The Lion's Return

Tobias, Wizard's Apprentice

He smiled at her, and settled himself down, looking over the meat. "Aye, I can cook. It's one of my duties as apprentice, I had to cook all the meals. He made sure I knew how, and well. Oh, yes, Vixan, some water would be lovely. And I didn't mean it too harshly, it's just that after a few years of being called 'boy' I'd like to hear my name again, befoire I forget that's whose name it is."

He gave a small chuckle, and looked her over. "Have to slept yet, Vixan? I'm sure a warrior as strong as you must need plenty of rest, especially after a battle. If you want, after you get some water I could finish cooking these and you could take a napo until they're done."

"Mmm... nap sounds good. If you insist." Vell smiled. She was just a little tired, she mused walking up to one of the slabs of beef. She tore part of the outter part off- it was a little too hot to handle but hey, who cares, meat is meat and its cooked enough. The meat was moist and the wood of the inn gave it a rather nice flavor.
Finishing that she licked her fingers clean, washed her face and laid down, head on her cloak to get some much needed sleep. "Briony- guard. Thank you my furry one. Thanks Tobias."
Tohier = Elven Mystic

tohier Stood in the shadows of his chamber Talking to a man who stayed hiden "Make shure The Etins (A strong typ of Forest Elf) know to bering me all that travel with him The boy and the blind man must stay un harmed "

"I sire"
Balfor Hammerheaver

Balfor had shed his mail and tunic, and sweat poured from the burly dwarf as he finished propping up the last pole. He took up his hammer and pounded the last stake home.

The dwarf got a sudden gleam in his eye as he looked out toward the tree line, about fourty feet off. He hefted his hammer, appraising the weight, then eyed the highest boughs of a pine.

Without warning Balfor leaned back and threw as hard as he could for the trees. The hammer sailed high into the air and connected with a resounding THWACK against the trunk.

The dwarf smugly crossed his arms over his barrel-like chest, pleased that he still possesed his skill at throwing. Back at the clanhome, hammer tossing was the family event, and the only one who could best him was his great-aunt Jerga. Now there was a lass who had earned every hair in her beard. The dwarf mused to himself as he made his way to the base of the tree.

"Dwarven bow." He said to himself, tossing the hammer into the air and catching it easily by the shaft. "Don't call me 'Hammerheaver' for naught." He chuckled, turning back to the house and the now fully erect tent.

He made his way back to the tent and called out to Tobias and the now sleeping Vixan.

"Tent's up! Ye may as well get some cover if ye rest!"
Leoic, not being one to work for free, disappeared into the distance in search of paying jobs. Perhaps he would join them later down the line, but for now. . . . .

Tobias smiled, and busied himself with the cooking. He licked his lips with the thought of freshly cooked meat, and carefully made sure to cook it well. He heard the dawrf, and nodded at him, before taking a look at some of the food.

"Not quite. A minute or two more..."

Seeing that she was not needed at present, Fahin wandered off into the wilderness to find comfort for her lonely heart......
The Etins, Enter Argyle

"Look theres one wondering this way..... It looks like the Spirit" Came murmuring through out the forest as they watched her " Its A woman she is a she" The etins studied her Trying to fined weakness " Send In Argyle"

Soon as if coming right out of the trees them selfs a tall roughly good looking man with slightly pointed ears, Green hair, and cloths that look like they are mad of hide and rope with a shield that doubled as an ax Appeared in front of Fahin.

" Hello Malady, I am Argyle, the etin a guardian of the forest" he looked at her deeply with his earth tone eyes " My i ask Why a lady of your beauty is in forest with such a lonely look upon thy face?"

" My i ask Why a lady of your beauty is in forest with such a lonely look upon thy face?"

Fahin took in a deep breath as she studied the etin man.
"That, sir, is of no concern to you." She replied in a cool even tone.
"With all due respect to you and yours, I wish to be left
alone at present."

Argyle's mouth turned up a bit at the corners and he nodded respectfully to Fahin. This was too easy, she thought, something is not quite right.
As she began along her way once more, she heard the sound of small footsteps and murmuring voices trying to escape her view. They were going towards the village where Ephos and the others had remained.
Fahin turned to speak once more to Argyle.
"What is your purpose in adressing me, etin?"
As Argyle mounted his lightly armored horse with a flair and grace, he merely replied, "One man's concern about a lonely traveller is not such a disgrace, is it milady?"
"Pray tell what more is there to this, sir Argyle?"
"Nary a thing, ma'am. I find you lovely and quite a distraction."

Yes, but a distraction from what?
Fahin nodded and moved on, waiting until the etin was out of earshot before she transformed into a great white hawk and took flight to arrive more quickly to the place where the others stayed and Ephos wandered ...

IC: Last night I risked my life in order to save a sword I can no longer use. But why? I a blind man have no use for such a thing less I give it as payment to the next dragon for slaying Pheroes. Damn beast. Still I risked my life for it, I would imagine that I am not only blind and in cpaapble but alos a fool now with this blindness if only I had some way to regain what I lost and heal my eyes.

It's a tricky buisness figureing out sounds. I canhere the cracking and soft rumblings of the burning Inn still and how can one tell the difrence between that and the foot steps I here off into the woods. I supose it's a matter of location as well as the slight difrences in the sounds. A fire should not be apraoching from the woods so it must be those I saw go off comeing back. Still I have no way of knowing and that is why I'm useless.
As I sped on wing over the trees, I spotted one wandering who seemed to be lost. Circling closer I noticed it was the blind one from the orc battle at the inn. I heard him mumble something about his uselessness and then he stumbled on a small boulder.
There was no real danger, but something in me led me to his side.
He looked about as as he got to his feet, sensing my presence.
I knew there was an herb that I could use to help his vision, but the change would be gradual and was not always reliable. "Even if for one moment I could restore some part of that vision, my being here would not be in vain..." I thought to myself.
It did not take long to locate the herb and I chewed it to a thin paste. I then carried it in my beak to where he wandered alone, and spat it on his face, hoping enough of the stuff would get to his eyes to make the difference.
Then I left himself there to wander while I forged ahead to the ashes of the Friendly Bed.

IC: I supose I'm not needed at the momnet. I stand up and walk off towards the woods ingnoreing the sounds. I was a decent distance into them, wich may not of been the best thing it'll make it harder to find my way back. Still I could do it. I'm sure I could, I know this kingdom fairly well, I have a map in my head, I made it when I could still see. I may not no the exact place but if I find a road I'd be back shortly. Thats the edge I still have, that and I'm strong, I even have Frost Razor if I am needed to fight.

'Prehaps I'm not useless" My words were quit small though no one had fallowed me and knowing thus it became almost audible at the end. I threw up my staff and cought it on the palm of my hand. Simple tricks were easy with the hard wood staff. With Frigna Valorn in hand how ever my skill truely came out. I smiled and took a step forward I was so happy for a change that my concetration broke and I feel because of a rock. "Damn it!"

I started to get up. I stoped on my knees how ever to grab the staff. despite my lack of the power to see I could here the stick land. It was simply a matter of finding were it rolled to.

I finally made my way to my feet and began to walk back. Some time latter I heared a small sound behind me when I turned around it spat a gooy substance into my eyes. I wiped the stuff off. "Damn snake!" No it couldn't be a snake, they wouldn't have venom this thick. I drew my sword and waited to see what it was. Sorry thing didn't relise I was already blind.

After a few hours of sleep Vix awoke ready to take on the world once more- were foxes sleep in short bursts throughout the day and night when able.
She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and stretched, hungry again. Changing and healing herself had taken alot of engergy and resourses and those needed to be replenished.
She stood, shaking herself like a dog, squinting a bit in the late morning sun. She looked around for Tobias, spotted a water skein and literaly pounced on it, draining it easily. Licking the spring water from her lips she called out, "Tobias? Or anyone else? What are we up to now?"
backing out

OOC: this may not be the place for this, but I don't see myself fitting in any further. SOmeone please kill the big white hawk as she flies over.

Here's part of the reason why..........

cats wrote on 09-20-2003 12:33 AM:
I don't mind you trying to help but this herb thing isn't really in the spirit of the character and far to simple and quick of a way for him to get his sigh back. So I will hold off on it.

IActully I'm more annoyed that your character didn't even stay around after spiting into his face. How dull and all.

It's only as simple as you make it. I did mention that it was not totally reliable and slow to work as well AND I mentioned some thing about it being good, even if only to restore your sight for a short time. I had to take off as I was on a mission, friend.
Quite frankly, I was trying to put some life into this story and get a connection between more than the two or three charachters that have bonded.
If you consider it dull and all, sorry sorry.
You could make it into something a s I think that is what is lacking in this particular story. Folks creating an action that calls for REaction. If I failed, I think my other idea about leaving the story is best. There is no place for me here, no hard feelings. I just don't fit I suppose.

I could be wrong, will never claim to know it all.....

Be well all, and have a good adventure.
Tobias, Wizard's Apprentice.

"Hey, everybody, Food!"

The meat was cokked, and Tobias had managed to scrounge up a few spices he had left in his pack to add flavor to them, so that it would be a tasty meal, and not just quickly cooked meat.

"Oh, Vixan, there you are. The food's cooked, do you want some?"

cremebrulee said:
OOC: this may not be the place for this, but I don't see myself fitting in any further. SOmeone please kill the big white hawk as she flies over.

..................edited by cats..........................

Be well all, and have a good adventure.

You got to be jokeing? That was three or four PMs ago. And on top of that I think we have a decent plot for us to explore now. If you want to leave I'm odviously not going to stop you.

OOC: CATS~~~I posted that a few days ago, didn't I? Please everyone, I have NO HARD FEELINGS!!!!! THis just isn't moving like I had expected, there are no posts from Garad/Ephos and I feel like some weird kind of soul that does not seem to fit in. Forgive me, I just love the story idea, but I was trying to move it along........... the extra PMs and OOC posts are not what I am accustomed to. It's my probelm, not yours. I want to bow out gracefully please. I'll check in later to see if there is a place for me to return.

Some Characters are meant for other stories. I'll check back in a while.

Bon Adventure!


"Oh, that smells heavenly," Vixan said leaning over Tobias' shoulder. A knife appeared in her hand and she used it to saw off a peice of the seasoned meat. One bite about knocked her off her feet. "Wow- you really can cook! I mean I cook okay and can brew a good healing potion and an even better tasteless poisen but this is wonderful!"
Vixan strips the meat from a couple of ribs, tossing the bones to Briony who settles down to knaw on them happily. "Wonder where the boy went."

OOC: Oops my bad. Still I don't recall reading that psot a few days ago. I guess I didn't notice the psot right away, thats very odd.

IC: I had finally made my way back to the village. Not an eassy task for a lone blind man. When I entered the main street I stoped and listend to my saroundings. The poplous of the city was up and about and already exchangeing gossip on the happenings of the night before.

I supsoe it was a shock that a group of depressed drunks would survie that building being burnt down, personally I would expect us all to stay inside too.

I slowly made my way down the street. The chard remains of the inn was at the other side of the town. I had a small walk ahead of me now. Curious though that I would miss the town intailly and walk around to the otehr side even though I walked out of the town next to the burnt remains of the inn. I supose with out my sight I can't even navigate any where as well as I used to.
Tobias, Wizard's Apprentice

He smiled at her compliment, and helped himself to some of the meat. "Thank you very much, Vixan. But I am a wizard's apprentice after all. This is how I earned the right to be taught by my master,....even if I didn't learn much. But this is how, by cooking and cleaning for him, keeping his things in order, and any other of the normal tasks he didn't want to be burdened with."

He bit into his prtion, chewing slowly before swallowing. It wasn't too bad, but he wished he had some more supplies with him. It wasn't exactly that good, either. Certainly he'd been in a fdew taverns that didn't spend much time worried about flavor, but still, it was only meat.

"But this is what I spend most of my time doing, cleaning, cooking, trying to learn the Arts,....but not learning much." He sighed. "Well, I'm glad you like it. I'll go get the others."

He stood up, stretching, and took a bite before starting off to find the others for breakfast.