"How many thieves are there, do you know? While a straightforward charge from the woods may be advisable for a small group, a pincer movement or attacking in echelon may be required for a larger group", Orres observed.
Deisa followed behind Corona as they went on the path Gorret had chosen for them. She consciously emptied her mind of distractions in order to heighten her awareness. As the only magi in their group she thought it only sensible to ensure that their way was clear of any possible adversaries who may have power similar to hers. But so far all she had sensed was the usual things associated with a forest. All seemed clear but she felt slightly uncomfortable nonetheless. She had never been a huge lover of forest and much preferred clear, open landscape and the sun beating on her back.
Glancing behind she quickly shrugged the thoughts. This was no time to get homesick. They would get to the desert soon enough.
Areor watched Revlin vanish, ever amazed at the skills of thieves. Then he turned to Orres.
"We beleive the theives to number twelve total, although they were described by the guards who saw them as working in two groups of six. One group was comprised mostly of brutes, engaging the sentries while the swifter group entered the Gospels chamber and easily overpowered the priests within. We're assuming that they will be travelling seperately but if they are traveling together, we're looking at a fight with a dozen highly skilled mercenaries. I doubt that they would risk exposure by moving in such a large group however. Either way, we'll be using height to our advantage, coming down upon them in the red valley."
Areor then turned to Shen.
"I've not much experience with traps and such. I usually leave that sort of thing to whatever lightfinger or magi I happen to be travelling with. But yes, whether magical or mechanical, setting a trap for these bandits would tip the scales greatly in our favor."
Halbrin kept alert for attack, while he walked briskly along behind the Glenwarden. He would support her, so she could fire arrows unchecked if attacked. And if the attackers closed in, he would make quick work of them using his melee skills.
She drew her concentration inwards as she sent up a prayer to Malai for the success of the current task or retreiving the book of her sister's keeping, hoping against hope that the Goddess was with her on this... excursion... fully knowing that it just might not be the case considering some of the legendary rivalries between the three.. and Malai's past choices of siding with Melphi in the past. Remembering what she had learned from the books on other magics, she mentally when through her list of items and tried to figure out how they might be helpful. Hearing the elder speak again, she put her menial mental task aside and concentrated on his conversation.
Once the conversation was over she blushed profusely, unconsiously pulling her hood closer to her face as she whispers another apology up for being secretive and eavesdropping instead of openly admitting her interest in the subject. She sighed as she once again falls to her shortcomings. For some internal reason she couldnt beat the shyness, without going overboard to brashness and the irresponsiblity of rash actions. She knew one day it would get her killed, or worse banished by man and Goddess alike.
Shen smiled as they got to the amnush sight and excused himself for amoment,dissapearing into the tree's for a few minutes.When he returned he had five large tree's carried over one shoulder,already stripped into straight logs.
"this should come in handy at the beggining Master Areor"saying this,he quickly set about setting them to a small catch,holding them in place facing down towards the path.
"its pretty simple but it should work Master Areor,the thieves walk past here and as they do we unloosen the holds and just let the logs roll down on to them"
Revlin retreats back through the ditch as he comes upon his companions. He mentions Areor to come over towards him. "Master Areor, I was not able to get too close to where our targets are, but I could discern that there were six altogether. They had an organized camp and had posted a sentry at one end of the camp. I noticed that they had a prisoner with them, a large man that seemed to be sketching things for them in the dirt. What do you make of it Master? "
After a few hours waiting, the unmistakable crunch of booted feet upon loose gravel echoed up to their hiding place. Six cloaked figured moved carelessly through the valley. Areor raised his hand to ready his students, but in the dark, concern clearly showed on his face. These men had no finesse. Two of them seemed to be glancing around, scanning the darkness for danger, but the other four strode arrogantly (not quite carelessly, but close) into the trap that had been laid for them.
Holding his breath and hoping for the best, Areor signaled the ambush.
Shen deftly pulled on the small rope,taking the pegs holding the logs out of the ground as the logs starts to troll down the hill.They huge logs started to rumble and crash as they bounced and fell upon the group,followed immediatly by the students including Shen
Revlin used the confusion of the falling logs to slink out from behind the tree he was hiding behind. His short sword was bared is he thrust it under the armpit of the first person that he encountered. Luckily for the Hasper, this person had been knocked down by a log, so his sword landed true. Blood poured out of the wound, as his perforated heart leaked blood out onto the killing field. Revlin dashed back behind a different tree, knowing that in hand to hand combat; his skills were not as important as his stealth.
As corona is scouting both forward and rear of her two companions she hears a rumbling farther on, her ears are keen though she isn't sure if either of the other members of her group will catch it, she heads back to them.
With a bellow that shook the hill the band had ambushed from,Shen lumbered into sight as he barreled down the hill,the first of the two remaining thieves not hit by the logs,shoulders into a tree as it cracked,falling ove rwiht the thief on topas he turned,backhanding the other one as if he were a fly,sending him tumbling head-over-heels to land dazed on the ground.He snapped his chain form his arm and used the unspiked end to wrap up one of the thievees that had been hit but not hurt or killed seriously by the logs,tying him securly so they had someone to interrogate.
Halbrin quickly waded into to the fray seeking to put out of commission all who had been affected by the trap. He saw Shen capture a prisioner while he slit throats and cut hamstrings. This would teach them not to steal!
Gorret had motioned for Deisa to find a hiding spot. He hid in the bushes, feeling the green scales of his body give a stir as something grumbled on the wind.
His blade caught the snippet of a wanderer coming close... too close. For a moment, he lunged out, ready to send his death blow straight into the demon's heart.
But he stopped in time, smiling at the young one, who looked winded running back.
"You heard it too," he looked off in the west. It sounded far away, but the echo of the forest could be tricky. He didn't know distances, a mile, or 5.
"I don't know what it is," It sounded like a herd of elephants trampling their way to promised lands. A twinge of anger flared through his cold blue slits for eyes as he thought it might be some of the other students.
No way to tell for sure, unless they wanted to spend the rest of the day investigating.
"Come on, we need to hurry now. Night will fall soon, and if I'm not wrong, we should get to the caravan site in a little more than an hour."
Looking down at Corona, Gorret's worried look tranfixzed on her, "Can you keep up? Would you like me to carry you?"
He had planned on an all out run for this, moving as fast and as hard as he could push himself. That sound, whatever it was, was something big, and he didn't want to say hello.
Sizing up Gorrets offer she takes a minute to think about it Corona makes a decision.
"surely if you wish to make haste it may be quicker if you do, but I do not wish to burden anyone"
She didn't like being looked at as a burden to the group as surely the smallness of her size did not truly show any true greatness which she hoped would come her way..
Orres followed the logs, his blade clutched in his hands. As he appoached one of the men, he noticed the thief already had his sword out, and blocked with it as Orres swung down heavily. With a snap, the blade shattered and Orres's massive sword cleaved the man in two, one half falling to the ground instantly, the other, screaming as the brain tried to realize that it was no longer living, spiralled several times through the air before landing heavily on the ground. Orres spun around, straining to see anyone still standing.
Feeling the rumble as well as hearing and seeing the logs rolling down the slope overwhelms her senses and she loses her sense of place. she rushes down the hill after the logs and starts chanting something as her feet stop, becoming firmly planted on the dirt. She points at one of the men she doesnt recognize and repeats the chant over and over again. The fifth time she finishes slightly differently and a ball of light leaves the hand she was pointing with. It hits a tree beyond the falling villan, one of her fellow adventurers got to him first, as she sighs and drops her arm she feels a sharp, jarring pain to the back of her head. Everything goes black as she drops to the ground.
Watching his students, fascinated at their ingrained skill, Areor keeps an eye out for any other bandits who may have had the sense to flank them, or perhaps a magic user with the ability to fly or teleport.
No, the six robed figures were being helplessly murdered by his students. They made it look so easy that Areor was mentally ordering drinks at the nearest Tavern when he heard the crunch of boots on stone immediately behind him. Whilrling around, he drew his sword in a flash, but in his heart, he already knew the battle was over.
There were five shapes standing behind him. The dark figure nearest him stood just out of reach of the rapiers glittering tip, head cocked to one side and a cruel smile on his face. Areor couldn't see the face, but he knew it, he knew the voice that was about to rise up from his past before the man even spoke.
His sharp ears heard a distant sound of cursing. Intrigued, Revlin stepped out from behind the tree and cautiously slunk towards the sound. He noticed that the thieves had indeed had a captive. An overly large human was sitting on the ground, straining his great thews to reach the knife that one of the thieves had carelessly dropped on the ground. Revlin jumped towards the human, grabbing the knife before the man could. The human gave out a bellow of frustration followed by a string of curses that would have made Revlin's own father proud.
Revlin looked over the human carefully. He could tell from the marks on the mans wrists that he had been tied with ropes for quite some time, the rope burns having become shiny scars easily visible. The way the man eyed the knife in Revlins hand manifest his eagerness to be free. Revlin looked at the man , sizing him up before making his decision.
"Alright man, I will release you. However, do not think that because of my small size that I will be easy prey. I have killed creatures much bigger than you. One of which was my mother in law, but that is another story best told at another time. I will release you, but I will have to bring you back to the others to see what they have to say. On the bright side, we have food that I am sure you would like. "
Seeing the saliva running down the mans chin, Revlin cut the bonds on the mans feet then his hands. He was careful not to get the knife too close to the man, for fear that he might take it. The man quietly thanked the Haspar, before massaging feeling back into his wrists and hands. He slowly stood up, the muscles in his legs cracking as they shed the rust of recent disuse.
Revlin looked up and up at the tall human. *He had not looked this tall when he was sitting on the ground. Now what am I going to do with him, Revlin mused.* "Ok , you, dont get any funny ideas. I am charge of you now so follow me. By the way, lummox, do you have a name?" Revlin was startled by the deep booming voice that emerged from the man, "My name is Perrin, not lummox, my small savior. Take me to your people, at least then I can get some decent food."
With one last look at the man to look for any suspicious activity, Revlin turned his attention back to the way to the others. On the way, he noticed that one of the thieves had somehow hidden when the others had taken the group apart. Stealthily approaching the thief, Revlin was almost upon him when he heard an animal bellow behind him. He turned just in time to see 350 lbs of human meat run past him. Perrin grabbed the thief in his overly large hands, lifting the man completely off the ground. "So you thought you would leave me to rot as you all ran off eh? I will teach you a lesson. " Perrin smashed his huge noggin into the other mans forehead, knocking him unconsious. Then with a popping of the tendons in his forearm, Perrin turned the mans neck backwards.
Startled by the speed and bloodthirstiness of his newest companion, Revlin slowly backed away from Perrin. His anger spent, Perrin noticed Revlin moving away. "Aye wee one, it is not wise to anger me. This one always took the food that was supposed to left for me. His fat belly is no longer any use to him though. What be your name, so I can start calling you by what your mother called you? " In his small voice, Revlin revealed to this giant of a man his name. Giving the knife to the big man, Revlin said to him."Not that I think you will need this, but you can have it just in case. Let us continue to the others."
After seeing that the thieves had been dealt with Halbrin quickly scanned the area for holdouts. His eyes lighted first on the collapsed form of Bryntii, then Aeror and finally the five dark forms around his school-master.
Halbrin set his face with a determined look and sprinted for Aeror, knowing that he could not interceed in time.
Orres whirled around, checking for fallen. Already, one of his classmates had fallen. More pressing than that, however, was the five figures around Areor and the man sprinting at them. He knew that speed would only cause the men to execute the old man, so caution must instead be adopted. His old ambushing experience was what they needed now. He slowly backed away, until he had been overshadowed by the eaves overhead. Silently, sword in his hands, he made his way through the woods to Areor's position.
Perrin looked over at his small companion with amusement. He had never seen a Hasper before, since he had come from the frozen north. He had heard rumors of them, but never seen one before with his own eyes. He did not look too formidable, but something about this Revlin character made Perrin think he could take care of himself.
Staring down at the tiny knife in his hand, Perrin asked Revlin to stop for a minute. He examined the man he had just slaughtered, finding his sword. In this mans hand it was probably a two handed weapon, but in the ham hocks that Perrin used as hands; it was only a normal size sword. Swinging the sword back and forth Perrin experimented with it to get a sense of its balance.
Hardly a grand sword, but it would have to do till he could find or buy a better sword. Slipping the dead mans round shield onto his left arm, Perrin followed his companion into the line of trees.
Revlin stopped quickly in front of him, motioning for Perrin to be silent. Perrin peered over the smaller man and noticed that there were five men surrounding one lone man . He whispered to Revlin if that was one of the people he was with that was in danger. Revlin whispered back that it was, but cautioned Perrin to follow him as soundlessly as possible to get behind the nearest rogue that was surrounding Aeror.