The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

I've been staring at this computer screen for far too long tonight! Getting buried in a project that's distracting me from all the fun stuff (Like being here!)

But, it's time to wind down for the evening (and spend some time with the other half of this relationship... )

Good night all!
Howdy L2WU.... How's your evening?
busy - cold - busy
the cold is outside, not inside 🤜 🪵
Productive w/ the handyman but exhausting
What a cute image of a time long gone!
Took me a minute... it was Wat's post, OM's post, your post on my feed. Thought your comment was for OM's image, not Wat's. That was a good laugh (out loud) directed at myself. :ROFLMAO:

Past my bedtime, kids
Sleep well...* and the rest is just where my brain led me...
*funny how a simple 2-word phrase can conjure up a whole scene...