The Five

Well things went as I thought they would and I'm hopping on a plane in about 32 hours to head to the Southwest US to take care of people and things.

May not be able to post frequently, if at all understandably but I'll try.

Thanks for your patience everyone.
I hope my last post was ok, with the way I have Jandar set up he never would have joined with the company with just one man's word, that would not make for fun gameplay in my opinon, so I decided to take a little Player freedom and give him a friend. :)
Looks fine to me. It would add some interesting subplots to see the Holder turn up, I think. Nice job handling the situation.
I am not sure what or if I should be posting. I've been kind of waiting for someone else to take the lead. Are you waiting for me?
snasu said:
I am not sure what or if I should be posting. I've been kind of waiting for someone else to take the lead. Are you waiting for me?

speaking of which, am I supposed to post?
Anyone can really post right now. Atriel left the room, dealing with business. If you go to the door, Alfred will escort you to the room where Jandar is. Sorry I haven't checked back in a while.
Shujin, that weakness is fine by me. Go ahead and post your character's intro. Have Catharsis found and talked to by an Executive. I know that I wrote the intro's for most of the other characters, but with Catharsis being so mysterious, you could probably handle it much more smoothly than I.