...
Generous people make me cry. I would do it for them..
@Rj_1954 So glad you're okay, RJ!! Sounds like you have some wonderful neighbors!!! 🫂
I suggested we sing a song I knew. We couldn’t think of anything, so quickly settled on white riot by the clash. My mom had a moment of coherence and just shook her head “no” and lifted her hand to cease. 😂
I'm guessing this story will be added to the Family Storybook under your chapter now, @Wonderer67 :LOL:
G’morning all. Well the stomach bug that’s been going around bit me.
So sorry, BSK 🫂 Take care and feel better soon!!

That stomach bug has been in the news a lot this season. 😬 May be worth wiping down all common surfaces (door knobs, toilet handles, faucets, remote controls, keys). Personally, once I feel better I ditch my toothbrush, too.

Morning everyone...I don't know about good yet.

Yesterday I was trying to dig out my garage and fell hard in the neighbors ran out to help, dug out my driveway, salted, and offered to call medical help. I was OK. Just sore...
Generous people make me cry. I would do it for them..

Edit: Yeah, Good Morning!
I'm glad you didn't break anything!
Also, I'm not surprised that you have great neighbors, as life experience has proven to me, that people who have good neighbors, have them because they ARE good neighbors themselves... I'm confident that this is accurate in your case!