The Lion's Return


IC: I had come to an impass I was the most resistent to this heat and yet I could do nothing with out sight. With out my eyes I'm useless with no idea of whats going on the world around me. 'Let me help you.' The laddy had fallowed me she kicked a wood object infront of me and I cought a pecular sound. A sort of grinding of one object pusshing against another, the sort of sound sclaes made pushing angainst each other. Still the sounds wasn't of coarse scales but small fine scales, the firm kick had a great deal of power in it still and she didn't heart her foot. So the boots must be dragon scales a firm substance that would absorb the impact well but the fine degree of them means they are from a young dragon. Intesting.

'I found him come help me blind one. I see his arm.' I slowly and carefully found my way over to her voice. "Where is he?" 'At your feet.' I reached down tell I found somethign soft like the texture of human skin. Well, I supose we are to late. Still better a bariel then a cremation.

I began to lift peaces of would and ruble out of the way. Burning would was little trouble for the think skin of my hands. It wasn't long before we uncoved him, not much was on him really only his body covered slightly and his hand pinned in. She helped him back to the smiths home and I slowly made my way their aswell.

"Oh, that works too."
Staggering a bit under the weight, Vix carried the rather singed but not seriously burned wolf man to the dwarf's house, careful not to trip Xeil in the process.
She laid him down on the floor of the kitchen being as that would be the easiest to clean up later. If I can force him to change and heal himself, she mused, pushing a stray whisp of hair away from her face, streaking charcoal in its wake.
She lightly smacked the wolf-man's face, hoping that that might awaken him. He was breathing and his heart beat surely- musn't be too near death.

From the smouldering Inn I could sense the two inside making progress. At one point the she-fox Vixan asked where the one
(my other form) had gotten to. My assistance would be needed as the group was temporarily without their healer apprentice and getting weary.
As the two carried the wounded to the dwarf's home, I made my presence known.
"I have herbs and such, if they could be of use to your friend."
I said gently to the woman named Vixan. She nodded and gestured with her head in the direction they were going.
"I shall gather my things and be with you shortly" I replied, then to the young one,
"Garad~ boy, how do you fare? I have not heard a word from you since I have returned from the wood. Tell me what is on your heart."

OOC: Sorry for the absence folks.

IC: The words of Fahin seem to break the boy, Garad, from his reverie - and he looks up at the figure, blinking a moment in confusion, before he shakes his head. "I am fine... the fights aren't usually that bad. And I have lived my whole life in that inn... and now it is burnt to the ground? This is... too much for one night."
Taking a deep sigh, the lad smiles wearily, and says, "If you'll excuse me, I need some time alone, I think..."
And without even awaiting a response, the boy turns, and makes to move away from the group - his destination unspecified, but merely his objective to seek some quiet place for lonely thought.
Without explanation, Baran, upon seeing the boy's wandering, makes to follow him, glancing back to make sure none of the others see them depart.
What he intends to reveal to the boy had best not be told to any of the other people.

Vix looked up at the woman saying she could heal the wolf man. She nodded happily. It was tricky buisness calling ones animal out especialy cross-species. And he didn't seem to be the same type of were creature as she, Vix mused, pushing a lock of hair out of the wolf-man's face. She'd let the healer try and if that didn't work then she'd try to force the change. If it was nessesary.
Vix didn't want to- it hurt on both sides. Her because it would take the last of her strength and forcer her VERY painfully into her were form of a giant fox. Him because he'd be changing without warning, body forced to move itself. It wouldn't even work if he was too far alpha to me, Vix thought with a sigh. She leaned against the cabinets and waited for the healer to return.
Tobias, Wizard's Apprentice

He slept. His head was on a cloak, and the great fox was next to him, keeping him warm. He curled up, getting comfortable, and smiled. He was outside, on the hard ground, but he was sleeping the best he had in months.

He sighed happily to himself, and enjoyed his sleep as his powers slowly began the long process of being ready to command at will once again. His dreams were filled withs foxes and women. And he smiled.

luckis is near death as the spirit woman forces his body to change as it heals, but it changes in an unexpected way, into a large, red and white furred wolf. The wolf seemed to immediately take a liking to vix.
OOC:Vix, please carry the wolf with you to move the story along. I'm having some personal problems and can't post regularly. I'm talking to someone about taking over the character of the evil elf.
Leoic watched as the strangers rescued the were-beast from the fire and healed the strange creature. He yawned, waiting for them to be done with the man, it seemed no one else had the same entrepreneur spirit.

Vix looked down at the rather large wolf who followed her as she stood to leave the kitchen. Somehow it wasn't a total mess. Dawn was nearing outside and it had been a rather long night. Still, she was hungry. Got to go ask that dwarf if he minds me cooking.
With that in mind, Vix set outside to find Balfor to ask if she could make some breakfast. Though first she'd have to hunt something down to eat- no one had dressed the boars after killing them so it would be rather hazardous to eat them for a human.
With wolven shadow in tow, Vix found Balfor and asked him, "Anything I can do to get some food going? I'm a pretty good cook, but don't have enough meat in my kit to feed this entire group."

Garad knew the area well, and with ease he found a quiet place to escape the others - here a small stream ran, and the place seemed perfectly tranquil. The young man came to this place often when he needed time to think alone - and now he settled himself down upon his usual sitting place, an old log, and picked up a stone, tossing it into the stream.
"Garad." Came Baran's voice, and the boy turned towards the man, who stood behind him.
"Pa?" the boy responded, and the word seemed to bring a wince from Baran, who now came and settled himself beside the boy. It was several moments before he spoke.
"Garad, I think it best that you don't call me that anymore."
Garad paused, looking at the man in confusion. "What...?"
"I'm not your pa."
Again, Garad paused, his jaw dropping open.
"I have something to tell you," continued Baran...
Balfor Hammerheaver

The dwarf looked up from unfolding the thick canvas as Vixan entered his shop."Anything I can do to get some food going? I'm a pretty good cook, but don't have enough meat in my kit to feed this entire group."

"Don't have enough meat?" Balfor asked rhetorically. "Dere be a boar out dere de size O' the dwarf-father hisself and a fire big enough to cook em already burnin' and yer tellin me there ain't no meat?"

The dwarf stood up and started over to the woman, then stopped upon seeing the wolf. He eyed the wolf suspiciously, then shrugged.

It wasn't the strangest thing he'd seen today.

"I'd help ye dress the beastie, but I gots ta put up this canvas outside me house."

The dwarrf stroked his beard in contemplation, then snapped his fingers. "Baran's more N' capable O' dressin a boar, even one that size. I'm sure he'll help ye get everyone fed."

With that the dwarf went back to the canvas and muttered under his breath. "Now where'd I put them thrice forsaken poles?"
Leoic followed Vixan and watched her exchange with Balfor from the shadows. He spoke, letting his presence be known, "Instead of wasting time chasing some pig in the blasted woods, why don't we hunt down a fugitive of the crown? With the gold we get, you can by all the meat you heart can handle."

He turned to Vixan and winked, "I don't think we've met yet have we?"
Tobias, Wizard's Apprentice

The sun rose. In his dream, whioch was getting more and more enjoyable, light blasted forth from the horizon, blindingly. It was a spell his master had put on him, to wake him for his duties. It went off right before sunrise, so he could get ready and begin breakfast for when the Wizard awoke.

He sat up with a small cry, looking around and blinking. He looked at everyone, and the large fox, before yawning and standing up. He was very alert. It always made him jump, because it was always different. The ones of blinding light, like this morning, were by far the best. He rubbed at his eyes.

"Eck. It's close to dawn, isn't it? Any breakfast? Should I cook?"
When the boy responded that he would like to be alone, I thought it best to hurry along with the herbs and such. After administering the healing bitter herb and my own secret blend of tea to those in need, I forged through the dark wood to find Garad. I kept my distance so as to not be discovered, then heard two voices from the nearby streamside. So this was it, the boy now knew he was not truly Baran's son. After such news and the intensity of battle, I knew I had best keep near Garad as his strength and inner fortitude was waning.
Their voices got more hushed til I could not understand what was being said, but I knew the gist of it and had to renew as much of my strength to do what was promised those 16 years ago.
The others were forming a bond and looking out for one another and were for the time being safe, so I remained with Garad in the shadows, undiscovered.

I lowered myself into a sitiing position with both heels still on the ground, opened my spirit and began my meditation...

When the mercenary had asked about working for the evil usurper his heart had broke and dropping the flask he had staggered off to home. While everyone else had been dealing with wolf-men and learning their true identities, he had been going through memory lane. In a trunk deep in a closet he finally found what he had been looking for, a set of finely made plate and mail armor once worn by his now dead son. Crying he set it aside along with all of the other equipment too, his shield, large as a boar and light as a feather, a helmet with wings of gold and platinum inlays, and finally the center-piece, his hand and a half sword. Setting it all together, he wrapped it in his dead sons best cloak.

Turning he shrugged into his more servicable half plate armor, and leaning over strapped on a pair of battered greaves around his legs. Groaning as he stood up-right again, he grapsped his plain, chin length, nose bar helm, and grasped his battered old campaign sword, which was still sharp, he buckled himself in. With an audible grunt of effort he shoulder the cloak wrapped items and staggering outside he rejoined the others and looking at Balfor said. "Hey you keg with legs, wheres Baran and the Boy?"

While the dwarf was bussy inside I lay next to the wall of the building. Frost razor at my side. I had been their slowly difting into sleep.

'Xeil?' I saw the beutiful face of Kira in my dreams. her soft voice speaking to my heart as she prepared this mourings breackfast. We had a small place of only one central room, a modest home but a happy one. 'Why are you still in bed.' "I'm hopeing you'll come back and join me." 'Don't you ever think about anything besides that.' "No, why would I?"

I heared a soft swooping sound like somethign was moveing swiftly towards us. The room began to darken and soon all was black save for a single light holding Kira and I. "Do you here that." 'Hear what?' Sudenly a red tail fell from the sky and with massive jaws snatched up kira quickly devouring her. "Pheros!" The red dragon swallowed the last of my gentle love her white hand driping red as it entered the darkness of the dragons throat.

"I won't let you kill her dragon! You can't keep her from me!" 'Foool I already have.' I couldn't move and the dragons growling voice began to laugh at me. the sisnter laugh not fit for this world. "I'll kill you dragon!" 'I doubt you'll ever see me again!' THe room fell into total darkness but I could still here his laughing going trhew my mind. That sinister evil laugh. I couldn't even see my hands. That evil laugh echoed in my mind and finally my shakles of fear broke. I drew my sword and struck out in the darkness.

I felt my sword strike threw hard wood. 'The hell you doing with my pole!' The voice was Balfors. I had been alseep but still this night mare dosen't end. I will take vengence upon Pheros, he has taken away my true love. "Sorry. Bad dream."

Baran sighed, and made himself comfortable before he continued his tale.

"I have tried to keep it from you long enough, but it seems that the time has come... aye, sooner than I had hoped, but some things cannot be helped. You are not my son, Garad; indeed, that is not even your name. You are not Garad Ulaff. You are Ephos Khazan."

The last word of the statement caused the lad's jaw to drop.

"That's right, I said Khazan. You are Serath Khazan's only son. You are the rightful king of the land. You are the Lion of Eredil."
"Th...there must be some mistake..." Ephos stuttered.
"There is no mistake, Ephos. I was a dear friend of your father, back in the days when I was in the army. When he knew there was no hope for him against Daric, he sent you away in secret to me. I had to keep you from that secret, for your own safety. I hope you will forgive me..."
"I forgive you, Baran," the boy murmured after a few moments of silence, and his visage grew thoughtful, "And I know you would not lie to me, otherwise I would not believe this story."
Another silence.
"So, then, lad, you know what must be done now."
Ephos shook his head, and closed his eyes, his face tightening in confusion. "I... I know what it is, but I know not how to do it."
"Be at peace, Ephos. You have the blood of the Lion in you; you will know what to do, when the time is right. And, until then, I am here to guide you. Here... I have something for you."

With that, Baran produced a small brooch from his pocket, and he held it out in offer to the young man. Ephos reached up slowly, and took it, inspecting it briefly. The face of a lion stared up at him, and its jewelled eyes twinkled.

"Then it must be true." Ephos murmured.

OOC: Beautiful sentiment, Baran... very nice:)

I sat in meditation, aware of all around me. The feel of the cool wind on my face, the sounds of the voice of the water in the stream, the souls of those nearby. Then, rising up as if from sleep I saw it ~ the Lion had returned. His coat was glowing gold and his eyes a peaceful fire, his spirit full of the power that could come only from pure goodness. Ephos knew. He was no longer Garad the boy, but was now Ephos, the rightful heir to the throne of Eredil.
As I came out of my trance-like state I became aware of the threat of another force not too far away. A chill went through me like a glass knife. I would have to stay closer than ever to Ephos now. This would not be an easy journey... not for any of us.

The sun rose peacefully in the east as if she were unaware of the trials ahead.
Balfor Hammerheaver

The dwarf looked up to see Jondin in full armor. "Hey you keg with legs, where’s Baran and the Boy?"

The dwarf gave the man an appraising look. “Jondin, ye look almost respectable all decked out like ye are.” He chuckled to himself. “Almost.”

He turned back to his work and propped up the first pole under the canvas. He sensed the urgency in Jondin and spoke back over his shoulder. “Last I seen O’ Baran he was headin off into the wood. Ain’t seen his boy.”

The dwarf heard Jondin walk away off toward the forest as he set another pole. The sound of wood splintering startled the dwarf, and he turned to see Xeil holding the splintered end of one of his tent poles.

Balfor yelled at the pole wielding man, not realizing he was asleep. “The hell you doing with me pole!”

The man seemed to startle, then spoke, "Sorry. Bad dream."

Balfor started to turn away, but the hilt of the blind man’s sword caught his eye. “By Moradin’s Hammer!” He approached the man, who turned his head toward the approaching dwarf.

Then Balfor spoke again. “Ye mind if I draw yer sword lad? It has the look O’ one of me own. Frigna-Valorn.” He stroked his beard in contemplation. “In yer language, Frost razor.”

IC: I stood their in silence droping the peace of wood. My mind clearly had other maters. 'By Moradin’s Hammer!' The dwarfs tone cought my atention. It was one of suprise but still calm and happy, very unusal for a dwarf.

'Ye mind if I draw yer sword lad? It has the look O’ one of me own. Frigna-Valorn.' Fringa-Valorn? The name struk a deep note with me. I hadn't heard that name in many years. Dwarven, words that named the sword that I choose many years ago.

When I apraoched that dragoon many years ago he told me that it takes not only a good sword and armor to make a dragon but also a great deal of skill. But he couldn't help me with the skill so he helped me with the sword instead.

I went to a dwarven smith some distance from my home. He had fine weapons made with a skill of hobby more then biusness. The dwarf seldom had the time to make weapons so grand as a dragons comishion. Still I wasn't one back then, and the gear made for dragoon wanna be often ended up laying on the floor to some forbiden cave. Still he made my sword to order with all the skill he had. I supose he'd just wanted to make the sword rather then careing where it ended up.

When I first layed eyes on the Mythril edge of the weapon I was taken in by the sheer beauty of the tool. Still the joy only grew when I first picked up the supriseingly light blade. It's sharp edge gave it a great degree of power on it's own, the keen edge could be moved threw the air almost efortlessly. The number of folds in the metal seemed to make it unbreakable. Frigna-Valnor he said was it's name. My first goal was to kill a white dragon, it would of seemed by the name he knew what I was going to bare the weapon against. The name Frost Razor was an ill omen for that dragon.

"Balefor I supose I now know why your name sounded famillar. You made my strength. I thank you for that."

Vix looked at Leoric and burst out laughing. "A rouge I may be and right proud of it. But I am no woman to do as a king bids. Might does not always make right! Besides, I think wee Tobias shall lead me on a grand adventure.
"Oh, and we of the Dancing Foxes are NOT your typical poor little group of woodland creatures."
Leaving him to gawk, Vix smiled and moved off. Tobias was waking.
"Good morning, little magelette. Oh- don't mind the wolf- he's that warrior from last night. I'm going to leave Briony here with you while I go find something to make for breakfast." She looked to the feilds outside town. "Wonder if I can barter one of those cows. I'm starving."
The wolf at her side yipped. "I know, you're hungry too."
After taking some money from her pouch, Vix went off to find someone to get a cow or sheep from. After succeding in waking a bit of the town she got her cow, slaughtered it in the feild and took the parts she wanted back to town to cook, draping some over the back of the wolf. Enough of the inn was still burning to cook this on, she thought. Yum- steaks for breakfast. Then a quick nap abord Briony as the group started off to wherever it was going, Vix decided, breaking off a splinter of meat and skewaring the meat. She left it to cook, wolf still at her heels.

He had walked off before the incident between Xeil and Balfor so he never heard the exchange between them. Walking through the woods he headed for a pool of water he and Baran knew well from years gone by, one they had shown to Garad when he was old enough to be safe by himself. Walking quickly he reached the clearing just after Garad had received the brooch, and never heard the words between adoptive father and son.

"Garad! Baran! We'll need to be going soon, and with the destruction of yer inn friend, I decided we'd better protect yer son also. So I did some digging and I found this." and as he finished speaking he set down the cloak and undoing the knot let the armored contents fall out. "Fit fer a king ain't they old friend? I feel yer son should wear mine son's as well, for they saved him many a time." and he stood watching them waiting to see their reaction.

OOC: Filling in for Xeno till he gets back...

IC: "Frigna-Valorn" whispered Balfor as he took the sword and holding it to the light he watched as the sun glinted off the still keen edge, and with a faraway voice he spoke "This was the first true test of my skill, many years ago, and it's still one of my best. Though I can see you've been lax these past few months in keeping it sharp laddie." Sighing he turned it over several more times before placing it back into Xeil hands...

"May the gods keep this sword and ye, lad." he said quietly before getting back to work setting things up to sleep and to get going early the next day.
Tobias, Wizard's Apprentice

He looked only a little at the wolf. Wolves had never bothered him much. His father had been a woodsman, and he'd grown up knowing the denizens of the woods. Wolves weren't nearly the terrible creatures most painted them to be, as long as they were left alone.

Instead, he watched her as she walked away, and sighed, getting himself up and to his feet before stretching. He wouldn't be able to sleep until the sun was fully up, and he knew well that by that time he'd be too awake to get back to sleep. Besides, it wasn't wise to hang out here after an attack.

But still, he wished he could be of help. He waited until she came back, with some meat and the wolf, and stretched again before going to meet her. "Good morning, Vixan. I wish you'd stop calling me a 'magelette'. My name is Tobias. Can I help you with that? I'd feel so useless if I just sat back and did nothing."

"Twasn't meant to be offensive, Tobias," Vix told him. "I shall try not to call you that anymore if you take it that way though."
She looked around, stifling a large yawn. "You can cook right? Watch that beef over there for me would you? I smell spring water near here. Want some?"