The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Once upon a time... we had No Meeting Mondays
Everyone loved them!!!
And then they ran away to go live with the DoDo birds
I almost said, "And then they ran away to go live with the Dildo birds". Which, technically, could still work provided we were talking about the management staff who implemented the policy, then left, leaving no one to enforce it. And now some staff have meetings from the minute they sign on until the minute they sign off... and are still expected to produce work with such a schedule.
Dodo birds, dildo birds
tomato - tomahto 🤷‍♀️
She was the one who informed me that I was “the most funkless man in America.” 🤪😳
Did she say it with Love and Conviction? ;)
Lol, your 4 page long catch up posts make my day. One day I will learn the ways of the master so I, too, can play catch up in a thorough manner that aids in my OCD'ish need to be complete. 😁😄👍
That's just how my day rolls. Glad it's not annoying anyone. So often I just have a few minutes here or there to collect snippets and then hours later insert them all for comments.
Moves too damn fast to worry about catch up for more than a couple of pages.
Right? I can only speak for myself, although I think many would agree, there is zero obligation to keep current. I realize there may not be a choice w/ OCD sometimes. But if you find a hack for that... we're all good. Stop by when you can and then off to play IRL when you can't. All good!
Near the garden of course...
Well it is good for plants.

But so is other shit. Literally.
Is it standard or acceptable to put the compost pile near the garden? Asking out of ignorance because generally, the saying is "Don't :poop: where you 🥗 " - but that didn't evolve from gardening rules. Right? :unsure:
I've been staring at this computer screen for far too long tonight! Getting buried in a project that's distracting me from all the fun stuff (Like being here!)

But, it's time to wind down for the evening (and spend some time with the other half of this relationship... )

Good night all!
Howdy L2WU.... How's your evening?
busy - cold - busy
the cold is outside, not inside 🤜 🪵
Productive w/ the handyman but exhausting
What a cute image of a time long gone!
Took me a minute... it was Wat's post, OM's post, your post on my feed. Thought your comment was for OM's image, not Wat's. That was a good laugh (out loud) directed at myself. :ROFLMAO:

Past my bedtime, kids
Sleep well...* and the rest is just where my brain led me...
*funny how a simple 2-word phrase can conjure up a whole scene...