The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Happy Tuesday!!! Up a bit earlier than I need to be, but that's not unusual. While I was half asleep, I thought about being with old horses and staring off to the Southwest. Today is a day where it's fully official, that an anchor, an albatross, is removed from Wat's existence. It's one of those days that you think will never come, that you won't live long enough to see, but that if you continue to wake up every morning and take care of the tidbits in your path that need doing, the day will finally arrive. The official paperwork will take a long time to arrive, but the fact that the whole situation will sod off is sufficient.

Got an email last night from my former dentist. Their office will be closed today because:

The afternoon of Monday, Jan. 6, city officials announced that an immediate boil water advisory was in effect across Richmond. Residents should not only conserve water, but if they must use it, they should boil it. “Some customers may experience a total loss of water service, while others may experience varying degrees of loss in water pressure,” the city said in its release.

We're on the low pressure side of things. Hmmm . . . .
Funny, that's the one thing everyone in my life has always implored me NOT to be!

Yeah, me too. They wanted me to be what they wanted. It took me a very long time to realize that "fuck you" is a complete answer for those telling me my business and how I should live my life.

You cannot step twice into the same river, for other waters are continually flowing on.

~ Heraclitus

There is no such thing as Gress. You’ll never find the word in any dictionary.

There’s progress, where you’re moving forward.

There’s regress, where you’re moving backward.

But there’s no Gress, no standing still.

The current of Life is constantly moving forward. We’ve got to keep growing and moving forward to keep up with life. When we go backwards, we’re moving in the opposite direction of life and we’re fighting the current.

If we find ourselves in an eddy, out of the current, we can rest for a moment but without the current constantly refreshing the water, over time it loses its oxygen and nutrients and won’t sustain life, and a film of scum and the process of degradation begins.

Inevitably, we have to recognize the futility of not wanting to grow, deal with what’s holding us back, and get back in the current of life.
My sisters spent the day with my mom.

I got here after work and just chillin w my mom and reading her stories. I don’t know if she can hear.

I have no meetings tomorrow so I’ll come by a few times.

I dunno why I am boring you guys w this crap. Just getting it out there I suppose.
No you are not boring us, we are here for you.
Happy Tuesday!!! Up a bit earlier than I need to be, but that's not unusual. While I was half asleep, I thought about being with old horses and staring off to the Southwest. Today is a day where it's fully official, that an anchor, an albatross, is removed from Wat's existence. It's one of those days that you think will never come, that you won't live long enough to see, but that if you continue to wake up every morning and take care of the tidbits in your path that need doing, the day will finally arrive. The official paperwork will take a long time to arrive, but the fact that the whole situation will sod off is sufficient.

Got an email last night from my former dentist. Their office will be closed today because:

The afternoon of Monday, Jan. 6, city officials announced that an immediate boil water advisory was in effect across Richmond. Residents should not only conserve water, but if they must use it, they should boil it. “Some customers may experience a total loss of water service, while others may experience varying degrees of loss in water pressure,” the city said in its release.

We're on the low pressure side of things. Hmmm . . . .
Sounds like a leak or break in the system. Do not drink the water until they say so. The cold will find weaknesses in the older pipes and unless the maintenance is up to date, breaks are inevitable!
Good morning NC, Wat and Wonderer. I hope OM got some sleep, I have managed to get 7 plus hours of sleep three nights in a row. I am still collecting data before I share how it’s happening.

Just too damn cold here. No snow and feeling for those dealing with snow that is 6 or more inches! Hang in there MissK and RJ.