The King and his Thief (Closed for cnuvenu)

William like the way Emma thought. He’d known she was calculating, as a thief she had to be, and she’d shown that over and over in her service to him. This was just another example of her cool, rational nature defining just the right course of action. She was becoming a valuable advisor indeed.

They left their chambers and went to the throne room to deal with the days business. As they entered William pulled one of his guards aside and instructed him to have James brought to his private chambers. He directed that he’d be fastened face down to the table he’d seemed to be getting a lot of use from this week. With that he took his seat with Emma at his feet.

The days business took longer than usual as there was unrest in the outer reaches of the Kingdom. The savages had blamed the villagers of stealing their women and were launching surprise attacks on them. He directed a battalion of shoulders to the area to quell the attacks and seek out their leader to be brought to him to try to arrange a peace. Once business was complete he dismissed everyone then led Emma back to the private chambers to attend to James.
As they were walking back to those private chambers. She spoke softly to him. "What if the thing with the savages out there, is, a James/Edward thing? Edwards doing it locally. We know he's doing it to others. Nothing stops him from doing it to them also..."

The moment they were in those chambers she exhaled and seemed to mentally collect herself. Before she moved to her thieves' gear. One of those daggers was thinner than the others. This one she lifts into her hand. "Hello, James..."

"Sugar? What... No.." James began.

"Yes. I'm going to give you a singular taste of what I plan to do to you. Now. There's nothing you can say to make this stop. Not yet." She pauses a moment picks out the leather sheath and seeks to then shove it in his mouth. "Now. You be a good girl and bite down on that, right, 'cause lovely, I need to make you feel better."

William could see James go pale at that moment. Hearing his own words was used against him there. There was a lot of the whites of his eyes showing, and he was indeed biting down on that sheath there. Silently she tore his pants down, then leaned using her hand to pull one ass cheek to the side. Then she showed James the knife. "Yes, I know. You didn't show me your fingers, or your cock. But I felt them. Repeatedly."

Then she used it to oh so delicately cut, the thinnest of the blade worked very very well in slicing there from the hole out along outwards along the cheek. It drew just the smallest hint of blood. "Now that stings yes?"

Frantically James nodded a lot. Emma nodded. Moved away, calmly lifting up the paddle they'd had brought there. As she whaled on that ass with successive hits until it began to turn deep red, and then started to bruise. By then she was shuddering with each breath, and James, well he was weeping still biting down. As she picked up the salt pouring it in water and stirring it with that knife.

"See. Cum's salty. So. You rubbing it in me, Hurt. You rubbing it over my ass. Hurt. This isn't cum, but it's salt water, and I'm pouring it there, and in there. Then. You're going to spill out everything you know. Because if you don't. I'll finish what I've started and cover your ass with those thin thin lines, and I'll pour salt on it, and in, and then. Then you'll be going and meeting your new friend. Down in the Prison. See. There's a man there, who -loves- fucking others, repeatedly. He prefers it without lube, so salt water will be interesting. But, I believe he'd enjoy your screams. You'd be left there a week or more. Then, maybe then. You'd be asked for information."

James shook his head and dearly looked like he wanted to spit out the sheath there in his mouth. Emma however calmly poured it over the single cut, listening to those muted screams.

Finally, she seems to relax at that moment. Really relax. Looking to William. "I think he'll give up everything now."

James nodded a lot.

Emma took a moment to put away everything she'd used but then put that knife where James could see it. Taking the sheath from his mouth. "Talk."

In a broken voice, James spoke about how he'd been buying up property and how Edward propositioned him to buy up certain whore houses. And warehouses, and homes in other distant villages. Places scattered over the whole vast county. A network of houses and homes and places and ports where Edward could funnel his ill-gotten girls back and forth, and James could make a killing in the market. Also buying up properties of those who needed loans. Leveraging them for wives and daughters to fuck to 'take money off it.' He told William where to find his books which detail Edward's ones. The buildings Edward used.

Emma sat quietly the whole time. Then Harper who was standing there asked: "Do I take him down now, My Liege?" Meaning, do I take him to the prison and into that cell or to another cell?"
William delighted in watching Emma work. She'd elicited a level of fear in James that he hadn't anticipated and he enjoyed watching it all play out.

William considered Harper's question for a moment then started to speak. "I realize now that I shouldn't have given my lovely Emmaline here such free reign. She's quite effective but it seems she might have overstepped and spoke out of turn when she said if you talk we wouldn't put you in with the sodomite."

James let out a wale as he began to realize with William was saying.

"Let's have James keep our friend company for a while and when you're done, please fetch the books he spoke of. I believe I have some properties to seize." William finished holding his hand out to Emma, drawing her to him. William draped his arm over her shoulder as they watched Harper remove James' bindings then lead him away.

"I would have happily kept your promise to him before he explained how they've been cruelly trafficking young women and destroying their lives." he said to Emma once they'd left. "You may be right about the unrest. We'll seek out those they've taken and have them freed. What they're doing warrants the extra attention he's going to get down there."

As William and Emma walked back to their chambers he began to think about the unintended consequences of shuttering what sounded like all the brothels. Certainly the one's run off the backs of slave prostitutes needed to go but a good number of them served a societal purpose and were relied on by the girls working there to make a living.

"Not quite sure what to do with the brothels under their control. That'll take some thought." He said as he thought through the problem.
Emma merely offered a sweet smile. "My promise, is not the promise of you, my King. My promise was intended to be a balm to the mind and make him falsely believe you'd give him a lighter sentence, so he might just spill his guts, like he did. I. Personally, my King. Hoped dearly you would not. If my Father taught me one thing. You use everything in your power to get the words you need out of someone unjust. Let your King decide the true punishment afterwards, and worry not for your words, for they were at the command of your King." She motioned to him. "You did tell me. At the start. At every turn. Do what I must to get the information. I did what was needed."

"Find better folks to run them. Ask the girls there first if any have experience in business they might. If they do, give the rest a choice. Freedom and coin earned under the tender care of one of their own, or one of the King's choice to run a wholesome place where good men of the Kingdom all, can go to find wholesome entertainment and good food and ale... without any being forced into it."This perhaps said to him as she moves with him then into his rooms there.
"Yes, that would be very progressive of me wouldn't it?" William said as he thought through what she said. "Allowing the ladies to run things and ensure it's done properly."

He thought for a moment more. "Once we find out which ones they've owned I'd like you to visit one you're most familiar with and develop a plan that we can use as a model for the rest. That seems like something you'd excel at."
Emma listened to him and then looked surprised. "It was merely my thoughts, my Majesty. I didn't expect you to leap on it. You could as easily find men who'd be loyal to their King to run them."

The food was delivered by one of the kitchen hand girls, who held the tray and set the food out in front of her King first, and then Emma at that same table. Then with but a polite nod, without expecting it to be returned, she left.

Emma waited till she was gone then continued. "I brought up the women, because honestly, Majesty, there's been a gross injustice done to them all. I thought at least if one of them was able to run it, that injustice would not ever be repeated. Maybe, Ser," She paused catching herself, "Majesty, pardon." Then continued after her apology to him. "Majesty, it is one o'each. A man chosen for his loyalty, and a woman from them who can help ensure it in future not happen."

"I've no clue what to do for the others, in further from here. Majesty. But I know there used to be patrols o'Knights to the lesser places and all. Checking that your Rule was upheld out there. Given thy Knights, be men. Perhaps they won't mind enforcing this, given they used to be given a free night with the women in these places. That they find a loyal one, and a woman of smarts to help. And things out there get set to rights." Emma knew the King's Knights were supposed to have some code they adhered to and used to follow and thus atop it, met out the King's rule.

She would wait till he began eating, till she might.
William thought through things more then decided the best course was to have Richard take the lead on cleaning up his assistants mess. "In the morning I'll instruct Richard to sort it out making sure everything is run above board for now on." he said before turning his attention to his dinner.

The next morning the castle was abuzz with activity in preparation for the royal visit from the King and Queen Thaine. William had put this out of his mind for the past few days given everything else that was going on around him but now he could no longer avoid it.
Calling out to David, his new footman, he asked for what was likely to be his last breakfast in the comfort of his room for a while to be brought around while he put on his more formal garb that'd been laid out for him.

"Something more formal today." he called out to Emma as she went about getting dressed.
Having slept in her own bed she was woken by David and told to dress formally.

Getting out of bed she brushed her hair, washed places which needed it to freshen up. Then put on her more delicate short underwear on with garterbelt and stockings. Her longer while dress with the silk overdress on it which laced at her midriff and made her fancy dressed up. The golden chain flowed into a lariat glittering about her neck.

Then she went into her Kings chambers. Waiting quietly.
William was moving frantically around his chambers getting dressed. His mind was moving a mile a minute. The royal visit and everything else converging had him scattered. He greeted Emma then briskly walked past to the table where breakfast had been laid out earlier. As he sat he motioned for her to sit as well then started to eat.

In between bites he started to talk. "Much to do today. I think you'll find court eventful." He didn't elaborate on it but she'd be able to gather, by now, that he had something planned.

Done with breakfast he briskly led her down to the throne room as everyone began to gather. Before entering he pulled Harper aside and whispered in his ear. A curt nod from Harper and they entered and he took his seat on the throne with Emma at his feet as the rest of his advisors arrived.

With everyone assembled William nodded to Harper who then entered with two other guards. They marched quickly over to Edward and grabbed him pinning his arms against his back. William stepped from the throne and stood inches from his face.

"You're treachery has been noted Edward. When you make an attempt on my life you better make sure not to fail!" William said knowing Edward would have not further chances to attempt to harm him. It was said entirely for the rest of his advisors to heed.

With that, Harper led Edward out of the throne room to the jail. Executions would surely follow but that was a matter for another time.

Turning to Richard, William continued. "I'm trusting you to find suitable replacements for Edward and James. They'll no longer be among us."

He then turned to the rest of his advisors "And if any of you are among them, you'll meet the same fate. I'd encourage you to come to me before I find out for myself. Be assured, I will find out."

William took his seat again and continued the normal order of business until he had to dismiss them to receive the King and Queen of Thaines.
Emma ate quietly listening to William, and nodded slowly. It wasn't hard to tell he had something planned up there. When breakfast was done she made sure she was still tidy, that he was also. Then she was walking with him and sitting quietly at his feet there.

As Edward was spoken to by William, he actually smiled at his King, allowing himself to be led away. Emma found she did not like that smile at all. That to her was the smile of a man who had plans in the works.

Richard having taken the role as the one the King trusted the most. When the page boy ran up to him and spoke then ran off. Richard then spoke to his King. "My Liege, the Thaines Royal Carriage has been spotted. Now your Father would go and meet people in the Courtyard when they arrived off. Because it gave the staff time to set up the Grand Dining room to receive everyone with the beginnings of festivities. This should have perhaps been discussed earlier, but we've had our own things to take care of which were more pressing."

Emma was quiet as she watched everyone else be dismissed so they might get ready for the Guests of the King and Queen of Thaines.

As all this was going on the servant girl that Edward had looped into his plan brought refreshments to the Guards just after Edward was put in there. Given there was nothing against the Kitchen Staff doing this, they accepted those drinks, and within minutes were unconscious there. While they were she scampered about getting a key there from them and let Edward out. Edward smiled at her, and took a dagger from one Guard, and knocked her out too. Keeping it, he then left and used back passages and the King's own escape out of the castle. This led him to go into the lower reaches of the Castle and head out through the catacombs down there.

It was however unknown to Edward that one of the previous King's Knights used this back passage to enter the Castle, and exit it again. Allowing him easy and quiet passage. While Edward was coming one way, Knight Kinsley was coming the other and as they both rounded a corner, Kinsley merely stepped in, smacked Edward hard across the jaw, caught the man and lugged him along back to the dungeons. As Kinsley eventually stepped into it some time later finding the King's Guardsmen there unconscious, he exhaled threw Edward into the cell again and locked it. He noted the serving girl's bruising temple and then hauled her into a cell on her own.

Even as above the Castle was laying out the carpet in the courtyard, and sweeping everywhere else in a hurry and flurry of activity and tables elsewhere were set up with benches and chairs aplenty. The King's table there was polished, laid with fine white linens and the Royal runner of deep blue along the top the white there. Maids polishing mugs, and spoons and things in a rush.

Kinsley organised a second watch of Guard for the dungeon then went by the kitchen. "Now I understand we've incoming guests. You best make sure everyone here pays attention. One thing goes wrong, and I'll find out fucked up and their head will roll as entertainment." Putting the fear of his actions in good stead.

Kinsley then headed back and up to find his King just about to depart that Throne Room. "My King, I am Knight Arron Kinsley. As per orders of your Father, I returned my usual way. I discovered someone attempting to leave there. Given the rumours, I heard when passing through the town on my way here. I knocked the fellow out, and threw him back in his cell, along with the Kitchen maid he swayed and then knocked out for her loyalty. The Thaines are just now drawing through the last of the town below and are on their way up. Or, were. I will deliver my report to you, later." He rose out of being on bended knee and smiled. The man had black hair and matching eyes, a slightly darker skin tone and his crest as yet was still William's Father's. He'd simply been gone that long on his task. "For now I will follow my Liege and bid welcome. I believe there should be another two of your Knights returning in the next couple of weeks. Beyond that, it's anyone's guess."

He'd file in behind William as they with Emma walked down through the castle and out eventually through the main doors. Emma is quiet and standing behind William. While Richard stood behind and to his left. Knight Kinsley stood to the right and half a step back from his King.
The royal carriages approached flanked by guards on horseback as William and those closest to him waited outside the castle doors. The sound of hooves beating against the cobblestone road echoed through the courtyard then halted as the carriage came to a stop. A flurry of activity then commenced as footman and servants scurried from the carriages and stood by as the carriage door was opened and the royal family stepped down.

The King appeared to be of the same age as William's father had been. He appeared fit for his age with a well maintained greying beard framed his chiseled jaw. The Queen only slightly younger stepped out wearing a beige dress with flowing brown hair streaked with grey. The years had been kind to her and she maintained much of the beauty that William suspected drew the King to her. The King and Queen were followed by the prince and princess both roughly William's age if not slightly younger. The prince was a handsome man with a well toned physique. His brown hair swept across his tanned brow. As Williams eyes fell onto the Princess there was no doubt as to her lineage as she was a striking replica of what the Queen might have looked like at that age.

William been informed that the son would be there to participate in the negotiations to help prepare him to eventually ascend to the throne. He'd hoped to cultivate a good relationship with them regardless of any past impressions he might have held as it would be beneficial to both Kingdoms.

William stepped forward to greet them then introduced his entourage.
King Thaines moved self-assuredly forth and offered his hand to William, despite his age that handshake was firm and heavy. "We are most assuredly upset to hear of your Father's passing, and we understand why you didn't hold a coronation for all to come to pay respects and to greet the new King." King Thaine dipped his head just slightly the man still had an inch or two over William in height. "We'll speak of that in private tomorrow." This is said in low regal tones.

As the Queen stepped up to William she smiled, and simply embraced him as equal, allowing him to feel the perky squish of breasts to his chest there. "Tonight we drink in honour of the Fallen and new beginnings." One hand might just have totally patted William's ass there before she demurely withdrew. Moving with her husband towards Richard, Kinsley and Emmaline. While they both seemed to greet Richard and Kinsley. The King at least perked up a smidge as he laid eyes on Emma there. Emma demurely offered her name, no last name and that Lariat was clearly glimpsed.

As the Prince of Thaine moves to shake William's hand he does it firmly also, the young man while perhaps two years younger than William, is broader much like his Father. "It's been a while since I've seen you. I believe the last time we were eyeing dancing girls your Father had roaming about."

As Princess Thaines moved up she curtseyed to him with demure expression. "A pleasure, King William. I hope to have time made for us to speak at some point?" Polite of tone, and while striking, she seemed a little more held back than the rest of them.

William got to see the look Prince Thaine gave Emma, and it was much like what his Father did, excepting the Prince did move to rather politely ask. "Is it possible, I might get a night with her, if she's willing?" This said direct and quiet to William as they were all walking back inside. At least he was asking, politely.
William was slightly shocked when the Queen patted his behind. It did remind him, however, of conversations he'd overheard his dad having that had faded from memory. At times he'd joked about the Queen of Thaines being a wild one with those close to him. Looking back it seemed plausible that his father and her had a thing in their younger years. He could certainly see why his father would.

William laughed at the Prince's reference to the parties his dad had thrown. He did know how to have a good time and that often included scantily clad women. "Yes, it has been a while. I remember that night well."

William moved on to the Princess and greeted her warmly. "Yes, we'll make sure to set aside some time to speak." he responded not quite knowing what she might want to speak about but he was surely willing to find himself alone with her.

As they turned to enter the castle William was surprised to hear the bold request of the Prince.

Is it possible, I might get a night with her, if she's willing?

They'd been there but a moment and he was already asking this of him. He knew it wasn't a request he could refuse the Prince if he was hoping to build a positive relationship with them. His thoughts turned to Emma. If he'd ordered her, she'd be obliged to do it but he'd found himself more and more reluctant to use her in that way unless it was absolutely necessary. William had started to see her as more than just a plaything to casually loan out and felt she should have a say in the matter.

"If she's willing." William simply replied as they made their way to the grand banquet hall.
The Prince perhaps realised something and leaned in as they walked along for a moment. "Ah, nevermind. I'm not trying to poach what's yours alone." As if the young man understood being sweet on someone. As he hurried a few steps to catch up with his Mother and Father. Both whom smiled at their eldest and made companionable conversation.

The Princess caught up to William. "You see the last we were all together. He'd seen a girl in the village as we were leaving and he whispered to me he could have sworn your companion to be her. Older, much more beautiful. He was quite taken with the mystery minx. She tossed him an apple he was sure she'd just stolen, right before Father shut the window."

At least now William had a clue why. Of course knowing details of Emma's past it sounded just like what she would have done.

They all entered the Grand dinning hall and William got to be impressed with his staff and servants. The place transformed with his other advisors who were loyal scattered about. A chair for him and then a space between him and the Thaines. As he got to there he saw a huge couple of pillows and blankets had been provided for Emma to sit on. About what he knew his Father had done.
Noting the pillows on the floor William bristled at the idea of Emma having to sit there as they ate. He also became painfully aware of how his guests outnumbered him given he had no family to join him at the table. Before she could sit, William directed her to the empty seat between he and King and Queen. He realized the impression it might give having her sit at the table beside him but he was unconcerned by it at the moment.

As he sat, William was bothered by the impression he's left the Prince with. It wasn't that he was proprietary at all about Emma, he was more concerned with her feelings on the matter. He resolved to discuss it with her later rather than try to clarify things with the Prince now.

As food was passed the kings made idle chatter about the state of their respective Kingdoms.

The Prince noted Emma's position at the table and felt all the more awkward about his request of the King. It seemed to him that he indeed misjudged the situation and hoped it wouldn't cause ill will. He couldn't help but steal glances at her though. He was struck by her beauty and her eyes that he could get lost in for days. He'd feared that had he been in charge of the negotiations he'd give up way to much just for the opportunity to be with her.
Emma in trying to keep herself quiet noticed two things as the two Kings got to talking. That the Prince kept stealing glances at her. Which put Emma on her best behaviour.

Impeccable manners and she was utterly silent. Especially so when she felt two different hands find her knees as the same time. William's she could tell was him reaching out for comfort.

King Thaines slid right up her thigh under her dress and rubbed at her far more delicate underwear. Then it dipped between it. Emma kept a demure smile on her face.

Even as she felt a finger push inside herself a bit. She gave both a dazzling smile. Looked to William. "Majesty might I get a little air?"

As he nodded to her and got back into talking as Emma took off at an easy walk and went out a door and down a corridor. The Prince used the fact his Mother and Sister had the Knight between them keeping them distracted to make a smooth exit and quietly catch up to Emma as she went into a rarely used room.

And he said....
As the Prince stepped into the room behind her he cleared his throat quietly to make his presence known before asking. "I hope everything is ok and I'm not bothering you but I can't help but feel like I've seen you somewhere before. I hardly think there's a chance I've run into someone else as stunning as you so I think we likely have. Have we met somewhere before?"

As he spoke he stepped around in front of Emma and placed his hands on her on her slender waist holding her close there. His eyes, mesmerized, looking into hers as he did.
Hearing the voice and yet staying still as he not only moved about in from of her but but his hands on her hips lightly holing her close, yet also due to the lariat she found herself speaking.

In a voice which was soft and demure but held her own charm of cadence used.

Looking up into those eyes and his face she was bidden to dimly remember the one in that carriage she'd thrown at Apple at.

"I .... recall someone I once tossed a newly liberated apple at." Giving him a curious look there.

"He looked at me briefly then vanished back inside and the window was shut. Other than that day, and when I met Majesty I've never met nobility. The Knights under the old King the closest think but that was younger still.."
The Prince's eyes brightened as she recounted the instant where he'd thought they'd seen each other.

"It was me and I have to say, ever since that day I've wanted to do this." he said as he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. Her lips were as soft as he'd imagined they would be all those years. His hands slid from her waist and to her back as he pulled her closer, her breasts pressed firmly against his chest.

He couldn't quite tell, or maybe in the moment, didn't care if she was returning his kiss. His heart raced as he parted his lips and flicked his tongue across her lips.
While Emma didn't touch him his arms as they wrapped about her made it harder. But her kiss back to him was far more gentle.

Pulling her against him he felt the more rapid press in breathing as her breasts squished against his chest.

The flick of his tongue over hers has Emma part her lips and softly press them to her mouth, her tongue against his as she kissed him more deeply there. Indeed there was a subtle sound of enjoyment by Emma.
Even as the Prince wanted nothing more than strip her of her clothes and have her right there he knew he needed to get back before he was missed. He broke the kiss, his breath heavy as he kept his forehead pressed to hers. "I need to get back but I hope you'd consider visiting me in my quarters this evening."
Emma's own breathing was perhaps just as heavy as she managed to nod. "It will be best you go first, I can intercept wine and serve it along."

Waiting for him to go. She then did just that moving fast to catch a serving girl destined for that table. It was Emma who as per His Fathers decree services the guest King and Queen. Then her King then the Prince and Princess. Of course she found in doing it she was walking back and forth that table. The Princess having popped into Emma's seat and was chatting to William softly. The King and Queen admired the dancers moving about. It left Emma about to move to sit on those cushions. When the Prince guided her to his sisters seat.

William finds himself staring into pretty eyes beguiling lips and a striking beauty overall. As The Princess spoke soft. "My Father tomorrow morning at breakfast is going to suggest we go for a walk. He will have asked on the way if you have any interest courting me some? An answer I'm curious on. My mother raised me on tales of how my Father and Yours used to enjoy her together. I'm curious would you be willing tonight to temper me with your Knight?"

She exhales softly. "For I confess to you Sweet King. I'd enjoy you laying on the bed. Me astride you and your Knight taking my back passage at the same time. He can leave after that if you want and you can test me yourself."

"But you should probably let your Emma go elsewhere. If it's agreeable?"
William noticed the Prince return just as his sister slid into Emma's seat. He had his suspicions of what he was doing when he made his quick exit. One look at Emma's face as she returned with the wine confirmed it. He let out a breath in relief that he might not be forced to ask her to do something she wouldn't have otherwise done had it not been for her loyalty to him.

William tried to remain composed as he nearly spat out his wine at the princesses suggestion. He didn't know Kinsley very well but given that he'd just returned from his quests he'd couldn't help but imagine that he'd fancy testing out that back passage of hers. William, however, would probably need a moment to warm to the idea of taking seconds there. He glanced over her shoulder to make sure her father hadn't heard the exchange before replying. "I think that all can be arranged." with a devilish grin.

The meal concluded and William had the royal family shown to their quarters to get settled after a long trip. As everyone filed out William pulled Kinsley aside and had a quiet word with him to relay the Princesses wish. After he eagerly agreed William told him he'd be sent for at the appropriate time then led Emma to his chambers.

As the door closed behind him he William made his way to his desk as he began to speak. "I suspect you already know this but the Prince rather fancies you. He's asked me for your company." He paused as he lifted the paper he'd referred to before when needing to adjust the powers of the lariat. "I told him he was free to if you wished. I feel it's high time you were allowed to do as you wished so if you'll allow me." His words cut off as he stepped toward Emma and took the lariat between his fingers. "Fini" he said then paused to look at her.

He needed to test whether it worked or not so he commanded. "Do not allow me to see your breasts." before reaching up and pulling her dress from her shoulders to expose her breasts to him as he studied her face for signs of pain.
Emma listened to William once they were alone, those lips parting for a moment then shutting as she heard, Fini. Said. With his comment, and baring of her breasts to him. A minor blink as she realised. No pain. None. Thus, one Emma looked rather stunned. "'s, turned off?" She questioned, then covered herself up. Before looking at him. "He did find me briefly and worked out. I .. threw a stolen apple at him as they were leaving last time. He seems to look back on that fondly. I mean, okay, I threw it because I was giving it to him, but I'd also stolen it." A mixed expression there.

"Do ... you want me not to go there? Or, since you pulled Knight Kinsley aside, you've got something perhaps happening which means I should be scarce?" She took that moment to step carefully closer, then drop to her knee. Much like a Knight might. Although, Emma was far, far from being any Knight.

"I, know, technically these words don't mean anything legal. Maybe." She shrugs there. "But. I, Emmaline Juliet Swansong, do hereby pledge to offer my services to my King William, for as long as he might wish my aid or help in achieving his goals of all kinds. To give him my loyalty and devotion as those Knights do."

She waited a moment then made to stand. "Having a thief, in your pocket, dressed differently at times if she needs blend, might just make being a spy or set of eyes for you, easier."

"I know, one of these days you'll find a girl of the right station and be wed. But until then, or until you turn me from your bed, I'll be in it, when you want that sort of comfort, my King." Emma just let him know if he still .. once things were back to normal, if he wanted her she'd be there.

"But if you, alright with tonight. I wouldn't mind giving the Prince, his night." She had no idea if once he had a night he'd want another but. " I give it back?" Her hand reached up to touch it there. The now inactive Lariat.
William grasped Emma's shoulders and held her there for a moment

"I was very much hoping that your role in the castle would stay very much the same. I do indeed value your skills and hope to employ them as you've stated." Though he couldn't knight her he very much saw her role had similarities to theirs. "I'd also like your role in my chambers to stay very much the same as well except going forward it will be of your choosing."

"If you wish to give the Prince his night that would be appreciated by me. There is value in the good will it will foster and if it's something you would enjoy, then all the better. As for Kinsley and I." He considered for a moment how much to share then decided if he truly did value her as he believed, there should be no secrets. "The Princess has requested the company of us both. She seems to be full of surprises. " he said as a grin came over his face.