the "ask crazychemgirl a question" thread

Are you claiming to have found the cure for man flu?Be very careful with this answer because its universally known throughout the male species that there is no known cure.Its a slow lingering process of self healing,determination and a will to survive only achievable by a male.
does green beer make the hangover more severe? i do not see how adding shit to beer does anything positive for the partaker.
Could be something to do with drinking more because it’s a novelty and a celebration.

Are you claiming to have found the cure for man flu?Be very careful with this answer because its universally known throughout the male species that there is no known cure.Its a slow lingering process of self healing,determination and a will to survive only achievable by a male.
It may have been case specific
Touche...says the girl with the spoon balanced on her nose.
Im going to stick with my first assesssment.
is the spoon actually balanced or is it using the oils in her skin to help her keep the spoon in place.

How do I get the aromatics of the peppermint plant to transfer to my marijuana plant and to remain in the forefront of the taste when it is lit for smoking. Instead of just evaporating before it gets close to being tasted.
is the spoon actually balanced or is it using the oils in her skin to help her keep the spoon in place.

How do I get the aromatics of the peppermint plant to transfer to my marijuana plant and to remain in the forefront of the taste when it is lit for smoking. Instead of just evaporating before it gets close to being tasted.
I think peppermint is too volatile to exist beyond …

also the spoon is balanced... cuz I’m fucking badass like that.
I think peppermint is too volatile to exist beyond …

also the spoon is balanced... cuz I’m fucking badass like that. are a TOTAL badass--, no doubt.

However I believe that you are incorrect about the volitility of the peppermint being too much so as to "exist beyond" as you've stated
because the vanilla is a MUCH MORE delicate taste to try and get to translate on the [lighted end] of the same problem--, but yet 'they' are able to do so. are a TOTAL badass--, no doubt.

However I believe that you are incorrect about the volitility of the peppermint being too much so as to "exist beyond" as you've stated
because the vanilla is a MUCH MORE delicate taste to try and get to translate on the [lighted end] of the same problem--, but yet 'they' are able to do so.
It’s that beaver anal vanilla…. It’s insane
First of all, did you see that there is bacteria that can survive radiation!? And from that I learned that we sterilize canned food with gamma rays!?!

But here’s my question. Why does oil start on fire and water does not?

Also hi. I think you’re fab!
Oil gives off vapours that are usually comprised of volatile substances that are usually flammable even if the oil itself isn’t.

And thanks!
I would recommend getting a professional environmental testing company to come out and do some testing. If you disturb the soil contaminated with DDT (which can persist for decades).. it can disperse in the air and travel away from the original location.
My nose was right, has been confirmed as dieldrin. We have taken steps to seal and secure the area and have relocated a ventilation intake that drew air from that area. Thanks for the advice.
My nose was right, has been confirmed as dieldrin. We have taken steps to seal and secure the area and have relocated a ventilation intake that drew air from that area. Thanks for the advice.
I’m glad you were cautious and got testing …. There’s so many hazardous chemicals out there that we used to use but are now banned. A lot of them don’t break down in the environment and continue to be hazardous for decades or longer. Be safe!
Does matter really exist? The smallest known measurable particles are quarks and neutrinos, yet even they must be comprised of still smaller particles, and so on. How small must a "building block" particle measure before we can admit that it's not really a particle at all? Would it be possilble that everything we perceive as matter is actually comprised of nothing more than fragments of pure energy?
Now we’re getting into physics and I really don’t know that much about theoretical physics … once the atom or the quark leaves the conversation I’m no longer interested lol
1) I don’t think it was “ask oneblueeye” thread.

2) thanks for your opinion but I don’t think it’s accurate.
my apologies, of course you are correct it isn't my thread...
but I think my answer was still spot on, regardless it won't happen again.
my apologies, of course you are correct it isn't my thread...
but I think my answer was still spot on, regardless it won't happen again.
I am interested in the possible health benefits of lsd and I hope it can be decriminalized so they benefits can be studied.

Thank you for your apology … feel free to ask a question.