The Armageddon Gospels


After hearing the wide emotional variety of reactions to the instructors speech she decides to follow the human male she had noticed looked like he had some experience. She scrambles with her pack and the engulfing folds of her cloak as she hurries off after him.

Gasping slightly as she catches up with him and those that immediately followed him, she arrives just in time to hear him speak about where the thieves probably are.

Her heart rate and breathing back to normal she speaks up "well I have some training in magic both battle magic and the healing arts..." her sentence drops off as she looks around. Suddenly embarrassed about drawing all the attention to herself, she mumbles as she finishes "... if it matters any."
ooc:eek:ops sryr chewy didn see the last part of your postX_Xgah)

Shen turned and looked down to agknowledge the tap on hsi knee but when he looked down the guy had already walked off.He shrugged,deciding if it had been important he would have waited.
The news of the book being stolen was bad news,but it seemed that to some it was more of a problem.Shen sighed and stood up taller,deciding to speak to the others still here.
"if i may ask a question?if we are not following the others what should we do?"

Just what he expected. Leaders are made from adversity and hardship and the bonds that tie their followers to them are forged from those same things. It was lunacy to think that just because these hopefuls "looked pretty tough" they would easily form into bands of adventurers. More proof that Limwick was a fool and he should have never turned over administration of the school over to him.

In the months since Limwick took over the academy, it had become a haven for hopeful treasure-hunters, turning out swords-for-hire. Limwick screamed "for the good of Sardun" while he sent countless youths to their deaths and lined his pockets with gold. How long had Areor watched Limwick turn his beloved academy into little more than a second-rate mercenary guild.

"You are all still my students," he said with a sigh. "It would be remiss of me to simply cast you out into the wilderness. Although I long ago swore to teach my lessons in the safety of the classroom, it seems that I can no longer afford the luxury of that oath."

The old man stood up, somehow seeming stronger than his age and his demeanor deemed possible.

"I will lead you personally to the last known location of the bandits. Some of you more analytical thinkers want to search the temple. While that may prove informative to you personally, I assure you, it is quite useless. The crusaders and cleansers at the church have wiped away all magical residue and physical evidence. I hope not to offend members of their order who may be present, but they're very secretive and would most likely turn you away anyway."

Areor began removing his long flowing robes to reveal battered armor beneath. A delicate yet deadly looking rapier hung at his side and a bandolier of throwing daggers crossed his chest.

"I'm afriad your first lesson will be more hands-on than I prefer. However, the cost of failure is too great to take anything other than the most direct route."

With that, Areor walked out of the training hall towards the school armory.
Orres, as well as most of those who had followed him, turned to the woman who had spoken. "Well, that will help. What's your name, then? Bryntii? Very well. You'll be in my group. The rest of you should form groups in the meantime. We'll be leaving shortly."
Just to get things moving....

The church wasn't much helpful. Apart from being almost secretive about the scrolls, or the theives, the only information they gave out was the location of the caravan hit. After a snarled face from the Melith, a map was given.
Gorret looked at the others, especially the small one. He thought about travelling light and fast. If they had more time, he could round up some horses and ponies. It made sense, they'd make the caravan in no time at all, however that would take time and money, something he surely didn't have.
Perhaps in another city.
He knelt down next to the halfling, "I suggest we go fast. Carry only what you need, and we tread hard and long, until we reach with the caravan. That means someone should carry the smaller ones."
he held a green scaly hand out to her, "Corona?"
Corona took the hand carefully in agreement.

Before she began moving though she heard whisps of voices, one she recoignized from the academy.

"I believe that a master of the academy shall be leading us to the caravan, i am unsure whether your ears have recieved that message"

Name: Halbrin Raithmonger (Hal for short)

Race: Human

Class: Man At Arms

Appearance: Brown hair, 6'1", 240 lbs of raw sinew and scarred muscle, chain mail shirt, leather everywhere else. Main weapons: long sword and daggar (likes to fight florentine)

Halbirn was raised by his ancestral Aunt who instilled him with a great respect for women. Experience has shown him the untrustworthy side of women (once bitten, twice shy), but he gives women the initial benefit of the doubt.

A figure clad in Chain Mail and leather appearedfrom the direction of the Academy and strode purposely toward Areor. The figure spoke as he came near Areor, "I would like to join in your search, I was directed here by Limwick." He accepted Areor's silence as permission to join the expedition.

Halbrin walked to each woman in the group, bowed and said, "At your service". He then offered a raised arm and a hearty "Well met" to the others before sitting down to check his provisions. His eyes were never at rest, scanning for threats and measuring up his new companions.

"Let's head for the northern road. We want to make it to the Whitecrest Inn by nightfall if we don't want to sleep on the ground. This may be our last opprotunity for such a luxury for many weeks so I suggest we not waste it."

Many of his students just stood there, some surprised by his sudden addition to their band, many simply talking amongst (and to) themselves. Others appeared eager to finally get things on the road.

"All right everyone let's go, I assume that you're all equipped for travel as it appears that you've come prepared for combat rather than learning."

Areor chuckled at this, remembering his own adventuring days. Ahhh, did he ever once think that he'd be struck down by a Vashar arrow, or nearly crushed to death by a drunken Galiam after deciding that the brutes sleeping pallet would be a god place to hide.

Ahh...Laughter, comraderie and hope. This was how all great adventures started.

Were it only how they all ended...

Hoping for the best, Areor turned his face towards the setting sun and began walking towards the northern road.

Revlin watched as the large group of students started to break up into smaller groups. He weighed the possiblities of treasure with all the groups and decided that the group headed by the white haired human from the Academy would probably have the best chance for success so he followed the old human. Checking his weapons to make sure they were in good working order, Revlin walked closely behind the human to keep the sun out of his face as he trod the Northern road.
"The Northern Road?"
Gorret looked on the map, seeing it's straight dive towards the desert. After a moment, he shook his head.
"It'll take two days travel to reach the caravan that way. I think I can get us there just after nightfall, if we hurry. A short run through the forest, and then we get on the Merchant's run. An old caravan trail that is little more than two ruts in mud. It'll save us hours ot walking the northern route though. Unless any of you have a problem getting dirty?"
Gorret didn't think it'd be a problem for the halfling. He planned on carrying her on his back for most of the route. It would save time, and time was what they didn't have right now.
"You can follow the old one if you wish, but I think the sooner we get there, the sooner we can plan on how to get the Gospels back."
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Deisa had been silent during the visit to the Church and the return to the Academy where she and the others had arrived in time to hear the School master's final decision. After it's conclusion people began to break off into different groups, while she had stuck close to Gorret and Corona. She frowned slightly, hesitating, as it was her habit to to obey those traditionally placed in authority making the school master her natural first choice. However after listening to Gorret's reasoning using the map, she decided to stick with her original company. Or at least, this was the reasoning she used to convince herself. In truth, her instincts had been leading her to the Melith and halfling from the very beginning.

"I do not mind dirt at all," Deisa responded smiling. "And I daresay it will be the least of our worries as we take our path." She shouldered her pack, acknowledging the greeting of the courtly Man-at-arms, and followed Gorret and Corona, jogging in the direction of the forest. Midday had passed, and the shadows had began to lengthen.
"Very well. It seems that we are ready. We'll maintain a brisk jog, so if you have trouble, alert one of your larger comrades. Right now, remain together as one large group, but be ready to split up at my command. We make for Whitecrest Inn, the last inn before our trek gets rough. Run!" he ordered, then turned and set off himself. He was not a runner, but he had friends who were or had been, and often had recieved unwanted and unneeded advice from them. Although some of the advice was foggy in his memory, he could still remember most of it mostly. So, he set his pace, then tried to set a rythm to the footfalls. That had been their most important bit. Have a rythm. Then, he tried to control his breathing, but that didn't work too well, so he gave up on it. He briefly glanced behind him, looking quickly over those assembled. A small plume of dust was beginning to rise from the many feet hitting the ground. He turned back. Hopefully, they'd make the inn by night.

Areor smiled as some of his more straightforward students broke up into smaller groups. It was just as well actually, none of them were likely to succeed in one large group. Besides that, the bickering over who would get to keep what treasure would likely be maddening. Any group with more than one Lightfinger would either come home poor, or not come home at all.

Areor scanned his own group to see how many Lightfingers he had. Not that it mattered, he hadn't always been a shining templar of righteousness and he could count coins as well as any cutpurse.

Areor noticed the female Glenwarden, perhaps the only one in his class, silently fall into step well behind his group. If he didn't already know she was one of his students, he might have perceived her as a threat. She seemed to have already determined her role in the group, keeping a close eye on everyone and her massive bow tightly strung. Any ambushes they ran into were likely to be met with a volley of arrows.

Areor relaxed a little. It was comforting to know that at least one of his students was concerned with the party's protection more than lining their pockets with gold. There were likely others, but they hadn't quite stepped forward yet.

Areor turned his face towards the horizon and the dying sun and enjoyed feeling it grow cool on his face as night fell. This wasn't so bad for his last adventure.

Blushing from the attention of a few simple words, she coughed quietly as she regained control. Listening to the instructor then to the big one that called himself Orres, she nods slightly and begins preparations to run. After tying her satchel to her torso so it wouldnt flop around and tying her cloak open behind her lower back, she slips into a ground eating lope that comes natural to her race and turned her attention to what was happening outside the strange group... the alleyways became farmland as her senses continued to scan about 30 meters out to the sides of the thinning group. Not wanting to get ahead of everyone else, she regularly check to make sure she isnt lead, and adjusts her pace appropriately.
"mud is no threat, or the least of many we're sure to face, unless of course its too deep, but i'm sure one of you could aid me in that case" Corona said knowing that she would follow her current companions through a bog that reeked of death if they asked her too.

She wasn't sure where these feelings of companionship had come from, she had always felt like an outsider with her own people and even in her short time on the road she had not found any who had made her feel so wanted.

Could these humans be any louder?

Maiana kept pace with the party easily, although she lacked the nightvision of a Cyrilli , her eyesight was still very good by human standards and her hearing was exemplary. She could tell the individual footfalls of her comrades apart from each other and winced everytime metal clanged against metal.

She would never understand the humans love of steel. Cold and without any natural enchantment or life. Even stone had more personality to it. Her arrows were tipped with Melkite, a beautiful silver stone that, when vibrated by her bowstring actually hushed the arrows approach. She was glad that she'd been raised by her Cyrilli mother. Humans seemed to think that her arrows were magical. To be so ignorant yet so proud of their limited knowledge.

What humans didn't know about magic could fill a temple.

Unlike many of those who chose to go in other directions, and perhaps unlike many who followed the old man now, Maiana knew why Areor wanted to go straight to the desert's border. Or, she at least thought she did. An ambush was the best tactic against an enemy of unknown size and strength. If she didn't know who she was up against, it's what she would have done.

But she didn't believe that Areor was unaware of who he was up against. She thought that Areor was setting up an ambush not because he didn't know his enemy...

...but because he did.
The day was already late, and they had spent more than enough time talking and planning. Gorret rolled up the map, gave a huge sniff at the air. It wasn't much of a chance, the Melith were not known for their noses, but he knew it to be more acute than human, and it might give them a few seconds start.
Nothing too out of the ordinary.
He set off into the woods, moving very slow at first. Trees and undergrowth plagued their path. It would plague anyone's path just blindly going out into the forest. He couldn't imagine anyone even trying to go through this stuff and make good time.
After a while though, they came to a curve of a road. Old worn, beaten, and looking more like an animal's trail than something a human might use, Gorret gave a slight smile.
"Let's go then. We're already late."

Revlin quickly caught up with the older human on the Northern Road. "Areor, if you like I can go and scout ahead. My small size has always stood me in good stead as far as stealth. This way, I can warn the group of any approaching danger. If I see anything that is a problem, I will immediately start making tracks back to the group. Don't think I am only going up there to look for treasure. I am not new to all this adventurering. I know the right time to search for gold and the right time to take care of other things. " Revlin waits to see what his answer will be.
Corona kept pace with Gorret and their other companion, having to walk at a fairly brisk rate but not at all uncomfortable with that.

She kept her eyes on the bushes and trees and when she believed she wouldn't fall behind she would disappear from the trail and return a few paces behind her companions.

She was looking for any clues she may find of anything that may have happened.

Halbrin did not understand the logic of dividing their strengths but decided to follow Areor. He had more faith in weapons he could touch rather than intangible magic, so this group would suit him well.

Halbrin hesitantly offered Revlin a ride on his back. Not wanting to belittle the Hasper, but wanting their group to stick to a fast pace. He would maintain a pace behind and to the left of Maiana, seeking to be as unobtrusive, yet supportive, as possible...


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Orres was curious about the old man, and fell back to his position, still maintaining his rythm. "Areor, I must ask you: What is your plan? I have some experience with tracking, attacking, and ambushing, and I believe that I may be able to assist you better were I to know just what you were planning to do", he said.
Silently he followed areor.
He looked over everyone else in the party and shrugged,not making any opinions ont ehir fighting skills and the like.that would be shown in battle
(gah this npost suckedX_Xsrry i havent been ina good writing state of mindX_X)

"Hmmm, that may be a good idea Revlin. I can see that I do not have a group of inexperienced children on my hands here. Our Glenwarden and one of our Men-at-Arms seem to have secured our rear so yes, it would be advisable to scout ahead."

Areor watched the thief vanish into the gloom ahead of them before speaking again to Orres.

"You have guessed correctly Orres. I am hoping to lay an ambush for the thieves. They know they will be pursued and they will be looking over their shoulders all the way to the border. The nearest crusader encampment lies a weeks march from here and no nearer militia groups can possibly be summoned in time to catch them. The Academy is easily overlooked and they won't be expecting our trap."

Areor checked the stars for a moment, looking for something in them that must not have been there, because he refocused on the road and continued his march.

"I'm glad you have some experience with ambushes because, aside from letting them blunder into us, I don't have a plan once we get to the border crossing. Gather your classmates close and plan your attack because we're nearly at the Whitecrest. After a few hours rest, we'll head on to the ambush point and wait."

Revlin looked over at Halbrin and thanked him for the kind offer of a ride. He pulled the tall human down to whisper in his ear. "Have no fear that I will not keep up, I am the slimmest Hasper that I have ever seen because I have learned to run with the best of them. Thank you for the well intended offer, I may have need of it in the future. "

Revlin turned as Areor was speaking to him. "Alright boss, you got it. I will be unseen." Revlin turned and quickly sprinted to the drainage ditch off to the left side of the road. His diminutive size and the overgrown condition of the ditch rapidly hid the Hasper from view. He made fast progress up the ditch , stopping every five hundred feet to sneak a peak back onto the road. He was able to outdistance the part by around a quarter mile, then slackening his pace to match how fast he felt the party would be moving. Using his stealth to his best ability, Revlin did his best to make sure the path ahead was clear for the rest of the party.
"Master Areor?,may i advise laying some sort of trap that could be sprung a moment before the ambush?.perhaps a pit or tripwire?"
His voice rumbled,breaking in for a moment.As they marched he has folded up his spiked chain and put it away at his belt,preferring to have oth hands free at the moment.

As the small Hasper scouted ahead he admired how useful those of short staure were.They were msotly ignored for one thing,there good attributes unnoticed and there strengths under-estimated.Of course,he would not do the same,especially as he saw how quickly the Hasper melded into the enviroment and became almsot invisible