The Lion's Return


"Much better, thank you Tobais." She stretched, fingers clawing at the air. Standing, Vix shook herself rather like a dog shaking off water. She laid a hand on Tobais' shoulder. He stared at her as she shifted back, the fur absorbing into her skin. She yelped a bit as the bones in her tail rejoined the rest of her body. Another shake and she was good to go.
She took Tobais' hand and held it out to Briony. "Friend, Briony mine. Friend."
The fox sniffed dutefully, nodded and shrugged.
Vix let go of Tobais and approched Baran. "I"m sorry this is at least partly my fault. I asked for a diversion and I got it." she bowed low. "I must make right this debt I know owe you. As long as Tobais is willing to wait, my blades and might are yours untill the debt is returned in full."
Tobias, Wizard's Apprentice

He blinked. He wondered if that change affected just what he saw, or all of her body? It would be interesting to study, from a purely intellectual standpoint, of course. He shook his head at the offer of a drink. It wouldn't help.

"No thanks." He turned to, Briony, was it? It was a strange animal. He sat down, breathing deep and massaging his temples. He was so very tired. It must be the extra power he'd put into the healing spell, he was used to more minor wounds.

"Hmm? Huh? Wait? Waiting sounds good. I could use a little nap..."
Balfor Hammerheaver

The dwarf turned to the blind man. He'd shared many an ale with the man, and that was probably the reason he couldn't remember his name.

"I got me some canvas and poles for tents, so ye may be able to stay outside. As fer drink, I got acouple kegs O’ strong dwarven ale in me basement fer special occasions.” He stroked his beard thoughtfully.

“Not enough cups to go around, though. But Jondin ere’ll bring his own.” He slapped the human on the back, slightly harder than was nessicary, as per the dwarf’s custom.

“No use cryin’ about the inn, sad as it be. Early t’morrow we start rebuildin, lads!” He patted Baran on the back as well, not quite as hard as he had Jondin.
Luckis/ Elven Mystic


"Ahhhggggggrr! I cant believe it. I've got my self stuck in A Cellar My arms bleeding and My Shirt is on fire" Thats when it hit him his shirt was on fire as well as his Back . "Damn it " He quickly ript his shirt off and put out the fires on the shirt and his back. He surveyed the room. He than tryed to oppen the cellur door but it wouldn't budge. With A pain filled howl He shifted in to his Hybrid form "Shit that huts when im enjured" Luckis Began to push the door of the cellur oppend . He eventualy sucseeded.As He Climbed out of the Cellur debrie from the burnt Inn riped deep in to his Leg . He stumbeld and fell , busting his Head oppen as he hit hte ground Soon He passed out Still alive but unconsius.

Elven Mystic

Meen wile The lven mystic made great time Being that he has just arived at the Gates of Eredil. a page met the elf at the gates "Young Page Ride ahead and tell the king we must talk I have a bone to pik with him "
OOC: I just wanted to say I doubt I will be able to participate in this thread, my life is really busy right now, maybe I'll catch up later but right now I don't have the time. Sorry, I'll read it though when I get the chance :)

Shrugging at the wizards refusal of a drink he took a long pull of the whiskey. As Baran, Vixandra and Balfor all talked over the situation and what Baran could do he thought a little bit. Just then Balfor clubbed him in the back exclaiming about him bringing the cups.

Turning he shrugged at group at large and said, somewhat drunkenly "If ye can't fit in the gully jumpers place, mine just a few doors down from his. I also got a good stock of stuff set aside drink wise and'll be happy te share with ye. Baran, ye know I can give ya more than enough to reopen the Friendly Bed soon enough if we get into the moutains before winter. I've still got some stuff stashed away up there that might help ye." and after this long speech, he took another long pull of the flask, and finishing it tossed it into burning embers of the once proud "Friendly Bed". Searching his shirt again he pulled another flask out and pressed it into the hands of the blind guy. "Ye need a drink to lad..." he said.

IC: "Why do you insist in calling me lad? My name is Xeil." People used to know that name pretty well. "Prehaps we can salvage some stuff from the rubble to help you baran." I took a drink from the drunk. The way he sounds he could fall over at any moment. I wasn't much for brandy, I prefered cheaper drink.

I knew full well the only one here that might possibly think anything would be left over was the drunk, and he'd change his mine when he sobbered up. Alchole burns and the entire place was wood. A few briks may be un cracked but otehr then taht nothing but the wine cellar would be safe.
Leoic watched the group escape the burning building and observed the fox woman's wounds being healed. He approached the crowd to see the healer sitting on the ground, recovering from his last spell. The magician appeared younger than Leoic expected, but a mystic is a mystic. "Pardon me, I seemed to have injured myself during my travels. Would you be able to repair such a small wound for this weary hunter?"

After the main part of the battle was winding down and the building was ablaze, Fahin surveyed the situation with a scrutinizing eye. Introductions were being made, a bond was forming between those who had battled and most importantly ~ the boy Garad was safe for the time being. I retreated to the darkness unnoticed to change back to my simpest form. My job was done for the time being... I had to check the surrounding area for threats and get rejuvenated.

OOC: Sorry I have not posted for a bit ~ I have been ill for a couple of days.

"An offshoot of my clan lives in the mountains and forests to the north. I'm sure they would be happy to help fetch lumber and rebuild the 'Friendly Bed.'"
Vixan waited to see how this was taken. She actually did feel kind of bad over the inn- happy everyone had gotten out safe, right? There's Tobias, cute little thing isn't he? Like a new pup just learning.
And there's the boy, Garad, the blind one, the drinker, the dwarf... someone was missing.
"Where's the other fighter! The one who helped us get out?!?"
Elven Mystic

In the kings ready room

"WHat imputance you must have Tohier ! To Order a meeting with the me the king . You are but just an advisor,"

Tohier Looked at the king with anoyance " My dar leage I meent nothing by it I was just a littel disapointed that you did not take my advice . You should have Now The Boy is most likely going to be on the move . I said you should seend the Witch and here orcs to suround and detain the inn with the boy and its patrions in side . but isteed you sent her there to kill the boy .. And the inn is now burnt to a crisp and your Witch is dead. Lukly you hired the kainus to track him down and bring him to you Alive ."

That Tohier I dont under stand Why do I want the boy alive? We should just kill him."

"No My king he is more useful to you alive trust me . now go to bed and we will talk in the morning "

As the king left the room tohiers thoughts filled with anger towords the king ~you are an imbiceil my dear king You ruin every thing i worked hard to get evrey one I needed there and you screw it up.~
Tobias, Wizard's Apprentice

He looked up at the man, yawning. He blinked, and shook his head. He looked down, wondering when he'd gotten on the ground. He'd fallen onto his end but a minute ago, he thought, shaking his head, trying to bring sense back into it. He looked towards Vixan, and then around at the others.

Finally, he looked up at the man. "Could you wait until morning? I could try it, if you want, but I'm not sure how effective it would be...."

He got his hands under himself, forcing himself to his feet, wobling a liitle and looking down at his pack where it lay, frowning at the knowledge he'd fall over if he tried to pick it up.

"So,....should I try?"
Leoic pulled 3 gold coins from his pocket, "I suppose I can wait but I may be able to persuade you to do it tonight. I'm kind of in a hurry."
Balfor Hammerheaver

Balfor turned to Vixan. “I saw two lads go back into the fire. One O’ them’s right there.” He motioned over to the dragoon. The dwarf scratched his beard, thoughtfully. “Ye know, I haven’t seen the other one,” he pondered for a minute, then snapped his fingers in conclusion.

“Think we ought to search?”
Tobias, Wizard's Apprentice

"Well,.....Okay....Hold still."

He reached deep within himself, grabbing ahold of his gift. He focused hard, and a soft blue glow flickered to life around his hands. He reached forward, pressing them against the man who asked for a healing.

Pain surged up his arms. His teeth gritted, his breathing rushed out in a hiss. The pain continued, lighting nerves aflame as the man's gash stopped bleeding. The wound became more shallow, the flesh coming together, closing it from the bottom of the wound, moving towards the skin.

Suddenly, Tobias swayed, breaking contact as the blue light disappeared. Falling backwards, Tobias collapsed, exhausted and asleep on the ground. The wound was a shallow cut now, easilly cared for by more mundane means. Tobias slept the deep sleep of an overburdened apprentice not yet aware of how to combat the fatigue of using magic so often in such a short period of time.
Balfor Hammerheaver

The dwarf was distracted from the conversation by a shadow. He looked up to see the mageling come crashing down on top of him.

“Dangnabbit!” he cried as he fell to the dirt. “Ye son of a motherless ogre! Why ye!” he protested as he rolled out from under the too eager apprentice. Realizing the boy had passed out from his own exertions, he turned his angst on the traveler.

“What in the nine hells ye makin a BOY who is obviously DRAINED over do himself fer? I oughtta rip ye a new ARSE, ye HEAR!” The stocky dwarf exclaimed, shaking his blood stained (And somewhat hairy) axe at the man.

As I travelled along the path that wound to and fro around the Friendly Bed, I kept mindful of the young Garad. He seemed unnaturally silent, as though he were contemplating deeply what had just happened. The others went about introductions, healings and slight mishaps, but none of any concern to me presently.
In the distance I caught the faint smell of dark magick. Not too powerful, but evil and dark. I felt pain coming from the remains of the Inn and after considering all the possible scenarios, wearily decided to return to the group as if I had merely been out gathering wild herbs and greens for a stew.

"Gods, what has happened to us here?" I remarked as if suprised by the horror of the scene before me.

"Zeal, huh? thats a hell of a name laddie." Jondin said to Xeil as he watched him take a slug of spirits. "Besides, I don't mean lumber and crap like yer thinking missy (this to Vixandra). I'm talking gold, jewels, mystic armor, and magical books I've got stored away for when I need some money." he replied before Baran could respond to Vixandra's offer. Just then Tobias passed out.

Turning around he saw Balfor bellowing at the mercenary who had just gotten Tobias to heal him. "Oh shut up ya over grown toadstool." he yelled at Balfor "The lad may be an apprentice, but one smart enough to know money can always be had later." and with a snort he turned back to his little group and said "Anyone else up for a drink?"
Leoic saw the axe before he heard the dwarf's words. He quickly reacted, aiming his crossbow at Balfor's throat. "Don't raise your weapon at me again unless you intend to use it! The boy had a choice, he chose to accept my payment." Leoic gazed into the dwarf's eyes in an attempt to psyche out the angered warrior.

Why is Jondin suprised to hear my name? I've had plenty a drink with him. Little else to do since I lost my sight and he has been sad about lowing his son. We each have our reasons to drink, shame we don't remember what we do when we drink.

I walked up to the dwarf who as I figured was going to tear a new hole in Jondins arse. "Please dwarf If you'd fetch the canvas for these tents you mentioned."

I walked back to johdin steping in some body part along the way. I wiped off my shoe. I took a few more steps and rejoined the others. "I supose our best bet is to head for the hills either way. We can get some money for labor and what not aswell as see this tribe of yours miss." A tribe, I wonder if she is some sort of amazon. She does seem to fight well, or was lucky.

"Now did you say some one was still inside? We should dig him out as fast as we can then. Some one fectch some water. You'll need to wet your faces before going in." I made my way to the burning remains of the building. I came to the rubble, the heat was no arrier for me but I was still useless, the ruble would be to hard to move around especilly when doing something so visual as finding a body. Poor guy will most likely be dead by the time we find him. I hope he died with the colapse ratehr then the fires.

"Missy?" Vix said with a raised eyebrow. She snorted then decided it wasn't worth messing with.
She watched Tobais fall on the dwarf and went to his side. The magelette was out cold. She bundled her cloak and put it beneath his head. "Briony, Guard."
The fox seemed to nod and curled up on the ground next to the mage, tail covering his body to keep him warm.
Taking a handkerchief from her back pocket Vell wet it with water from a bag on Briony's back. Tying it around her face she followed the blind man into the Inn, careful of the still smoldering wood.
"Here, let me help," she said, kicking a chiar out of his way with her booted foot. The top of the boot was hardened dragon skin, almost as good as steel toes, but a bit more flexible.
"This smell could make one sick," she moaned behind her handkerchief. She moved to the far side of the bar, sidestepping the shards of roof. She looked again at the shards- there, a hand. "Help me, blind one. I see his hand!"

When I got no response from the motley crew, I decided to remain silent and observe. It had been some time since a word had been uttered by Garan, and I was beginning to get concerned.
As the fox woman and blind man entered the burning rubble in search of the one who was missing, I did my best to remain in the shadows for a time when I would really be needed.
Looking down I muttered a soft incantation for peace and strength for Garad and the allies present...
"Slam lakh, khaylakh alaha"
(peace to you, may God strengthen you)
...then I sat on the cool ground to rest.
Balfor Hammerheaver

Somehow the dwarf was at the business end of a crossbow.

Not that that ever mattered.

“Bah!” He declared, unflinching. He completely ignored Jondin, as was his tendency when he was angry. “I’ll raise me weapon at whomever I may!” he said. He casually tipped the crossbow aside and continued his tirade on the man, yanking him down by his tunic so he could meet him at eye level.

“When I want yer opinion, laddie, I’ll give it to you!” The angry dwarf then released the man and turned on Jondin.

“And ye! I’ve known ye fer how many years and ye just LAUGH! Humans have no sense of loyalty! Ye didn’t even help me up!” Balfor ranted, poking a stubby finger at the old man, then noticed his flask. He snatched it and took a deep draught, then shoved it back in the old man’s hands.

“I’ve got work ta do, puttin up the likes O’ ye fer the night. I’ll be makin tents outside me shop!” he stormed off angrily back to his house and opened the door, then turned around, yelling “And get that boy in here and into a decent bed!” Then the door slammed shut behind him.

The dwarf dropped his axe on a bench and went to a big trunk and started tossing out random pieces of armor. Three suits of plate mail, 5 chain shirts, various bracers and gauntlets, and more bucklers than he could count littered the floor of his home as he pulled the canvas tents out of the bottom of the trunk. Balfor finally looked around after getting to the bottom and realized how much work he had created.

“Bah!” he declared to no one as he kicked a bracer out of the way and made his way outside to start setting up the tents.
Leoic brushed his tunic lightly with his hand, as if he were picking crumbs off his shirt. "Great I just cleaned this thing. I hope that little troll doesn't carry any diseases or anything." Returning his crossbow to his belt, he took a deep breath and turned toward Jondin. "Little runt is lucky I'm saving my arrows for the king, I've heard he's hiring. Do you know anything about that?"

Vixan's voice came from the still smouldering building, "HELP! Anyone! We can't move this timber without that one dropping on him!"
She looked back to the man beneath the rafters and caught her breath. He was a were-creature too! Small world, she mused, scenting the air. From the smell she suppsoed he was would, her thoughts backed by the light covering of fur, wolven ears and tail. Though he was SO tall in this form. Didn't seem like a normal run of the mill were-creature to her.
"Where's Mister Big-and-Scary who the orc witch knew! Someone! Damnit I need help!"