The Greatest Erotica Of All Time

Bluetrain said:
Lolita ponderous! please! beautifully written; image saturated; semantically sly; and metaphorically layered. Nabokov paces the book like a mile runner, and there're so many linguistic twists and turns i feel exhausted just trying to catch them all!
I find it ponderous, because I have a hard time finding any sympathy for Humbert Humbert. Nabokov, on the other hand, clearly intends a sympathetically critical portrayal. I just have a hard time giving a damn about him as a character. Doing so requires a good deal of "pondering" on my end.

And I disagree about the pacing. C'est la vie--people have been debating the merits, or lack thereof, of this book for a good number of years. Somehow, I doubt the dispute will be settled here.
My personal fav is the Sleeping Beauty Trilogy by Anne Rice (written under one of her pen names). If you're into non-consent and a little bit of BDSM these books are a must.

Don't feel bad, Kat, I've never read any of these books except for the Story of O which pissed me off beyond redemptive belief. Violence, thy name is BadMuffin. Bad bad bad.

I saw the movie version of Exit to Eden and loved it :D Might read the book.

Of course, I once got off while reading 50 years of MOPAR. *shrugs*

I read a copy of the Pearl once and found it highly titillating.
The Story of O pissed you off?

I thought it was wonderful in its conservation of language and tone. But it's been 8 years so maybe I was wrong.
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My girlfriend's sister says that Henry Miller is simply an excuse for literary mysogyny. I say he gets me off and makes me think. Therefore it's erotica. I leave it to the board her proof from Opus:

Oh, but not that, she pleads. She had forgotten, when she suggested this, that I had done that to her daughter...but now she the little thing was stretched and alnd almost split...OH, ho! She doesn't know how it's accomplished, my prick is much too big.

She's faking, the cunt. I finally win an admission. Well-doubtfully-perhaps she did consider it now and would be hard not to think abou it after having watched me do it to her daughter. Yes, she might have even desired it to be done. I pinch her ass. What about it now, I want to know? Doesn't she want me to do it? Well.... DOES SHE? Yes, she thinks that perhaps she does want to do that.

I'm after her at once. I pull her around and set John Thursday knocking at her back door. She kneels with her legs far apart and hangs her head while I work him in. She doesn't object as she did when I first put my finger into her that she is very much like her daughter. She simply waits for it to be accomplished.

Her rectum isn't as tight as I expected it to be. Either she's shoved candles up it or she's played this game before, I decide. My dong doesn't acutally fall in, but there's none of the trouble I had Tania, and quite soon I have it up there.

"You've done this before," I tell her. She is shocked. How can I possibly think such a thing? Its' abnormal, to do such a thing as this! That's what the bitch tells's abnormal!

Let it be abnormal, then. I fuck her this way because I like it, and she likes it too. Just to make certain, I pull my dong out. She looks around and reaches for it immediately.

"Please!" That's all she says, and it's enough to tell me what I want to know. But I tease her with it, start again to put my cock in and snatch it away. I like to hear her call herself a sucker of pigs, a five sous licker of assholes, a whore who fucks dogs in the gutter. "Please put it back in! I was lying ...I like to have it done to me ...Peter does it to me...Tania's seen him do it...Peter does it to me, yes, my own son pedicates me! Put it in and fuck...Your cock is so much bigger than my son's...My cocksucker son...ah, it's so wonderful to feel your prick there! Your wonderful prick that we've all son and my daughter and I...

Tania's letter comes to she wishes that I would come to see her and try the new tricks which she has learned. Well, if the girl isn't here, there's nothing keeping to keep me from trying it with her mother...

Alexandra positively screams when she feels the scalding piss let into her ass. I don't know what she thinks, but it's a marvelous feeling for me....
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I neglected to mention one of my favorites...

The Story of the Eye ~ Georges Batailles...perverse, extreme, dark and provocative.
Re: I neglected to mention one of my favorites...

Blushing Rose said:
The Story of the Eye ~ Georges Batailles...perverse, extreme, dark and provocative.
Oh yes, very dark and painful in places - the matador, the priest, the images stay with you for a long time after the book is finished. It is frightening in places. I had forgotten this book but your mention of it causes those images to flood back.:)
Sometimes it is the editors...

Seriously, sometimes it really is the editors. I love the selections chosen for The Black Lace Omnibus (1-4) and The Olympia Readers.

The Black Lace Omnibus is a collection of three novellas each. The Olympia Readers are parts of longer pieces that were originally published on the erotica black market in Europe.

For down and dirty sex. The Sleeping Beatuty series rules. I just think she should've tied up an ending in the first book. And I did have a slight problem with woman chained up so they could see their own vulva. *shiver*

Odd thing is I don't read romance. Those cheap paperback, same plot but we changed the names, kind. I do think Linda Howard does sex scenes well. Sidney Sheldon did in his older books Bloodline and Master of the Game come to mind.

Anyone recommend something? (And Marxist, I all ready got the Henry Miller advice. *giggle*)
An Online Source for Erotic Short Stories...

...other than Lit (perish the thought, but there is some other GREAT stuff out there besides on this website)

Professionally written erotic short stories and articles. Outstanding quality.

I just read the hottest story, "Borders" under Exotica.
Re: Sometimes it is the editors...

Rrrosyn said:
Anyone recommend something? (And Marxist, I all ready got the Henry Miller advice. *giggle*)

Sorry. *marx puts away hammer and begins writing more porn*
I read an essay by Nabakov once in which he explained that he did not intend for Lolita to be erotic, but more of a parody. I found it interesting and funny and tragic too, but not really erotic.

The Story Of O, I just found too damned clinical and I felt that O was actually abused. It didn't seem as if she wanted to be in that situation and she had very low self esteem. Still, it does not have to be politically correct. I just am not fond of it, myself.

Strangely, I think Lady Chatterly's Lover is the worst erotica book I have ever read. It is downright boring. Reading it I was reminded that in that age, writers were usually paid by the word and so they would draw out their stories to get paid more.
Sateema Lunasi said:
I read an essay by Nabakov once in which he explained that he did not intend for Lolita to be erotic, but more of a parody. I found it interesting and funny and tragic too, but not really erotic.

The Story Of O, I just found too damned clinical and I felt that O was actually abused. It didn't seem as if she wanted to be in that situation and she had very low self esteem. Still, it does not have to be politically correct. I just am not fond of it, myself.

Strangely, I think Lady Chatterly's Lover is the worst erotica book I have ever read. It is downright boring. Reading it I was reminded that in that age, writers were usually paid by the word and so they would draw out their stories to get paid more.
These are your dislikes, what do you like in erotic literature?:)
I agree about 'Story of O' being clinical, it had an impact on me when I was young and that is, I suppose, why I remember it fondly.

Lawrence bores me in all his writings, although I did enjoy parts of 'Sons & Lovers'