The AH Coffee Shop and Reading Room 09

Ah. The Troop Train. :)
Folks this is my buddy a_horse_with_no_name.... which is quite pretentious so we just call him horse.

Horse, the gang here in the coffee shop are writers of passion and skill, coffee addicts all, and for some reason look down on those of us who exercise our artistic passions and step over to the "wild side" to add a little half and half to our java.
Folks this is my buddy a_horse_with_no_name.... which is quite pretentious so we just call him horse.

Horse, the gang here in the coffee shop are writers of passion and skill, coffee addicts all, and for some reason look down on those of us who exercise our artistic passions and step over to the "wild side" to add a little half and half to our java.

Uh, well, pretentious, that's a mighty big word for an old nag like myself! Would it be less pretentious if I didn't have all those dang nabbed underscores? I tried to do that but someone apparently was quicker on the draw.

And yes, Horse is fine. Or horse. Or Horsey. Or that nag. But, ya' doesn't have to call me whors.

::: waiting for it :::

Oh, and I don't drink coffee. Uh, I do make a cup, put it in a bowl, then take two crackers and drop them in, hold them under with a teaspoon, then a few seconds later, take them out and eat them. Coffee and crackers. From back when I was a kid in school.

I see y'all looking askance. If you haven't tried it, is it fair to condemn me heretical?

Probably. :)

Thank you for the intro, Duleigh.
Coffee and Crackers is a new one on me, I only drank coffee to keep warm when shoveling the driveway.

Did you figure out why it's called the troop train?
No. I figured I would put it there, though, to feign intelligence. Did I kick a touchdown? (And because of the color?)
The CP locomotive is painted to honor the Canadian military (yes, they have one but I think they still include @TarnishedPenny) The yellow ribbon has a maple leaf in the center and says "Support our troops." The numbers were painted to look like Military stencils (they forgot to include the overspray)

I believe these two locomotives were set there for a photo op. The KCS engine ran all the way down from Portal Saskatchewan solo an hour before I took this photo and the CP Engine was run north from Harvey ND to Minot where they were placed on the only siding accessible by photographers. The CP merged with the KCS and became the worlds first Super Railroad. It stretches from Atlantic to Pacific and goes from Winnipeg south to Mexico City.
The CP merged with the KCS and became the worlds first Super Railroad. It stretches from Atlantic to Pacific and goes from Winnipeg south to Mexico City.

And I passed on the opportunity to buy KCS in the bad ol' days when it was like 25¢ a share. Now that it's CPKC ("cupcake"), a mere $2K then would be a cool mil today. If I only had crystal balls... but they'd clack when I walked. Ba dump dump tchshhhhh.
Four weeks with no rain and the trees are starting to shed their leaves. We won't be having a colorful fall this year ...
Welcome, @a_horse_with_no_name! Tea-drinking is also acceptable, though you may need to make it yourself as certain heathens think leaving a pot on the stove to stew is reasonable.

Round here the conkers have all fallen, but the cherry trees are colourful. The weather is ping-ponging between summery and wintry, so that's an English autumn for you.
Yeah. Off and on rain here, though we had quite the cloudburst this morning. Must've been a half an inch in a half hour, at least according to the dog's kiddie pool.

I need to break away from the keyboard here to run over to the guesthouse and spread some grass seed, in light of the drought-breaking moisture from the sky. City had taken down a dying tree a couple of weeks ago and left a nicely groomed patch of topsoil where the stump used to be. With light showers predicted through the week, now's the time!
still having high 90s here but supposed to drop down to low 90s/high 80s this week; still no rain; latest tropical storm is supposed to go very far East of Texas (again). Still running A/C full blast 24/7; still wearing sandals, shorts and tank tops. Hopefully October will be cooler and maybe some rain; last of the great-grandkids birthday coming up then (and also the deceased husband's birthday--he would have been 75).
Another Monday. Where do they keep coming from?

We're having carpet in most of the house replaced with laminate. The crew should get here in an hour or so, and I still need to find a place to put the TV, etc out of their way.
After a lousy night's sleep - bad dream kept waking me up, only to resume on dozing off - a groggy me is working on my second cup, reading the news, deleting spam, checking the forecast (rain all day)...

...and reveling in yesterday's achievement of finishing five sizable stories. Four had been percolating on various back burners, and one was a stroke of inspiration that was done top to bottom in two days. What's left is yet one more proofread pass of each and creating the upload summaries for 'em all. You know, title, description and keywords. I stopped winging-it on keywords a year ago after an excruciating session uploading a multi-chapter series. Just easier to cut and paste.

C and I will be taking a break here shortly to get our COVID booster. Tried twice last week, but they were out each time. Pharmacy let us know an hour ago that the new batch was in, so off we go.
Oh, yeah, it's about time for Jo and me to do that as well.
After a lousy night's sleep - bad dream kept waking me up, only to resume on dozing off - a groggy me is working on my second cup, reading the news, deleting spam, checking the forecast (rain all day)...

...and reveling in yesterday's achievement of finishing five sizable stories. Four had been percolating on various back burners, and one was a stroke of inspiration that was done top to bottom in two days. What's left is yet one more proofread pass of each and creating the upload summaries for 'em all. You know, title, description and keywords. I stopped winging-it on keywords a year ago after an excruciating session uploading a multi-chapter series. Just easier to cut and paste.

C and I will be taking a break here shortly to get our COVID booster. Tried twice last week, but they were out each time. Pharmacy let us know an hour ago that the new batch was in, so off we go.
I was about to get my covid shot a couple of months ago when I came down with the real thing. This, luckily in some ways, the skull crushing version, not the respiratory strangler.

Morning all! Had a couple of days off after organising, running, and competing in our clubs karate tournament. Well, we had a core group of three organising, and a lot of helpers from other dojos on the day. Over 100 competitors fought, which is great for a small town.

Time for a coffee, then off to ***sigh*** work.
What a great time to be in North Dakota - Florida is busy going through hurricane warnings and looking for "volunteers"
Finally got some rain. Not enough to do any good but at least it dropped the temperature about 15 degrees (Fahrenheit).
No rain here, but that's not something we expect.

The carpet is mostly gone and part of the new flooring is in place.